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Community to Kavanaugh accuser: 'We are here, and we have your back'

Original post made on Sep 20, 2018

Local residents, friends and strangers have rallied around Christine Blasey Ford, who has publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her while they were teenagers.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Thursday, September 20, 2018, 11:01 AM

Comments (42)

Posted by Anonymous
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 20, 2018 at 1:17 pm

"Community to Kavanaugh accuser: 'We are here, and we have your back'" this should read: "Community to Christine Blasey Ford: 'We are here, and we have your back'"

In the words of Anita Hill: Dr. Blasey is not simply “Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser.” Dr. Blasey is a human being with a life of her own. She deserves the respect of being addressed and treated as a whole person.

Posted by psr
a resident of The Crossings
on Sep 20, 2018 at 3:10 pm

psr is a registered user.

Very obvious that this is yet another stunt by Democrats to attempt to derail the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh because they are still angry about losing the last election. The judge is eminently qualified for the position (don't trust me. Justices Kagan and Ginsberg both speak with admiration of Kavanaugh). This eleventh-hour accusation is a disgusting attempt to smear the reputation of a person who has nothing else in his history to corroborate such an allegation. If her letter was available earlier in the process, then it should have been reviewed by the committee.

Prof. Ford should testify, but not according to her demands. She should testify, just as Anita Hill did, before the committee. She has been given the option to speak in an open or closed forum and she should make a decision and do just that. The committee can go forward from there. She absolutely should be heard since she has made an allegation. However, Judge Kavanaugh has the right to face his accuser and defend himself as well. He also has the right to be presumed innocent until he is proven guilty, just as any other person has that right.

If history is any indicator, Kavanaugh will be an exemplary justice. Justice Thomas also had his reputation dragged through the mud in a similar attempt to prevent his appointment and he has gone on to be a stellar member of the court. It didn't work then and is shouldn't be allowed to work now.

Posted by hsnpoor
a resident of another community
on Sep 20, 2018 at 5:42 pm

hsnpoor is a registered user.

@anonymous -- just like the jury is still out as regards Brett Kavanaugh, so it is with Ms. Ford. At this moment in time, Ms. Ford's claim to fame is a public statement defaming the character of a man named Brett Kavanaugh, at a point and time & under circumstances that are suspicious. Beyond being an accuser of Mr. Kavanaugh, it is yet to be determined just exactly who and what Ms. Ford is or is not. Had her accusation been made under less auspicious & timely circumstances, I would be the first to give her the benefit of the doubt. But, as it is, I'm thinking not so much. Respect is earned, not deserved. I think the paper got it right.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 20, 2018 at 7:27 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

I have a simple observation:

I suspect there WAS a complaint filed against Kavanaugh regarding the sexual assault.

I also suspect that the FBI didn't uncover it because it was "SEALED" due to his wealthy family connections.

THe reason why the Senate refuses to have it investigated is that they already approved him to be a judge. THe fact that his background was botched allowed the Senate to endorse him. Without his disclosing that part of his history. That is not allowed regarding, the fact he did not disclose can in effect disqualify him as being a judge in any court.

The Senate is terrified that their actions can be reversed due to this situation.

Everyone is trying to distract from uncovering a potential complaint that was hidden by his family and the school he was attending.


Posted by psr
a resident of The Crossings
on Sep 20, 2018 at 8:30 pm

psr is a registered user.

The FBI has investigated Kavanaugh 5 times prior to the standard background check done for all SCOTUS candidates. They would have found something if there had been something to find. Or are your contending that the FBI, under several different administrations, botched their investigations 5 different times? That doesn't say much for your opinion of their investigative abilities.

As for Prof. Ford, my understanding is that she has stated that she didn't tell anyone about the incident, so I don't know how she could have reported the incident if she never told anyone about it. Also, the person she claims was an eyewitness to the incident has stated that no such event ever occurred. Despite that, the Senate has repeatedly offered to have her testify before them. That doesn't sound like fear to me.

Prof. Ford has been the one resisting the call for her to state her case by asking for conditions that cannot be met. This case is not the sort of case the FBI investigates. This case is the type investigated by local authorities and I doubt that they would be willing to open an investigation on a case several decades after it purportedly happened. As well as the length of time that has passed, the complainant is fuzzy about any details, including what year the incident supposedly happened. Assuming an incident such as the one she describes did occur, why should we conclude that she correctly remembers the person who did it when she apparently remembers nothing else?

