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Hundreds attend vigil for Christine Blasey Ford

Original post made on Sep 24, 2018

Four corners of a major Palo Alto intersection were filled with people in support of university professor Christine Blasey Ford, whose sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh have thrown his confirmation into turmoil.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Monday, September 24, 2018, 10:00 AM

Comments (35)

Posted by Mari
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 24, 2018 at 3:40 pm

Shame on you! Obviously you have not much else to do! How do you dare to declare this lady is saying the truth and the accused is guilty? Should we not hear both testimonies before we side with anybody? This only reflects the mindless, liberal, and careless attitude of people in our own neighborhood. Shame on you! Go home, do some work, pray perhaps, reflect, and act responsibly!

Posted by zap
a resident of another community
on Sep 24, 2018 at 3:55 pm

Same people who screech about "democracy" and "justice" are often the same ones who would have it that the loudest people win

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 24, 2018 at 3:58 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to Mari you said:

“Shame on you! Obviously you have not much else to do!”

WRONG, we have a first amendment right to demonstrate any issue. You said:

“How do you dare to declare this lady is saying the truth and the accused is guilty? Should we not hear both testimonies before we side with anybody?”


“This only reflects the mindless, liberal, and careless attitude of people in our own neighborhood. Shame on you! Go home, do some work, pray perhaps, reflect, and act responsibly!”

Only a personal attack to demean anyone that doesn’t agree with you.

Posted by Catty
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 24, 2018 at 4:36 pm

More power to you Christine Blasey Ford. Your community supports you, let it be known!

Posted by mike rose
a resident of another community
on Sep 24, 2018 at 5:43 pm

mike rose is a registered user.

Christine Blasley Ford, people's princess, we, the masses, adore you.

Posted by let'sgetreal
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 24, 2018 at 6:24 pm

Hey Mari - Christine took a lie detector test, and PASSED. I'd respect Kavanaugh if he would do the same. But, he hasn't. Surprised? NO. What about his thousands of dollars in debt that just magically disappeared? Too many unanswered questions. Good ol' boys club, for sure. @businessman LOVE.

Posted by Real Me Too
a resident of Shoreline West
on Sep 24, 2018 at 9:25 pm

@lets getreal- lie detector tests are not reliable- they're inadmissible in court for a reason. The fact is that there is NOTHING to substantiate her claim and according to all the women that have worked with him he shows women the utmost respect. So for y'all to rally around her singing her praises is just wrong. A man's life (and his family's) is at stake here and that shouldn't be taken lightly. The fact is that until proven guilty, he's innocent and he will never be proven guilty because the other people at the party all deny it happened. However the liberal "lets stomp on anything Trump group" feels the end justifies the means. It's very sad how they stand on their soap boxes pounding their chests yet care only for their own cause.

In a court of law he would of course be acquitted but there's no rule of law anymore, just mob mentality. These kinds of accusations demean the Me Too movement where actual sexual assaults took place and were corroborated by numerous women. It's pretty scary that all a woman needs to do now to derail a man's career is to accuse him of sexual assault regardless of whether it's true.

Posted by another MV resident
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 24, 2018 at 10:01 pm

another MV resident is a registered user.

Both the accused and accuser both deserve a fair and safe process to present their sides without prejudgement, and one can only hope Washington will do that. Meanwhile, Dr. Ford is a long time resident of our community, and it's a sign of a strong community to support a neighbor in crisis. Let DC handle the hearings, meanwhile, let us show that we can have different political views with their neighbors and still care for them, and wish for them to be safe.

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 26, 2018 at 8:36 am

Gary is a registered user.

There is a true saying that excessive ALCOHOL BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE. But the worst must have already been in there. Kavanaugh and his buddy Mark Judge reportedly became belligerent and aggressive when drunk. Why? What were (and are) the underlying psychological problems? Did Kavanaugh ever seek or receive mental health counseling or therapy?

Posted by Yesteryear
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 26, 2018 at 2:10 pm

Aren't we talking about whether Kavanaugh is fit to be judge now? Has he exhibited mental health issues while on the bench? Is he a drunk? Does he exhibit aggressive and belligerent behavior toward women now? This witch hunt on his 17 year-old self has gotten ridiculous. Lots of people do things in high school before they grow up and become adults and there isn't even any proof that he did any of that stuff back then. The persecution of high schoolers from the 80s should really stop.

Posted by @Yesteryear
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 26, 2018 at 4:54 pm

" Lots of people do things in high school before they grow up and become adults and there isn't even any proof that he did any of that stuff back then. "

Right -- because raping a girl is just rite of passage for every teenage boy. Of course.

It's amazing how the -45 cult is will willing to forgive anything -- and I mean ANYTHING -- if it's one of their own being accused...

