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Election roundup: Local races kick off as county officials adjust to the coronavirus pandemic

Original post made on Jul 18, 2020

This week marks the beginning of an unusual campaign season, in which candidate oaths are done via video call and county voters will have the option to cast a drive-thru ballot. That hasn't stopped Mountain View candidates.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Saturday, July 18, 2020, 8:58 AM

Comments (28)

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Jul 18, 2020 at 10:08 am

Just to kick off the conversation: When the field of candidates for each body is complete and assuming there are more candidates than seats up for election, the Voice should ask candidates a few basic questions starting with: what do you do for a living? In the city council race, the first special interest group to demand answers is normally the MV Chamber of Commerce including landlords. I recall years ago we had a council candidate who disclosed all of her responses to written questions from special interest groups. The Voice should demand all responses. Any candidate endorsed by an public employee union will be suspect in my book. Look at what some city employees are being paid and promised at Transparent California. There are 2 measures on the MV ballot in November. Council candidates should be expected to say how they intend to vote and why. Any candidates who instead says "it is up to voters" should not be supported.

Posted by Observer
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 18, 2020 at 6:37 pm

Whatever you do, don't vote for Jose Gutierrez! He flip flops on rent control and the 1.2 million dollar home loan to the schools superintendent. He appears to have no clue on anything other than to moan about how unfair everything is despite of his voting record. Beyond that he is a proven turncoat and sellout to his community, family and friends. He's the last type of politician this town needs.

Just Say No to Jose!

Posted by Gladys
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 18, 2020 at 7:05 pm

Having lived in Mtn.View for over 50 years, I can not remember such an awful choice of candidates to pick from.

It was during Pat Showalter and Lenny Siegel term on the city council when they gave us the RV living on our streets. They forbid the police from enforcing current laws on the books that would have stopped this. Alex Nunez is no different from these 2. If they would be on the council today I would fear the riots that are happening all over the country would have been allowed to happen here, especially with Lenny Siegel being the extreme activist that he is. We would have tent cities popping up all over the city if those 3 would be elected to the council.

Current city council members Margret Abe-Koga Margaret and Lisa Matichak would get my vote as they are the only ones who tried to end the RV living on the streets.

I remember Sally Lieber from her long past in politics and I can say I am not impressed with her track record.

I would need to hear more from the other candidates. It is disappointing that they have little experience and for them to be on the city council is troubling.

Can we have more qualified people please!

Posted by Jeff
a resident of North Whisman
on Jul 18, 2020 at 9:04 pm

Voters kicked Lenny S. and Pat S. out of office after their first city council term.

That rarely, if ever, happened before.

Lets all remember that and not make the mistake of voting them back in.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 18, 2020 at 11:15 pm

In response Gladys you said:

“It was during Pat Showalter and Lenny Siegel term on the city council when they gave us the RV living on our streets. They forbid the police from enforcing current laws on the books that would have stopped this.”

They di not do this, they used the proper procedures to regulate the local laws and did so honestly and transparently. Unlike the actions of Margaret Abe Koga, Lisa Matichak, and Jose Guittierz, who LIED through their teeth to try to convince the Citizens of Mountain View to pass Measure D. WHICH failed miserably by a vote greater than 2 to 1. You said:

“Alex Nunez is no different from these 2. If they would be on the council today I would fear the riots that are happening all over the country would have been allowed to happen here, especially with Lenny Siegel being the extreme activist that he is. We would have tent cities popping up all over the city if those 3 would be elected to the council.”

And so far there are NO RIOTS in Mountain View. This is the typical AntiFa “TERRORIST” propaganda. When in fact AntiFa stands for Anti-Fascist. These three above among many others are members of the RADICAL EXTREME RIGHT that want to use the government to be a means to line the pockets of their contributors. You said:

“Current city council members Margret Abe-Koga Margaret and Lisa Matichak would get my vote as they are the only ones who tried to end the RV living on the streets.”

YES by trying to label them as criminal when they really are NOT criminal. They work in positions in companies like Google. Or worse they are teachers working in our schools. All you want to do is perform the worst example of “SOCIAL ENGINEERING” kind, expunge all “UNDESIRABLES” from the City you CHOOSE. This is in fact an example of Fascist governmental practices, just without the act of either assaulting or killing them.

