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Before Trump takes office, schools look to protect undocumented students

Original post made on Dec 19, 2016

At Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, President Thuy Nguyen is racing against time to figure out ways the community college can be a safe haven -- both legally and in spirit -- for its undocumented students, of which there are close to 400.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Monday, December 19, 2016, 7:47 AM

Comments (26)

Posted by Tina
a resident of Castro City
on Dec 19, 2016 at 3:05 pm

Seriously, people, calm down! I don't understand the hysteria about "sanctuary" this & that. Anyone who has actually listened to Trump knows that law-abiding illegal aliens don't have much of anything to worry about. Evil criminals, yes, regular people, not so much.

Please give the guy a chance & stop the hysterical response to fake news scaremongering, ok? It is getting so tiresome. I am sure he will propose a sensible solution for everyday people. Until that comes out it would be nice if counties & states would stop spending taxpayer money *in the anticipation* of something "dire" happening. Geez, I realize this is a liberal area, but get a grip, he is not evil! Really, he is not!

Posted by Light Bulb
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Dec 19, 2016 at 3:06 pm

I have an idea. Why don't all the people that are lobbying for sanctuary status and signing petitions put their money where their mouths are and PAY for all those illegal immigrants to stay in school rather than placing the financial burden on taxpayers? Some taxpayers feel that our immigration laws should be obeyed and do not feel a financial obligation to educate those whom have entered the country illegally. However they might be okay with those students staying if all the do-gooders were wiling to pick up the tab. They could form a philanthropic organization and raise money to support their cause (hmmm - what's the cost of educating 400 Foothill students?). Just a thought...

Posted by @Tina
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Dec 19, 2016 at 3:12 pm

If you look at the post just below yours, you'll see someone who also supports Donald Trump but has a completely different interpretation of what he's going to do. One of you must be wrong, and most people are going to err on the side of caution, especially when the cost is losing valuable members of our community.

@Light Bulb, I'm deeply saddened that you lack empathy so much so that you would begrudge people simply trying to get an education. Have you met someone who is undocumented? You probably have, and they've probably gone to school with your children. They are people all the same and deserve our support as members of our community.

Posted by USA
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Dec 20, 2016 at 1:35 pm

USA is a registered user.

"law-abiding illegal aliens"

This is why you and your ilk have been completed removed from any control in government.

The voters have decided that they would rather give Trump the nuclear launch codes than let you people run the White House, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the majority of governorships, or the majority of state legislatures. That is not because of how great Trump is but how truly awful your policies are.

Seriously, until you think about your policies and the silly words coming out of your mouths, we are not going to give you any control over the government.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 20, 2016 at 1:45 pm

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

@USA, I suggest you take a look at the vote here in California, Santa Clara County, and Mountain View. We've got plenty control over the government and we're quite happy with our representation here. The rest of the country will take a little time to come around, but your divisive and mean-spirited disdain for your neighbors and your community has been handily rejected here. Your seething hatred is what's made the Republican party and Donald Trump unpalatable in California.

I wish you the best, perhaps in time you will meet some of your neighbors and learn to feel empathy.

Posted by PaulC
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Dec 20, 2016 at 7:31 pm

PaulC is a registered user.

Tina: 'Seriously, people, calm down! I don't understand the hysteria about "sanctuary" this & that. Anyone who has actually listened to Trump knows that law-abiding illegal aliens don't have much of anything to worry about. Evil criminals, yes, regular people, not so much.'

Ha ha. Good one. So when Trump sets a policy in motion, he will personally intervene to make sure the innocent are unharmed. What's the line economist Brad Delong likes to use? "If only the czar knew what his cossacks were doing..." Yeah, I'm sure that policies to deport millions of people (“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably 2 million, it could be even 3 million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate.”) will be carried out with the utmost attention to detail and the little father Donald Trump will be there for anyone treated unfairly.

'Please give the guy a chance'

This is one I line I would dearly love to have explained to me, and I've heard it a lot. If I'm not mistaken, Trump will become president on January 20 whether I like it or not. That's his 'chance' whether I 'give' it to him or not. Is there a way I can refuse to give him this chance? Please let me know. If not, please don't spout comforting nonsense.

Posted by Hope
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Dec 20, 2016 at 8:20 pm

Hope is a registered user.

Why do people think that undocumented people do not pay any taxes? DO gas stations return the tax money on the gay they buy? Does Starbuck's return their taxes whey they buy a cup of coffee?

I know things are so emotional right now that some are incapable of any logical thinking but read this article and then think about it.

