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Huge crowd cheers on Trump impeachment

Original post made on Dec 18, 2019

More than 200 people from across the South Bay flocked to downtown Mountain View on Tuesday evening in a show of support for impeaching President Donald Trump.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 8:57 PM

Comments (21)

Posted by Ruthless Russians & Republicans
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 18, 2019 at 6:13 am

Not all Russians and Republican officeholders are bad. Just the ones working ruthlessly on behalf of corrupt "leaders" named Putin and Trump. Neither lying despot will go away without a fight. Here, we need to find a candidate to beat Trump at the ballot box. But voting for President only matters in swing states. And even counting votes is not assured. If we can survive until a Democrat is sworn in, we can be pretty sure the "deep state" will ensure that Trump (and Pence) exercise no more power. And if they are then incarcerated for conspiring or attempting to sell secrets to Putin, we could finally exhail and hope, as a famous rock song warns, we didn't just GET FOOLED AGAIN.

Posted by MAGA
a resident of Castro City
on Dec 18, 2019 at 6:44 am

200 people? From across the Bay Area? That's some turn out.

God Bless President Trump. He is a great President. Three years of investigations and these angry, sore losers still can't come up with a case against him.

Posted by MV Resident
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Dec 18, 2019 at 9:08 am

@MAGA: You seem to have failed to realize that the Senate is on the verge of effectively abolishing the Constitution and empowering a king... which is about the least American thing we can do. We’ve been failing to check executive power for decades in this country and it’s now reached a tipping point where the foundations of the Republic and our election system are at risk. Wake up.

Posted by Free Republic
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Dec 18, 2019 at 9:45 am

> From across the Bay Area?

Haha... there were 8 events between SF and SJ alone, numerous others in the north and east bay. Hundreds nationwide.

When's the last time the far fringe-right showed up in the rain? 2010? Talking about tea bag stuff, at a few town halls. (source - Free Republic signage for their sheep Web Link )

Clearly, they didn't show up to trumps inauguration anywhere near the numbers Obama had.

Why is trump obstructing justice by not having witnesses testify to his 'innocence'?

Posted by Trump 2020
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Dec 18, 2019 at 10:19 am

5 more years!!!!

Posted by Luna
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Dec 18, 2019 at 10:43 am

A dozen of self righteous people blocked traffic at the rush hour.
It took 15 minutes to travel just one block on El Camino real. Imagine someone could be rushing to hospital. Why don’t you contain yourselves and party on your backyards? Such a public nuisance.

a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Dec 18, 2019 at 2:02 pm

TRE45ON_IMPEACH is a registered user.


The demonstrators did not block any traffic. We were standing on the side walk and only walked across the street when the walk signal was on. The drivers of the cars were all very supportive of the demonstrators. You should join us next time.

Posted by universe
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Dec 18, 2019 at 2:47 pm

universe is a registered user.

Putin reached his goal by successfully pitting half of American people against the other half, yet Democrats keep letting the anger cloud their judgement. Trump has been harsher to Russian than Obama had ever been (remember that private moment Obama asks Russian PM to cut him some slack before election?), Mueller could not find any evidence of Russia collusion, meanwhile FBI was clearly spying on Trump campaign; yet all you hear from MSM is that Trump is destroying democracy. Not a fan of Trump's big ago, but Dems leave me no choice but to vote for him again next year.

a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Dec 18, 2019 at 3:09 pm

TRE45ON_IMPEACH is a registered user.

@ Universe

You yourself are divided and supporting someone who is Putins Puppet. When you point a finger at others there are 4 pointing right back at you. If you will vote for Trump even after seeing what he has done to the country then my friend you are voting for the death of Democracy.

Posted by gretchen
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 18, 2019 at 5:25 pm

gretchen is a registered user.

I was there and came close to becoming a statistic. Was just about to cross Castro st. with the pedestrian light when a gentleman with a stopped car in from of him, shouting out his window, pulled into the center lane, sped up and ran the red light. He crossed El Camino, ran the red light there, and continued on Castro on the other side. If I had not been watching I would have been in the cross walk.

I understand differences but not this level of anger and rage.

Posted by Groot
a resident of Willowgate
on Dec 18, 2019 at 7:34 pm

Groot is a registered user.

We'll remember in November what Dems had done in December.

Posted by home of registered user
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 18, 2019 at 8:14 pm

home of registered user is a registered user.

"We'll remember in November"

Perhaps you recall November 2018?

If it were not for historic gains by Democrats (historic losses by the GOP, courtesy of Trump,) this impeachment of Trump might not have happened.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Dec 19, 2019 at 2:45 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

While 200 people were cheering the impeachment of the President (which means absolutely nothing except that the Democrats have enough votes to do whatever they want in the House) over 5400 people rallied for the President in Battle Creek, Michigan... a Blue State! (Web Link

There has never been any doubt that the Democrats would look for any excuse to impeach the President as he has shown that even without the House or the Senate doing anything meaningful; he can get things done on his own, He has renegotiated trade deals with many countries leading to better trade and more jobs for the US, unemployment is at record lows for all minority groups, and wages are rising for everyone! All this in spite of the Democrat party and the Press attacking him at every turn and planning his impeachment since BEFORE he even won the Republican nomination! (Web Link )

For those who are saying that the Republicans need to be fair Jurors in the Senate, I say that they need to be just as fair as the Democrats were in the house when they held secret hearings and released only the testimony that they thought would benefit their phony case.

