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Woman arrested for attempted child abduction

Original post made on Jul 27, 2018

A masked woman suspected of trying to abduct a toddler in the Old Mountain View neighborhood was arrested early Thursday morning, according to a statement by the Mountain View Police Department.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Thursday, July 26, 2018, 2:52 PM

Comments (22)

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Jul 27, 2018 at 10:36 am

Gary is a registered user.

The Voice reporter could go to court next Monday for an update. Check with the DA's office before going. Her appearance could be delayed. If her bail is increased or it is said she has a probation, parole or immigration hold, there will be more to report. Whether the offender suffers from mental illness or not, we do not need to tolerate people trying to abduct children.

Posted by Member
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 27, 2018 at 3:04 pm

Yup, go sanctuary city. Nothing but a big target that says ‘we hate our local citizens, they are all bad, please criminals come here and teach them a lesson.’

Why does the city council hate our city so much?

All they do is say yes to every single build project from developers, put it rent control (obviously not because they wanted to but they know if they did folks would sell their property to developers and they get even more ‘contributions’) allow all the homeless , RVs crime and pollution and traffic to increase and pretty much destroy what should be one of the best places to live in the world.

Why do they hate us so?

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 27, 2018 at 3:05 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Anyone remember this? ( Web Link )

It was an incident that occurred last year. As I predicted, Mountain View is now starting to suffer from more and more violent crime. I think this is a direct result of a policy to grow the city too fast for the sake of having more jobs ( and coincidentally more revenue for the city).

Mountain View is well on it's way to becoming San Francisco or worse. It's still not too late to turn things around, but it's up to you ( the residents ) to decide what kind of future you want. Remember in November!

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by LOL
a resident of Castro City
on Jul 27, 2018 at 3:29 pm

It's amazing the fact-free ranting of angry old people here. How can you claim the institution of rent control as evidence of council's malice? You do realize that it was a ballot initiative, placed on the ballot by the voters, and duly passed through a majority of voters. Never let facts get in the way of your feelings, though.

Let alone the people jumping to the conclusion that the woman is undocumented. Stop watching Fox News and reading Breitbart.

Posted by David K
a resident of North Whisman
on Jul 27, 2018 at 4:57 pm

David K is a registered user.


I completely agree with your anonymous post.

For some reason, as opposed to the reaction when this story was posted on NeighborNextDoor (which resulted in multiple posts thanking the MVPD for arresting this suspect so quickly, and a shout-out to the victim mother and grandmother for having it so together to provide the MVPD with a great descriptions of both the suspect and her vehicle to enable the MVPD to quickly apprehend the suspect), the same story in the MV Express is bringing out the trolls and angry old folks (eg, "Get off my lawn!"). With a definite trumpism anti-immigrant and demonizing the "other" slant, hiding behind monikers like "HoorayforHomeless".

This was a crime, and we are all against crime. But let's not generalize out from this one transient woman to represent ALL homeless folks, any more than we should generalize out from Jeffrey Dahmer to ALL white guys, or from Timothy McVeigh to ALL US veterans. It's up to all of us to prevent the next Holocaust, which starts with demonizing some group, be they homeless, gay, Jews, Muslims, women, Dead-heads, etc.

Not afraid to list my name - David B. Karpf, MD

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Jul 27, 2018 at 8:02 pm

Gary is a registered user.

No post so far reflects any unreasonable inference. The woman might or might not be mentally ill, for example. If the story is true and she is not mentally ill, she is even more of a threat to the community. But either way, incapacitation (being locked up) may be necessary. I suggested the Voice actually follow-up and report on this woman. Anyone care to object?

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 28, 2018 at 10:22 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Talk about fact free! Who said she was an illegal immigrant? None of the posts state that. As for trolls, trolling is when someone makes deliberately inflammatory, offensive, or provocative statements unrelated to the topic. I wonder if demonizing people because of their age or political affiliation falls into that category?

The last time I checked, neither Fox News or Breitbart have said anything about what's going on in Mountain View so I don't know what that has to do with anything.

The main point that people made here is that Mountain View is not changing for the better, and in their opinion it is the direct result of actions (or lack thereof) by the city Council. Hurling insults at people does not change the fact that these things were not happening in Mountain View before and should not be happening now.