Posted by Ellen
a resident of Shoreline West
on Sep 26, 2018 at 6:01 pm

So, you believe he did these things, but we should let it go because it's old news? Silly highschool boys? We all did it? Fine, I disagree but you are entitled to think that way. However, if he is lying this week then he is simply unfit. Any anyone still denying he is lying is not paying enough attention. All those yearbook comments about kegs of beer were totally ok with the Virgin Yale-boy who never drank to excess, or drank underage,or misbehaved towards women. He's lying, or he is unfit. But probably both.

Posted by Yesteryear
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 26, 2018 at 7:59 pm

@ @ yesteryear - PLEASE- jumping on a bed with a girl and "maybe" some groping over her clothes is hardly rape nor attempted rape so let's not exaggerate what happened IF it happened at all. I don't know how old you are but I'm not part of the "-45 cult" - I'm responsible older woman who did lots of drinking in high school as did all my friends and by the time I graduated from college I'd outgrown that phase. Doesn't mean I'm not fit for a job today. And Kavanaugh is hardly "one of my own".

@ Ellen - I don't know what he did or didn't do because nobody has corroborated her story including the others that were supposedly there- they say that party never happened. But if you're going to discard every man and woman who drank and attended keg parties in high school or college then your list of candidates will be very slim pickins. Also, while you're perusing Kavanaugh's yearbooks you should also check out Ford's because the girls at her high school were all doing the very same things - wild, raucous parties. It's sad that it's the case but teenagers party heavily and they engage in sexual behavior at ever younger ages. I don't think that youthful behavior is necessarily indicative of adult behavior. There are some excessive partyers that grow up to be alcoholics but most don't. We haven't heard any stories about him being an irresponsible adult.

Posted by Ellen
a resident of Shoreline West
on Sep 26, 2018 at 9:13 pm

@yesteryear, please don't misunderstand. "45 cult" is, I'm pretty sure, a political reference, and nothing to do with age.

Yes, she said, he said, maybe we don't know for sure. But the dirty rotten accusers are requesting to me sworn in to testify under oath. At least one of the key witnesses denying it is hiding in Delaware so he can't. And none besides Kavanaugh himself is willing to testify on his behalf under oath so far. It sure seems like someone, maybe Congressional Republicans, are obstructing or worse.

But he has testimony before Congress, and his fox interview, claiming he's never done any of it. Your points about the time that has past may be a perfectly reasonable answer. But that is not his answer. He is denying it. And I believe he is lying. For sure about his receiving and forwarding stolen emails. And probably about the drinking too, we both think that happened, right?

This is not a criminal court, or even just a regular job interview. He might be just a fine competent, even wonderful guy. But he is lying and that makes him unfit for the supreme Court.

Posted by @Yesteryear
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 26, 2018 at 9:13 pm

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Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 27, 2018 at 2:30 pm

Gary is a registered user.

Kavanaugh was asked how much beer is too much. He still drinks beer. He could not answer the question. He told the questioner to look up charts on blood-alcohol levels. His high school buddy Mark Judge was and remains an alcoholic. Kavanaugh became belligerent - just as he probably becomes when he drinks excessively. We are seeing a self-serving entitled politician who for 12 years has been hiding beneath a black robe.

Posted by Proof
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 27, 2018 at 2:38 pm

@gary if so, then why so many people, SO MANY co-workers, speaking to his professionalism and his complete and total above-board behavior for the last 36 years??????

Posted by @Proof
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 27, 2018 at 5:04 pm

[Post removed due to disrespectful comment or offensive language]

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 27, 2018 at 11:22 pm

Gary is a registered user.

How many universities and associates and comic fans praised Bill Cosby for decades as he drugged and raped women?

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 28, 2018 at 7:35 am

Gary is a registered user.

So this morning in Washington DC, the Republicans are about to cast their 11 votes to move the nomination of (former) Republican political hack Brett Kavanaugh out of the Senate Judiciary Committee. So much for imagining that retiring Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona might prove to be more than his last name warns. It would next take 2 other Republicans to not vote for Kavanaugh to the floor of the 100-member United States Senate to delay or halt Kavanaugh's elevation to the Supreme Court where, to borrow a Kavanaugh line from his public tantrum yesterday, "what goes around, comes around." Kavanaugh promises to be as good (or bad) a Supreme Court Justice as Donald Trump is a President. And while the Russians helped put Trump on office, the American people - most of whom do not even vote - are ultimately to blame. We get what we allow.

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 28, 2018 at 8:03 pm

Gary is a registered user.

So Senator Jeff Flake did a little something to save his party. He agreed that Kavanaugh would graduate from the committee level provided that the FBI provide some limited (7-day) further background on Kavanaugh - looking into the new allegations. It was not clear whether the new allegations included all mentioned in Thursday's hearing or just the claim of Dr. Ford. A short investigation may turn up some helpful information in evaluating the accusations but no one is required to talk to the FBI. Figure Kavanaugh's high school drinking buddy (Mark Judge) will decline to be interviewed. In Maryland, he could still be prosecuted for sex crimes 36 years ago and he submitted a probably false statement "under penalty" of a federal felony (5-year max).

