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Couple keeps on truckin'

Original post made on Aug 27, 2016

Anyone heading down Latham Street in the past week has probably noticed it. Among the mobile homes that line both sides of the road is a hulking wooden structure attached to a green 1940s truck. The peculiar home is a relic of the past with a long history in the Bay Area, and the proud owners say they've spent months and thousands of dollars to bring it back to its former glory.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, August 26, 2016, 10:37 AM

Comments (45)

Posted by No thanks
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 27, 2016 at 10:42 am

So now Mountain View is attracting people from outside of Mountain View to come live on our streets? How is this ok? Are we residents really ok with gypsy camps on our public streets? Have we lost our mind? I was sympathetic when I thought these were displaced MV residents who were temporarily sleeping on the street while they got themselves settled into a better situation, but I'm quickly losing patience to hear we are attracting people from outside of town so they can essentially live for free while we tax payers pay for their services.

Posted by @rex manor
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 27, 2016 at 11:14 am

Rapidly losing patience with MV? Move to Stockton! They were kicked out of there by the police.

Posted by dennis
a resident of Shoreline West
on Aug 27, 2016 at 11:50 am

I totally agree with the first post. This has got to stop for it will only get worse if allowed to continue. This is just like someone on the street asking for money, give it to them and at some point it becomes a way of life. People that are non-residents will come and the problems with them will arrive too. Just look at San Francisco, its' accepting attitude and freebies have made it a destination for many a street person making it a mess in many areas and scaring away tourists and their dollars. No wonder the first news out of the new Mitchell Park library in Palo Alto is the appearance of bed bugs brought in by street people who use facilities such as these as their own homeless shelter. Now certain streets in Mountain View are becoming encampments growing bigger by the day. Ordinances should be made law by the city council now, or we as a community will pay a much bigger price down the road if we don't.

Posted by @dennis
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 27, 2016 at 12:58 pm

They have just the same rights to live in MV as yourself. The streets belong to the public and not just homeowners. Perhaps you and Rex Manor could move to Utah or Arizona and enjoy the discriminatory attitudes practiced there!

Posted by PA Resident
a resident of another community
on Aug 27, 2016 at 1:01 pm

There was a similar article possibly a year ago about a couple who felt that downsizing and living in a small camper was the way to go. The article was once again commending the owners for their lifestyle choice.

It is abhorrent to me that the MV Voice is actually praising those who move to this area to live on the streets of residential neighborhoods rather than condemning the practice.

I noticed that one of the tv stations local news did a report on the fact that there are RVs outside the San Jose police department because the off duty police are sleeping there rather than having enough time to drive home.

I have nothing against camping or RVing as a vacation choice, done in recognized parks with all the necessary hookups and so on and so forth. If there were permanent camping parks with the same facilities I wouldn't mind either. But having them on residential or business streets as cheap housing is not OK. I repeat, this is not an acceptable lifestyle unless they do it in a permanent RV park with the necessary facilities.

Please do not promote this type of lifestyle living arrangement. It is not appreciated.

Posted by Polomom
a resident of Waverly Park
on Aug 27, 2016 at 1:43 pm

Polomom is a registered user.

Do they enjoy bathroom privileges at the Avalon Towers? No? That's what I thought and since this vehicle is obviously not in good driving condition it is also safe to assume they are not driving to a dump station in San Jose or Redwood City regularly.
@dennis "living on the public streets" that is homelessness. With all it's sanitary issues. Word obviously got around that MV does not condone the RV camps on public streets. In San Diego you can only park an RV with a permit: Web Link
I always thought it would be a good idea to put a dump station within the city limits of MV to at least take care of that problem. But I was told that would just attract more vehicle dwellers and support our inviting attitude.
Looks like we are way past that, MV streets are turning into RV camps.
Maybe I should cancel my expensive RV storage contract and add it to the collection on Latham.....

Posted by DC
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Aug 27, 2016 at 10:06 pm

There is still the max 72 hour law for all vehicles on public roads. I would think the 3 RV in the picture would also need to follow this rule. But buy making a fluff story on this, it will now ruin it for them and or attract additional RVs and illegal parking dumping. maybe Google will let people park in there bus lot at the end of the day?

Posted by HC
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Aug 27, 2016 at 10:19 pm

City looks into growing RV encampments and must still be looking..

Web Link

Posted by No Thanks
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 27, 2016 at 11:08 pm

"They have just the same rights to live in MV as yourself. The streets belong to the public and not just homeowners. Perhaps you and Rex Manor could move to Utah or Arizona and enjoy the discriminatory attitudes practiced there!"

