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Local Gold Star mom speaks out against Trump comments

Original post made on Aug 2, 2016

Hearing Khizr Khan speak movingly at last week's Democratic National Convention about his son, who was killed by a suicide bomber while serving in Iraq, brought Mountain View Gold Star Karen Meredith to tears. Hearing Donald Trump's subsequent comments attacking the Khan family has moved her to action.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Tuesday, August 2, 2016, 5:30 PM

Comments (37)

Posted by Michael
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 2, 2016 at 7:49 pm

Trump is a jerk but honestly, Mr.Khan, aided by his wife, attacked Trump at the DNC. The attack was based on the proposition that not all Muslims are terrorists. But Trump never said all (or any percentage of) Muslims were terrorists. He just suggested stopping the immigration of Muslims until "we can figure out what is going on" (or similar words). Gold star political operatives do not get those throw eggs at a candidate and receive no response. Of course, Trump has proceeded to say plenty more that demonstrates his unfitness to be President - but not merely responding to an attack by these "Gold Star" political operatives.

Posted by Army Vet
a resident of Castro City
on Aug 3, 2016 at 6:34 am

I agree that Trump was baited by the Democrats. Let's not forget for convenience the over 6,000 other US military casualties from the wars and the tens of thousands wounded. It turns out now that a dead soldier has to be the son of an Harvard educated lawyer and immigrant from Pakistan to make the news and be a tool of the presidential campaigns. Apparently there is privilege even in death now. Welcome to the establishment Mr. Kahn.

Hillary Clinton, and Democratic and Republican politicians who supported the wars, are more to blame for causing CPT Kahn's and 1LT Ballard's deaths in her approval and support of the war. Trump had as much to do with it as you or I.

Using any soldier's death as political theater and propaganda is wrong. Does it really have to extend to the MV Voice?
While I respect Ms. Ballard for not limiting her criticism to just Trump, but also Obama and all politicians responsible for the wars, I also recall that Lt. Ballard's tragic death was by accident when a .50 caliber machine gun was accidentally fired with a round still chambered during maintenance and not in a firefight against insurgents as previously reported. As such the Democrats would never invite Ms. Ballard to speak at a convention. As a statistic his tragic death doesn't work for the propaganda machine. She'll never be part of the establishment.

Let's stop the propaganda machine from getting completely out of control on both sides. Proper screening and tracking of immigrants is needed and would have prevented 911 and the wars and all the deaths and subsequent attacks that have followed and that will continue. As citizens we are all tracked as taxpayers and drivers, why would we possibly reject Trump's suggestion (which has been spun into something else) to screen and track immigrants?

Posted by Old Steve
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 3, 2016 at 9:04 am

@Army Vet;

Mr. Khan wrote an Op-Ed piece before the HRC campaign knew anything about him. They chose to expand his audience. As a Senator, Sec Clinton voted for GWB's "WMD" war. She has spoken of that decision as an error. She has also apologized for the email snafu. Do we want a president who admits mistakes, or one who lies about everything, almost everyday? A Trump spokeswoman hastried to hang Cpt Khan's death in 2004 on Obama-Clinton polices. Just for the record, Obama was in the Illinois State Senate, while Clinton was U.S. Senator from New York. Trump's folks can't even keep public facts straight. Thanks for your post. Thanks for your service is completely inadequate, but on a message board, I don't have anything better.

Posted by Another perspective
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 3, 2016 at 9:25 am

[Post removed due to promoting a website]

Posted by Lisa
a resident of another community
on Aug 3, 2016 at 10:57 am

[Post removed due to promoting a website]

Posted by parent
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 3, 2016 at 1:19 pm

The Trump campaign shamefully continues to attack the soldier's family. First they blame his death on Obama (even though he died when George Bush was president). Then the blame Hillary (even though George Bush was president). Now they are saying are repeatedly implying that the parents are Islamic extremists and/or terrorists. All of this is coming from Trump's official spokesperson during on-camera interviews with CNN.

Posted by LetsIgnoreBenghazi
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 3, 2016 at 2:40 pm

LetsIgnoreBenghazi is a registered user.

