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Acres of office space

Original post made on Jul 29, 2016

On a regular workday, it takes bartender Chris Nault 90 minutes or more to get to his job at the Sports Page Bar and Grill in Mountain View, across the street from the Google campus. It was much better, he said, in the days when he rented an apartment near Middlefield Road and his drive to work was a matter of minutes.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, July 29, 2016, 3:04 PM

Comments (52)

Posted by Thinking
a resident of another community
on Jul 29, 2016 at 3:56 pm

You have to wonder, with all this office space being built, will it really
be occupied? It's an awful lot of space. It's way more than than enough to
hold the projected job growth in the region.

A lot of this construction is speculative, meaning that there is no tenant
lined up and locked in to fill it when it's done. Those that are lined up
are forecasting their own employee count growth, and they may end up
being wrong.

Posted by Thinking More
a resident of another community
on Jul 29, 2016 at 4:29 pm

Where are all these workers even going to come from? Guardino is mixing his metaphors
when he talks about "a dorm-like experience not even close to where they work". For years, Google workers choose to live in San Francisco and work in Mountain View. The same for Facebook. I believe Facebook has provided statistics that say half of their workers
come from San Francisco to Menlo Park.

Kids out of school don't want a suburban house-like dwelling. They want a "dorm like experience" and they don't care if it's close to where they work. They care more about the night life near where they live. The real issue is not workers straight out of college, as Guardino should know. The issue is when they get older and want a nicer residence, and care less about the night life and more about the commute.

These companies have grown by having very young work forces. Is that sustainable? Will their work forces not age? Isn't the real issue retention? And with the historical compensation being so high, they have lots to spend on real estate. That
causes as many problems as it solves. The density of existing housing has increased, and the same is true of the pre-existing office space. It's very hard to get accurate
numbers for future projections when the density may switch back around.

Look at the number of jobs created over the past 10 years, the increase in population,
and the total number of housing units over time. That could be enlightening.

Posted by Kyle
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 29, 2016 at 9:30 pm

Very easy solution: build more housing. Up the zoning from 2-stories to 3-4 in most neighborhoods. Stop approving town houses, and mandate condo developments.

Hell, for bigger areas, approve 4-5 stories if they put a grocery store on the bottom floor. Suburban neighborhoods won't change. There'll simply be islands of density. The main thing is to make sure conveniences exist nearby so they don't get in the car for tiny things.

Posted by Chips and Salsa
a resident of another community
on Jul 30, 2016 at 12:46 pm

The solution is not more housing. The solution is for these companies like Google, Apple, Facebook to move jobs to other areas where housing exists to accommodate job growth!

Posted by Kyle, please
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jul 30, 2016 at 2:55 pm

Kyle really? Thats the worst idea I've ever heard.

Posted by Tax dodging doesn't help
a resident of Rex Manor
on Jul 30, 2016 at 3:21 pm

Maybe if these tech companies paid their fair share of taxes rather than trying to hide money overseas to pay as little as possible, local cities would have more money for affordable housing units (and better schools). This would help to offset some of the negative changes these companies bring.

Also, given the picture posted above, it looks like Palo Alto and Los Altos should be building more housing. They are the ones with the biggest gaps. Why is there this expectation that Mountain View is the only city that needs to build more housing? I think we've done quite enough will the thousands of new units we have in the pipeline. Time for Palo Alto and Los Altos to step up.

Posted by Differences
a resident of another community
on Jul 30, 2016 at 4:48 pm

Los Altos is a net housing provider. It has more residences than jobs.

For example, between the time Mountain View's population went from 70,800 to 77,765 the story with it's daytime population growth changed much more. It had grown by 18,972 each day, but at the later point it would grow by 35,072 per day. So, it added 16,000 more jobs than it added to its population, or about 23,000 new jobs and 7,000 more residents.

In Los Altos, the population went from 27,600 to 30,400. It's daytime population went from declining by 1875 to only declining by 1215. So it added almost as many new residents as it did new jobs, or about 3450 new jobs and 2800 new residents.

You really need to look at the change in daytime population to judge the whole story,

The situation in Mountain View got much worse because of the 16,000 new commuters coming into the city after subtracting out the number who leave the city for work each day. In Palo Alto over the same time the relative change was only 14,000 (net new commuters coming to the city adjusting for those who leave the city).

Posted by Thinking Less
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jul 30, 2016 at 8:07 pm

Too many thinkers that are economically illiterate. Government has restricted the supply of housing while job growth has continued. Los Altos may have more housing than jobs but it has even higher housing prices. At least MTN Views does try to increase the supply of housing. We have far better public services in Mtn View .

Posted by Never say ENOUGH
a resident of Whisman Station
on Jul 31, 2016 at 5:21 am

Guardino will next explain: If you ever say "enough," all of the gold turns to clay. That should keep 'em quiet. Corporations must grow or account. Sure, living here will be hell. But Silicon Valley corporations own most of the politicians and the corporations only profit by selling something, or pretending to be able to sell something, and cutting costs.

