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Bay Area: protests over family separation policy set for Thursday

Original post made on Jun 14, 2018

Several events are being held in the Bay Area today in conjunction with a nationwide protest against the Trump Administration's immigration policies, particularly the separation of family members along the U.S. border. A group in Mountain View got the jump on the action, with a small protest held on Sunday opposite the weekly farmers market.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Thursday, June 14, 2018, 12:34 PM

Comments (27)

Posted by Name hidden
a resident of Bailey Park

on Jun 14, 2018 at 2:18 pm

Due to repeated violations of our Terms of Use, comments from this poster are automatically removed. Why?

Posted by resident
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 14, 2018 at 2:24 pm

Only Hispanic families are being separated. Trump and his voters don't care.

Posted by resident
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Jun 14, 2018 at 4:06 pm

What everyone is protesting for is to allow children to be held with adults after being detained for illegally crossing the border. What they did is illegal and some may argue that the risk was worth the reward but never the less they got caught.

If you think children and adults can be held together then whats the purpose of having juvenile and adult jails. It's to keep the children safe. I'm sure its a scary thing to experience but comes nowhere nears as frightful I'm sure for central american families crossing thru Mexico.

For every cause there is an effect and is seems as though today people do not think about what choices made will have an effect in the future. If we do not open our borders and reject all those coming in need, the effect for us is a guilty conscience, but what is the effect of letting anyone in?

Posted by @second resident
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jun 14, 2018 at 7:51 pm

You're confusing people unlawfully crossing the border with the new Trump policy of separating families seeking asylum. When refugees are seeking asylum in the United States and presenting themselves at the border, they are being detained and having their children separated from them.

Republicans have been purposefully muddying the situation here, so please read more deeply about what is being done in your name to families fleeing violence and persecution.

Posted by Empathic
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 14, 2018 at 8:17 pm

It is only very recent policy that families are separated, and that hose seeking asylum are held at all. Children are being detained instead of being placed with relatives in the US. We are creating concentration camps for people who came here legally asking for help. My great grandfather came here from Ireland at 10 to try and find a better life. I am sickened by people making excuses for this horror- a four month old baby taken from his father! A breastfeeding infant taking from her mother! What if this was your child, your grandchildren? Have compassion!

Posted by AllYouCanEat
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jun 15, 2018 at 10:11 am

Gee, another protest. A group of individuals yelling at cars as they drive by and all will be forgotten in a few days. There's so much protesting going on these days that it all seems a blur.

Hey, dont forget to bring the kids!

Posted by @ "@second resident"
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Jun 15, 2018 at 2:19 pm

@ "@second resident", If I present myself at the border with my kids seeking asylum and know my children will be separated from me, I have two choices, go along with the program or turn back around.

Liberals can never make up their mind, the Clintons and President Obama also at a point came out against illegal immigration, but nobody seems to remember that today.

Posted by @second resident
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jun 15, 2018 at 2:27 pm

To be clear, @@, you think it should be the policy of the United States for families legally presenting themselves at the port of entry seeking asylum to be separated from each other? That we should force mothers to choose between not seeking asylum and having their breastfeeding infants separated from them indefinitely? I want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly.

Posted by Some want no borders
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 15, 2018 at 9:18 pm

Some people such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un want the United States to have no (enforced) borders. Corporate executives in the USA would like no borders for foreign workers they could hire cheap. But most Americans understand that (enforced) borders and other immigrations laws (such as conditional or temporary visas) are necessary. The enforcement of any criminal law against a parent affects children. Murderers and rapists and other criminals argue every work day in courts across the country they should not be locked up because it would punish innocent persons such as their children. Of course, any loss or harm to the children is more logically amd properly attributed to the criminal conduct of the parent. And while this does not answer what should be done with thousands or millions of young people who might be led to the American border from Mexico or elsewhere, the contention that criminal parents should never be separated from their children is JUST PLAIN POLITICAL RHETORIC. When both sides spin, rational honest people in the middle just get dizzy and tune out of politics - leaving the country to dishonest extremists on the right and on the left.