I watched the hearings that were public and every fact witness and expert that testified said that they had "No firsthand knowledge of any crime or impeachable offense committed by the President". So what was the impeachment for if not for partisan political purposes?

I'll wait for all the personal attacks and insults now.....

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by Steven Nelson
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Dec 19, 2019 at 3:19 pm

Steven Nelson is a registered user.

@Neil, it was interesting to see and hear you run for MV City Council / but 'those attitudes' (above) are why you had-not-a-chance of getting elected.
@universe, In the universe that most of us live in, the Muller Report (such a slog! only 1/5 of the way through myself) did not find evidence enough for a criminal action against the Trump Campaign people for criminal "collusion". Not the same as grey area cooperative action! Read the timeline of Trump publicly 'asking for help at releasing Hilary "emails" and when WikiLeaks released the Russian intelligence gathered first-batch of files.

Voting in a Swing state? Is Arizona a swing state? (I know - it's small in Electorial College total votes). I'm thinking of moving out / retire to ... / would Arizona be a good place to move-retire to in 2020 and then Vote in November 2020?

Posted by home of registered user
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 19, 2019 at 3:25 pm

home of registered user is a registered user.

> leading to better trade and more jobs for the US

Jim: am curious why you repeat such demonstrably false canards.

- Jobs?
Look at the monthly job chart from 2008 to present. Web Link It's the same trajectory we've been on since the Obama Recovery pulled us out of the Bush Recession.

Worse, we gave away a trillion in tax cuts to billionaires and corporations with the promise of more jobs.

Whoops. Didn't work. It was a lie.

- Trade?

Again, look at any trade deficit chart, such as: United States' trade balance from 2000 to 2018 Web Link

Exports only? Here's 25 years of exports per the Census bureau: Web Link

Yeah. No "better trade" as described.

> I'll wait for all the personal attacks and insults now.....

No attacks. Do you normally get 'attacked' when you post falsehoods? All I have for you is a lot of curiosity, that in the age of search engines, you think you can get away with repeating lies from one political side. It's a puzzle.

To paraphrase - "I'll wait for all the (explanations) now....."

Have a great day!

a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Dec 19, 2019 at 3:34 pm

TRE45ON_IMPEACH is a registered user.

@ Jim

In regards to trade Trump created the trade war with China which hurt our farmers the most and guess which country it helped the most... If you guessed Russian you are right. Those agricultural contracts are not coming back to the US. On top of the Trillion Dollar tax breaks for the rich Trump has provided Subsidies/Handouts (Corporate Socialism) to the farmers. Where is the Republican outcry now?

When we are looking at the unemployment numbers what criteria are we looking at? People have to work 2 to 3 jobs to support their families now. Most of these jobs do not have any benefits, no holiday pay, no PTO, no advancement guarantees. No need to be proud of this. The rich are getting richer day by day while the working class people keep suffering.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Dec 20, 2019 at 12:51 am

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Mr. Nelson - Thanks for the insult, thus proving my point. By the way, what I wrote were facts, not attitudes; hence the web links provided.

Impeach- The President did not start the trade war with China, they have been placing tariffs on our goods and stealing our intellectual property for decades. You think he should have just allowed that to continue like Clinton, Bush, and Obama? By the way, those agricultural sales to China ARE coming back and will be larger than before. As to the unemployment numbers, we are looking at the same numbers that were used under every previous administration including Obama, who had 8 years and people were still working 2 jobs with no benefits. However the President has provided a better economy with higher wages so there are fewer people in poverty now. The fact is more people are getting richer and that's always a good thing.

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by Liberalguns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 23, 2019 at 1:55 am

Liberalguns is a registered user.

@home of registered user

"Perhaps you recall November 2018?"

I do, but you don't seem to recall past mid-term elections seat-swings:
2018 Dems+41H,-2S=Dems+39 (Also, 44 Reps retired = big Dems advantage)
2010 Reps+63H,+7S=Reps+70
1994 Reps+54H,+8S=Reps+64
More detailed stats for more elections at the bottom.

"If it were not for historic gains by Democrats (historic losses by the GOP"

Sorry, but the main-stream media making that claim is lying, as usual.

"this impeachment of Trump might not have happened."

Well, you got one thing right, if not for the expected mid-term-loss in Congress to the party of the new president, the impeachment would not have happened.

Probably the stupidest thing the Reps did when they had control of the House was to impeach Clinton, it hurt the Reps more than it hurt Clinton or the Dems.
In 1998 the Reps should have gained lots of seats in Congress, but the Dems did instead. For the whole 12 years of Reagan & Bush Sr., the Dems gained seats, as is the standard pattern.