In response to Jeff who said:

“Voters kicked Lenny S. and Pat S. out of office after their first city council term.”

But Pat Showalter is working in the following areas showing highly competent skills to be a member of the City Council:

“Currently Serving on:

Alta Housing Board (formerly Palo Alto Housing), Carbon Free Mountain View Board, San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission, Santa Clara County Roads Commission, Mountain View Coalition for Sustainable Planning Executive Committee, Water Now Alliance Leadership Council, and the Cooper Park Neighborhood Association

Thus she is amply qualified to serve again in the City Council. As far as Lenny Seigal, I have my so many differences with him I can’t count them. HOWEVER, his work has never been to advocate private interests like the three above. He attempts to serve the residents of the City of Mountain View to the best he can. And I respect it.

[Post cut off due to excessive length]

Posted by Mike Engler
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Jul 19, 2020 at 3:28 am

Definitely voting to re-elect Margaret Abe Koga and Lisa Matichak. They've done as good of a job as could be expected.

We need City Council members that understand how to create additional affordable housing. Rent control has been an abject failure, and we can expect more building owners to convert their properties to new, high-cost, for-sale housing, which will create even more of a need to build more income-qualified subsidized housing for low-income residents. We can't become a city just for high-income tech workers.

Not sure who else to vote for. Definitely not Sally Lieber, Lenny Siegel, Alex Nunez, or John Lashlee That leaves only Jose Gutierrez and Pat Showalter. I might vote for Pat Showalter and give her another chance despite her past mistakes. I think that her heart is in the right place, she just needs a dose of reality when it comes to certain issues. Lenny's heart is also in the right place but he just doesn't understand the reality of the housing situation. especially when it comes to people living in cars and RVs, but also when it comes to rent control.

Why are there no non-incumbent true progressives running? Is this the best we can do?

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 19, 2020 at 6:24 am

In response to Mike Engler you said:

“Definitely voting to re-elect Margaret Abe Koga and Lisa Matichak. They've done as good of a job as could be expected.

We need City Council members that understand how to create additional affordable housing. Rent control has been an abject failure, and we can expect more building owners to convert their properties to new, high-cost, for-sale housing, which will create even more of a need to build more income-qualified subsidized housing for low-income residents. We can't become a city just for high-income tech workers.”

This is such a false statement it is ridiculous. These two have targets for destruction as much affordable housing they can. They also are using their power to purge voters that do not agree with them as well.


Here are a few of their “affordable” housing successes:

They destroyed 116 affordable housing units in this approval report titled “Council reluctantly approves razing of 116 rent-controlled apartments“ (Web Link How many affordable units were included in this project? Answer NONE.

How about this one?

In this story titled “More apartments on the chopping block“ (Web Link How many affordable units were included in this project? Answer NONE.

Finally they don’t know how to follow the new state laws in the story “A little-noticed new law could upend a key argument against rent control“ (Web Link In effect they are removing affordable housing units and not replacing the affordable prices for the new units. This is a violation of the new state laws, and I strongly hope someone will convince the Governor or a Private Attorney to sue the City to block this action.

The REALITY is that you are not telling the truth. The PRIVATE housing sector NEVER succeeded in providing adequate housing in the state of California even with Costa Hawkins. Ever since 1995 any attempt to FIX the PRIVATE housing market has failed. TIME to put priority on only funding and approving PUBLIC projects. The PRIVATE housing market NEVER worked.

Costa Hawkins is in the ballot for being overturned. The SNEAKY repeal of CSFRA is in the ballot. And these people that use dictatorial action against public need are on the ballot that lied so much on Measure D that it was reject by a greater than 2 to 1 margin.

These people cannot be REWARDED for their attempts to take advantage of the city for their own interests. These people have proven to be dangerous to the citizens of Mountain View.

Posted by Back to Earth
a resident of Gemello
on Jul 19, 2020 at 11:20 am

On what planet have Margaret Abe-Koga and Lisa Matichak done a "good job"? They pushed for Measure D to kick out more of the poor in Mountain View, just like with their RV bans. If this wasn't Mountain View, they'd be running as Republicans, not "true progressive" as Mike Engler said.