Posted by psr
a resident of The Crossings
on Jun 15, 2018 at 9:50 pm

Some of this banter is laughable and some is just misinformed nonsense.

First of all, asylum is supposed to be for people removing themselves from a situation caused by their government not dealing with, or in fact causing, whatever problem they are fleeing. They are supposed to go to an adjacent country to seek asylum, not traipse over several to get to the one they want. Excusing illegal immigrants by calling them refugees is an insult to people who are actually in fear for their lives.

Second, these people are not here legally. They are, in fact, criminals. They know that this is a possibility when they get caught coming here, but they do it anyway. If they don't wish to be separated, then stay where they are and be together. Or should be we start sending children to jail with their criminal parents so they aren't separated? Nonsense.

But the really entertaining part of this is the fact that none of these protesters was the least bit concerned when this process was instituted, which was well before President Trump took office. Was it just okay as long as Obama was doing it, or is there some other reason this is suddenly important?

Posted by @second resident
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jun 15, 2018 at 10:16 pm

Again, psr, you're confusing people unlawfully crossing the border with the new Trump policy of separating families seeking asylum. When refugees are seeking asylum in the United States and legally presenting themselves at the border, they are being detained and having their children separated from them.

Republicans have been purposefully muddying the situation here, so please read more deeply about what is being done in your name to families fleeing violence and persecution.

Posted by Sophie
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 16, 2018 at 12:42 am

The children should not be separated form their parents, and send them all to their country will be a good solution.

Posted by @second resident
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jun 16, 2018 at 9:19 am

Sophie, let's be clear here. You are suggesting that it should be the policy of the United States to not accept any asylum requests and to take in no refugees? You're proposing that we should send them back to the countries where they are facing violence and persecution?

Posted by Resident
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Jun 16, 2018 at 11:49 am

To @second resident,
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying

Posted by @second resident
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jun 16, 2018 at 1:31 pm

Your initial comment referenced people illegally crossing the border, and now you're expanding it to people legally presenting themselves at the port of entry for asylum? You're really going to defend that position for the legal asylum process?

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 18, 2018 at 2:13 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

I couldn't help but note that some people keep repeating the false statement that the new policy of the Trump Administration calls for detaining people coming here and seeking asylum. This is absolutely not true, and shows that many people just repeat the skewed reporting that affects the vast majority of the media.

Anyone who is seeking asylum merely needs to go to their embassy or to one of the LEGAL U.S. entry points and request it. Once their claim is verified, they will be admitted to the country LEGALLY.

However, anyone who breaks the law, is basically voiding their claim to asylum. That is the same as breaking into a bank because you need money, and then claiming you should be set free and allowed to apply for welfare!

Mexico is a wonderful country full of wonderful people, so why isn't anyone stopping their travel and asking for asylum there?

Why should the U.S. be the only country in the world without an enforceable border?

Why should people be allowed to kidnap children, drag them across the border, and then be set loose in the country?

Why should we allow even one murderer, drug dealer, or illegal weapon into the country? Does anyone think we need more?

The President is merely enforcing current law as written by Congress. People who hate the President, accuse him of acting like a dictator, but when he refuses to do so by arbitrarily deciding which laws to enforce and which one not to enforce, then those same people call him a Nazi or racist or worse.

I really don't understand the visceral hatred that is being exhibited by some who can't deal with the fact that their candidate LOST! Get over it. It happens. If you think your side or your team is always going to win, you're in for a lifetime of disappointment.

Jim Neal
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by @Jim Neal
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jun 18, 2018 at 3:51 pm

So when, exactly, did you become a shill for the Trump administration?

It's bad enough when actual members of the administration put out their lies to the public. It's even worse when a (supposedly) unaffiliated member of the public helps amplify their lies.

And just so everyone knows: Jim Neal came in LAST in every election he took part in while running for office in Mountain View. DEAD. LAST.

So pay no attention to the failed politician and Trump shill.

Posted by Some want no borders
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Jun 18, 2018 at 9:12 pm

Some want no borders is a registered user.

