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Health officers face unprecedented threats, intimidation

Original post made on Aug 7, 2020

While working long hours to lead the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, health officers nationwide, including Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody, have been subjected to unprecedented threats.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, August 7, 2020, 9:36 AM

Comments (24)

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 10:29 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

Absolutely incredible as the Covid-19 pandemic deteriorated into an imbecilic political issue.

Not surprisingly, the opponents of SIP mandates, the wearing of face masks in public & maintaining socia distancing protocols seem to be prevalent in right-wing, Republican-leaning areas who feel their citizen's rights are being violated by these public health recommendations.

Ignorance is an additional factor along with certain evangelical mentalities that tend to disdain modern science while relying on blind faith to make bad things go away.

It's a shame that public health officials are being harrased by self-serving individuals under the guise of false patriotism, economic motives and overall stupidities

Posted by Victor Bishop
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 11:28 am

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Justin- I am a liberal and a democrat. I wear a mask and have been SIPing this whole time.
I disagree with Cody and think she is doing a terrible job, that said, there is no room for threats. We can disagree and criticize Cody without resorting to intimidation and threats,

I think Cody is out of touch, not eager to relay information to even the board of supervisors. I think she believes all the claims that she saved many lives, back in February many Silicon Valley companies sent their workers home, before Cody acted. How many lives did that save???
The reason the county is doing so well is not because of Cody, but because of the residents. Does Cody ever acknowledge our sacrifices?
IMHO, Cody is a career bureaucrat with no empathy whatsoever.
She has been reluctant, and had to be dragged kicking and screaming to even open a small fraction of local business.

Do you want to see a real county health office that cares about the people in his county? Look next door at Dr Scott Morrow from San Mateo,county. Calling out the state for their arbitrary guidelines. How is our area tested the same as SoCal?
Cody doesn’t care. In fact she supports the states measures. Not a word from her.

Posted by Steven Goldstein
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 7, 2020 at 12:41 pm

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.

I am registered Independent and simply a pro science and anti COVID advocate

Here is my problem.

The SACRIFICES are the disabled and dying of COVID. Anyone not sick is simply required to take steps to make sure no one else gets sick too.

Threatening the doctors is not limited to Cody, Dr. Fauci and his family are getting death threats too.

I get it, everyone is getting to the breaking point because the COVID is kicking our butts. The only control we have is isolating each other so that no one can spread it. There is no treatment or vaccine yet.

And if HIV is a good example, we still don't have one. Luckily it was a blood or fluid spread disease and not air transmissible. A worldwide war against a disease that is not being fought by a coordinated worldwide medical army.

Private labs are using trade secrets to impair the process and everyone knows it. Dr. Gallo of the NIH National Cancer Institute stole medical knowledge from the Pasteur Institute regarding HIV. The proof was they used samples sent to the NIH to provide their scientific evidence, it was a sample from a patient in France that they used.

You know this is what is holding up our progress, they are trying to get any vaccine out under patent so they can get a cash windfall.

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 2:51 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "...everyone is getting to the breaking point because the COVID is kicking our butts."

^ Which probably explains the reckless & irresponsible self-serving behavior on the part of the truly ignorant and/or stubborn...including those compelled to venturing & hanging-out at casinos, the masses riding cross country to attend an outdoor motorcycle rally in Sturgess-Montana, the countless Millennials who just have to 'party on' along with the ultra conservative, 'semi-religious' types who strongly believe that EVERYTHING should be re-opened for business regardless of the potential public health risks to ALL (including the aforementioned ignoramuses themselves).

Public health officials should not have to kow-tow to career politicians (or the clergy) who are promoting their self-serving interests with absolutely no background in science or epidemiology.

Best case scenario...a mandated quarantine for all those who oot to disregard basic precautionary measures until the pandemic subsides to minimal levels.

All of these recalcitrant party & rally attendees eventually return home to their respective communities...why should they get away with spreading Covid-19 when others are being vigilent?

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 3:19 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

Just informed by a colleague that Sturgess is in North Dakota... I stand corrected.