Accusers are not automatically innocent and the accused is not automatically guilty. The committee should be allowed to hear both sides of this from the people involved and decide. At this late date and under the circumstances, this accusation looks far from credible.

Posted by hsnpoor
a resident of another community
on Sep 20, 2018 at 10:14 pm

hsnpoor is a registered user.

Some folks, who shall remain unnamed, seem to have very fertile and active imaginations. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they don't expect intelligent people to mistake their imaginings for fact.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 20, 2018 at 10:26 pm

Howard is a registered user.

"Ford's lawyers have demanded that the FBI first conduct an investigation."
Is this the same FBI that we found out about that lied about the Russian dossier?
Are these the same FBI guys that got fired for lying?
Really, let these guys with their proven political agenda get involved?

I think Ford needs to testify to the Senate Committee about all the details of her alleged assault in front of Mr.Kavanuagh and then he responds to her accusations. Oh I forgot, this isn't supposed to be fair.

Posted by anonymous woman
a resident of another community
on Sep 20, 2018 at 11:04 pm

anonymous woman is a registered user.

I can completely believe this is true. From personal experience, when something like this happens, you remember the details but not the type of details that help in an investigation. For example, I remember the time on the clock, and the smell in the cab later, but not the address. Given the environment back then, and her age it's perfectly believable that she never told anyone for years. A 15 y.o. in that scenario would be afraid of getting into more trouble on top of the assault. Years later, she did talk about it and him by name and there are people who can testify about it as well as the records from her doctors.

I won't be answering any questions here about my experience, but if I saw the man today, I might risk going to the police. Decades ago I did not have the strength. I've regretted not reporting it ever since.

Since she reported the atack (before the nomination) anonymously, as I certainly would expect her to, she has (as any cynical person would predict) received death threats, had her private information released publically, and had her experience belittled, her intentions questioned, and now faces a public interrogation by hostile senators, and will never be able to return to life without this being something she'll be judged by forever. Honestly, this situation involves much higher stakes than I'm ever likely to have to weigh.

I could have predicted the response to her reporting this. I could not have predicted how bad watching it would make me feel.

I'd also like to address some details in the previous comments. While I agree wholeheartedly that she deserves to be respected and not referred to as K's accuser, in press it's more appropriate that this be called the kavanaugh hearing. I suspect that anita hill wishes we would have left her name out as well. Her report is corroborated by doctors notes, and at least a few other people. The timing is the result of external forces, she came forward a while ago, before Kavanaugh was nominated. The eyewitness who claimed it never happened is self-described as a blackout drunk during that period. His credibility should be not given too much authority without examination. A letter from his lawyer is insufficient and he should testify, or admit publically that he is not a reliable witness. Congress has invited her to testify, but has only done so once so far, next Monday. It may feel like she's been invited numerous times, but unless she's been invited again while I've been typing, that is one invitation. This has not ever been investigated, as she had not come forward before his previous background checks. And he arguably does not have an unblemished record. He received emails about stolen information and forwarded those emails with the same info on to others. Then he appears to have lied about it. The lie would disqualify him from even his current job. The receipt and dissemination of the email without realizing it should disqualify him from a lot of jobs, including judge, lawyer, reporter, and even witness.

My main point though for writing this post is to remind some posters that their words hurt their neighbors and friends, too. This is not just a news story. To many people, this is exactly what we will expect if we ever come forward. And by criticizing, and threatening her after reporting it, you're also reenforcing this expectation for so many others. More people will be hurt by this type of attack and everytime a victim is treated this way the chance to punish or correct the offender is reduced.
Please keep that in mind before you post and make it so much harder for the latest young girl/boy to report an assault.

Thanks for your attention.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 21, 2018 at 9:33 am

Howard is a registered user.

Anonymous Woman,

I can understand your feelings.

As a wealthy white male in our society, my rights have been violated by a court system that made me guilty before innocent. I ended up losing my children through this system because of an angry ex spouse claiming abuse. I haven't seen my children in years now, all 3 boys because of these false allegations that were later found to be false after 18 months of court because the relationship was destroyed and these children were to young to understand the truth.