Jim Neal makes some good points. But by illegally crossing the borders, travelers do not lose their right to seek asylum. It is just that having committed a crime and not being released to stroll into the USA, it is not so easy to keep these adult travelers with any children they dragged with them. It appears that Trump does not want any effort to keep such families together. Rather, he wants to make sure they are usually separated and thereby send the message that illegal entry with your children in tow is not the smart way to come here. The trouble is that the penalty is awfully extremw and Congress should examine it and consider enavting a different legal procedure as we await the eventual IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL OF DESPOT DONALD from the Presidency.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 19, 2018 at 2:09 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

@@Jim Neal - Thanks for proving my point about visceral hatred. If what I said was untrue, then prove it. Where are your links? Also, which statements are you referring to? Just because you don't believe the truth, that doesn't make it a lie. And really, what's with all the hate? I thought your side was all peace and love? Sad.

Jim Neal
(Formerly Old Mountain View)

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:15 am

LiberalGuns is a registered user.

"Only Hispanic families are being separated."

We have seen many examples of people of other ethnic groups who have also been caught tying to illegally entering the USA. These parents, REGARDLESS of ethnicity or nation of origin, are arrested for their felonies and since we do NOT put children into adult jails, the kids are given to the care of Child Protective Services who has temporary housing and a network of foster families to take over care of the kids while their illegal alien parents are being processed.

SAME EXACT STORY FOR USA Citizens when parents are arrested for serious crimes when they have custody of their kids.

EVERYONE should be aware that this is EXACTLY what happens when USA Citizens who have children get arrested and don't have any blood relatives available to take lawful custody of the kids. Even IF there are blood relatives who want the kids, the state and fed are REQUIRED to verify the identity and relation of the kids and determine if they are properly able to care for the kids and this takes time so in the mean time, the kids do go into the system waiting for all the required checking and then the kids either go to their blood relatives or to a foster family.

" Trump and his voters don't care."

No, the TV NEWS don't care about lying to everyone.
The TV news and the big news papers ALL LIED when they claimed Trump WROTE all these laws and that the laws did not exist before and the separating of families was something totally new to Trump.

All that is FAKE NEWS lies. The truth is that laws Trump has been enforcing were put on the books by Obama, Bill Clinton and even Jimmy Carter and some of the laws goes back to the 1950's.

Trump did NOTHING NEW, ALL prior presidents have arrested illegal aliens at the border and separated their kids to the care of various forms of Child Protective Services. We don't put kids in prison, not even to be with their parents. What was new is that the NEWS media wanted an issue to slam and Trump wanted to actually enforce immigration laws.

Then the liars in the NEWS spliced together only those bits of the truth that served their agenda and added a bunch of fake news to create good TV and reason to drum hate of Trump.

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, LOVE to impose more and more laws every day/week/month/year and then they simply choose not to actually enfoce any of them.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:16 am

LiberalGuns is a registered user.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:30 am

LiberalGuns is a registered user.

@@second resident
"You're confusing people unlawfully crossing the border with the new Trump policy of separating families seeking asylum."

Trump has NOT passed ANY new laws, all he has done is ENFORCE the laws already imposed by Obama, Bill Clinton and the Democrats who all passed and signed these laws Trump is only following the laws as the Democrats WROTE THEM!

The same separation of families seeking asylum happened under all of the prior 5 presidents. It was just not news until Trump did it.

"When refugees are seeking asylum in the United States and presenting themselves at the border, they are being detained and having their children separated from them."

Just as the cops do EVERY DAY by the THOUSANDS when parents are detained or arrested for countless reasons. If detectives pick up parents to ask them questions, their kids go into the care of Child Protective Services until the detectives and CPS can determine it is SAFE to release the parents and return the kids.

This happens all day every day all across the USA for USA citizens.

But, it's not news because it does not make Trump look bad.

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives ALL LOVE to pass endless laws they mostly don't understand and then never bother to enforce. Like firearms laws, tens of thousands of gun laws that virtually never get enforce.

