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Late contributions boost City Council campaigns

Original post made on Nov 14, 2018

Campaign donations are pouring in for John Inks in his bid for a third term on the Mountain View City Council. Just days away from the election, Inks reported $10,000 in new contributions, much of it from apartment owners and their advocates.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, November 2, 2018, 12:00 AM

Comments (21)

a resident of Bailey Park
on Nov 15, 2018 at 4:12 pm

Latest election results shows,
1st. Kamei
2nd. Rameriz
3rd. Showalter

Council had better change direction Voters want a change.

Mr. Rameriz,
Your recent appearance with the community activist group, along with Siegel and Job Lopez, the infamous council candidate sign vandalize r, is not a good sign for you.

If you try to prevent landlords from going out of business, via a ban on demolishing the buildings, you too will be voted out.

Message to all Council members,
Lenny Siegel has been soundly defeated. The community spoke and yet he is organizing an attack against all council members right now by the Siegel-Lopez organizers to get in your face and tell you a sob story, among others.
Do not listen the the few load people.

You have no right right to deny any property owner from selling their property when it is to old and to expensive to keep running.

There is no such thing as a "Community Asset"

Community assets means that the community pays for it, like parks, schools, library, etc. NOT PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS WHO RUN A PRIVATE BUSINESS.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 16, 2018 at 3:37 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to ENOUGH ALREADY you said:

“Mr. Rameriz,

Your recent appearance with the community activist group, along with Siegel and Job Lopez, the infamous council candidate sign vandalize r, is not a good sign for you.”

Job Lopez is accused but not found guilty yet, the hearing will determine that. If it turns out he is found not responsible, what will you do? You said:

“If you try to prevent landlords from going out of business, via a ban on demolishing the buildings, you too will be voted out.”

They can simply sell the buildings, no one is preventing it. If a developer cancels the project, the city is completely correct to prevent destruction of the existing building. Only when the building contracts are signed and the developer has issued the statement of building can the city order demolition. Why don’t you understand that? You said:

Message to all Council members,

Lenny Siegel has been soundly defeated. The community spoke and yet he is organizing an attack against all council members right now by the Siegel-Lopez organizers to get in your face and tell you a sob story, among others.

Do not listen the the few load people.”

Simply put the City Code of Conduct REQUIRES thje CITY COUNCIL to advocate for the CITIZENS of MOUNTAIN VIEW. You simply don’t seem to understand that. You said:

“You have no right right to deny any property owner from selling their property when it is to old and to expensive to keep running.”


“There is no such thing as a "Community Asset" “


“Community assets means that the community pays for it, like parks, schools, library, etc. NOT PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS WHO RUN A PRIVATE BUSINESS.”


Posted by @BM
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 16, 2018 at 8:35 pm

Excuse me, I am reading your post while having a Bowel Movement. Wash your hands after reading this.

My BM has more sense than you DOO.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 16, 2018 at 9:15 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to @BM you said:

“Excuse me, I am reading your post while having a Bowel Movement. Wash your hands after reading this.

My BM has more sense than you DOO.”


Of course, it does significantly lower the selling prices. But that is happening all over California as we speak. Just read this article from CNBC (Web Link Cramer says the housing sector is a disaster and I quote:

“The U.S. housing sector is falling apart, and the Federal Reserve is all but ignoring the damage as it prepares for what many expect to be three rate hikes in 2019, CNBC's Jim Cramer warned Friday.

"The housing sector's a disaster," Cramer said on "Closing Bell." "We're building about half the houses we did when the country had half the people, and we still can't sell them. KB Home does a huge amount of housing in California. They can't sell them."

U.S. homebuilding fell more drastically than expected in September, according to the Commerce Department. Housing starts dropped 5.3 percent after rising slightly in August. Existing home sales also dropped the most in over two years as rising material costs crimped supply and rising mortgage rates deterred prospective buyers.

The Fed's interest rate hikes have contributed to the surge in mortgage rates, which in October jumped above 5 percent. The central bank has said it plans to hike rates in December of this year — a move Cramer supports — and three more times in 2019.”

KB Home stock peaked in January at $38.80 a share but it now trades at $18.90. WOW that is a drop of 50%. The housing index of the stock market from yahoo (Web Link shows a loss 347.20 to 258.52 ytd a loss of 88.68 or a loss of 25.5%

This article from Financial Samurai found here (Web Link It indicates that:

Things To Know Before Buying Property in 2018

1) Rents have softened from peak levels in many of the most expensive cities.Given property prices are a function of rental income multiples, a real estate buyer should be looking to buy at similar pricing discounts from peak rental periods. For example, research whatever comparable New York property you want to buy today that was sold for in March 2016 and aim to buy at a 14.8% discount to the March 2016 price because that’s how much rent prices are down.