It goes both ways.

Posted by Frank Richards
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 21, 2018 at 9:52 am

Frank Richards is a registered user.

Howard, your seeing yourself as victimized by family court really is perfectly within character for you. Do you actually reread any of your posts here?

Posted by Cordelia
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 21, 2018 at 10:24 am

Cordelia is a registered user.


I'm sorry to hear that you lost the love of your family. That sounds devastating and may have caused permanent damage for everyone involved.

I think you are right that it cuts both ways. Society enforces gender roles and stereotypes. As a man, your role is to be the dominator and possibly abuser. As a woman, her role was to be dominated and possibly the victim.

Men can be caring, kind, and vulnerable. Women can be strong, capable, and admired. Gender roles dehumanize us all when they limit our potential.

We will not enjoy the full benefits of feminism until both men and women are free of society's gender roles.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 21, 2018 at 11:05 am

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to Howard you said:

“As a wealthy white male in our society, my rights have been violated by a court system that made me guilty before innocent. I ended up losing my children through this system because of an angry ex spouse claiming abuse. I haven't seen my children in years now, all 3 boys because of these false allegations that were later found to be false after 18 months of court because the relationship was destroyed and these children were to young to understand the truth.”

Simply put, we have YOUR word for this? We cannot trust you unless you provide some evidence to prove your claims.

Your approach in life appears to be if the courts or public policy makes rules for you to follow, they MUST be unfair or biased against you.

On the topic, Ford was probably terrified too much to file a complaint because the family of Brett was so powerful that if she did, she probably would have been killed. Just look at the fact that the FBI now is investigating death threats against her. Imagine yourself being 15 years old and being told by Brett, if you say anything I can arrange you and your family to be either financial, or physical injury or worse. Even after 30 years, his advocates are poised to punish her for simply disclosing this event, let alone possibly ruining Brett’s legal career if there is evidence that can support her claim.

That is why the Senate and th3e President refuses to even do what was done during Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. A REPUBLICAN President REQUIRED AN INVESTIGATION BY THE FBI in the Clarence Thomas matter, THE CURRENT SITUATION IS NO DIFFERENT IF NOT MORE PRUDENT GIVEN THE VIOLANCE OF THIS EVENT.

Simply put “AFFLUENZA” in the purist form.

Howard particularly has the opinion that wealth entitles you privilege and higher benefits in our society. Our constitution denies that due to equal protection of the laws. It doesn’t matter whether your rich or poor, you are entitled to protection and justice under the law.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 21, 2018 at 12:34 pm

Howard is a registered user.


You obviously don't get the message that people should be considered innocent before guilty. People get damaged by false allegations all the time and there is no way to mitigate the damage caused by it later.

There are processes for finding the truth beyond a reasonable doubt and until that has happened, people are innocent.

There should also be a penalty for making false accusations but there never is. Maybe if there was it would stop all the false accusations and the truth would be more apparent.

Frank Richards, I don't even get your posting.???. something about victimization?
Maybe you should read the article and the postings here before you start criticising posters.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 21, 2018 at 12:37 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.




You are simply off base here. I have only stated an INVESTIGATION be performed.

IF that results in damaging evidence, SO BE IT.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 21, 2018 at 5:07 pm

Howard is a registered user.

"A deadline for Ford's legal team to respond to Senate Republicans' proposal for the hearing has been extended from 5 p.m. ET Friday to 10 p.m., Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said in a statement. If Ford's lawyers do not respond to the proposal or Ford decides not to testify by the deadline, Grassley said, the committee will vote on Kavanaugh's nomination Monday."

Something is wrong with Dr. Ford and her accusations if she doesn't agree to this.
She has made serious accusations against a man that is going to be put in one of the most powerful positions of our Country that will have serious consequences for our Country for decades.

Posted by hsnpoor
a resident of another community
on Sep 21, 2018 at 7:08 pm

hsnpoor is a registered user.

