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County on state 'watchlist' after COVID-19 case uptick

Original post made on Jun 24, 2020

Santa Clara County had its second highest number of COVID-19 cases ever recorded for a single day on Tuesday, raising concerns about the trajectory of the virus.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 11:23 AM

Comments (27)

Posted by resident
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 24, 2020 at 12:55 pm

If residents would take the shelter-in-place and social distancing and mask wearing more seriously, the county could let more businesses reopen. The problem is scofflaw residents, not the county health department.

Posted by Drink to that
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 24, 2020 at 1:04 pm

Some Mountain View residents and visitors are ready to celebrate on Castro Street. Trump might even agree to appear. It may keep some businesses alive - but kill and disable humans.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Castro City
on Jun 24, 2020 at 7:22 pm

This has been a know problem ever since we started to "loosen" the social controls.

It cannot be a surprise, in fact many doctors predicted this was going to happen.

Now it appears we are going to reverse course and reestablish the stronger rules.

I am scared because I have seen the lines in a gun store in my neighborhood.

I feel we are about to see a spike in gun fire in this area. And it is going to get ugly.

Those already frustrated with this situation are now armed and can lose control of their emotions and decide to use them the wrong way.

There are many posters on this website that concern me regarding public safety.

Just a thought.

Posted by Eradication is only option
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 25, 2020 at 1:14 pm

If the shelter in place had been done correctly, all of the state or at least Bay Area counties would have closed off for those many weeks, and the virus would be eradicated as happened in Hawaii and other places. Instead, nothing happened. We sat and waited and waited and people are angry because they can't get their life back. It would be better to completely shut and eradicate so that life can return to normal. If you can think of no other reason, then consider the youth who hare having much of their opportunities and education taken away every day that this epidemic is not actually dealt with. We don't have to live like this but it takes political courage to make a real change.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Castro City
on Jun 25, 2020 at 8:20 pm


The virus is not eradicated until we have a Vaccine or everyone has been infected in such a way that they cannot be reinfected.

Reports of eradication are way premature, Hawaii is saying it has done it because they rely on tourism to stay alive. They are being destroyed because no one is traveling there and their unemployment rate is almost double ours. They are willing to say anything to get people to travel there again.

The science is saying that when it comes to the COVID family of viruses, there is no permanent acquired immunity because of that kind of virus. Once we have a vaccine it will work for this strain but we will need to continually update it like the flu.

This problem has been predicted by World Risk specialists for years, that the highest risk of human eradication is first Nuclear War, Biological or Chemical Warfare, Catastrophic Climate Change, Ecological Collapse and finally a Pandemic.

Fortunately Nuclear War has been almost universally been determined to not be possible except by accident. Biological and Chemical Warfare is also not an accepted kind of force by most of the world. Climate Change is a real problem because it contributes to the next things. Ecological Collapse can occur because of the prior cause. Finally the Pandemic which also can result from Climate Changes.

But if you look at the group the Pandemic is the one with the least human control. Evolution will keep on evolving new threats in bacteria and viruses. The reality is the WORLD has to get off its stupid territorial philosophies and understand this is a world wide enemy. It is like an alien invasion describe by Ronald Reagan during a U.N. speech.

Unfortunately our leaders simply want to lay blame to other PEOPLE and not address the PROBLEM. Perhaps because the PROBLEM is much harder to deal with and it is easier to distract people from it by using stupid phrases like "KUNG FLU". Our political leaders simply have no tools to address this kind of problem and have to depend on scientists, who are not required to be"politically" dependent on the politics at hand.

This poses a THREAT to these politicians because they cannot claim any credit once it is solved, if ever. I used to play a game called "Plague Inc" and I stopped. The reality simply ruined the fantasy fun of it all. In the game you evolve the disease just enough to kill every person on earth.

This disease looks like a "winner" of the game because of our poor response to it.

I am justifiably scared, and if anyone else had my experience they would be too.

Posted by Mark
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 25, 2020 at 8:57 pm

People seem to forget why we did the shut down.

We were told the Health experts said there are only 2 models which to follow.