In 2017 I experienced softening rents first hand when I tried to find replacement tenants for my SF rental house at a similar rent of $9,000 a month. After 45 days of aggressive marketing, I only got two offers, both for $7,500 (-16.7%). I even hired a rental listing agent for two weeks to find people for at least $8,000 and he failed. As a result, I sold. Pricing pressure starts at the most expensive markets and works its way down. The large supply of condos in many expensive cities has really put a damper on rents and housing prices.


“2) Mortgage rates are rising. With the surge in the 10-year bond yield to 2.85%, mortgage rates are following suit. My last mortgage refinance was in 2016 when I locked in a 5/1 Jumbo ARM at 2.5%. This same mortgage is now 3.58% based on the latest rates. In other words, if I were to take out the same mortgage today, my monthly payment goes from $3,951 to $4,535, a 14.8% increase. A 14.8% increase is significant because average income only increases by ~2% a year.

While 3.58% is still relatively low for a 5/1 ARM, everything is relative, especially since property prices in some cities have risen by double digits since 2012. If the average interest rate for the 5/1 ARM were to rise to recession levels 10 years ago, a $1,000,000 mortgage payment would go to $6,321, a whopping 60% increase.”


“3) Prices have blown past their previous peaks in many cities. While every city is different, if you look at the prices in Denver and Dallas, you’ll find that the prices are roughly 45% higher than they were in 2006-2007. This price performance is similar to San Francisco’s. Meanwhile, hot cities like Seattle and Portland are only about 20% above previous peaks.

The US median existing home price is about 12% higher than its previous peak, which is a modest rise since over 10 years have passed. As a real estate investor, your goal is to invest in markets that have both underperformed and have the potential to catch up.”


“4) Tax reform takes time to negatively impact housing prices. Conceptually, we all know that limiting state income and property tax deductions to $10,000 and limiting mortgage interest deductions on new mortgages up to $750,000 are net negatives for expensive coastal city real estate markets. Until homeowners file their 2018 taxes in 2019, however, no financial pain will be felt.

Some will argue that lower income taxes will offset these deduction limitations. Perhaps. But nobody really knows for sure until 2019 tax returns are filed and accepted. Tax reform is a headwind, not a tailwind for coastal city property price appreciation.”


“5) Inventory is slowly creeping higher while rents are flatlining. The construction boom we’ve experienced over the past several years is finally showing up in the data as a wave of new inventory hits the market.

Although inventory is still historically low, it’s important to realize the inflection point we’ve experienced in mid-2018. In just several months, the amount of inventory is back to where it was at the end of 2016. If the trend continues, we could quickly get back to an inventory glut seen pre-2012.

Here’s a more detailed inventory job of specific cities in 4Q2018. It is too late to sell in places like San Jose, Vallej0-Fairfield, Santa Rosa, Denver, Napa, Seattle, San Diego, San Francisco, and Oakland if you want the best deal as inventory is way up.”

The chart listed that San Jose has 113.1% Year over Year Listings with a Year over Year sales volume negative 16.4% and a Year over Year home appreciation of negative 5.5%. For San Francisco it is a little better where 33.0% are a Year over Year listing, the Year over Year sales volume is negative 6.9% and the Year over Year Price Appreciation was negative 1.1%”

SO the fact is that there are many landlords right now underwater. Meaning their properties are not equal to the original value they were purchased. Whose fault was that? NOT THE TENTANTS. THEY ARE FREE TO SELL THEIR ROERTY NONE THE LESS. These landlords bought properties at prices that were unrealistic, and they will simply either sell them at below their purchase price or keep them.

Posted by 94% counted - 16 vote difference
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Nov 20, 2018 at 11:32 am

The Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters ELECTION RESULTS show today (Tuesday) 94% of ballots counted county-wide) with incumbent Pat Showalter clinging to a 16-vote lead for the third City Council seat (not far behind #2 Lucas Raminez and #1 Ellen Kamei). Alison Hicks may yet win. To me, it is a toss up still. What if they TIE for third? Is there a coin toss? Don't believe one vote doesn't matter. As to incumbent Lenny Siegel, I saw no campaign. He has accomplished quite alot - agree or disagree with him on some positions. But one must present those accomplishments (and late newspaper endorsements) to voters. Looks like we had a bunch of qualified candidates from which to choose and Mountain View will be well served by the three "winners." What the newcomers should avoid is letting anyone get "dirt" on them. Don't fly to France at public expense and then try to tell the City Manager he deserves no pay raise.

Posted by Disagree
a resident of Monta Loma
on Nov 20, 2018 at 4:54 pm

What we had was a flat rejection of the direction of the city council.

The people, for the most part, voted for anybody but the incumbent.

As for Siegel, he and his activist friends are far too divisive for our city. Siegel is an angry, arrogant individual for was disrespectful to his fellow council members and dismissive to the people of our city if you did not agree with him.

One and done Lenny, good riddance.