Anonymous woman, I'm sorry that what happened to you happened. It sounds horrific and life changing. But, I have to admit that I find it surprising that your experience is what makes you accepting of Ms. Ford's accusations. If I'm reading between the lines correctly, you were actually raped, not groped by a pimply adolescent boy. The two encounters don't seem to me to share the same weight and as such, her encounter would seem to diminish the gravity of yours. Perhaps I'm being too mental, but I just can't get past the 36-year, political timing of this accusation to find any sympathy or support for Ms. Ford's accusation, especially without any evidentiary support except the words of her mouth. It disturbs me greatly that anyone can just say something derogatory or negative about another and our societal reaction is to simply accept it as true and act accordingly. That is not just foolish, it's dangerous. Brett Kavanaugh is not Harvey Weinstein, or any of the other men who have been tarred & feathered by the #metoo movement. The difference lies in the fact that Kavanaugh WAS a 17-year old, pimply face kid. He didn't have any power or authority to determine the trajectory of Ms. Ford's life or career, as did the #metoo villains. And, it would appear that she did just fine in finding a good life, after all was said and done; or, at least so say her supporters. Your conclusion as to why you wrote what you wrote cuts both ways. I think you should allow that possibility some room to breath in your assessment of what is happening here. I think we all should, instead of becoming so entrenched and invested in our "positions", which we all have to admit have no true legs to stand on, if we think about it. If we think we know the truth of the situation, especially beyond a shadow of doubt, we're absolutely delusional.

Posted by Frank Richards
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 21, 2018 at 8:36 pm

Frank Richards is a registered user.

hsnpoor, are you really going to go with saying that it was only ATTEMPTED rape? "Do they give out Nobel prizes for ATTEMPTED chemistry?"

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 21, 2018 at 9:41 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

Again all I demand is that there be an investigation, what the results are will be what they are.

But here is another related issue:

NBC news has discovered this information (Web Link

“The dean of Yale Law School on Thursday responded to reports that a prominent professor at the school had advised students seeking judicial clerkships with Brett Kavanaugh on their physical looks, saying the reported allegations of faculty misconduct are "of enormous concern" and calling on anyone affected to come forward.

According to reports in The Guardian, the Huffington Post and Above the Law, Amy Chua, a professor at the law school, would advise students on their physical appearance if they wanted to seek a clerkship for Kavanaugh. Specifically, Chua would help potential applicants to have a "model-like" appearance.

In a letter Thursday to the law school community, Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken wrote that she wanted to "address the press reports today regarding allegations of faculty misconduct" and that "the allegations being reported are of enormous concern to me and to the School."

A spokeswoman for Yale Law School confirmed to NBC News that the letter was written in response to the news stories published Wednesday and Thursday.

"While we cannot comment on individual complaints or investigations, the Law School and the University thoroughly investigate all complaints regarding violations of University rules and take no options off the table," Gerken wrote.

"I strongly encourage any members of our community who have been affected by misconduct to take advantage of Yale University's resources for reporting incidents and receiving support," the letter continued. "The Law School has a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which all of our students can live and learn in a community of mutual respect, free of harassment of any kind."

Yale has not specified what the misconduct might be.

Kavanaugh, currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, is President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court.

According to reports, Jed Rubenfeld, who is also a professor at Law School and Chua's husband, also once told a student seeking a clerkship that Kavanaugh "hires women with a certain look."

"He did not say what the look was and I did not ask," the student said, according to The Guardian.”

One claimed that if his actions were only once, then you might be able to discount his poor judgement of misconduct. But there appears to be a history of abusing his position to selectively treat others simply based on appearance and not necessarily merit. Granted it is legal, but it is simply poor criteria for choosing because one may be attractive, but commit a significant legal error because their skills were not equal to those who are not as attractive. That bias can result in serious negative legal consequences, and may have actually happed but has not be reviewed because all of his documented history is not provided.

Should the U.S. Supreme Court have someone like this making the ultimate decisions regarding laws in the U.S.? Can we find someone with better qualifications at this time? If you say yeas to either, than there should be more time and effort taken to put the best person in that position.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 21, 2018 at 11:43 pm

Howard is a registered user.

Kavanaugh has been investigated 5 different times by the FBI. He has earned every position he has had. He has many people to vouch for his integrity that have worked with him for decades. He has ex girlfriends that talk highly of him as being a true gentleman. You will never find a more qualified person to fill the position of a Supreme Court Justice according to his history and expertise.

Maybe you mean you want a liberal Judge?