Gutierrez is in the same mold. As a school board member, he even endorsed Measure D when it would lead to the eviction of many of the students and families he was elected to represent! I suppose he needs the landlord money in order to move on up to council.

None of these three have the interests of all Mountain View residents in mind, only the wealthy.

Posted by Mike Engler
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Jul 19, 2020 at 4:51 pm

Back to Earth: you have to understand how the mind of a property owner works. They have little interest in subsidizing, forever, affordable housing for non-income qualified residents where they aren't getting any government funding.

You can see what has occurred in Mountain View since rent control has been put in place in Mountain View and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg with the three approvals of Ellis Act conversions.

We really need to build additional subsidized, income-qualified, affordable housing because Mountain View is going to continue to lose existing naturally affordable housing as property owners exercise their rights under the Ellis Act to get out of the rental housing business. This is not some wild theory, you've already seen this happening in our city. IF we don't do this we'll become a city composed solely of high-income tech workers.

Abe Koga and Matichak understand the reality of the need to create additional affordable housing and don't just look at the kind of simplistic solutions, like rent control, that don't work. I think that we all understand how tempting it is for people to vote for laws that will benefit themselves financially, but the often don't have the critical thinking skills that are necessary to evaluate the long-term consequences of what they vote for.

We need to move Mountain View forward and create a livable Mountain View for all. This requires experienced, focused, empathetic council members that don't just pander to special interests.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 19, 2020 at 5:10 pm

In response to Mike Engler you said:

“Back to Earth: you have to understand how the mind of a property owner works. They have little interest in subsidizing, forever, affordable housing for non-income qualified residents where they aren't getting any government funding.”

What you don’t realize is people like MAK and LM have manipulated the housing market so that only Ford Mustangs are in the dealership when people want to buy a Ford Focus. This is the FAILURE of PRIVATE housing, this has been the market manipulation ever since both Costa Hawkins and Ellis Acts. Costa Hawkins may be voted into oblivion, and the Ellis Act is on the way. You said:

“You can see what has occurred in Mountain View since rent control has been put in place in Mountain View and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg with the three approvals of Ellis Act conversions.”

Again MAK and LM have been acting contrary to state laws as previously described earlier. These people cannot even follow the laws so they are simply untrustworthy. You said:

“We really need to build additional subsidized, income-qualified, affordable housing because Mountain View is going to continue to lose existing naturally affordable housing as property owners exercise their rights under the Ellis Act to get out of the rental housing business. This is not some wild theory, you've already seen this happening in our city. IF we don't do this we'll become a city composed solely of high-income tech workers.”

The solution is to ELIMINATE the ELLIS ACT and the COSTA HAWKINS ACT because both were based on false promises made to the state and its people. THAT will then allow the PUBLIC housing sector to take over and get rid of the CHEATING PRIVATE HOUSING sector regarding withholding housing that exists but are not used. You said:

“Abe Koga and Matichak understand the reality of the need to create additional affordable housing and don't just look at the kind of simplistic solutions, like rent control, that don't work. I think that we all understand how tempting it is for people to vote for laws that will benefit themselves financially, but the often don't have the critical thinking skills that are necessary to evaluate the long-term consequences of what they vote for.”

MAK and LM are doing exactly what you complained about, they are using their position to get political donations and supporting their private financial interests of companies that don’t even exist in this City.

The People of Mountain View cannot let this continue. THESE PEOPLE and PRACTICES must be PURGED FOREVER. You said:

“We need to move Mountain View forward and create a livable Mountain View for all. This requires experienced, focused, empathetic council members that don't just pander to special interests.”


Posted by Lenny Siegel
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 19, 2020 at 5:19 pm

I am amused and dismayed that there are still people in town blaming me for the presence of vehicles residences in Mountain View. People are living in vehicles throughout the Bay Area; most are doing do because they can't afford the rent. Having people live in cars or motorhomes is not a solution to our housing crisis, but until we build more affordable housing, that's where some people will end up. Back in 2015 (or was it 2016), Pat Showalter and I proposed 24-7 off-street parking at the Shoreline Amphitheater Parking Lots. We finally have it, but not enough, and with too many restrictions. Mountain View shouldn't be ashamed of trying to provide for our less fortunate neighbors. We should be proud.