Web Link

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 20, 2016 at 10:16 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

You,can keep chanting this rhetoric as often as you want but you can't change the fact that illegal is illegal. they broke the law coming here and it's time to pay the price.

I've broken the law, fortunately it was for a minor thing and I paid a minor price....I was speeding, got pulled over, paid a ticket. Minir violation, minor fine. Bigger the violation, bigger the fine.

Sneaking into a country without proper documentation and paperwork, that's a BIg issue. and it carries a big penalty.

And before you go shouting they're just trying to get a better are all those others waiting in their home countries, filing paperwork, spending money to attorneys and legal funding to try to get here. So what exs lty makes Tim ok for all these ILLEGALS.

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 20, 2016 at 10:18 pm

ivg is a registered user.

"School districts, colleges consider what it means to be a 'sanctuary campus'"

They should keep considering, because I think they still don't understand. It means sheltering people who have crossed the border in violation of U.S. law. I like immigrants. I like refugees too. But some people seem to have fallen into a kind of never-never land where borders are fictitious and rules about who may and may not enter the country are an injustice.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 21, 2016 at 9:41 am

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

@ivg, we do need enforcement of our borders, combined with a large increase in the number of legal immigrants we accept. We are in agreement on that.

But for the students here and in our elementary, middle, and high schools, they are here solely because their parents brought them. They've grown up as Americans and may not have even known they were undocumented until they wanted to apply to college. Don't we have a duty as neighbors to protect these vulnerable members of our communities? They're here through no fault of their own, and are we so uncaring as a community that we would just cast the aside. We have better values than that.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 21, 2016 at 9:58 am

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

@mvresident2003. It's been pointed out multiple times that calling people "illegals" is dehumanizing rhetoric. Please try to be respectful even if you disagree with people.

To address your discussion of law-breaking, why is it that you consider presence in the United States to be such a grave violation? All other things being equal, your speeding ticket has far more potential for harm. The risk of a fatality rises dramatically past 30 mph, so you put actual lives at risk, yet you walked away with a small fine. An otherwise law-abiding undocumented immigrant simply does their job and cares for their family, not endangering anyone. Yet somehow, you think that is a greater crime.

We often lose perspective on what our goals actually are with regards to abstract policies, so it's useful to come back to our rationales for what we choose to do as a society. This helps us step back from emotionally charged rhetoric and ensures that our actions align with our values as a community.

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 21, 2016 at 10:37 pm

ivg is a registered user.

"They've grown up as Americans and may not have even known they were undocumented until they wanted to apply to college."
Really? Do you know how many of these students came here as kids too young to remember, and how many came as teenagers mostly aware of what's going on? Sure, the ones featured in supportive news articles about the DREAM Act are as American as apple pie, but I can't believe those are representative cases.

"An otherwise law-abiding undocumented immigrant simply does their job and cares for their family, not endangering anyone."
That's true, but only because you've added a restrictive clause. I would support an effort to root out and deport illegal immigrants who have committed felonies. It's not clear how far our school and college districts are planning to go, but San Francisco's sanctuary city policy shelters all illegal immigrants without regard for (post-immigration) criminal history. Do you support this policy too?

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 21, 2016 at 10:41 pm

ivg is a registered user.

"It's been pointed out multiple times that calling people 'illegals' is dehumanizing rhetoric. Please try to be respectful even if you disagree with people."
I prefer to spell out "illegal immigrants." But the name "undocumented immigrants" is a euphemism. I'm an immigrant and a naturalized citizen. If a robber were to take away my driver license and Social Security card, I would arguably also be undocumented.

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 21, 2016 at 10:54 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

Randy. Again with the vernacular. Let's try this from a different angle then.

Someone who is here "undocumented" is illegal. Pure and simple, if you aren't here legally, you're illegal.

"Oh, but they're nice people" you say (and I agree, many if not most are very nice). "They're just trying to better themselves, provide for their families" you say. Fair enough, again I agree.

So a guy goes in to a bank and robs it...he's just trying to 'get ahead', provide for himself/his family. Is this OK?

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 21, 2016 at 11:11 pm

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

@ivg, I don't quite understand why their understanding of what's going on is an issue. What would you recommend a teenager that's 13 who knows what their partners are choosing do? Stay behind alone without their parents? Or go along with them? You don't seem to be trying to empathize with these children.

With regards to the restrictive clause, studies show that illegal immigrants commit other crimes at roughly the same rate as legal immigrants.