Posted by anonymous woman
a resident of another community
on Sep 22, 2018 at 1:18 am

anonymous woman is a registered user.

He received and forwarded emails with "spying" in the message. He lied about it.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 22, 2018 at 8:22 am

The Business Man is a registered user.


In our society, when those with political connections are "background checked" there are methods used to prevent problematic history from being disclosed.

The FBI investigations made in the past are sealed, the public cannot see whether the work was done correctly.

The records of the FBI must be made public in order for you to claim that the FBI did NOT cover up any misconduct in his past.

I have not found any public disclosure of the methods or the results of the background check performed by the FBI.

Your claim cannot be supported without it.

You are simply opposed to requiring that information from being disclosed. If there are significant flaws in all of those "background" checks, than that would demonstrate that he got away with non-disclosure to the senate, which would put his judicial qualifications into question.

Posted by Frank Richards
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 22, 2018 at 8:51 am

Frank Richards is a registered user.

Howard, which qualifications make it so "you will never find a more qualified person to fill the position of a Supreme Court Justice?"

What does some ex-girlfriends saying he was a nice guy have to dowl with his allegedly attempting to rapena woman in high school? Would your claim be that, even if her allegations are true, by the numbers there are billions of women he never attempted to rape?

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 22, 2018 at 9:26 am

Howard is a registered user.

Kavanaugh has been investigated by the FBI 5-6 times before. You think 1 more time is going to yield a treasure trove of skeletons in his closet?

The so called witness, Dr. Ford claims she was somehow assaulted but has no recollection of the day or the year or even where this even occurred? She claims that she kept it a secret and told no one?

Now she has been offered since Monday, to come to the senate committee and offer her testimony, in private or public, whichever is her choice, for consideration and she starts demanding weird things like Kavanaugh must testify first to an allegation like this that no one knows where or when it happened 38 years ago?

What does he say, "I don't think I did anything inappropriate 38 years ago"??

How does the FBI conduct an investigation into a allegation like this from 38 years ago. Simple.. You have her word for it and you have his word for closed.

The DNC has probed every little aspect of this man's life, 10 times that of the FBI in an effort to find anything. I'm sure they have spent millions to do so and even crawled through dumpsters to see what he ate for lunch. They have come up with zilch, Nada!!

If this man was dirty, you'd have a truck load of substantiated and corroborated evidence after all the investigations that have occurred in the past months regarding Judge Kavanaugh!

Give it up, confirm him and lets move on to get more of Trump's great accomplishments done! We need the wall!!!!

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 22, 2018 at 10:00 am

Gary is a registered user.

Judge Kavanaugh was a Republican political hack working in the George Bush junior White House. Papers from his tenure there are being hidden. Counting pages released against pages hidden is not measure of transparency. Just the opposite. Pages with alarming entries simply are withheld. I caught some of the nominee's testimony. At one point, he kept refusing to answer a question about his involvement with torture - insisting that the questioner reveal what he knew first. Lots of powerful men have harassed or attacked women and girls - not to mention boys. They are seldom "outed." Trump is one. His nominee may be another. The 11 Republican Senators on the Judiciary Committee apparently do not want to know any more about Kavanaugh or the matter of what he did or started doing in a private high school. The hope of getting some answers about WHO KAVANAUGH REALLY IS depends mostly on a FLAKE: Retiring Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona. If Kavanaugh's nomination gets out of the committee, there are a couple of women Republican Senators that could still turn on him. But the next question after the hearing this coming week (if it happens) will be: SHOULD SENATORS SERIOUSLY DOUBT KAVANAUGH'S DENIAL OF THIS ALLEGED ATTACK? If Kavanaugh is lying about this, he is a liar - not fit to be a judge at any level.

Posted by Frank Richards
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 22, 2018 at 10:03 am

Frank Richards is a registered user.

That doesn't add up, Howard. His accuser has therapist notes. Kavanaugh himself has a history of excessive drinking in as well-documented by the man allegedly present during the attempted rape, Mark Judge. He himself stated during a speech, "what happens at Georgetown prep stays at Georgetown prep." His colleagues at Yale have stated that he only hires clerks with "a certain look," and his mentor, Judge Kozinski, had to resign for sexual misconduct. Most people would say that it's Kavanaugh that has the credibility problem here.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 22, 2018 at 10:53 am

Howard is a registered user.