Option 1- To stay in place initially to slow the spread so hospitals would not be flooded at the beginning when no preparations where made. This would result in a slower spread thru out society. We have done that. But now they say no, it's not good enough and we need to continue this. As we all can clearly see the current out break of cases is because this is still the first wave, we only delayed it, we can not stop it.

Option 2- Or to stay open and let it go thru society faster.

These 2 models showed that both options had the same deaths rates, one is just faster than the other option.

Only 2 things will stop a virus. 1 is a vaccine, or 2 it has run thru society and we have herd immunity and the virus has no other place to go and dies off.

What we are doing now is just delaying the whole process and creating a whole new set of negative consequences by staying in place.

The elderly and those with pre-exsisting conditions need to be protected, but the rest of society needs to get out and start living again before we weaken our own immune system by sheltering in place for too long.

Posted by Drink to that
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 25, 2020 at 9:55 pm

If Zombies following Donald Trump had not returned to their Zombie parties, we would not be seeing a renewed spread and would have far more time for scientific breakthroughs. Maybe the next virus will only kill young people and old folks will be able to laugh it off. There actually is another way to survive. Social distancing - remote work, school and living. Rich people can remain isolated. That includes the big CEOs made richer by government subsidies.

Posted by Resident
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 25, 2020 at 10:35 pm

Once 100,000s of protesters marching shoulder to shoulder in the streets were applauded and encouraged, the message was sent that social distancing is optional. Can't put that genie back in the bottle.

Why now are we acting surprised about the surge in numbers?

Posted by Drink to that
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 26, 2020 at 4:30 am

[Post removed due to disrespectful comment or offensive language]

Posted by Drink to that
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 26, 2020 at 10:55 am

Right now - Friday morning - on TV, VP Mike Pence is defending President Trump's no-masks rallies as freedom of speech and assembly. Freedom to kill others. A true Trump value. The Trump-Pence campaign will say and do anything, however dishonest, to remain in power.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Castro City
on Jun 26, 2020 at 12:19 pm

I agree with Drink to That

No one bothered to notice they have no progress to report on REAL treatments, just a rerun on information that shows not promising results.

The discussed steroid treatments and Remdisivir, which so far is not that effective on COVID 19

Look at the report the New England Journal of Medicine found here (Web Link

It only reported an improvement over non-treatment from any other drug, it did not say it was an effecting treatment.

No the reality is that our only method regarding this disease is detection, which is not being done effectively at all. Many tests do not prove that we are safe after these people recover from COVID 19, COVID2 infections were reoccurring in those that were already infected by it.

The reality is that this virus is here to stay until our doctors have a real treatment or vaccine. The vaccine will be like the flu vaccine, it will probably need to be redesigned every year from now on.

The reality is that we are simply riding the COVID roller coaster with NO BRAKES.

Posted by TBM will not be happy
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 26, 2020 at 5:51 pm

Here you go TBM. Enjoy

Web Link

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Castro City
on Jun 26, 2020 at 7:24 pm

Why am i going to be unhappy?

The guidelines the SCC Department of Health has not been defined yet in this article? Did you read this:

"Santa Clara County plans to allow the resumption of “many activities” currently barred under its shelter-in-place order as early as next week, even as it faces a rise in new coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.

Dr. Sara Cody will release new guidelines to “mark the beginning of a new phase,” she said Friday — specifically, the reopening of more businesses and activities with social distancing and safety protocols.

“As we finalize our next steps, we must also acknowledge the reality that many of the businesses and activities that remain closed in our county are now open elsewhere, and our residents and businesses owners are anxious for many of these activities to resume here as well,” Cody said. “But we must also ensure that when people engage in these activities, here and in surrounding communities, they are doing so as safely as possible and with proper guardrails in place.”

My only hope is that we do not make the same mistakes others in this country already did.

We have an opportunity to avoid making the same mistake.

Thats all.

But we are still having an increase in medical demands, and if it keeps up, we are just driving this car over a cliff.