I await with bated breath to hear the solutions offered by those who are so quick to insult others merely for having opinions they disagree with; or perhaps hurling insults in order to distract from the real problems facing the city is all they can do?

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by Maggie
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 29, 2018 at 10:19 pm

Maggie is a registered user.

@jim Neal-
This is the comment from Member "Yup, go sanctuary city" That is making the assumption that undocumented people are causing this "Crime Wave"

So someone did start that conversation- as they do every time a crime is reported.

What is the most common type of crime in America? Domestic abuse! Most children who are victims of sexual abuse, are abused by someone they know. One can hardly open any news report without coming across another family being killed by the father who then dies by suicide.

Yes, Mountain View had a rash of car and house break-ins, but that could be true in any place. Please stop the hysteria. We need to develop a more compassionate society.

When someone looks at the picture of this women, and blames the crime on sanctuary cities, I wish people would call it out for the racism that it is.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 11:26 am

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Calling out Sanctuary Cities is not racism. Illegal immigrants come in all races sexes, genders, colors, religious affiliations and whatever other criteria that anyone would care to use to divide people.

The point of calling out sanctuary cities is that we have enough home-grown criminals without trying to import more, or shielding and providing free legal services for illegal immigrants that are also criminals. Now, I suppose someone will say "Oh look, Neal thinks ALL people who come here illegally are criminals". Well, technically they are, since it is a crime to come here illegally; however, when I say 'criminals' in this case, I am referring to people who have committed a crime after entering the US as well as those who committed serious crimes prior to entering the US.

I don't know what you mean by 'stop the hysteria'. My points have all been well thought out and reasoned. The hysteria I see is people calling others racist just for wanting to see the laws of our country enforced or saying that because Americans commit crimes, that is an excuse to let everyone in the world cross the border however and whenever they want.

Also, I was responding to the comment where one person accused other commenters of 'jumping to the conclusion that the woman was undocumented', which no one did. You are also making an assumption that people look at her picture and blame sanctuary cities; to me THAT appears to be racist thinking. Sanctuary cities attract criminals of all types whether they are here legally or illegally because they (the cities) appear to be more interested in protecting criminals than law abiding residents.

As far as being a compassionate society, being compassionate does not mean being a doormat or committing suicide, literally or figuratively, by accommodating and tolerating criminal behavior. Being compassionate does not mean that we need to allow people to flood into the country without knowing who they are, what their background is, whether or not they are bringing drugs into the country, or bringing in children to sell or use as sex slaves. In my opinion, being compassionate means having one set of rules for EVERYONE and making sure that everyone is equally protected.

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by Maggie
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 30, 2018 at 11:51 am

Maggie is a registered user.

Yes calling out sanctuary cities every time a crime is committed by a person of color IS racist- ESPECIALLY when you or anyone else has NO idea if the criminal is a citizen or not. As far as compassion- I was talking about the obviously very sick women who attacked the child/grandma.

I wish you Jim Neal would call that out, but you won't. Yes we have undocumented from all over the world- working here, paying taxes and NOT using government services. Do gas stations refund undocumented people their gas tax? or Starbucks tax? It is always amazing to me that the right wing continues to attack individuals who come here to work, but says NOTHING about the corporations who hire those people are are making millions off their backs. Send all the Mexicans home, fruit rots in the fields and we will be paying 4.00 for an orange. Please look at the ways you benefit form undocumented people. Try reading this: Web Link

Posted by LOL
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 12:02 pm

LOL is a registered user.

I'm surprised Jim didn't see it because it was egregious and right before his post, but it was a now-deleted post speculating about the immigration status of the woman.

Contrary to the line Jim wants to push, unlawful presence is a civil matter, not a crime. But don't try reasoning with him using facts on this, Maggie, he's impervious to evidence and reason. He can't even explain what a sanctuary city policy entails.

Posted by Maggie
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 30, 2018 at 12:04 pm

Maggie is a registered user.

@jim Neal

Obviously you did not read this post it's above from member;
Posted by Member
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 27, 2018 at 3:04 pm

Yup, go sanctuary city. Nothing but a big target that says ‘we hate our local citizens, they are all bad, please criminals come here and teach them a lesson.’

Why does the city council hate our city so much?