250,000 mask-free Harley riders and their 'old ladies' converging there this weekend on their 'hogs' 'outlaw' of them!

All following in the footsteps of the recent Tulsa rally, everyday life in Florida, and various other outposts of rugged patriotic individualism and/or 'blind faith'.

*how reassuring*

Posted by Victor Bishop
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 3:50 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

“ Best case scenario...a mandated quarantine for all those who oot to disregard basic precautionary measures until the pandemic subsides to minimal levels.”

I agree there needs to be harsher measures taken against people who blatantly disregard the rules. For example there have been reports of large parties going on at mansions in LA. What is being done about that?

Posted by Steven Goldstein
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 7, 2020 at 5:28 pm

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.

If people are being quarantined due to not following best practices to prevent spread, IT IS TOO LATE ALREADY.

If we really want to CONTROL the COVID, we need to arrange for delivery of supplies for everyone, you cannot go to a grocery store to expect the air in it is not contaminated by COVID.

The delivery costs must be paid by either the state or federal government, so one should not be surcharged for the cost of the orders.

A schedule should be arranged for allowing people the greatest distancing for those going out of their residences.

These are the kinds of actions other countries did, which at the least created an atmosphere where the R Not score of COVID was significantly lower than 1.

But we cannot even know who has it here, 300,000 medical records misfiled or inaccurately recorded? How many of those were performed by PRIVATE medical centers?

COVID is still kicking our butts.

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 7:04 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "If we really want to CONTROL the COVID, we need to arrange for delivery of supplies for everyone, you cannot go to a grocery store to expect the air in it is not contaminated by COVID."

^ Good point/suggestion.

In addition...parcels should be be disinfected by the recipient(s) due to handling.

We always wipe off our grocery store purchases when we get home with those Clorox wipes just be on the safe side.

An 'ounce of prevention' approach...who would have ever thought that becoming a practical .'germophobe' would become an everyday necessity given what's going on in the outside world?

SIP mandates, the wearing of ace masks & social distancing remain the primary measures to keeping Covid-19 in check but I can't help but wonder if the pandemic is also being spread through other means (i.e. packaging, short distance humid wind(s) etc.

Posted by Victor Bishop
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 7:33 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Justin case- how many cases of COVID have been shown to come from grocery shopping??
Look up the incident with the infected Missouri hairstylists- not a single case of disease because the clients were wearing masks.
Where do yiu see cases of COVID- the Tulsa rally ( no masks, close contact), bars - again close contact and no masks. And there are plenty of other examples. Cases in San Jose/ gilroy- people living in close quarters with not too much space.

Wipe down everything if you want.

Anyway, not feasible to,shut down grocery stores.

Posted by Steven Goldstein
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 7, 2020 at 8:08 pm

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.


Since Contact Tracing is a complete failure, you know that is is VERY likely that some infections have occurred in some stores like Walmart, Target, and grocery stores.

In fact it is likely that the contact tracing is not working BECAUSE it WOULD id this kind of infection, thereby forcing these store to be closed.


Until we have a working CONTACT TRACING program that is reliable, your statement that no one got infected at a grocery store cannot be proven.

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 8:09 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "Anyway, not feasible to,shut down grocery stores."

^ I'm not advocating a shutdown of grocery stores as they are an 'essential' along with drug stores, gas stations, post offices & pet food stores.

Bars, expensive restaurants, hair/nail salons and gyms are not essential...only to the shallow mindsets

As far as surface cleanliness goes, I've noticed that the grocery clerks always wipe down the check-out conveyor belt preceeding each new transaction.

Again, an 'ounce of prevention' & as aforementioned, we always wipe off parcels & groceries just to be on the safe side.

Based on some of the more remote areas where Covid-19 is emerging, I cannot help but think/concur that it is not only being spread by close contact but by other means as well

Posted by Victor Bishop
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 7, 2020 at 9:19 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

I never made a statement that no one got infected at a grocery store. I asked how many cases have come from grocery stores. We recently heard of infections among Costco workers. Yet these stores were not closed even though the county was aware of them. Beside, You cannot price a negative.