Posted by TBM will not be happy
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 26, 2020 at 8:11 pm

TBM- just a couple of days ago yiu said:

Now it appears we are going to reverse course and reestablish the stronger rules.“

And there is no gun store in your neighborhood.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Castro City
on Jun 26, 2020 at 8:56 pm

In response to TBM will not be happy

The news you described is premature, we don't know what the restrictions are yet?

On top of that here is the gun shop I have seen lines in front of:

Bay Area Gun Vault (Web Link

Gun shop in Mountain View, California

Address: 363 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040

Simply put you have no idea what is going on do you?

Please be careful?

Posted by TBM will not be haopy
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 26, 2020 at 9:13 pm

TBM- since the article clearly states , as you copied and pasted

"Santa Clara County plans to allow the resumption of “many activities” currently barred under its shelter-in-place order as early as next week“

So either way we Will not be moving backwards , as you hoped for(, “Now it appears we are going to reverse course and reestablish the stronger rules.“)

So not matter what the new “restrictions will be it will be moving forward.

That gun shop is not n your neighborhood. Yiu live in Castro city.

Simply put what is happening is not what you wanted - you want to return to a restrictive SIP, you are against outdoor dining, etc.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Castro City
on Jun 26, 2020 at 9:18 pm

And oh by the way Gavin Newsom is likely to extend his order which will likely override Santa Clara County.

Here is some information to consider

(Web Link

Please understand that things are not as cut and dry. We are still in the beginnings of a long struggle against the COVID 19

In the end this problem is far more serious for all of us then just us two.

The public health officer in Santa Clara County has suffered threats, so I am not surprised there is talk of this kind. If Gavin does pull rank, it will be for good reason.

I hope it won't be necessary.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 26, 2020 at 9:19 pm

I live 5 blocks from Castro Street, maybe I don't understand my neighborhood. Sorry

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 26, 2020 at 9:22 pm

I understand now that I live in Old Mountain View,

My BIG mistake

Posted by TBM will be happy.
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 26, 2020 at 9:43 pm

TBM- but newsome is not pulling rank. He is suggesting Imperial county reinstate the SIP. He is not ordering it.

And what order will remove extend? If he has not told LAcounty to resume their SIP, he will not order SCC. In fact, I think he will let the individual counties decide.

And knowing Cody, if she says that things will loosen up on Wednesday, then newsome will not stop her.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 26, 2020 at 10:44 pm

In response to TBM will be happy you said:

“TBM- but newsome is not pulling rank. He is suggesting Imperial county reinstate the SIP. He is not ordering it.”

You KNOW a SUGGESTION is a POLITE DEMAND by a Governor. ITR is a part of the formality of process in California. If they DO NOT act the way he SUGGESTED, he will ORDER it. You said:

“And what order will remove extend? If he has not told LAcounty to resume their SIP, he will not order SCC. In fact, I think he will let the individual counties decide.”

His Public Health office will point out that the Counties are not providing proper public health protection. In fact this again is a formality to provide the County to provide public health protection properly. If it fails to do so, he is OBLIGATED under his STATUTORY requirements to take over. The County is simply buying time to revise its plans, and I will not be surprised if they decide to hold back on many businesses. You said:

“And knowing Cody, if she says that things will loosen up on Wednesday, then Newsom will not stop her.”

GIVEN that she has been given threats to her safety, Gavin Newsom may have no choice, she is not acting on the public health requirements, but instead is being intimidated. Governor Newsom will be REQUIRED to step in if she doesn’t do what he SUGGESTED. Surely you know that?

This is exactly the circumstances where Governor Newsom will be justified to override the County if it doesn’t follow Gavin Newsom’s guidelines or acts in such a way that it increases the public health risks.

Remember he sued Cities for not complying with housing laws. There is no reason why he wouldn’t take actions in his toolbox under this health crisis to lay down his authority. In fact given that this is a state wide health problem and people are moving around the state because they are not under “house arrest” he is in fact likely going to have to set a uniform Shelter In Place order extension again. Given our infection rate is still increasing.

Posted by fools and braggarts
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Jun 27, 2020 at 9:12 am

Shut 'em down, before it spreads further. And then we all shut down, again.