The Dems are now making the same stupid mistake the Reps made.

Here are the actual numbers about win/loss in the Congress (Governors too) of the mid-term elections.
I also included 2016 as a comparison.

2018 Dems gain 41 House, 7 Govs, Reps gain 2 Senate
2018 Reps 44 House members retired (which gave the Dems a huge advantage)
2018 Dems gain House, Reps hold Senate

2016 Dems gain 6 House, 2 Senate
2016 Reps gain 2 Govs
2016 Reps hold House, Reps gain Senate

2014 Reps gain 13 House, 9 Senate, 2 Govs
2014 Reps hold House, Reps gain Senate

2010 Reps gain 63 House, 7 Senate, 6 Govs
2010 Reps gain House, Dems hold Senate

2006 Dems gain 31 House, 2 Senate, 6 Govs
2006 Dems gain House, Dems gain Senate

2002 Reps gain 8 House, 2 Senate
2002 Dems gain 1 Gov
2002 Reps hold House, Reps gain Senate

1998 Dems gain 5 House, 0 Senate, 0 Govs
1998 Reps hold House, Reps hold Senate

1994 Reps gain 54 House, 8 Senate, 10 Govs
1994 Reps gain House, Reps gain Senate

1990 Dems gain 7 House, 1 Senate, 0 Govs
1990 Dems hold House, Dems hold Senate

1986 Dems gain 5 House, 8 Senate
1986 Reps gain 8 Govs
1986 Dems hold House, Dems gain Senate

1982 Dems gain 27 House, 1 Senate, 7 Govs
1982 Dems hold House, Reps hold Senate

I could go on back farther in time, but while 2018 had a big swing for the Dems, there were bigger swings in favor of the Reps in prior mid-term elections.
This pattern goes back at least to about WWI with the biggest swings being in favor of Reps.

Posted by Liberalguns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 24, 2019 at 2:15 am

Liberalguns is a registered user.

@ Jim Neal

"Mr. Nelson - Thanks for the insult, thus proving my point."

Steve Nelson, you do seem to often be your own worst enemy, or at least counter-productive towards your own stated goals. Nice to see someone else call you out on this.

"Impeach- The President did not start the trade war with China,"

Only the main-stream PC-filtered news media would claim the trade war was begun by Trump, however, to be fair, Trump has certainly found novel ways to play these international trade games by rules of his own.
The interesting thing is that the "other-side" in trade talks don't have a well-worn response to such unique moves. This sort of keeping his enemies off balance can work very well in getting the other side to give up concessions they would not normally be willing to even consider.

Our enemies like the US to be predictable and soft and fearful, that;s when they attack. Our enemies get afraid and timid and thus cooperative when they fear that our leader might just be too crazy to mess with.

"they have been placing tariffs on our goods and stealing our intellectual property for decades."

This was pretty commonly known all across the electronics industry clear back into the early 1970s. And no president has done anything significant or lasting to punish or limit the bad behavior of China. Maybe what Trump has done wont result in any better outcome, but maybe it will. Trump can't really do much worse with China and North Korea than past presidents have.

"However the President has provided a better economy with higher wages so there are fewer people in poverty now."

I am always loath to grant credit to any current president for the current state of the economy. In my view, there is a substantial lag between anything a president does and the effect on the economy. Yes, a short-term announcement from a president can have a short-term effect, but lasting effects have a much longer lead-time and are far more complex in causes.

"The fact is more people are getting richer and that's always a good thing."

Indeed, and the lower unemployment rates means that even lower-paid people are finding jobs. People with jobs commit fewer crimes than people without.

Posted by Liberalguns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 24, 2019 at 2:23 am

Liberalguns is a registered user.

@MV Resident

"@MAGA: You seem to have failed to realize that the Senate is on the verge of effectively abolishing the Constitution and empowering a king... which is about the least American thing we can do. We’ve been failing to check executive power for decades in this country and it’s now reached a tipping point where the foundations of the Republic and our election system are at risk. Wake up."

Hey, I have heard that exact same rhetoric all the way back to the election of JFK and for every president since then as well. Every presidential election, the side that knows they are going to lose makes the same claims written in the 1950s and used every 4 years.

According to the Democrats, every Republican president was going to absolutely outlaw abortion across the whole USA, every Republican Governor would do the same at the state level, every Republican president was on the verge of becoming King of the USA.

I'm still waiting for any of those political warnings to come true, but they never will.

If anything, the Democrats have been systematically weaponizing the office of the president by gathering more and more power into the office. They never think beyond the current democrat to the next Republican and what they will do with the power the Democrats have granted to the president.

Posted by alexprime
a resident of Shoreline West
on Dec 24, 2019 at 2:36 am

alexprime is a registered user.

No one is answering your posts. Why respond every day like this unless you are trolling for some argument? Please, go chill with friends and an old fashioned movie.

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