Well then, I've got a great idea. I'll invest in 10 RV's and park them all up and down my street. I will then rent them out as studio "units" to people looking to live in Mountain View for cheap. I bet if I threw in a free continental breakfast, laundry service and free wifi I'd even attract a number of techies who could afford to rent a real apartment but who are happy to find cheaper digs.

I could even rent them on airbnb, like a mobile bed and breakfast! Better yet, why don't I just do this in the Cuesta Park neighborhood and any "tenants" I rent to could also send their kids to Bubb. Why not? It cost me just the same no matter where I park my RVs. I might actually earn enough extra money to buy a place for myself in Los Altos so I never have to worry about RV's parking in front of my house, because we all know Los Altos residents aren't that silly.

To top it all off, since the new proposed rent control measure doesn't cover RVs, I wouldn't have to worry about that and could rent my "units" for whatever price the market will bear. Hey landlords, no need to purchase a rental property in Mountain View, just buy a couple of RVs and park 'em where ever you want to! Cause, you know, everyone has a right to live in Mountain View. You'd be doing MV a service by providing affordable housing.....

I hope you recognize how silly it is to try to defend letting people live on our streets for as long as they please.

Posted by ImVotingForNoThanks
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 28, 2016 at 7:34 am

+1 to NoThanks: Can I vote for you for City Council?

By the way -- to every City Council member who claims that there is nothing that they can do: then why am I voting for you? If you can't do anything about this, I'm picking someone who claims they might have an answer, instead of a smirk and a shrug.

Yes, I'm talking to you, Chris Clark.

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 28, 2016 at 7:43 am

So everyone posting here about not liking people living in their cars is now moving to Stockton? The police over there have a handle on the problem.

Posted by NoThanksForCityCouncil
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 28, 2016 at 3:38 pm

I don't think anyone is looking to move to Stockton because of the presence of RVs in Mountain View. I think we'd like our police to look at Stockton for ideas on how to deal with it.

Posted by Nick
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 28, 2016 at 9:14 pm

I'm confused: the mother in the picture lives in a $2.5 MILLION dollar home in Palo Alto; why don't they park the truck in the driveway? Or sell the home and move somewhere cheaper? That kind of money can buy you a mansion almost anywhere else.

Mountain View needs to crack down on all this vehicle dwelling. It's dangerous to drive around Target with all these giant vehicles blocking the view to turn.

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 29, 2016 at 10:09 am

True is a registered user.

I expect those of you (City Council included) in favor of allowing on-street RV residence parking to post your street addresses so those in need will know where they can find warm acceptance of the practice.

Otherwise, we might be led to think that you are only in favor of allowing it provided that it isn't done on your street....which would look a touch hypocritical don't you think?

Posted by I've found the sanctuary city!
a resident of another community
on Aug 30, 2016 at 3:35 pm

Glad to say I was lucky enough to get out of Mtn. View. It is only getting worse. Anyone who hears there won't be any official response to those who live there illegally or in a vehicle will go to Mtn. View. What type of city thinks they are in the business of letting people do as they please and not suffer the consequences of breaking the law? Those in charge need to handle these situations case by case and come up with fair and legal solutions to the problems. These new ways to live where you want that aren't legal should not be tolerated by city officials, but the private sector (citizens and businesses) should come up with reasonable ways to make things work for everyone. We all deserve a nice life, but we don't get to do as we please to live where we want to. We have to get there by working for it and living where we have to in the mean time.

Posted by Resident
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 30, 2016 at 3:43 pm

This has been an eyesore every time I get out from the Target driveway. It's ironic how these people park in a street in front of a nice luxury apartment complex. I agree and disagree with some of the comments here. Yes, it is a public street and they have a right to stay there- temporarily would be acceptable but permanently is not. It's no different for people living in a boat on the waters. That location is slowly turning into an encampment for the RV's. If you tell them to move, they'll find another public street to exploit. I think there should be a fine if you plan to "live" in your motor home on a public street for more than 3 days (that doesn't include moving from one location to another).

Posted by Name hidden
a resident of Bailey Park

on Aug 30, 2016 at 4:54 pm

Due to repeated violations of our Terms of Use, comments from this poster are automatically removed. Why?

Posted by Me
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 30, 2016 at 6:05 pm

There are several RVs street-camping near me, but they just circle around the block, moving a bit forward every few days. Now if only they wouldn't park in places where they block the view of people trying to get in and out of driveways ....