Posted by Beth
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jul 19, 2020 at 5:42 pm


You are a hard core activist. I first heard you talk while on the dais, you are a rude-crude person who openly mocks people who do not agree with you, including other council members.

IMHO, you should not be returned to the council. It was a long 4 years watching you last time. You came in 5 out of the 6 candidates that were on the ballot. You were not returned to the council for a reason.

It was you who spear headed the signature gathering to over turn the councils narrow street parking ban for R V's. There is no reason why us tax payers should have to pay the money to put this on the ballot.

In your own post, you are making excuses as to why people should be allowed to sleep in the streets. If you would be honest you would say that R V's are only the start, because many more are homeless and cannot afford rents or RV's so tents/cardboard/canvas housing should be allowed in parks, sidewalks thru out the city.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 19, 2020 at 6:01 pm


Again, I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things with you.

BUT, you have nothing to explain, the HOUSING SHORTAGE CRISIS caused the RV alternatives. You have been stuck with fellow City Council members that NEVER got the situation into the right direction. The Councils have been instruments of the real estate, landlord/property managers, and developers making the situation worse and worse. Them like others, an example would be Mike Engels are classic Victimized Extreme Narcissists and they are defined as:

“From the Article Narcissists who cry it states:

Extreme narcissists often shift gears from visible grandiosity to acting that they are better than others because they suffer more than others. You can see an extreme narcissist who hogs the limelight and credit from achievements and self-praise also getting similar recognition from milking an injury or a seeming misfortune that has occurred to them. VICTIMIZED EXTREME NARCISSISTS are on the constant prowl looking for any gullible soul that will believe their version of calamity whether it is real, exaggerated, or fictitious. What they claim that makes their calamity different is that it is worse for them. Beware of this kind of extreme narcissism.”( Web Link

In effect the PRIVATE housing industry plays this game with politicians and the people.

The PEOPLE should not get suckered into this manipulation.. The “Calamity” of the Housing Crisis was of their own creation. They know this. They want to make it look like they are the “heros” by claiming it is everyone else’s fault and if you just let them control everything it will get fixed. This is simply not going to happen. They can’t fix the problem they made.

Does this sound familiar? Like Donald Trump and his attempts to make himself look like a victim?

Posted by Back to Earth
a resident of Gemello
on Jul 19, 2020 at 6:35 pm

Mike, it's pretty easy to look up who funded Measure D: out-of-town landlords. It's the most straightforward example of "pandering to special interests", and on top of that, the extremely wealthy kind! Margaret Abe-Koga, Lisa Matichak, and Jose Gutierrez are all about those special interests, not the interests of actual residents.

Beth, if you're concerned about taxpayer dollars going to putting the RV ban on the ballot, City Council had the opportunity to simply not enact the ban once the signatures were gathered. For Margaret Abe-Koga and Lisa Matichak, however, punishing the poor so the wealthy wouldn't have to look at the outcomes of inequality was just too important to them. In fact, more important than your tax dollars...

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 20, 2020 at 12:10 pm

Lets just clear the air here:

When MAK and LM and LG promoted Measure D, they were saying this to the people of Mountain View.

Let us have the power to abuse and in effect kill the renters of Mountain View and we will protect you from OURSELVES?

This reminds me of a 80s movie called Labrynth the scene found her (Web Link

These people are Jareth when he said:

"I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want. Just fear me, love me. Do as I say and I will be your slave. - Jareth"

This is the unhealthy and flat out lies told by these people ever since Costa Hawkins and Ellis Acts were enacted. These people cannot be allowed to get their way anymore regarding anything.

That is in fact what MAK and LM did in the City Council. They abused their power to force people out of Mountain View. Did they provide any "subsidies" to those displaced so they could stay in Mountain View. NO THEY DIDN'T. They wanted to throw them out of the city. They wanted to punish the City for not:

"(letting them) rule you, and (Mountain View) can have everything that (Mountain View) wants. Just fear (them) , love (them). Do as (they) say and (they) will be (Mountain View's) slave.