All they do is say yes to every single build project from developers, put it rent control (obviously not because they wanted to but they know if they did folks would sell their property to developers and they get even more ‘contributions’) allow all the homeless , RVs crime and pollution and traffic to increase and pretty much destroy what should be one of the best places to live in the world.

Why do they hate us so?

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 12:30 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

WOW! And I'm the one that get accused of being hysterical.

Reread what I originally said. I didn't say anything about whether or not this particular person was a citizen or not. Other people brought up that issue and I responded to it.

Also, I have been calling out corporations, as well as the government, exploiting illegal immigrants for years, right here in the voice as well as when I was on the campaign trail, so I don't know where you've been to have missed all that.

And as someone who strongly supported the Day Worker's Center and even voted to approve increased funding for it, I find your charges of me being a racist and anti-Mexican to be ludicrous. May I ask why YOU appear to be assuming that all illegal immigrants and/or farm workers are Mexican?

"Send all the Mexicans home, fruit rots in the fields and we will be paying 4.00 for an orange"

Personally, I find that statement to be incredibly offensive! I know many people who have farms and till their own fields and they're not even Hispanic! I am against having people come or be brought into the country illegally for the purpose of exploiting them to be used as cheap ( and in most cases sub minimum wage) labor.

I don't want to benefit from people who are here illegally because that would mean that I am also participating in their exploitation not only as underpaid laborers but also in sex trafficking. As someone who is of both Black and Indian American heritage, I am vehemently against exploitation of anyone!

That is why I have frequently and publicly called for total reform of the immigration system that allows people to be processed withing 2 weeks, while simultaneously prevents ANYONE from entering the country illegally, and provides very stiff penalties for anyone who does enter illegally or overstays their visa.

Lastly, here is the result of having an open door immigration policy and a weak border ( Web Link ). This is the story of someone who allegedly illegally entered the US 11 times and then attacked his wife with a chainsaw in front of their children! We have too many people like that here already, and as I said, we don't need to import more.

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by LOL
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 12:35 pm

LOL is a registered user.

Jim, you also argued in other articles that you agreed with Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans that we should cut legal immigration down to 1/3 of its current levels. How can you process everyone within 2 weeks and reduce the level of immigration?

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 12:46 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

@LOL - I ask for solutions and get more personal attacks. What a surprise. But then again I never expect you to have any solutions, just insults.

I also never used the term 'unlawful presence' and it should be clear even to you that I was referring to illegal entry into the country which can be considered a crime.

"It is generally accurate that the simple act of being in the United States illegally is not, by itself, a crime. Rather, it’s a civil violation that puts the individual at risk for deportation, but not for criminal prosecution. However, it’s worth noting that someone who is unlawfully present might still have committed a related crime by entering the United States after having been deported, for instance, or entering in an illegal manner."

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by LOL
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 12:59 pm

LOL is a registered user.

Jim, please explain to us, in precise terms, your understanding of what sanctuary city policies consist of.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 1:06 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

@LOL - Today must be wild accusation day! I've NEVER said anything about wanting to reduce legal immigration at all, let alone by 1/3. But I get it, smear and insult those you disagree with to get off the topic, which as I keep repeating, is that in my opinion, the City Councils decisions are responsible for the increased crime in Mountain View, and that the City needs leaders that will take concrete steps to reduce, if not eliminate the violent incidents that are occurring with more and more frequency in what was once a very nice small town where people knew and looked out for each other.

Anyone who is interested in the truth about what my positions are on immigration can read my all my comments in an earlier MV Voice Article here ( Web Link )

Here is a sample of what I wrote:

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Sep 15, 2017 at 6:06 pm
Jim Neal is a registered user.
@Randy - Increasing immigration and allowing eventual citizenship for DACA recipients is only half of what I recommended. I also said that those two items would be contingent upon securing the border to prevent any additional illegal immigration; and revamping the immigration system so that it works more effectively and so that we know who is here. So basically, the increase in immigration that I recommended would only occur AFTER those two steps were taken. Right now though, the reason for the President and Congress cutting LEGAL immigration is to emulate the immigration systems currently in use in Canada and Australia. Personally, I would have recommended emulating the immigration system of Mexico so that those who hate the President wouldn't be able to say that the new policy is racist.

For anyone that is unfamiliar with Mexico's immigration laws, check them out. I think many people would be VERY surprised.

