Interstate Highways are always Open
Intrastate Highways are always Open
Beaches are Open
Farmers Market is Open
Protests are always Open
No Quarantines for out of city, county or out of state travelers.
How easy/possible is it to sit at or sanitize a picnic table anyways?.... and why can't you sit at a picnic table table and have an alcoholic beverage and something to eat with the friends you have been with for the last 100 days? The street should be open A la Carte & Art style or Mountain View Art & Wine Festival style with masks, except for eating and beverage consumption at a socially distant table. Tables are not shared with strangers. Get back to the 6-10 seat plastic banquet tables.
Restaurants and bars will not survive with picnic stables and no alcoholic beverage service. And the future of 50% Occupancy or less is certainly not sustainable.
The micro managing by Sara Cody and MVCC when the barn door is already open is regressive at best.
I feel bad... the restaurants will/have ignored the rules and nobody will enforce any guidelines, the whole situation is FUBAR. Local business is completely befuddled with guideline hypocrisy, you can shop at Home Depot in the morning, shop at Traders Joe's in the afternoon and protest with hundreds of your closest strangers without masks or social distancing in the evening.... and then go to dinner with Grandma on Castro street. She'd like a glass of wine but that is not possible. How is this situation helping anyone?