I think it's good news that the press has finally noticed that soldiers are good people who fight to defend this country, rather than the murderous baby-killers and savages that the press normally portrays them as. But it only counts if your parents are speaking out against a Republican.

If you were killed in Benghazi and your mother speaks out at the Republican convention, the press calls you crazy, misguided, or just refuses to cover your story at all.

I am sure some will accuse me of attacking Mr. Khan, but note that my criticisms have fallen squarely against the partisan press who seek not to report the news, but to take sides and act as cheerleaders for one side over another.

I think it is pathetic that the MV Voice chose to print this story because of a "local angle", but completely ignored the story of the Trump supporters that were viciously attacked without provocation in San Jose.

If we needed any more proof of the far left bias of the press, stories like this are more than adequate. I have no hope that the Voice will ever become a real newspaper, but then again, why should the be the first one since the 50's?

Posted by OldMountainViewGuy
a resident of Shoreline West
on Aug 3, 2016 at 2:42 pm

OldMountainViewGuy is a registered user.

Trump was set up and he took the bait.
The Hillary campaign (with Obama's help) is using this non-issue to deflect the obvious common sense of Trump's positions on sensible controls on immigration, which most Americans support. The left-leaning press continues to distort this fact with claims of "racism" and "islamaphobia"which is simply a false narrative.
Let's hope Trump can temper some of his spontaneous off the cuff "jerk" like responses as you described. However he is totally justified in feeling annoyed at this obvious cleverly contrived partisan attack,, waving a cliff notes version of the Constitution in the air.. What is that going to prove?
Crump did not attack the family. He stated that the son was a brave war hero.
His only crime was being somewhat rude, gruff and insensitive as is his nature....but remember, they did attack him first... on a national forum set up by the Democrats.
The bottom line is that the Clintons are corrupt rotten apples thru-and-thru, and Hillary continues to layer Lie upon Lie (see recent interviews). Obama with his cronies is an anti-American value internationalist and an apologist for Islamic extremism, domestic criminal behavior, and rogue terrorist supporting regimes such as Iran and the so called Palestinian State.
And as far as K Merridith, We all sympathize with her loss, but we should point out that the emergence of IsIs in the cacuum of Iraq was on the Hillary/Obama watch, largely due to their inept and weak foreign policy actions and inactions... How many Americans and our Allies are dead now because of that ?

Posted by AEH
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 3, 2016 at 2:47 pm

AEH is a registered user.

@michael -- Mr Khan did not "attack" DJT at the convention. He asked a perfectly reasonable question ("Have your read the Constitution?") and made a perfectly valid statement about DJT's not having made any sacrifices. Whatever our feelings about Bush's war, (to which I was very opposed) the families of our troops, especially those that have put their lives on the line, are completely off limits. Let the politicians savage each other -- they knew what they were getting into when they started - but Mr and Mrs Khan, Ms Meredith and all other Gold Star families can never stop grieving.
As for DJT being "baited" by the Democrats, well, that, again is part of the process, like it or not. The Republican nominee can hand it out (Crooked Hillary, ring any bells?) but doesn't have the confidence or the demeanor to take it.

Posted by OldMountainViewGuy
a resident of Shoreline West
on Aug 3, 2016 at 2:55 pm

OldMountainViewGuy is a registered user.

Stating that Trump has a "black heart" is not an attack? Give me a freakin' break.
How would Mr. Khan or anyone know what sacrifices we all have made?
Do you have to die in a war to make a sacrifice? That question is patently unfair and rhetorical. Mr. Trump lost a brother. Im sure if you lost a family member you could relate to that.
I'm voting for Trump because the corrupt status quo just has got to go, and I'll take all the warts, blemishes, pratfalls and pray for the best.

Posted by TP
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 3, 2016 at 2:58 pm

TP is a registered user.

Mr Trump had his chance to show us he is presidential, fit to be commander-in-chief. All he had to do was recognize their grief, honor Capt. Khan's sacrifice, and wish the Khan family comfort and peace. This is what we expect from a president who will be trusted with our children's lives, nothing more. Instead, he belittled their true sacrifice and insulted the mother. Yesterday, he had another chance to be presidential, when a Purple Heart supporter generously came up on stage and handed Trump his medal. A true american would have never accepted such an honor, said so, pinned it back on his chest and saluted the veteran. But what did Trump do? He put it in his pocket and said thanks.