I only take issue with what mvresident continues to do, which is constantly refer to them as "illegals." This takes a descriptive adjective and turns it into the sole noun when discussing people. The fact that he continues to do it further makes it clear that it's a conscious decision to dehumanize them.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 21, 2016 at 11:20 pm

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

@mvresident, I'm truly sorry that you keep referring to these people as "illegals." We've tried to educate you on this, but you refuse to listen. A person cannot be "illegal," but they can be here illegally. Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend? Perhaps the circles you run in always refer to them as such, but maybe you realize now that it's a dehumanizing way to talk about these people. Maybe one day you'll talk with them and start to view them as people. I can only hope.

You refused to recognize that your speeding ticket endangered far more lives than an otherwise law-abiding undocumented immigrant, yet the penalties are far smaller. Is that just? Your hypothetical bank robber is endangering people, so I have no problem considering that wrong. Why is it so difficult for you to find empathy?

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 22, 2016 at 6:40 am

ivg is a registered user.

"I don't quite understand why their understanding of what's going on is an issue."
I don't either, but you brought this up and I quoted you on it.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 22, 2016 at 7:37 am

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

@ivg, I can only assume you found the rest of my argument convincing and persuasive, since you made no attempt to rebut it.

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 22, 2016 at 8:27 am

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

I didn't refuse to recognize anything, I said I broke the law speeding and I accepted and paid the penalty. But from your perspective it's ok to break the law as long as you're not endangering people. So it's ok for me to go down and break into an ATM and take what I want?

Again, quite simply, we are a nation of laws. It is one of the many things that makes this country so great. An illegal alien has broken the law. They CHOSE to come here illegally. And they should be prepared to accept the penalty for that.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 22, 2016 at 10:04 am

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

We're discussing justice. You recklessly endangered lives just so you could get where you're going sooner, but you act as if you have some moral high-ground over people whose only other crime is being in the country.

Similarly, you're glossing over the fact that the students involved here were likely brought over when they were too young to understand or, even if they did, had little to no agency in the decisions being made.

Empathy involves trying to understand someone else's experiences. Have you honestly tried to put yourself in the shoes of the people you're so willing to cast aside and whose family you want to tear apart?

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 22, 2016 at 8:08 pm

ivg is a registered user.

@Randy, I found the rest of your argument muddled and self-contradictory. You've confused the appeal to empathy with a utilitarian argument based on crime rates. You've gone back and forth on whether or not illegal immigrants' age of arrival matters. You're consistent only in your disregard for law, instead resorting to ad hoc arguments about what society ought to do. I'm not interested in carrying on a discussion on these terms.

Perhaps most importantly, immigration is a federal matter. Liberals suddenly have great enthusiasm for local government, even though many of the same people lamented the loss of the federal Voting Rights Act and cheered the overturn of Prop 8 in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 22, 2016 at 8:19 pm

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

@ivg, it's really disappointing that you can't even bother to address my points, but not all that shocking from a conservative cornered into the sociopathy of their beliefs. Please point out where my argument contradicted itself. I'm eagerly waiting for examples.

Here's a further hint: appeals to empathy and utilitarian appeals are not mutually exclusive. Citing multiple ethical frameworks helps strengthen an argument, not detract from it.

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Dec 22, 2016 at 9:03 pm

ivg is a registered user.

"it's really disappointing that you can't even bother to address my points, but not all that shocking from a conservative cornered into the sociopathy of their beliefs"
Here we go with the insults.

"Please point out where my argument contradicted itself. I'm eagerly waiting for examples."
I already gave you two.

"Here's a further hint: appeals to empathy and utilitarian appeals are not mutually exclusive."
Both are valid, but using them in the same breath is like putting ice cream on a hamburger.

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 22, 2016 at 9:08 pm

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

You really can't come up with anything, and need to resort to a weird hamburger simile? One of your posts might have content someday, but until then, it's pretty clear you have no rebuttal.

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Dec 22, 2016 at 9:17 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

This is so typical. A constant, repetitive, diatribe that refuses to discuss the issue but instead uses a passive aggressive stance based on ideology rather than reality.

iVg suggests he's not interested in carrying on a discussion on those terms and I would argue that it's never been a discssuion, rather a oneway railroading by Randy

Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 22, 2016 at 9:35 pm

Randy Guelph is a registered user.

MVR, please take your grudges elsewhere, unless you have something to contribute to the conversation.

Why do you feel justified in recklessly endangering people? And so morally superior that you begrudge people doing nothing but working to improve their station.

There but for the grace of God go I.

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