The 2nd shutdown was always going to be the economy killer. Fools didn't listen the first time.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 27, 2020 at 3:59 pm

Here is a report that states Newsom is actively considering taking control over Santa Clara County SIP standards.

Here is the NBC news report describing it

(Web Link

So it is likely that the SCC will pass the buck to him. I cannot argue against it because of the intimidation going on here.

God bless and protect everyone against COVID 19, but MAN has to do the actual work.

Posted by Fake news from fake....
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 27, 2020 at 5:12 pm

Bussiness body:

From the article you posted:

"Santa Clara County has seen a 23% increase in hospitalizations, and the state attributes that rise to transfers from outside the county and long term care facilities, as well as people from elsewhere choosing their hospital care inside Santa Clara County."

So the increase in hospitalizations is actually from outside the county. So not actually an increase in hospitalization of SCC residents

And the article does not say that Newsome will take control of county SIP standards.

And according to this article:
Web Link

""We are advising and counseling them to move forward and re-institute the stay-at-home order, but they will move at their discretion," Newsom said during a press conference in Rancho Cordova on Friday.""

So if Newsome is not reinstating the SIP is the hardest hit county in California or for LA county which almost daily has half of the states cases he certainly will not "actively considering taking control over Santa Clara County SIP standards."

Boy will you be crying on Wednesday!!!!

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 27, 2020 at 5:26 pm

I will never cry as long as the SCIENCE is the basis of action.

If the SCC does make a decision to open up more businesses, my only hope is it is not based on political or economic pressures, but SOUND PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION.

We cannot predict anything until we have the current situation play out.

If the medical system in SCC is starting to get to the point where there is risk of inability to service demand, THAT'S what I desire to avoid.

So no crying, as long as we are moving forward the RIGHT way.

I will concede to the Medical Experts if they are acting with sound science, would you agree to do the same?

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 28, 2020 at 6:32 am

Her is some information that you might not be aware of:

The County variance standards established in the Shelter In Place State Order are described as the following (Web Link :

“County criteria to move further ahead in the Resilience Roadmap

County case metrics

Stable or down trending hospitalizations

Stable hospitalizations of COVID individuals on a 7-day average of daily percent change of less than 5% OR no more than 20 COVID hospitalizations on any single day in the past 14 days “

If you look at this website indicating the County Statistics (Web Link Given that Santa Clara County has only performed 50,000 tests during that period which simply is not a significant sample size for a population of 2,000,000. If you look at this website to have a statically significant measure for a sample of 2,000,000 people with 95% confidence with a .19 confidence level you need a sample size of 234,805. In other words our testing levels aren’t enough to establish that our measure of the 7 day average simply is not valid given the data from the Santa Clara County at this time.

However since this requirement is connected with an OR the next condition MUST be achieved in order to move forward.

The Current Hospitalizations is NOT less than 20 but at 68. Based in this resource (Web Link">Web Link and that the average of cases in the past 14 days has been 48 and none have been less than 20. If the SCC moves forward it will be in violation of the state requirements and the state will have to override it.

“Cases per population count and test positivity rate

Less than 25 new cases per 100,000 residents in the past 14 days OR less than 8% testing positive in the past 7 days:”

Based in this resource (Web Link">Web Link and that the average of cases in the past 14 days has been 48 and none have been less than 20. If the SCC moves forward it will be in violation of the state requirements and the state will have to override it. Even though there is an OR connecting the second part of the requirements, the first one was not achieved, thus this would not allow us to move forward.

I know it is painful but we are not even close to warranting any variance from the state order, and if SCC does try to, the medical records indicate it would do so against the state guidelines and thus the state would be forced to intervene.

Please understand that with this information accessible to the public, you should not make any claims that things are under control in the county based on the state standards without demonstrating that it is in fact true?

Otherwise you are not doing the City any service in making comments without substantiation?

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 28, 2020 at 1:21 pm

Here is another bit of news found on this website (Web Link

It reports that on Saturday the reported number of 7 day moving average increase in cases is nearing 100. We DID bend the curve, but now it is simply lost the bend and we are starting back into the trajectory we were in March.

Are we crazy enough to make the same mistakes others have in this country?

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