Jim Neal
Old Mountain View

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by LOL
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 2:37 pm

LOL is a registered user.

Jim, in that article you linked, you endorse the Trump plan to reduce legal immigration to 1/2 of its current levels (I apologize, I thought it was 1/3). Has that changed?

Further, please provide your precise understanding of what sanctuary city policies consist of. You have strong opinions about them, so clearly you must know them well.

Posted by Maggie
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 30, 2018 at 4:28 pm

Maggie is a registered user.

People are attacking your ideas. You said nobody brought up this women's status. That statement is untrue and i sent you what was said.

When you commented about the undocumented using social services, I sent you a well researched about taxes etc, in the Atlantic Article. Doesn't fit your bias, so I doubt it will have any impact on your thinking- but 50 Billion in our social security that can't be accounted for.

If you don't know that most produce in this country comes from large agra-businesses, then you are living in a fact -free world. Right now 8 million undocumented people are working in fields across the country.

You never responded about undocumented people getting their taxes back from, Starbucks, gas stations etc....

AND most of all you never say anything about the domestic abuse in this country that cuts across all racial/economic lines, let alone child abuse in families.

And Mountain View is not experiencing a crime wave.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 8:17 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Calling someone a racist is not attacking their ideas.

I also never mentioned anything about 'social services'. I commented on the fact that illegal immigrant get free LEGAL services. Not even remotely the same thing.

Also, I never said that there weren't any illegal immigrants working on farms, nor did I say anything to indicate that they weren't the majority of people working on the farms. I merely pointed out that your apparent assumption that ALL illegal immigrants are Mexican COULD be seen as a racist comment (By the way I am not shouting at you, I merely use caps for emphasis of certain points and for clarity).

With regard to the tax issue, why should illegal immigrants be given another benefit that is not available to American citizens? No one can deduct gas taxes or taxes on their Starbucks purchases unless it is for business purposes. Although, i would love to see a reduction in those taxes as they are primarily regressive taxes that inordinately affect the poor.

Regarding the domestic abuse, I posted a link to a story about a man who attacked his wife with a chainsaw in front of his children, so I am obviously opposed to domestic violence (even if I don't see what it has to do with the article we're discussing unless you're suggesting that she committed this act because she was abused?). However, here is a link to another article about an illegal immigrant who was arrested for abusing his wife, and then set free after ICE was given a 16 minute notice so that ICE would not have enough time pick him up ( Web Link ). Shortly after he was released,he murdered her!

I also never said anything about a 'crime wave', I merely pointed out that I believe that the policies of the Council have led to increased serious crime exactly as I predicted that they would several years ago, and that the Council needs to address these issues. After all, their primary responsibility is the safety of everyone in the city.

Now that I have answered all of your questions, maybe you'll answer a few of mine:

How can the monetary and sexual exploitation of people be prevented if the borders are wide open and there is no documentation of who is here and a check of their background?

What should be done with illegal immigrants that commit serious crimes in the US?

Should there be any rules at all for determining who and how many people can come into the US?

Should the border be secured? If not, how can illegal weapons and drugs be kept out of the country?

Jim Neal
Modesto, Ca
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by LOL
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 30, 2018 at 10:13 pm

LOL is a registered user.

Jim, you still haven't told us what you understand sanctuary city policies to consist of. That would help clarify the discussion quite a bit.

You also don't need to put "Jim Neal" at the bottom of every post. It says "Posted by: Jim Neal" at the top of every post you make. You also don't need to say that you live in Modesto every time, or that you used to live in Old Mountain View. It lists your neighborhood right below the "Posted by:" line.

Posted by Maggie
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 30, 2018 at 10:34 pm

Maggie is a registered user.

@jim neal

I will answer your questions when
1. You admit that undocumented people DO pay taxes- read the article more than enough to cover legal services

2.The fact that sanctuary cities were EVEN brought is is racist- Nobody said you brought it up, but it was posted here.

3. You really have NO hard evidence that Mountain View has more crime than in the past- Increased population will increase incidences

4. The fact that people don't like your ideas and you- I hated seeing you wear a hat inside or having your confederate belt buckle on- I found that bad manners- and offensive is NOT racist

5. Most of the white supremacists that you support, find you laughable.

Isn't it time for you to start worrying about your own community and leave Mountain View alone

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