Justin- bars, gyms and hair stylists , except for those two days, were never open for indoor service in SCC. However they may be considered “essential” to the people that own them or work there. Clearly bars should not be opened. However, I think that hair salons have been made the scapegoat, and in general indoor businesses are being blamed for infections without any real data in SCC. And that is despite what Cody says.

Posted by Steven Goldstein
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 7, 2020 at 10:10 pm

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.


My apologies if you think I was trying to be argumentative with you. I sincerely am not. We are all in this situation together.

My only issue again is that we have not actually succeeded in anything other than selective testing (delayed so badly that contact tracing is impossible) and not doing enough randomized testing with statistically significant numbers to have actual situational awareness of whats going on.


We have been at this for now more than 6 months, surely the U.S. has the expertise to ramp up production of reagents, marshaling all the potentially adaptable labs, and providing the funding to get this part of the epidemiology done right?

Our common enemy is COVID, and we have to start understanding it, right?

So I want you to know I did not mean to argue with you at all. I am so sorry.


I didn't say shut them down, what I am saying is that we can use the National Guard to act as personal shoppers to provide delivery services, thereby greatly reducing common air-born environmental exposures. This was in effect done in the movie Contagion. The store companies should have worked on completely providing all items they offer onto their online ordering systems

This is also called securing and stabilizing a critical supply chain. The system will be able to track and ration supplies in such a way that there will be a way to ensure those supplies don't run out and they get to all people. My background in business continuity planning as a CISSP made me aware of this kind of process.

This process also protects the workers at the stores by limiting the potential infections footprints. Just understand the general 6 degrees of separation rule. If you are limited to say only 10 persons of contact, and that is done for each otf those, you are only being exposed to a pool of 1,000,000 people that any one of those could infect you. Now say that 95% of those people do their jobs and practice infection control, your risk number gets shrunk to 50,000 possible infectious sources.

You see where I am going here? However since practically everyone goes to the grocery store, in Mountain View there are 70,000 people and 95% were to do their due diligence, then your infection possibility would come to 3,500 possible infection people that just walked into a non ventilated building.

You see my logical thought process? We didn't get to required mask wearing unfortunately after a significant delay.

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 8, 2020 at 7:26 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

>"...we can use the National Guard to act as personal shoppers to provide delivery services, thereby greatly reducing common air-born environmental exposures."

^ Amazon Prime & Costco home delivery services are the closest
current options to your concept.

Enlisting the National Guard to pick out 'perishable' items (i.e. fresh fruits & vegetables) at Safeway/Nob Hill etc. & then delivering them to various homes throughout the peninsula seems impractical as well as unlikely.

For 'picky' consumers of produce, perhaps the local farmer's markets could provide such a service but it would not be cheap given the delivery factors. All of the other items can usually be sourced through Amazon/Costco.

Selection & delivery of meat products could also prove problematic as many consumers are again, very picky about these
food items.

Perhaps an outreach program could provide these services with individuals residing within specific neighborhoods coordinating the effort.

The National Guard cannot be relied upon for grocery shopping as they will be needed to suppress future street protests & potential rioting. *j/k*

Posted by Steven Goldstein
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 8, 2020 at 11:03 am

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.


I never said the National Guard was "efficient" or "practical" but is is "necessary" to establish a lock hold control over COVID.

Having private citizens take on the risk of going to infected areas to collect orders and deliver them is not in the job description.

Your taking advantage of desperate people to bear the burden of additional risk.

Also your taxing the limited production of PPE because most of it cannot be reused.

All I am saying is that private delivery services are not supposed to be a pandemic service. And Amazon is showing problems. I am an Amazon Prime customer and most of my orders do not get delivered on time which is supposed to be 2 days.

As far as picky buyers, the pandemic simply overrides that consideration. But also the crazy practices of reusing older meats and fish at the stores are well known and that needs to be cleaned up as well. Using old fish and meat (after sell date) after using bleaching and then packaging them as ready to make foods.