Posted by Mike
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 31, 2016 at 7:05 am

The cause of rising housing costs in places like Mountain View is simple: it serves the interests of voters. People who own the decaying shacks that pass for housing in Mountain View either love the massive appreciation they have seen, or carry a massive mortgage and are terribly afraid of any dip in housing values. And voters are intuitively smart about what to do to keep housing prices increasing: oppose high-density housing, increase public spending on new services and infrastructure (mostly paid for by new arrivals due to Prop 13), create below market rate housing (a double whammy: it takes up space and drives up prices without competing with existing housing), vote for rent control. And companies have no choice but to go along with this because most of their more senior employees own property in the area.

I don't blame Mountain View property owners for their selfish voting patterns; but please spare us who don't share in your fortune your self-righteousness and smugness. The problem isn't with developers or corporations, the problem is with you.

And please do realize that while this gravy train may last a little longer, it's not going to last forever. Techies like me need peace, quiet, no hassles, and big garages so that we can focus on innovation, and Silicon Valley doesn't provide that anymore.

Posted by Peace Out
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Jul 31, 2016 at 12:06 pm

It is possible to love something to death. I have owned a residence in Mountain View for many years, and had planned to spend the rest of my life living in that residence, however, the rapid densification & urbanization, and all that has come along with that densification & urbanization - including more regulations, higher taxes, more 'fees', less services, more (and more constant) noise pollution, air pollution, light pollution, less open all adds up to a lower quality of life, at least the kind of life I would like to live, and more stress. I don't want to live the rest of my live what I consider to be a grossly urbanized and stressful environment. Not my cup of tea. So, with much sorrow, I will eventually sell my residence and relocate to somewhere better suited for the life I want to live. The life that for many years, Mountain View provided me. This has nothing to do with "cashing out" and everything to do with quality of life. (FYI, there isn't going to be a lot of "cashing out" to be had after the loan is paid off...i'm just getting out.)

Posted by Common sense
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 31, 2016 at 12:34 pm

"Tax dodging. . ." wrote: "Maybe if these tech companies paid their fair share of taxes rather than trying to hide money overseas to pay as little as possible, . . ."

A good example of envy-based emotional reasoning -- a reflex adored by politicians and demagogues, who can reliably sway masses with it.

The reality is, "tech companies" pay EXACTLY their "fair share," as defined not by bar talk but by US laws. Otherwise there'd be criminal indictments. US laws incentivize these firms to locate some activities overseas, and if their financial managers didn't do so, they'd be incompetent (and fired). Cynical US politicians, insatiably pursuing ever-more tax dollars to buy votes and repay the backers who got them elected, play the envy card to a gullible public that would never see real benefits anyway if those tax increases happened. "Thinking Less" nailed it above: "Too many thinkers that are economically illiterate."

"Fair" is a great emotionally-charged rhetoric word, picked up in early childhood. Often in practice meaning "more for me."

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Jul 31, 2016 at 6:19 pm

To Mr. Noack: THANK YOU! YES! YES!

To my fellow readers:
"Maybe if these tech companies paid their fair share of taxes rather than trying to hide money overseas to pay as little as possible, local cities would have more money..."
Not so fast. Companies can dodge federal and state taxes to some extent, but not local taxes, which are based on property value.

@Kyle: "Suburban neighborhoods won't change. There'll simply be islands of density."
That's what I want too. I have nothing against suburban neighborhoods (see also @Peace Out). What I do want to see is El Camino transformed into a continuous mixed-use neighborhood, 4+ stories, all the way from San Bruno to Santa Clara. Likewise Rengstorff, Old Middlefield, Moffett Blvd. That would add 10,000 more people without disrupting the quiet, low-density areas that people like so much.

@Peace Out: "So, with much sorrow, I will eventually sell my residence and relocate to somewhere better suited for the life I want to live."
I feel for you, my friend. I understand the appeal of a two-car garage with a backyard for the kids to play in. (I even lived in one for a while, as a teenager.) But it's not always possible to predict what a city will look like in 30 years. And for my part, in spite of being an engineer and making so much money I'm a little ashamed of myself, I don't know if I'll ever be able to afford to buy anything more than a two-bedroom condo in this area.

Posted by Adam
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 1, 2016 at 1:08 am

ivg, you make some excellent points!

Mountain View could massively increase housing while, at the same time, keeping much of the city at a low height. Transforming El Camino and other major thoroughfares by building up (why not 10, 20 stories?!) would not only let us add lots of housing, but would also locate people near restaurants, grocery stores, etc.

Of course, then we'd likely be faced with an exacerbated transit problem :\.

No completely easy answers...

Posted by Sure...
a resident of Whisman Station
on Aug 1, 2016 at 7:22 am

I've been here over 11 years now, so I've seen a lot change. In particular, I've seen a lot of office parks get torn down. You know what almost never gets torn down and rebuilt? Apartments. Even the most poorly constructed off-base housing from an era where all the film has turned pink, nope those are still there, and have been refurbished (case in point, the apartment complex opposite Google on Whisman.)