Posted by dennis
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 30, 2016 at 6:49 pm

I addition to my first comment, I have personally observed occupants of said vehicles; urinating and defecation in neighborhood bushes and in back of Target. Also drinking and smoking dope in public, throwing garbage where no one they think will see, using bar-b-ques and lawn chairs in the street and sidewalk, emptying waste tanks into storm drains at night, playing loud music,and in short just creating a blight to the area, and also the word gets around very fast that Mountain view is soft on ordinances and enforcement, therefore the numbers grow day by day, month by month, until who knows what. Just Terrible. And to those that feel this is okay, please, submit your address to the public welcoming any one or more of these vehicles to move and park in front of your home. Just be aware of what new gifts you might find in your bushes and the great response of community in your fellow homeowners.

Posted by Palo Alto mom
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 30, 2016 at 10:01 pm

Wow, I'm blown away by all the negative. It boggles the mind to see how much our community has changed. Palo Alto and Mountain View have and will always be great but sadly will never be the same. We used to be a community of smart professionals, educated, free thinkers, artists, professors, musicians and hippies. Folks who cared about their neighbors and the old lady across the street, and didn't judge. Now it's about blinders, you and yourself, and your opinion is the only correct answer. It's about your new Tesla or $3,000 1 bedroom apartment. By the way, who pays $3000 for an apartment overlooking Target and Walmart? That's just ridiculous. The people who live in these RVs are trying to find ways to a better place, most have local full time jobs or health issues and have been priced out of their homes.

Now, did any of you actually read the article? Or read their mission on their gofundme page? I didn't think so, or you would have noticed she is a local girl whose found a way. Can you even imagine any kid raised in our entitled little bubble having to find a new path without any assistance. Can you imagine YOUR entitled daughter experiencing police harassment like they did in the Stockton area. I can only imagine the fear they felt when guns were drawn and that their only thought was to get back home, to PA and MV. Police may come by, but they talk respectfully to you and don't assume the worst. We have much smarter police.

On an all together different side of this. This vehicle is an awesome example of history and art! Have you seen the pics from when it was a logging truck? Or the one when the house was built on it in the 70's? A woman designed and built it herself with recycled materials and raised 4 kids in it! The inside is redwood and tiles! Now, almost 50 years after its creation, it's been found by the right to creative souls, willing to tackle all the difficulties that come with such an old vessel. It's not about living the RV life, it's about having a home.

To the person who pays to store their RV, maybe you should use it instead of store it, maybe do your own social experiment and go park somewhere and meet the people. What a waists money... To the person who wants to rent them out, it's already being done. Check out Craigslist, it's easier to find an RV to rent here than it is to find a used one for sale. To those concerned about their sewage issues, have you ever heard of composting toilets or recirculating toilets? Have you ever seen those trucks that empty porta potty's? Well, guess what? They also empty RV sewage tanks.

These kids set out to put a roof over their head. I'd say they found something altogether amazing. A life.

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 30, 2016 at 10:38 pm

Palo Alto Mom,

I noticed an omission from your heartfelt and eloquent post. You forgot to include your street address so that the RV squatters can park in front of your home.

I'm sure it wasn't intentional and that you'll correct the error quickly.

Posted by B. Dylan
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 31, 2016 at 9:40 am

[Post removed due to possible copyright infringement]

Posted by Donald Trump
a resident of another community
on Aug 31, 2016 at 10:40 am

I hate RV's on public streets.
I hate rent control.
I hate "illegals" using our public health services.
I hate the BRT dedicated lane proposal.

If you agree with all of the above, then you must realize that you are more closely aligned with me than my opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Think about it.

Posted by No Thanks
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 31, 2016 at 12:12 pm

@ Palo Alto mom and Donald Trump

Things are not always black and white. I personally am quite liberal and very supportive of low-income, marginalized populations getting the help they need in a reasonable fashion. Our government, especially in California has many, many ways to support people needing extra help with food, housing, healthcare, and the like. My neighborhood in Mountain View has many low-income housing units, and some are even expanding to add more units. (In fact, I think most people in Mountain View are unaware of how many low income apartments already exist in Mountain View and have been here for years supporting people who need it.)

I can support all of this, and still not support our city allowing people to camp where they want indefinitely on public streets. That is completely unreasonable.

Posted by Polomom
a resident of Waverly Park
on Aug 31, 2016 at 1:17 pm

Polomom is a registered user.

@Palo Alto Mom
I am storing my Recreational Vehicle (That's what RV stand for)because I am a conscientious neighbor. The vehicle dwellers are not here for recreational purposes. They do not care about the neighbors living on their street, paying rent and utilities for MV services. This vehicle in question is actually deemed a house car by the DMV, do they belong on a residential street? Do cities have rules for those? I know, they would not be allowed in most RV parks. You live in Palo Alto, why don't you invite them over. The girl is from PA. Just because I cannot afford to live somewhere doesn't mean I have the right to camp out in that place. We chose urban living with its constraints and rules, anybody wanting to live differently can do so easily anywhere else in CA or the US. It's a big state and country.