Obama claimed that many millions of criminals were prevented from obtaining guns by the background check system, but Obama Admin only arrested about a dozen or so of these "millions" of criminals Obama claims violated Fed and State laws in trying to buy a gun. By LAW anyone who tries to buy a gun while being a prohibited person is guilty of at least 2 serious felonies and should be arrested and prosecuted. But, Obama and Democrats all across the USA REFUSE to enforce this law! WHY do you suppose that is?

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:43 am

LiberalGuns is a registered user.

"It is only very recent policy that families are separated,"

All that has changed is that Trump is actually enforcing the laws that were all passed and signed by Democrat Presidents and Democrats Congress. Trump has changed no laws. All the prior presidents did the very same things, but not as many as Trump has. The news media went nuts because Trump was doing it, when prior presidents did the same thing, they got a pass for it.

"and that hose seeking asylum are held at all."

The only change has been that Trump has chosen to follow the laws passed and signed into law by PRIOR Democrat presidents. The law says Asylum seekers must prove their claims. One thing that has changed recently is that the illegal aliens arriving have now ALL been briefed by their paid human traffickers on exactly how to claim asylum regardless of lacking any proof. The number of people now claiming to be asylum seekers is so large that we don't have enough facilities to detain anyone long enough to determine which few are telling the truth and the bulk who are lying. The numbers have jumped more than 10 times over the past. This is due to practiced lying.

"Children are being detained instead of being placed with relatives in the US."

Under Fed judge orders, a child CANNOT be just handed over to someone who cannot prove their blood relation to the child and identified where those children will be cared for and that the home is inspected to make sure it's a safe home.

This is nothing new and also applies to USA citizens. Once a parent is arrested, the kids become the responsibility of the government to assure who has the kids and that they are being well cared for.

Most of these willing "relatives" wont even provide proper identification, let alone allow their homes to be checked for safety of the kids.

When we allow these kids to be just handed off to someone who claims to be a relative, these kids vanish and we never know what happened to them.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:48 am

LiberalGuns is a registered user.

@@second resident
"To be clear, @@, you think it should be the policy of the United States for families legally presenting themselves at the port of entry seeking asylum to be separated from each other? That we should force mothers to choose between not seeking asylum and having their breastfeeding infants separated from them indefinitely?"

We want the LAWS ENFORCED. If you don't like a law, then complain to the Obama and Bill Clinton Admin who WROTE these laws and signed them to make them laws.

Then, use the proper methods to change the laws you don't like.

Anything else you do is a waste of your effort.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Sep 10, 2018 at 8:22 am

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

LiberalGuns, since you're such a legal scholar, please point to the law that requires families seeking asylum be separated. You'd think you'd have posted it at some point in your multi-post rant, but I can't seem to find it in your posts.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Sep 10, 2018 at 9:33 am

LiberalGuns is a registered user.

@Randy Guelph
"LiberalGuns, since you're such a legal scholar, please point to the law that requires families seeking asylum be separated."

The law says that people who have violated the laws, like illegally showing up and crossing the boarder without first getting the proper visa from a USA consulate, for example, are to be arrested for that crime regardless of what they claim to be their excuse for ignoring the laws.

Once these adults are arrested, any children in their company become the responsibility of the government to provide for their safety and care.

What there is NO LAW about is putting the emotions of parents/kids AHEAD of the LAWS. There is NO LAW saying the government may not make people feel uncomfortable with the consequences of their own actions.

There is NO LAW that requires the government to just say to criminals:
Oh, I guess you don't like being arrested and your kids are upset, so we'll just let your emotions rule and we wont enforce the laws because it might hurt your feelings or scare your kids.

Because as we all know, "feelings", or what anyone CLAIMS their "feelings" are are simply more important than enforcing the law.

Heck, before we bother to read criminal suspects their rights, let's just first ask them how they are "feeling" and if they are a little upset, we just let them go on about their criminal business.


Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Sep 10, 2018 at 9:36 am

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

A shorter version of that post would have been "there is no such law" and it would have conveyed the same content. Your rant demonstrates clearly that you're merely operating on emotion rather than a clear-eyed understanding of the law. If not, I'll ask again: please point to the law that requires families seeking asylum be separated.

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