TIME to stop this ABUSE. TIME to shut it down FOREVER

Posted by Zach
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 20, 2020 at 3:02 pm

Really excited to see John Lashlee's name here. He's with Silicon Valley DSA. We need to get socialists into office if we want a Mountain View that's not run by corporate CEOs, that actually takes care of its homeless population and people unemployed during the pandemic, that actually holds its police department to account rather than letting it brutalize poor residents of color. Imagine a city that actually takes care of its residents. It's been unimaginable to this point, only because of a lack of political will and people-power.

Posted by The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jul 20, 2020 at 6:11 pm

Fits the movie to a T.
Even the good are not quite so good.
Gutierrez was useless on the school board. Anyone who doesn’t want to crack down on RVs is a no go (Siegel and probably Showalter).
Soooo who do we have left?
Someone centrist, maybe even conservative?
Someone able to stand up both to corporations and to those who ruin the quality of life for the tax paying residents?

Posted by Empty seat is better
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 21, 2020 at 11:04 am

We need to change our election for council seats.

We should have an option always on the ballot for city council of,
(Empty Seat).

It is better to have 5 council members who the majority would support, and if the majority supports 1 or 2 empty seats over bad candidates we should have that choice.

Posted by just_jay
a resident of Shoreline West
on Jul 21, 2020 at 3:07 pm

My take after watching him in office: Lenny is an activist in his personal life. But he isn't some crazy activist on council. He knows he's 1 of 7 votes, so he works to advocate his point, but the net result is he ends up aiming for consensus. I didn't support him the first time around, because I was worried he was too radical, but after seeing him in action, I felt much better and supported him the 2nd time around.

Posted by Are you kidding?
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 21, 2020 at 4:39 pm

Hey, Just_Jay, you've got to be kidding! Lenny Siegel was never a consensus builder. He was abusive to other members of the Council, rude, arrogant and pushed his own agenda above all else. (By the way... there are only 5 Council Members, not seven.) He is the reason (along with Showalter) we have the RVs on our streets. Even now, he advocates for "RVs anywhere". Many are spilling sewage, leaking oil, stealing water from nearby homes, and dumping trash.
Those who qualify for Safe Parking are the ones I support. They have keys to the RV, they are clean, law abiding and working towards being housed. Many who do NOT quality are the criminal element (drug dealers, gun dealers, prostitution), are merely renting junk RVs dumped in Mountain View by out of town contractors, or are simply freeloaders from out of town or out of state. No thanks!
I applaud the current Council for setting up Safe Parking that helps the truly needy who are working towards a better life. That is where I don't mind spending my tax money. But as for the others, they need to go to their home cities or just move out of Mountain View. Obviously, some of the remaining RVs on our streets are non-complying, as there is still space available in the Safe Lots.
We need a Council that respects all of Mountain View: the homeowners, the renters, and those who are willing to work towards housing by moving to the Safe Lots and follow the regulations. I thank Lisa Matichak and Margaret Abe-Koga for working hard to deal with this fairly, equally, and with respect for all. Living on the street is not a way for anyone to live. If we do not have regulations and agencies to help these people move forward in their lives (such as Community Services Agency working with the Safe Lot residents) we are not helping anyone.
Right now, Lisa and Margaret are the only two I would vote for. I would never vote for Lenny, Sally Lieber or John Lashlee. Showalter seems to be changing her mind on RVs, but she was the one who told us she would never vote for the VTA to take two lanes of El Camino, and then when elected she betrayed us by voting for it. Can she be trusted?

Posted by Back to Earth
a resident of Gemello
on Jul 21, 2020 at 5:51 pm

I'm glad to see the posters here making such a clear dividing line between the candidates. We have candidates liky Pat Showalter, Alex Nunez, and Lenny Siegel who represent the values of Mountain View: an inclusive city where we work together to protect all residents of all backgrounds, with opportunities for newcomers. On the other hand, you have the group of candidates who support evictions, eliminating rental protections, and RV bans: Lisa Matichak, Margaret Abe-Koga, and Jose Gutierrez. I know which group represents the Mountain View I love!

