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Local students plan protests in wake of school shooting

Original post made on Feb 28, 2018

Teens at Mountain View and Los Altos high schools are planning to stage a walkout on March 14, joining a nationwide call for action against gun violence in schools.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 1:27 PM

Comments (19)

Posted by Hmm
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Feb 28, 2018 at 2:34 pm

Could the gun violence from teens be due to violent video games? Or just copy cat type actions? The guns are not the problem, the upbringing or lack of is. Crazy world gone mad with hate instead of love.

Posted by Parent
a resident of Whisman Station
on Feb 28, 2018 at 2:43 pm

It’s great the kids want to stand up and protest against inaction done by congress concerning gun laws. I agree there should be some restrictions on gun access, but I believe that main problem behind all these shootings has to do with the person holding the gun. What was going on with him that made him feel he had to act this way? What problems and issues is he going through? We need to help our kids, find the root of the problem. Is he being bullied, abused, lonely, angry, etc.? What can society do to help? We need to start with ourselves. What can we do to be a better person and have a positive impact on others?

Posted by Which School Shooting
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Feb 28, 2018 at 2:55 pm

Another school shooting happened today. A teacher in GA. But but but....more gun should reduce this kind of occurrence. We need to arm janitors!

Posted by Christine CL
a resident of North Whisman
on Feb 28, 2018 at 3:04 pm

I know I and many other parents of school age kids would love to be there to support the high school students. Are they welcoming outside participation at all? Do they need donations of sign making materials or any help?

Posted by Future LAHS parent
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Feb 28, 2018 at 4:02 pm

Way to go MVHS and LAHS students. Let your voices be heard. The voices of our youth are bringing about change. We are with you.

Posted by bob
a resident of Slater
on Feb 28, 2018 at 4:13 pm

As a life member of the NRA, I have no problem with raising the legal age to buy a firearm to 21 years, however I also feel that the voting age should be 21 as well. If you believe that one is not mature enough to buy a firearm at 18 then you must also believe that one is not mature enough to vote.

With the schools complacency and facilitation in these these walkouts, will there be a day added to the school year to make up for the distraction and loss to the normal curriculum ? Students can, and should protest, but they need to learn early in life that actions have consequences.

Would the school also allow students to hold a pro second amendment rally?

Posted by John
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Feb 28, 2018 at 4:39 pm

John is a registered user.

Sane persons are all against mass shootings in schools. And we are against unjustified shootings and deaths and injuries and suffering everywhere - in America and around the world. But the question students should ponder is what changes they favor. Take it from me. It is far easier to be against something than FOR something else. What exactly will these students propose?

Posted by Parent
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Feb 28, 2018 at 4:45 pm

It’s great the kids want to protest about inaction from congress about gun control. I agree in some kind of gun restrictions. But when are we going to treat the root of the problem on why these kids kill in the first place? What problems and issues are these kids going through? Were they abused, bullied, have mental disorders, etc? What can we do to help these kids? It starts with us, we need to be the better person, treat others how we want to be treated.

Posted by Waldo
a resident of Waverly Park
on Feb 28, 2018 at 5:51 pm

Waldo is a registered user.

At what time will this walkout take place?

Posted by @Bob
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Feb 28, 2018 at 6:40 pm

[Post removed due to disrespectful comment or offensive language]

Posted by dian
a resident of another community
on Feb 28, 2018 at 8:18 pm

I highly respect these students who are galvanizing the country to move towards some positive change in our gun laws. They are "walking the talk" as we used to say and all of us adults need to listen to them and join them in standing up to be seen and counted as believing and acting for reducing gun violence and access to mass casualty weapons.
Keep our students and citizens safe and only allow police officers to legally possess powerful weapons. These weapons are not needed for hunting or any other peaceful reason and pose a HUGE risk to our responding police officers, firemen, paramedics, and sheriff deputies when responding to a mass shooting event.

Posted by MV Parent
a resident of Waverly Park
on Mar 1, 2018 at 5:14 am

This is a great idea and should be rolled out to the middle and elementary schools in MV and LA. My 4th grader is afraid to go to school as he does not think his school is secure. I agree with him since the only "security" is to sign in and out and wear a sticker. Anyone can walk on campus. There are no doors preventing anyone from walking straight on the the blacktop. All the classrooms have huge windows that can be broken. So if you think "we live in Mountain View and nothing bad happens here so no need to worry about that." I am positive the people in Sandy Hook and FL thought the same thing anytime they heard about a school shooting.

What are you gonna do MV to help our kids and parents feel safer about going to school?

Posted by a mv resident
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Mar 1, 2018 at 7:00 am

I hope the kids start local, MV doesn't have the same gun laws as Sunnyvale, the kids can make a big difference in getting the city council to follow Sunnyvale's lead (San Jose Mercury Article Link):
Web Link

Posted by Common sense
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Mar 1, 2018 at 12:02 pm

It might behoove these students if, along with showing commendable civic-mindedness by taking action, they would also *learn* something they don't know about the issues here, and therefore how to act usefully, rather than merely act. Many have failed to so learn. "We must do something. This is something. Therefore, we must do it." -- Quoted from a timely essay on this paper's website: Web Link

Posted by Dread Pirate Roberts
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Mar 1, 2018 at 12:37 pm

Dread Pirate Roberts is a registered user.