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 31, 2016 at 5:19 pm

True is a registered user.

@Donald Trump

I noticed an omission from your snarky and largely useless post that did nothing to further the conversation. You forgot to include your street address so that the RV squatters can park in front of your home.

I'm sure it wasn't intentional and that you'll correct the error quickly.......unless you think RV residence parking is long as it isn't in front of your which case you'd be demonstrating a different candidates modus operandi...the one that thinks there's a set of rules for herself and a different set for everyone else.

Posted by Dave
a resident of Bailey Park
on Aug 31, 2016 at 6:05 pm

They are NOT mobile homes!!

Posted by Cfrink
a resident of Willowgate
on Aug 31, 2016 at 7:43 pm

Cfrink is a registered user.

I think this is a pretty difficult issue. I like my neighborhood and there are a few RVs that come and go. I recently spoke to an officer about it just wondering what the current policy was. There was apparently a court case that prohibits the City from harassing the owners of these vehicles because it unfairly targets the homeless. I'm sure that other places that have local ordinances will eventually come up against similar rulings. With all that in mind, I would hope that the City would create a safe space for folks to park long term, that has adequate access to public transportation routes, and of course, pumping stations.

As I have struggled to "make it" in MV I have often considered the last resort of living similarly and I've been lucky enough to scrape by without having to resort to such measures. But we can't be so divisive about it. We have to be inclusive and empathetic. While there are a few Googlers and others who are living this way (rather nicely I might add) on purpose, most of these people are not living this way because they want to live this way. And there are plenty of you well paid home owners and renters who have contributed to our rent and real estate woes by constantly overpaying for properties just because you can. I get the apprehension of homeowners ending up with an RV park on their street. I would agree that this is not an admirable neighborhood feature. So, we should continue encouraging the City to create a space where these vehicles and their owners can be welcomed, receive the services they need and be safe. They are, after all, our co workers, neighbors and friends at the end of the day.

Posted by PA Resident
a resident of another community
on Aug 31, 2016 at 9:49 pm

In Europe these are not called RVs, but generally caravans. The occupants go by many names, gypsies, romanies, tinkers, travellers, itinerants, nomads, etc. and all seem romantic to some and cause problems to others.

Posted by Kevin
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Sep 1, 2016 at 3:25 pm

Thought it was illegal to camp in Mt. View, Latham very dangerous by target, you can't see on coming cars due to all the beat up RV's littering the street.

Posted by Otto Maddox
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 1, 2016 at 4:56 pm

What a bunch of hypocrites.

A man can be homeless. Sleep on the sidewalk. So be it.

But heaven help us if the guy finds an older RV or trailer to live in.

Then he's the scum of the earth!

It's called freedom people. Not everyone has to have a physical address!

As long as they aren't crapping in the gutters who are they hurting?

Posted by Palo Alto resident
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 1, 2016 at 11:31 pm

I applaud what Palo Alto mom had to say, all of it.
Most of you sound scared and judgemental.
No compassion & very righteous.
How so very sad.... With the cost of housing increases have arrived the increase in in snobbery.
The littering, defacation and urination outdoors is what is wrong.

Posted by Polomom
a resident of Waverly Park
on Sep 2, 2016 at 7:59 am

Polomom is a registered user.

@PAresident: Communities in Europe offer these caravan dwellers a specific place, mostly on the outskirts of villages/cities. Sanitation is provided. They are mostly the trailer type, leaving a vehicle for these families to use. They attend schools, trade in goods and as you said cause issues for some occasionally. Those "nomads"can not be compared with our city vehicle dwellers.

Posted by Greg
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 2, 2016 at 2:57 pm

If you oppose construction of new homes, then don't complain when people are living in cars.

When you asked the city to block apartments , you were helping to create the RV problem you dislike so much.

Posted by Kyle
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 2, 2016 at 10:17 pm

If you don't want people living in RVs then build more housing. Pretty basic.

Posted by J
a resident of another community
on Sep 3, 2016 at 11:02 pm

If investors would stop moving to CA from another country we wouldn't have this problem. I put the blame on investors who buy up houses in CA and they tear them down to build a mansion. Another thing I hate, is when investors buy up 5 United or homes and rent every single home out. In my neighborhood they do this. I get slumlord neighbor's because of it!!!! It's these damn investors!!!! Move back to your country and stop raising our prices. When you have grown up in this state all your life, you don't always want to leave. In other states, homes are expensive too! It makes me mad that outsiders are stealing our homes and taking away our jobs!!! All outsiders..... GO HOME!!!!!!!