Posted by Grumpy Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 20, 2018 at 5:42 pm

"Disagree", reality simply doesn't align with your assertion. A rejection of the direction of council, by voting in one of the incumbents and the endorsed replacement of the other incumbent, and the losing incumbent not far behind? It simply doesn't add up to what you claim it does.

For example, the only anti-RV candidate, John Inks, is more votes behind Lenny than Lenny is away from first place. That's a rejection of the grumpy minority of Voice commenters.

Posted by Disagree
a resident of Monta Loma
on Nov 20, 2018 at 5:48 pm

No Lenny, it was a rejection of you!

Inks was labeled as some kind of nut 6 months ago because of the Voice and people like you, that was his downfall.

Posted by Grumpy Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 20, 2018 at 5:57 pm

First someone called me Job, now I'm being called Lenny! You folks really can't handle reality not aligning with your Voice echo chamber, can you? People disagreeing with you and providing evidence to support it isn't some big conspiracy. Sorry, but facts don't care about your feelings.

Posted by Disagree
a resident of Monta Loma
on Nov 20, 2018 at 6:07 pm

Here is a fact for you,

Lenny Siegel Lost BIG TIME for an incumbent.

Even Inks won his re-election to his second term to the council.

Posted by Grumpy Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 20, 2018 at 6:16 pm

You're doing a great job of proving how grumpy you all are when confronted with the truth that your opinions are simply not shared outside of this comments section.

The only candidate against RVs couldn't even get close to any other candidate, while an incumbent and an incumbent's endorsed replacement are winning. I get that you don't like Lenny, but denying reality won't help you make your case.

Posted by @GM
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 20, 2018 at 8:57 pm

Get a clue, the case was over Nov. 6th.

You lost.

No amount of trying to rewrite history is going to change what happened. The truth won. Lenny lost. Move on.

Posted by Grumpy Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 20, 2018 at 9:18 pm

Weren't you the guy who called me Job? What made you say that?

Anyway, a pro-housing incumbent, a pro-housing incumbent's endorsed replacement, and a pro-housing newcomer sounds like winning to me. I'll thank Lenny for his service, and I'd have preferred that he won, but you can't always get what you want.

The big loser, clearly, is the lone anti-RV candidate, John Inks, losing in a distant sixth place. Thankfully, the people of Mountain View repudiated the angry minority of anti-RV commenters here.

If I'm rewriting history, point out a single thing in my post that's inaccurate. You won't because you can't.

Posted by @GM
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 20, 2018 at 10:14 pm

No, I never called you anything. But if I did, I would say you are a joke,
aka: LOL.

Posted by Grumpy Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 20, 2018 at 10:26 pm

I'm sorry, someone who posts only under @[person's username] accused me of being Job for some reason. It's a bit strange that, rather than addressing any content, like John Inks losing in a landslide, you just personally attacked me. You all keep proving the case that you're an angry minority of residents.

Posted by Grumpy Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 20, 2018 at 10:29 pm

Wait a second, they actually posted as "@GM". If that wasn't you, someone is posting under your username! You wouldn't be trying to pretend to have not written that, would you?

Posted by Glad Inks lost
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 21, 2018 at 6:58 am

I didn't hear anything about his RV ideas, but his pro development ideas are what made me make sure not to vote for him.

Now about those RVs. I would love to see some new regulations since the status quo is becoming horrible. I and those I talked with prior to the election didn't vote for Lenny because of his RV support. That was our main point of concern when we discussed the elections, and Lenny seemed to be the most friendly to having them camped on our streets. I'm not surprised he was voted out.

Posted by Grump Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 21, 2018 at 8:19 am

Your ignorance of the fact that John Inks was the anti-RV candidate doesn't change reality.

Posted by Glad Inks lost
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 21, 2018 at 10:27 am

"Your ignorance of the fact that John Inks was the anti-RV candidate doesn't change reality."

Nor does your ignoring that he was THE developer's candidate. I still wouldn't have voted for him even if I did know he had a solid plan for RVs(?). It's his pro development history and ideology that really turned me of.

Ellen came by my house and spoke to me directly about her stance on the RV plague so she got my vote. She's in favor of more regulations, which tagged her as also anti-RV in my book.

I think the outcome was good. RV friendly Lenny and Developer friendly Inks lost. Now it's time for the winners to get to work. Lots of work to do in this town.

Posted by Hey
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Nov 21, 2018 at 1:44 pm

@Grumpy To reply to the post you just locked up:
"Its not anymore silly than..."

Yes, what you are doing here is quite a bit more silly than that. Take a break from it for your own mental health. I'll not tweak your nose anymore about it, but's a bit pathetic what you're doing and it's time to rest it for a bit.
Last word is yours. I hope it feeds you with whatever it is you need here.

Posted by Grumpy Minority
a resident of Castro City
on Nov 21, 2018 at 2:30 pm

A content-free post is always the last stage when I've posted inconvenient facts. I truly hope you can grapple with reality as-it-is one day, not just what makes you feel good. God bless.

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