In life, Captain Humayun Saqib Muazzam Khan made the ultimate sacrifice and saved 10 members of his troop.

In death, he may have saved a nation.

Posted by OldMountainViewGuy
a resident of Shoreline West
on Aug 3, 2016 at 3:23 pm

OldMountainViewGuy is a registered user.

Get over it TP. He's not the run-of-the-mill politician. That's one of the reasons why he beat 16 strong republican challengers for the nomination.
Anyway, who the *&&^ accepts your notion of what a "True American" would do? Maybe you think that is what you would do. Do you speak for all of us? What false humility and arrogance. I saw the gentleman ( a Lt. Colonel) interviewed and he was very grateful that Mr. Trump accepted the medal in the spirit it was given... to whom he hoped would be his next Commander-in-Chief.
The leftist press has already fabricated another false story that the medal was a fake copy... which is untrue.

Posted by TP
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 3, 2016 at 4:30 pm

TP is a registered user.

"Get over it TP"? Please don't worry, I'm not angry or upset.

Posted by judgetim
a resident of another community
on Aug 3, 2016 at 7:02 pm

judgetim is a registered user.

I know and respect Karen Meredith and I honor her son's sacrifice and profound gift to our country, I do not include myself in the group of Gold Star Parents she describes as signing her letter. While I do not agree with Mr. Trump's remarks regarding The Khan family, my criticism of these remarks comes nowhere near the deep visceral reaction to his opponent's responsibility in Benghazi.I bring up this specific issue because the current situation calls it into focus in my mind.
When my son Kevin was brought home I was numb and moving forward just putting one foot in front of the other. It was the words of his brigade commander, his escort, and the casualty assistance officer that directed me. My son was a pilot and I just wanted to know what happened and it helped me breath and go on. I cannot imagine what it would have done to me if I had found out that I was lied to and then called, in front of the entire nation, a liar myself. And then to have the Secretary of State say, "At this time what difference does it make." Had I heard these words about my son it would have torn apart my soul.I can't imagine that any other Gold Star Parent would not understand what I am saying. All he have left is the honor and respect for our sons or daughters.
I think we need to look beyond the Gold Star Parents and include the grieving families of assassinated police officers, grieving families of all victims of terrorism, to our veterans suffering from physical and psychological trauma, and assess in our determination of who should be our Commander-in-Chief. We need to elect a president who will do the only thing that will help all of us Gold Star Parents - that thing is to commit to not adding new members to our group.

Posted by Hope
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 3, 2016 at 7:15 pm

Hope is a registered user.

I wonder about your comments. Did you watch the RNC convention where people were screaming "Lock Her Up" encouraged by Chris Christie. Did you see or hear any attacks on Hillary? When the women who lost her son blamed Hillary personally what did Hillary do?

What I fear more than Trump is Trump supporters who willfully ignore Trump's racism, xenophobia and outright lies. Who are these people?

Last I remembered is the US has a constitution and a criminal justice system, and everyone is innocent until proven guilty- so let the courts do the loking up.

Posted by Hope
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 3, 2016 at 8:13 pm

Hope is a registered user.

Ok More craziness from Trump- Don't believe me watch him on video. He is claiming to have seen a video of Iran. Nobody can verify the video- so it has to be 1. He made it all up, or 2. It was a security video from his NSA briefings.

What will it take for people to stop supporting him?

Posted by judgetim
a resident of another community
on Aug 4, 2016 at 12:51 am

judgetim is a registered user.

Hope, if your remarks were made to me let me say this: Please keep this clear in your mind that the fact that we still have a constitution is because of the of the actions of my father and my son and many more like them who gave their lives. This is not about my opinions about trump or Clinton, this is about parents who know their sons were left alone without a chance to live. This is about parents who were lied to and then called liars and then heard from the US Secretary of State that any discussion about their death did not matter. You can tell me all day what a jerk Trump is and that is not my focus. You are presenting a basic fallacy of equivalence in logic that somehow remarks made by Christie or Trump mitigate what happened in and around Benghazi.