How about a student protest against the bullying behavior in schools that drive many of these mentally ill shooters to do these horrible things? If we had better mental health options, and eradicated the culture of bullying in many schools, there would be far fewer of these incidents.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Mar 1, 2018 at 2:17 pm

@Which School Shooting,

Just a few points here:
First, the teacher (who locked himself in his classroom with his gun and fired one shot that harmed nobody), had a long history of mental illness and suicidal issues and had even confessed to the police he had hired a couple friends of his to kill someone for him. This guy had red-flags all over his life and it took less than 24hours to find these facts out. Once again, the guy gave every indicator he should not be allowed in the classroom and yet the school district still hired the guy.

Second, the school, like all the prior now infamous schools, were "protected" by little signs at the doors that identified the school as a "gun-free zone" and as in some prior cases, by a uniformed cop who stayed outside and did nothing.

Third, even before Columbine, we knew for a fact that mass-shooters are cowards who only attack when they know they can avoid any armed opposition because either nobody is armed or that there is only an easily identifiable police officer on campus. The Columbine killers simply watched the lone police officer until they found out what time during the day he was always on the far side of campus sitting in his car eating lunch. So, that's when they attacked to avoid the only armed person on campus.

Society is safer when the bad guys cannot know who is armed or where they are.

If you don't trust selected, trained and tested teachers to have a concealed weapon, not even a stun-gun, then why not have police in undercover positions on campus? Just put out a sign stating that some armed personnel do work at this school and carry a concealed weapon.

By the way, if you combine all types of "long guns", (rifles and shotguns including AR-15 and AK-47) together then they are only used to cause about 250 deaths per year, mostly suicides and another big slice are by police. On the other-hand, knives are used to kill about 1600 people each year.

Not that anyone cares about facts.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Mar 1, 2018 at 2:28 pm


Actually, the real problem stems for the most addictive drug ever invented... FAME.
Every one of these mass shooters have been seeking fame and the news media has gleefully poured copious amounts of fame onto anyone who uses a gun to kill lots of people.
The media has told the world that if you shoot up people, we will make you famous and say your name on TV and on the internet millions of times and for decades, better yet if you attack a school you will always be in our top-40 list and if you use an AR-15 then we promise you to be on our top-10 list.

Fame is what these killers want, they feel they are not being paid enough attention to and are willing to do anything to get fame.

Just ask any celebrity, fame is the most addictive drug ever.

These nobodies want to be somebody. In the past, a nobody would kill a big somebody to become famous by association, like the nobody who killed JFK for example. Today we protect all of our "somebodies" with guns, but our kids are only protected by little gun-free zone signs, so these fame-seeking nobodies can always find a soft target and can always find a weapon.

No that anybody cares about facts.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Mar 1, 2018 at 2:53 pm

@Parent said:
"I agree in some kind of gun restrictions."

OK, how about we actually bother to enforce the tens of thousands of gun-control laws we already have on the books?
What is the point of more laws that wont be enforced?
Oh, yeah, I forgot, it's about "feeling" like you "did something", its not about actually accomplishing anything.

Gun control law enforcement in the USA is a joke and nearly non-existent.

For example, "Background Checks"
The Obama admin and gun-control groups claim that millions of prohibited people get stopped from buying a gun every year by background checks. OK, those millions of people have each committed additional Federal and State felonies by trying to buy a gun. Where are all the millions of arrests? Shouldn't arresting these people be a high priority? The Obama admin only arrested a couple dozen total and only prosecute about 10. States don't do much better on enforcing their gun laws.

How about we fix that?

Worse, only 11 states currently allow the FBI access to their state criminal databases of felons and the insane.

How about we fix that?

When a person is convicted of a felony, NO law enforcement agency actually bothers to check if the felon already has guns in their home. We give wide powers to parole and probation officers to randomly search the homes of felons, but they rarely do so.

How about we fix that?

Police frequently encounter convicted felons with guns and the usual practice is to confiscate the gun and then figure out if they have some other crime they can charge the felon with, if not, they just let the felon go and don't bother to file charges on the gun possession at all.

How about we fix that?

How about we look at the laws we do have and actually enforce the ones that are targeted against the people we already know should not have guns?
Like 1968 GCA for example?

Not that anyone cares about facts.

Posted by LiberalGuns
a resident of Rex Manor
on Mar 1, 2018 at 3:40 pm

More proof of the true motivation and cause of mass shootings!

"Three teens who threatened to “kill everyone” at their high school in Michigan in a Columbine-inspired school shooting..."

"In a harrowing video played by prosecutors in court in May, Rice and Candela, while sitting in a darkened basement, calmly detailed their plan to target their classmates.

“Lapeer High School — we’re gonna put it on the f–king map,” Rice said, according to the video obtained by through a Freedom of Information Act request.

“Yeah, it’s gonna be known by many people,” Candela replied."

Not that anyone cares about facts.

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