Posted by Polomom
a resident of Waverly Park
on Sep 4, 2016 at 4:51 pm

Polomom is a registered user.

@ J Here it is:
Web Link

We are facing common problems in MV. None of them are unique to MV.

Once the V and/or W passes we will have more AirBnB units and more properties sold to developers for high density apartment/condo development. None of those will help renters,just investors, foreign or domestic. It will not add more housing units or preserve current ones.V or W are bad for MV.

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 4, 2016 at 6:34 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

If we don't want people living in RVs on the street then perhaps we should stop pushing an entitled agenda that implies everyone should be able to live wherever they want.

There are Always such emotional stories here. But emotional does not pay the bills. Its lovely to present this Pollyanna version of life, that everyone is free to do what they want, where they want.

It's not reality.

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 4, 2016 at 6:43 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

Lol, just read the part about the Gofundme. Lol, lol, lol, who's falling for this? Seriously? You're going to step up, give money to a couple of young kids who don't feel like paying rent like everyone else, rather just want to junk up our streets?

Looking at the lovely, heart-warming pic of the homemade candles dangling on the inside of this fabulous WOODEN truck Wondering if there's potential code violations that would allow the City to make it LEAVE.

Posted by dennis
a resident of Shoreline West
on Sep 6, 2016 at 6:37 pm

Just an additional comment, these vehicle dwellers aren't families with children running around, these are practically all men that are basically wanting something for nothing. And if you think they would pay anything in the way of fees for this or that like many of the ignorant people that have commented, their garbage and junk, and mattresses all end up in the refuse areas of local apartment complexes, and to think that any one of them would pay to use the city dump is laughable. If the police were to shake down every "camper vehicle," they would find alcohol and drug abuse by all the men in these vehicles. I have been on the street; I know how those that partake from the system, and if you give them an inch they will take a mile. The public is so naive some of these comments would make me laugh if it wasn't for the seriousness of the situation. This is no different from the beginnings of the "homeless," encampments that plague San Jose, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, etc. As Barney Fife use to say; nip it in the bud."

Posted by Polomom
a resident of Waverly Park
on Sep 6, 2016 at 9:20 pm

Polomom is a registered user.

We need an ordinance, fast....
We are a vehicle dweller sanctuary city, this has attracted more and more RV campers.Here are a few examples of how other cities in CA are dealing with the same issue. I added the number of homeless reported for the same region, since the MVPD uses the "discrimination against homeless people" phrase:
San Jose
Web Link
Web Link
(6556 homeless people reported in all of Santa Clara County, includes the MV ones)

Palo Alto banned the overnight parking in 2013, but it was repealed

Menlo Park
Web Link

I am sure if we poll the RV residents we will find quite a few moved here from SJ, Sunnyvale, Menlo Park and Palo Alto.

Posted by Polomom
a resident of Waverly Park
on Sep 6, 2016 at 9:21 pm

Polomom is a registered user.

The Voice would not let me post all at once, here is part 2:

Out of area:
Santa Barbara :
Limits RV overnight parking to certain lots

Web Link
1455 homeless people

San Diego has the most comprehensive permit system and the largest number of homeless people:

Web Link
Web Link

8742 homeless people

I believe we need to put an end to out of town campers rolling into MV weekly. We already had our resident RV dwellers 15 years ago, they were spread out, their presence was noted but there was never one neighborhood blighted as is the Latham neighborhood right now.
Maybe the examples from other CA cities can help us write an ordinance for MV.
Sanitation poses a huge problem. Turning a blind eye will not help these people and MV.
The building of a public dump station is not taken into consideration out of fear to attract even more RV's. I think we are way passed this point, word of mouth has made us a vehicle dweller destination city.

Posted by Move!
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 7, 2016 at 1:33 am

Don't like RV's on our streets? Then move to the previously mentioned Santa Barbara! To quote the republican nitwits on Town Square: "We can't have XYZ law enacted. The USSR had that law and look how it turned out."

Seriously. It's not a big deal. They are parking in a commercial area. Not in front of anyone's house. But, if they did? Too bad! They pay gas tax, sales tax, which build and maintain our roadways. They have rights too! When you visit another city and park in front of someone's house, should you be ticketed or towed?!

Posted by myopinion
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Sep 7, 2016 at 9:21 am

I wonder how long the RV's would last if they parked outside the Googleplex? MVPD would be down there in a flash.

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Sep 7, 2016 at 1:26 pm

True is a registered user.

Still don't see anyone in favor of the practice posting up their address and inviting the RV dwellers to park in front of their homes.

A bit hypocritical don't ya think?

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