Posted by @Gary
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 29, 2018 at 12:08 pm

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Posted by @@Gary
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 29, 2018 at 2:05 pm

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Posted by @@@@@Gary
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 29, 2018 at 5:38 pm

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Posted by @@@@@@Gary
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 29, 2018 at 8:55 pm

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Posted by @@Gary
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 29, 2018 at 9:39 pm

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Posted by Proof
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 30, 2018 at 8:49 am

Working for me. Can't believe I'm falling for this but here you you seriously think you're being witty with the "chuckles" comment? Do you really think anyone takes your comments seriously? You make no contribution, actually you make negative contributions.

To the other poster (Can't remember how many @'s lol) you bring up very salient posts. I am truly 50/50 on this situation but in all honesty, there are only two people who can state with certainty the truth. Kavanaigh and Ford. And unless and until Ford can provide proof then the allegations are unsubstantiated and should not be allowed to have any weight on the decision. We CANNOT allow this frenzy of "guilty until proven innocent" to "win".

I am sorry for Ford. She has been used as a pawn in this shameful politically motivated circus. I do think she believes what she's put forth but I also think she's confusing Kavanaigh with someone else. Until proof has been found I HAVE to believe him. There's just too many conflicting elements to this story to automatically give hers the majority of truth.

It will be interesting to see how this unfolds and I hope with all my heart that some strong evidence comes out for either side so that we can all agree to the outcome. But I know that's unlikely to happen, there's just too many what ifs, it's been too long, there's little to no chance of finding forensics evidence, facts that can be backed up. It's just an awful situation all around.

Posted by You Have No Proof
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 30, 2018 at 9:35 am

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Posted by Proof
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 30, 2018 at 10:22 am

I appreciate your insight and realize I misspoke. As the accuser she is the one who has to provide proof. Rather than saying I have to believe him, I should have said we have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I truly do not know who is in the right here. I am constantly flip-flopping from one side to the other. But again, without proof how can we legitimately accuse him? What if he really IS telling he truth? We’re going to damn a person based on uncorroborated accusations? I just can’t get my head
around this being the right thing. If frightens me that so many people are so confident without having PROOF.

Posted by You Have No Proof
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 30, 2018 at 10:31 am

Let's get something straight: Kavanaugh deserves NO benefit of the doubt. NONE. Not because of these specific allegations alone -- but also because of the fact that he has shown that he has a complete inability to tell the truth about his actions prior to being appointed to the bench in 2006. He will not come clean on his role in the Ken Starr investigation, nor will he come clean on his role in the George W. Bush administration as regards to his role in the infamous "torture memo."

Add to that a clear case of not being able to control his temper when confronted with an accusation regarding his character, and the case is clear: Kavanaugh does NOT deserve to be seated on the Supreme Court. PERIOD.

And to smear Dr. Ford in the defense of Kavanaugh is despicable.

Posted by @You have No Proof
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 30, 2018 at 1:03 pm

Can I put you down as a maybe on Mr. Kavanough?

Seriously, no one is smearing Ms. Ford.

We are discussing her allegations, and with that comes her statements that she has made under oath at the hearing last Thursday.

1- She can not remember when she took the polygraph, her words.

2- She does not know who paid for it, her words.

3- She does not remember if she showed her therapists notes to the Washington Post report 7 weeks, her words. She has refused to turn them over the the senate committee.

4- She said her memory of Mr. Kavanough came back to her in 2012 when they remodeled their home and she wanted 2 fronts doors to get away from a rapist, her words. The Palo Alto building depart shows records that that remodel happened in 2008, not 2012.

For anybody to say you can not bring up her own words as that is just "alt right websites talk" or "smearing her", if you do not believe her own words as she stated above at the hearing under penalty of perjury, then you can not believe her either with her allegations of attempted rape. How can she be correct as to something that happened 35 years ago when she has clearly demonstrated that she can not remember what she did 2 weeks ago, or 7 weeks ago, or 6 or 10 years ago.

It goes to credibility.

Ms.Ford gave 4 names who she said was at that party that night that she is alleging when she was attacked. Ms.Kaiser, a female and life long friend of Ms. Ford, was one of the 4 names. Ms. Kaiser has submitted a letter under penalty of perjury that she does not know what Ms. Ford is talking about. What possible motif does Ms. Kaiser has in not telling the truth for her friend, Ms. Ford?

Asking these questions is not smearing Ms.Ford or alt right wing comments, any open minded person can plainly see that.

Posted by LOL
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 30, 2018 at 1:51 pm

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Posted by @LOL
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 30, 2018 at 2:18 pm

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Posted by Jeff
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 30, 2018 at 5:40 pm

When you have people like Gary and LOL and others who make fun of other people for no legitimate reason other than to silence people for asking any questions, that makes me feel that this is nothing but a political scam. Who made them the thought police? I have gone back and forth on this issue, unless new evidence comes out, I no longer believe Ford.

Posted by @Jeff
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 30, 2018 at 6:13 pm

[Post removed due to disrespectful comment or offensive language]

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