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 4, 2016 at 8:11 am

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

@hope you ask how are these people? We are your neighbors, we are the parents of children your children may go to school with, we are the one in the car at the stoplight next to you, the one behind you in the grocery store, the person sitting in a cubicle next to you. It may surprise you to know there are so many of us, we are the silent ones who do not feel comfortable speakong our minds in this area so intolerant of other views.

We meet quietly with others who feel the same so we can share our thoughts, discuss the news, in a safe forum where we won't be berated, belittled or scorned.

It is shocking, shameful and horrific to me how intolerant this area has become. And from those same people who preach about intolerance and negativity.

Posted by Old Steve
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 4, 2016 at 12:39 pm

Old Steve is a registered user.


I don't understand why one foreign consulate incident that cost the ambassador and three others their lives attracts so much more attention than the dozen or so similar attacks in the previous decade that cost about 60 Americans their lives. Both sides in the several investigations are trying to play to their own advantages, but there is still no there in Benghazi.

We have never before equated diplomatic security with military combat, nor active duty soldiers with retired military security contractors. Mr. Khan chose to step forward by writing an Op Ed. Mr. Trump chose to engage in an at least impolite argument. I can argue in favor of certain policies of either major party, but I cannot support any candidate who is going to treat everyone who disagrees with them as rudely and disrespectfully as has been done in this case.

Posted by MyOpinion
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Aug 4, 2016 at 1:48 pm

MyOpinion is a registered user.

POTUS is not an entry level position. Trump has proven himself unqualified and unworthy, his statements about the Kahns, Ukraine, the NFL, the so-called rigged election, his inappropriate joke when offered a Vets Purple Heart, and many other topics make that very clear.

He sticks his foot in his mouth at every turn, maybe that is why one of his 5 VietNam deferments was for bad feet.

He is toxic, the Republican Party is having a meltdown with the way he is mis-managing his campaign. Web Link

The Kahn incident is one of many examples of how this man is not fit to be POTUS, he should stick to real estate development, beauty pageants and Chinese neckties.

Posted by mn_test347
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 4, 2016 at 2:14 pm

mn_test347 is a registered user.

"But Trump never said all ... Muslims were terrorists. He just suggested stopping the immigration of Muslims"

Right. He didn't say they were terrorists - he just said he would stop immigration because they are terrorists.

Posted by mn_test347
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 4, 2016 at 2:17 pm

mn_test347 is a registered user.

"Trump had as much to do with it [Kahn's death] as you or I."

You missed the point. Nobody was blaming Trump. He was being criticized for his racism against Muslims - including Muslims that had died for the US.

Posted by mn_test347
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 4, 2016 at 2:22 pm

mn_test347 is a registered user.

" Proper screening and tracking of immigrants is needed and would have prevented 911 and the wars and all the deaths and subsequent attacks that have followed and that will continue. "

That's wishful thinking. Have you forgotten that the Iraq War was over (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction? Just as you have forgotten that anyone that did not support George Bush's Iraq War was unpatriotic, unamerican.

Posted by mn_test347
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 4, 2016 at 2:25 pm

mn_test347 is a registered user.


Let's talk Benghazi. About how four people were killed - which is 0.00014 times the 7000 US soldiers killed in Republican wars in the middle east.

Posted by mn_test347
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 4, 2016 at 2:32 pm

mn_test347 is a registered user.


"Mr. Trump lost a brother."

Oh please. Freddy Trump, who was often and hardily criticized by Donald, died of alcoholism. He did not volunteer to fight and die for the US.

Posted by mn_test347
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 4, 2016 at 2:35 pm

mn_test347 is a registered user.


"Fred Sr.’s will, which Donald had helped draft. It divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, “other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.”"

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 4, 2016 at 3:23 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

WW1; Woodrow Wilson, Democrat
WWII; Franklin D Roosevelt, Democrat
Korean War; Harry S Truman, Democrat
Vietnam; JFK/LBJ, Democrats

Iraq; Republican

All sanctioned by dual party Congress except for the Obama war on republicans, that's been one-sided

Posted by Old Steve
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 4, 2016 at 4:50 pm

Old Steve is a registered user.