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 8, 2020 at 11:42 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "All I am saying is that private delivery services are not supposed to be a pandemic service. And Amazon is showing problems. "

^ Jeff Bezos/Amazon is doing quite well during the pandemic crisis. In July 2020 alone he has pocketed $13B...not too shabby. As an Amazon Prime subscriber, you should be receiving far better delivery timeframes on your orders.

Bottom line...we are screwed for the time being as only Jeff Bezos & the countless Chinese manufacturers of various consumer goods are coming out ahead.

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 11, 2020 at 9:33 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

Speaking of money....the Covid-19 virus could easily be transmitted via surface transmission through the handling of currency & coinage.

Think about about how many times coins and paper money change (both figuratively as well as literally), is one of the DIRTIEST items of exchange on Earth and how many people actually wash or disinfect their hands after coming in contact with it? My guess...very few.

This might explain why Covid-19 has even infiltrated the more remote areas where reclusiveness is an actual lifestyle.

Maybe Covid-19 is an omen testifying to our overall preoccupation with CASH & an acquired wealth (both large & small).

If so, we are all screwed regardless of wearing face masks, practicing safe distancing, and in lieu of any potential vaccine on the horizon.

Countless infused air droplets + countless potential & unchecked surface transmissions = minimal resistance.

Maybe the fanatical 'germophobe' types
were well ahead of their time.

Or perhaps this is yet another example of nature's population control measures via natural selection and inherent genetic-based immunities.

Posted by Victor Bishop
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 11, 2020 at 11:00 am

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Justin case—.
Web Link

Posted by Steven Goldstein
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 11, 2020 at 11:34 am

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.

To me this situation reminds me of a dark history.

When it comes to COVID the scapegoating is out of control.

People trying to put the blame on any person they can. For whatever reason.

These professionals are trying to protect the public health, but the lack of investment in it has shown itself during this disaster. Governments of all kinds underfunded these resources just "hoping" something like COVID would not happen "on their watch".

Now thesew people are provided the authority to "manage" us to prevent spread. And they now are being scrutinized for any mistake or any breakdown of the system. And they had not say on what resources they could have to do the job. It was provided by politicians on both sides.

So lets either under fund them, threaten them enough to scare them away, or flat out eliminate them. Lets just let COVID eventually kill and disable as many people as it can.

As Jon Lovitz said on SNL, "yeah, thats the ticket"

Does the 1930s Germany and the way the people behaved then ring a bell?

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 11, 2020 at 12:00 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

"What you need to know about handling cash amid coronavirus spread: WHO" Web Link

Posted by Victor Bishop
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 11, 2020 at 1:59 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Justin case- story you linked to is from March.
Since then studies have been carried out showing that contracting the virus from surfaces is highly unlikely

You may want to use more recent articles.

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 11, 2020 at 3:29 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "Since then studies have been carried out showing that contracting the virus from surfaces is highly unlikely."

^ Curious...then why all of the employee disinfectant 'wipedowns' at countless grocery stores, Costco and other places of business along with hand sanitizer & wipes at the entrances?

And why are the clerks always wiping down the check-out conveyor belt between each transaction?

A good-will gesture, an overreaction, or perhaps just an obsessive-compulsive demeanor on the part of the employees and management?

Even the check-out clerks are wearing gloves despite the 4 month old 'outdated' article.

Do you handle cash/coinage & then dig into your deli sandwich
without washing your hands nowadays, caring even less if your sandwich maker is not wearing protective gloves?

Even sushi chefs are wearing gloves these days.

Precautionary measures as Covid-19 still remains a mystery of sorts.

Posted by Steven Goldstein
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 11, 2020 at 5:18 pm

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.

Justin Case?

Are we talking about the threats to medical professionals in this news story?

I think your going off subject.

Are in favor or opposed to the intimidation or threats to medical professionals?

Posted by Justin Case
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 11, 2020 at 6:38 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "Are in favor or opposed to the intimidation or threats to medical professionals?"

^ I am opposed to ALL threats and/or intimidation towards medical professionals.

And all others in general...with the possible exception of economic sanctions towards the PRC...where this global mess started.

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