Frank and Gary,

The DNC, FBI and Justice Department had concluded any investigations on Judge Kavanaugh, by applicable law, by the time of the hearings.

The DNC, claimed somehow they were not done but they had their chance to request any documentation through the proper channels using the senate committee which is made up with Democrat senators that would have challenged any obstruction of these documents. No one rushed them to make these requests.

Senator Booker even tried to grandstand, having his so called "Spartacus Moment", the release of documentation during the hearings. That was really funny to see they had already released those documents when this so called hero, senator Booker, thought he was "god like" only to fall on his face.

There were millions of pages released, more than any other justice confirmation and in fact more than all of them put together. The Democrats have had their chance so now it's time to obstruct this confirmation with a non provable "me too" sexual assault claim from 38 years ago with a so called victim with absolutely no recollection of the facts in the 12th hour of this confirmation.

She has been given every opportunity, above and beyond what this committee should offer a witness, to tell her story but she refuses to comply with any requests.
Whos in charge here, her or the senate committee?

This is ridiculous to see our government thwarted by a woman that has made such claims with absolutely no evidence only because it is supercharged by allegations of sexual misconduct. It was a great move by the Democrats to obstruct!

Posted by Frank Richards
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 22, 2018 at 11:03 am

Frank Richards is a registered user.

You addressed none of the content of my post, Howard. Kavanaugh has clear credibility problems as I demonstrated above, especially within the realm of sexual misconduct. Given that he's currently the most unpopular Supreme Court nominee in history, even more disliked than Bork, shows it's in everyone's best interest to give a full investigation, not rushing through on arbitrary deadlines.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 22, 2018 at 11:52 am

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to Howard you said:

“Whos in charge here, her or the senate committee?”

In fact any citizen is IN CHARGE because our republic is SELF GOVERNING. You said

“This is ridiculous to see our government thwarted by a woman that has made such claims with absolutely no evidence only because it is supercharged by allegations of sexual misconduct. It was a great move by the Democrats to obstruct!”

You refuse to acknowledge that the Republicans OBSTRUCTED for more than a year appointment to the Supreme Court during the Obama presidency. NOW you complain when the same strategy is being use in OPPOSITION to your interests. HYPOCRACY of the most clearest example.

Of course you suffer from AFFLUENZA, you expect the entire world to comply with any dictate you want. I can imagine your family went through the same treatment.

Just so you know I was in a broken family where both my Father and Mother were so unfit to be parents that I was made a ward of the state after their divorce. Unfortunately not only did I suffer abuse by my family but when I was in foster care and residential schools for my “emotional disturbance” including being raped.

I am perfectly willing to disclose the divorce, all you need to do is ask and I can give you the Case, the parties, the County and State and the year. ARE YOU WILLING TO DO THE SAME?

SO, the bottom line is that the republicans OBSTRUCTED the Obama administration from the beginning, and now complain when it is now being perpetrated on them? Such HYPOCRISY.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 22, 2018 at 11:54 am

Howard is a registered user.


So are you saying that all this time(months) that were given to investigate this appointment somehow wasn't enough? The committee that is in charge and comprised of an equal amount of Democrat senators that were appointed under our Constitution think it was?

Do the Democrats and Dr. Ford believe "we the people" should delay our constitutional rights so they can get their act together?

Your comments about therapists notes, other judges resigning for sexual misconduct, his friend, Mark judges comments, accusations of excessive drinking, clerks comments about hiring practices are nothing but a collection of 3rd party comments or allegations that should have been investigated prior to the senate hearings.
Why weren't they addressed during the hearings?

The American voters aren't stupid and I am sure this appears to be nothing but obstruction to them. There are many independents in these swing states and many Republicans that will be energized by this continuation of obstruction from a party that has no platform or message to it's constituents other than "obstruction and delay tactics".

Come November, we will see the hole the Democrat party dug for themselves by a RED WAVE through these states that are prospering under Trump's economy.
Go ahead, keep it up!

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 22, 2018 at 11:57 am

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to Howard you said:

“Whos in charge here, her or the senate committee?”