Some of us have challenges with your characterization of "the Obama war on republicans" given that it was Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who declared before the 2009 ceremonies beginning the Obama Presidency were hardly over that "My number one goal is to make Obama a one term President"

I have no disagreement with our President if he chooses to consider those "fighting words". Having been born in the state McConnell represents, I also consider the possibility that the Senator's animus toward the President may involve more than party platforms.

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 4, 2016 at 5:59 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

McConnell made that statement in 2010, well over two years into Obamas presidency due to the complete and utter lack of cooperation with the Congress.

But hey, keep twisting the facts to suite your needs.

Posted by Old Steve
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 4, 2016 at 6:29 pm

Old Steve is a registered user.

I believe the statement came to light in 2010 yes. From Jan 2009 to anytime in 2010 cannot be "well over two years". I did not know ODS impacted computational skills to such an exceptional degree! If you can claim I am twisting the "facts", I am well within my rights to call you out on your "math".!=)

Posted by Old Steve
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 4, 2016 at 6:51 pm

Old Steve is a registered user.

I don't want to burden this space with quotes and links, but it did not take more than ten minutes to find two sources for Senator McConnell's claim in January 2009. As I said above, Sen McConnell chose to use "fighting words". Eight years in the Echo chamber have morphed those words into Trump. Be Careful what you Wish for!

Posted by mvresident2003
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 4, 2016 at 8:05 pm

mvresident2003 is a registered user.

I don't have a problem burdening this space with facts at all

Web Link

And yes, he did use fighting words, in response to Obamas opening the door.

Posted by TP
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 4, 2016 at 11:09 pm

TP is a registered user.

Here is the meeting on January 29, 2009, an unprecedented level of disrespect for the office of the president of the US. Scared, little men.

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.

Posted by LetsIgnoreBenghai
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 5, 2016 at 10:24 am

LetsIgnoreBenghai is a registered user.

@mn_test347 Thanks for proving my point. Your reply that 4 lives don't matter compared to 7000 lives is an example of the worst kind of insensitivity that I have come to expect from those who make excuses for Hillary' unforgivable behavior. You refer to the wars as Republican wars, but Hillary and many other Democrats voted for those wars. Trump was against the wars from the beginning. That being said "All lives matter" and Hillary lied when she said that the assault was based on a video, and was not a terrorist attack (again on 9/11) just before a Presidential election.

Also, if they are Republican Wars based on lies, why didn't Obama simply pull out all the troops immediately after he became president? Why do we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan today?

I can understand the emotional need to have knee-jerk reactions and criticisms of those with whom you disagree, but next time, try thinking things through first. You effectively said that their 4 lives were meaningless and that's pretty heartless from someone who ostensibly supports the party that "cares".

Posted by Old Steve
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 7, 2016 at 3:29 pm

Old Steve is a registered user.

We don't seem to be making progress here, but I've left the comments above alone long enough. Certainly the four lost lives matter. Just as the 62 lives lost in similar attacks during the previous administration matter. The Stevens' family is done with the politics of this attack, the Smith family maybe not so much. The facts are only:

These four were not active military personnel, the subject of this story.
Funding was cut for security by the Republican led Congress. Security requests for the Benghazi facility were not enacted, but not because of action taken (or not) by Sec. Clinton. There was no military "superhero" rescue available, although apparently many options were explored. Eight investigations, let's leave Benghazi alone!

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 8, 2016 at 5:41 pm

True is a registered user.

One can support and sympathize with both Mr. Khan and Mrs. Smith and simultaneously believe the candidates they support are both complete embarrassments and unfit for the office of dog catcher....let alone POTUS.

Posted by MyOpinion
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Aug 9, 2016 at 3:16 pm

MyOpinion is a registered user.

Trump is a lounge act, not presidential material, say what you will be Muslims, Benghazi, crooked Hillary, Obama's birth certificate and the other favorite Trump hot topics, he is a buffoon. He has demonstrated that he has neither a serious interest nor the intellectual capacity to be POTUS

And today...another zinger from his own party...
50 top GOP officials: Trump would 'risk our country's national security' Web Link

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