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jul 21, 2020 at 6:20 pm

In response to Are You Kidding?

Why would we vote for MAK and LM or JG when all three are on the record to endorse the abuse of tenants by landlords?

Doesn't anyone remember the criminal acts of the landlord the story "5 Arrested After Landlord Devises Home Invasion" found here (Web Link Specifically:

“As officers began to investigate the incident, they learned that the landlord identified as 50-year-old Sunnyvale resident Reenu Saini had leased the place to the victims but had become frustrated when the family was late paying the rent, according to the police report.

In an effort to remove the family from the residence, Saini allegedly contacted friends earlier in the day to head to Rock Street that evening to help physically remove the victims, police said. Shortly after arriving at the home that evening, the family inside refused to leave, so someone in the group shut the power off to the residence. The report adds that one of the people involved in the scheme, Steven Carling, 53, of San Jose, tried to use a knife to break open the door. The intrusion nearly encroached on one of the occupants, who was attempting to hold the door closed.

"This was a deliberate attempt using scare tactics to evict a family from a home," Lt. Armando Espitia said. "There are civil procedures and remedies that landlords and tenants can pursue with regard to late rent payments, but unfortunately these individuals took extremely dangerous and unlawful steps that resulted in their arrest."

Steven Carling is now a cooperating defendant, thus assisting in the Criminal prosecution against the landlord. These people not only did NOT make a clear statement denouncing this act. But then proceeded to work on the Measure D Campaign to destroy the due process rights of the Citizens of Mountain View thorough deceit. And when this failed they ABUSED the City Citizens by targeting them for population purge.

Simply put there is no comparison here. City Council are free to quit if they feel they are being abused. They are free to lodge a formal complaint if there is abuse. Did either happen? NO. You are just trying to personally attack a candidate because you have no valid arguments to offer the City to NOT vote for him except for unsubstantiated claims.

MAK, LM, and LG are those that will allow white collar crimes along with violence to be perpetrated on tenants in the city of Mountain View. The City CANNOT afford this kind of leadership.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 22, 2020 at 4:41 pm


When will Margaret Abe-Koga, Jose Gutierrez, and Lisa Matichak go on the record to denounce the acts of a criminal landlord and also uphold the white collar laws that landlords have repetitively violated?

Here is a story that is related to this problem “Why Are So Many Landlords Violating This New Housing Law“ found here (Web Link

Another story that is related to this problem “San Jose Landlords Will Face Hefty New Fines For Violating Tenant Protections“ found here (Web Link

On Top of the Criminal Landlord in the following story “Landlord Defends Home Invasion Eviction Attempt“ found here (Web Link

Her excuse?

“Sunnyvale resident Reenu Saini told the Voice that she was fully within her legal rights as an "inn keeper" when her cleaning woman and two others attempted to forcibly evict a family from a Rock Street apartment in August. Mountain View police officials consider the incident as an illegal home invasion, and arrested Saini and her four associates. Currently, Saini and two of the four are facing felony charges in Santa Clara County court.

The family, Marc and Elizabeth Klimchok and their three children, are now facing two civil lawsuits filed by Saini.

According to Saini, she is the true victim in the case. As a lessee of the apartment who then rents it out for short-term stays, she says she is hemorrhaging money while the renters haven't "paid a dime" in rent. She alleges the family fabricated proof of employment and bank statements to persuade her to rent them an apartment.

"The real crime here is what's being done to this property. These people defrauded me," Saini said. "They knew how to work the fine print to stay as illegal tenants."

THIS IS CLASSIC VICTIM NARCISSISM, trying to put the blame of ones completely inappropriate acts on another because the OFFENDER is the VICTIM?

Please read this information from here (Web Link

“How Narcissists Play the Victim and Twist the Story

By Darius Cikanavicius, Author, Certified Coach

People with strong narcissistic tendencies are known for CERTAIN DESTRUCTIVE SOCIAL PATTERNS. Anybody who has had the misfortune of dealing with these types of people may notice that whenever there’s a conflict or any type of disagreement, they tend to act in an abhorrent yet predictable manner.