In fact any citizen is IN CHARGE because our republic is SELF GOVERNING. You said

“This is ridiculous to see our government thwarted by a woman that has made such claims with absolutely no evidence only because it is supercharged by allegations of sexual misconduct. It was a great move by the Democrats to obstruct!”

You refuse to acknowledge that the Republicans OBSTRUCTED for more than a year appointment to the Supreme Court during the Obama presidency. NOW you complain when the same strategy is being use in OPPOSITION to your interests. HYPOCRACY of the most clearest example.

Of course you suffer from AFFLUENZA, you expect the entire world to comply with any dictate you want. I can imagine your family went through the same treatment.

Just so you know I was in a broken family where both my Father and Mother were so unfit to be parents that I was made a ward of the state after their divorce. Unfortunately not only did I suffer abuse by my family but when I was in foster care and residential schools for my “emotional disturbance” including being raped.

I am perfectly willing to disclose the divorce, all you need to do is ask and I can give you the Case, the parties, the County and State and the year. ARE YOU WILLING TO DO THE SAME?

SO, the bottom line is that the republicans OBSTRUCTED the Obama administration from the beginning, and now complain when it is now being perpetrated on them? Such HYPOCRACY.

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 22, 2018 at 11:57 am

Gary is a registered user.

The majority runs the committee and the Senate - whether it is seeking or receiving or withholding documents or calling or not calling witnesses. In this case, the committee chair, Senator Chuck Ghastly of Iowa, will not even subpoena the third person in the room: Mark Judge. That Judge has claimed from afar that he remembers no such incident. But he is not under oath and cannot be questioned about his claim when he clams up. It could be that Mark Judge was so drunk or so frequently a rapist himself that this incident (if it occurred) really is nothing he remembers. But he should be interviewed by the FBI and sworn in as a witness before the committee. Howard need not worry that Trump will miss the chance to fill the Supreme Court vacancy with a Republican. Many are standing in line. But frankly Howard, if Kavanaugh is lying about this incident, he may not end up voting on the Supreme Court as you might like.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 22, 2018 at 12:21 pm

Howard is a registered user.

Well I think we will all get our wish.

It looks like Dr. Ford will testify next week by recent reports this afternoon.
I think we will see what's up and can rest easy by the decisions made after that.

Posted by Howard
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 22, 2018 at 12:34 pm

Howard is a registered user.


I think that is very brave for you to come forward with such information about yourself. I truly am sorry for what you must have endured as a child.
Unfortunately, life isn't fair and we all have something ugly to carry with us.

I have my children that were alienated from me by their Mother. Fortunately, one of the boys was old enough to see what his Mom was doing and moved in full time with me but there are 3 others that were to young to understand and I hope will find the truth in time.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 22, 2018 at 1:04 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to Howard you said:

“I think that is very brave for you to come forward with such information about yourself. I truly am sorry for what you must have endured as a child.

Unfortunately, life isn't fair and we all have something ugly to carry with us.”

So your only response is to “suck it up”. I was 12 when I was raped. You expect people to “just get over it” at that age? My life has been permanently damaged. I can’t even have an intimate relationship without flashbacks. What kind of a person are you to disregard that kind of trauma along with the broken bones and other injuries I have suffered.

As far as the process, it is simply rigged. This COMMITTEE has no objectivity regarding the matter. However, there is no solution except for maybe Fords attorney filing a complaint regarding conspiracy to deny Fords constitutional rights.

I have my children that were alienated from me by their Mother. Fortunately, one of the boys was old enough to see what his Mom was doing and moved in full time with me but there are 3 others that were to young to understand and I hope will find the truth in time.

Posted by Frank Richards
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 22, 2018 at 10:38 pm

Frank Richards is a registered user.

Thank you, The Business Man, for sharing your experience and your pain. Since he has no witty retort, Howard has clearly been chastened by it, and has realized how callous he has been acting. I hope you find peace and healing, and I'm sorry you had to feel such pain.

Posted by hsnpoor
a resident of another community
on Sep 23, 2018 at 12:54 pm

hsnpoor is a registered user.

My Lord! Maybe it’s because I just came from church, but as I read some of these comments, I’m so glad God doesn’t deal with us as harshly as we deal with each other. What I’m seeing more than anything else in this conversation is a remarkable lack of grace towards and a high propensity for judging others. It’s a shame, but not unexpected considering the downward trajectory of our society as a whole.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 23, 2018 at 1:33 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.