In this article we will explore the common behaviors and scenarios where narcissistic and otherwise toxic people (hereafter narcissists) PLAY THE VICTIM AND MANIPULATE THE NARRATIVE.”

There are a lot more examples of how these NARCISSISTS (LANDLORDS) are justifying their abuse of VICTIMS (TENANTS) both by white collar crimes and violence like this one. Please read the entire article in the web link

When will Margaret Abe-Koga, Jose Gutierrez, and Lisa Matichak go on the record to denounce the acts of a criminal landlord and also uphold the white collar laws that landlords have repetitively violated?

I am not telling any voters what to do, you make up your own minds, and I will not disrespect anyone’s choice. Just be careful that’s all I ask.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 22, 2020 at 4:54 pm


THe Civil Suit titled Reenu Saini vs Elizabeth Klimchok et al, which was filed against the tenants was DISMISSED.

Which means there wasn't enough evidence to support the landlords claims of some kind of failures on behalf of the tenants.

The landlord was trying to CHARACTER ASSASSINATE the victims of her crime.

The Court REJECTED the claim.


The Plaintiff never showed up!!!

If she was in the right, WHY did she not appear? Isn't she out on bail? THe Court would not have dismissed the case if she was in custody.

The prosecution is still ongoing.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 23, 2020 at 11:24 am

WOW, no more responses?


Please explain to us the reasons to vote for MAK, LM, and JG again?

Don't say they provide affordable housing, THEY DON'T

Don't say they support the citizens of Mountain View, THEY DON'T

Don't say they uphold the laws and rights of the citizens of Mountain View, THEY DON'T.

What is the logic to vote for them?

Posted by Are you kidding?
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 23, 2020 at 1:45 pm

The "Business Man" you describe yourself in one of you many posts, above:

Extreme narcissists often shift gears from visible grandiosity to acting that they are better than others because they suffer more than others. You can see an extreme narcissist who hogs the limelight and credit from achievements and self-praise also getting similar recognition from milking an injury or a seeming misfortune that has occurred to them. VICTIMIZED EXTREME NARCISSISTS are on the constant prowl looking for any gullible soul that will believe their version of calamity whether it is real, exaggerated, or fictitious. What they claim that makes their calamity different is that it is worse for them. Beware of this kind of extreme narcissism.”( Web Link.)

You simply refuse to see yourself here, and you need help. You assume every poster needs a response from you, and you hijack almost every subject on Next Door with endless posts - believing you know more and suffer more than others. You play the victim, but you are simply an attention hog. Most people see your name and just skip your endless comments. I'm sorry if this upsets you, but you truly need help, and I hope you get it.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jul 23, 2020 at 2:04 pm

In response to Are You Kidding?

No, I never identify myself as a victim.

Yes I am guilty of HEALTHY narcissism. There is a HEALTHY level of it.

You never answered the question, WHY SHOULD anyone vote for MAK, LM, or JG?

But yes, I do a lot of research, and provide it to the people of Mountain View for free. Does that make me a narcissist? Or does that make me a citizen participating in the public discourse regarding public policy?

Please tell me you have better arguments than trying to call me names? The Citizens of Mountain View deserve better. I just demonstrate that there is evidence for others to make up their own mind.

To me, it looks like the proof is out there if you choose to do some homework.

I am not suffering any more than anyone else at this time. YES I lost my job because of COVID. Yes WE ALL are suffering from isolation because of the Shelter In Place and the Social Distancing Protocols. Yes ALL BUSINESSES are getting turned upside down due to COVID. And yes, there is NO END IN SIGHT yet.

But I am not special, and WE ALL are in this SINKING SHIP. THe Captain (DONALD TRUMP) is lying to us every day.

So no "special victimization" here, I never claimed I was getting mistreated more than others. You want to play that card, but it is not REALITY.

WHY SHOULD MAK, LM, and JG be elected into the City Council?

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 24, 2020 at 9:15 am

Are You Kidding:

I never posted anything on the "Nextdoor" webpage, I never even heard of it.

Unless these posts are duplicated on it without my knowledge?

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