I remember the movie "The Devils Advocate"

My favorite line:

"God is an absentee landlord"

If God wanted us to treat each other better, maybe he could have done a better job at minimizing fear, anger, hate. My understanding is he does not do any of these things. But why did he allow us to do so?

Of course the movie also said: "Free will is a (blank)"

Posted by hsnpoor
a resident of another community
on Sep 23, 2018 at 2:44 pm

hsnpoor is a registered user.

@Business Man, if you really want an answer to that question, I suggest you take it to the Lord in prayer. But as for me & my house, I'm way past asking questions of that ilk and am exceedingly grateful that God created human beings in his own image instead of a fleet of artificially intelligent drones. We may yet live to see the day when we can literally decide which model is better, though I think I already know the answer to that question.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 23, 2018 at 3:16 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

In response to hsnpoor you said:

“@Business Man, if you really want an answer to that question, I suggest you take it to the Lord in prayer. But as for me & my house, I'm way past asking questions of that ilk and am exceedingly grateful that God created human beings in his own image instead of a fleet of artificially intelligent drones. We may yet live to see the day when we can literally decide which model is better, though I think I already know the answer to that question.”

When you undergo 3 years of abuse by the hands of your mother from ages 3 to 6 years old, have a father that neglected the abuse be well aware of it, you can understand my problems with “God”. After that having been abused by my foster family for 2 and a half years, you can understand why I have problems with “God”. Then undergoing another 6 years of physical and sexual abuse while being in a “treatment” facility perpetrated by both other children and teachers at that facility, you can understand my lack of faith in “God”. After that undergoing psychological abuse on the part of my father throughout most of my life.

On top of this I was born with respiratory distress syndrome and neurological and psychological damage due to doctors choosing to force my birth more than 1.5 months prior to maturity. I have neurological reports of significant injury to my skull along with my brain. I am never going to be able to stop taking psychiatric medication just to keep me from killing myself. Why should one like myself have any faith in “God”?

Sometimes the “Real” world cannot be ignored. “God” has done nothing but put me through “hell” even as I was a child and could not have “sinned” enough to deserve being cast down to hell.

Please explain to me what I did to deserve this kind of life?

Why should those with a history of disclosing that they do unethical things like the quote Kavanaugh said that “what happens in Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep” (Web Link


Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Sep 23, 2018 at 3:31 pm

Gary is a registered user.

Returning to the subject of the article, I just listened to a video of a CNN host reading the accuser's letter to Senstor Feinstein. It recounts the incident - including that Kavanaugh was being helped by a second young man (Mark Judge). If the criminal statute of limitations never elapsed, Mark Judge would have the right to refuse to answer questions as they would tend to incriminate him too. Kavanaugh and Judge locked the bedroom door and turned up the music. Kavanaugh was trying to disrobe her. The men were very drunk. She got away (to the bathroom). But something I had heard was left out of the letter to Feinstein. I heard that the accuser (or victim) had said Kavanaugh at least briefly covered her mouth. The CNN story was followed by a right wing tv story which claimed that the accuser's mother once lost a foreclosure lawsuit in front of Judge Kavanaugh. But not Brett. His mother! Was his mother a judge? And the accuser has attended anti-Trump rallies. We all should. But that will come up.

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 23, 2018 at 7:58 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

Well, it looks like what those who wanted this process to accelerated because of the likelihood of more complaints regarding Kavanaugh might be in fact happening.

The vote was being pushed because the senate did not want nay other complaints from coming forward.

Well there is a new one while Brett was in Yale, an adult. The news is found here (Web Link

It always starts with one person with the will to fight back, then others get the courage to do the same.

Maybe people should not assume that a person can only commit one act of violence

Posted by The Business Man
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 23, 2018 at 11:44 pm

The Business Man is a registered user.

NOW News is reporting that Mitch McConnell KNEW about the alleged Yale assault and was pressing to get a vote to get Brett into the Supreme Court PRIOR to DISCLOSURE of the allegation.

The report can be found here (Web Link

WOW, ow much more does this have to go before the American people demand that this process stop so that we can clean up this mess? At this time we need a new candidate and have those clearly trying to put politics over country to be recused from participating.

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