So it seems clear to me that land use is only fit for offices, that redevelopment is only fit for offices, that the city council's past and current priorities are just: offices

What a depressing outcome.

Posted by Sure...
a resident of Whisman Station
on Aug 1, 2016 at 7:34 am

Point being... offices are evaluated for increased density all the time. Build higher, fit more people in, open floorplans, smaller workspaces. And somehow that's okay.

But on balance, nobody seems to be meaningfully looking at existing multi-tenant housing to redevelop and scale up, or giving incentives to do so.

Inevitably you've got a segment of NIMBYs in Mountain View, who will come out against housing because of a trumped-up schooling issue, when they are oddly silent about the office issue. The council is an issue, compensation of city employees is a long issue, but we have a real cancer in Mountain View which is the NIMBYs who have enabled this conflicting set of concerns and perverse outcomes in a city that, whether some may like it or not, is foremost a city of renters.

Posted by Solutions
a resident of The Crossings
on Aug 1, 2016 at 10:15 am

I always enjoy these posts because housing is always a thorny issue that raises a lot of heated debate. A lot of comments/posts are typically sentimental with offerings of complaints but providing no real solution(s). Ok, I understand there are two major hurdles to increased housing around the south bay:

1) Offices/jobs bring in more money for cities, and cities with capitalistic endeavors will clearly avoid money-losing housing.
2) Extant home owners readily bond to form a sort of housing cartel. They love more jobs/offices, as that will only bring in more jobs locally, thus inflating their already well-inflated home prices. Any additional housing will lower housing demand, thus lowering their own property values.

1) Similar to boycotting, job seekers can seek jobs elsewhere. This is harder to accomplish if you already have family in the area and/or were born/raised here.
2) Bulldoze the efforts of the housing cartels. This likely will be in the poor interest of city council members, however, as the housing cartels are likely the ones to vote them into office in the first place!
3) Build more housing. This sounds like a fairly obvious solution, but as summarized by the article and by other comments above, there are of course many limitations and hurdles. This includes higher-density and higher-heights zoning rules.
4) Stop inviting more jobs and/or pare down existing jobs. This is of course controversial - why would cities let money-making jobs/offices/companies bounce elsewhere to another city?
5) Vote for council members who will support housing solutions - but oh wait, who has the voting rights? Landlords and homeowners...and I don't think either wants increased housing.

I'm out of ideas for now. These are fairly crude ideas. What other possible solutions exist? Please share :)

Posted by Incorrect Stylized Fact
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 1, 2016 at 11:18 am

1) Offices/jobs bring in more money for cities, and cities with capitalistic endeavors will clearly avoid money-losing housing.

In fact multi story housing brings in just as much or more revenue per acre than retail and commercial. Unfortunately , urban planners fail to allocate costs correctly, which is why the typical fiscalization of land use dogma is invoked but is incorrect.

Posted by resident
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 1, 2016 at 1:41 pm

Is there a way for these companies to hire more local people (who already have local housing) instead of mostly immigrants?

Posted by Never say ENOUGH
a resident of Whisman Station
on Aug 1, 2016 at 2:07 pm

The Silicon Valley corporate executives will not tolerate being limited to hiring only persons already in the USA. Someone might unoinize. No. Their "freedom" requires that they may import labor and subject the nation to all associated costs. And Trump and Clinton will play along, if elected.

Posted by Tax Revenue
a resident of another community
on Aug 1, 2016 at 8:36 pm

If 1000 Googlers take up residence in MV displacing 1000 non-Googlers, then the city loses tax revenue. How? Well, if each resident spends $ 300 less per month on restaurant dining, then that's sales tax on $3,600,000 per year that the city loses. Google doesn't charge employees for lunch, dinner or breakfast which they provide daily on request. That is a lot of lost revenue for businesses in the city.

Conversely, Google has no sales tax revenue of its own to feed the city's coffers.

Things have changed a lot in terms of what both residents and businesses do to feed the city budget.

Posted by Job Growth
a resident of another community
on Aug 1, 2016 at 8:38 pm

Someone ought to figure county-wide what the effect of this projected and hoped job growth will be on the local population over time. How many 1000's of new non-citizens will be needed to feed the machine of tech job growth? Couldn't/Shouldn't some of this work be done overseas?

Posted by @Common sense
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 1, 2016 at 9:51 pm

[Portion removed due to disrespectful comment or offensive language]

I didn't say companies need to pay their "legal" share of taxes. I know they pay what is legally mandated. I personally don't think they pay enough. They have a stated high rate, but with loopholes we all know they pay far less and go to great lengths to find ways around paying what the law states they should pay. You may disagree with that and think they pay enough. That's fine. My comment was that I think they should pay more, and I would happily vote to change the law if that's what was required.

"Fair" in this case doesn't mean "more for me". I wouldn't see any of it. I wouldn't qualify for (or need) affordable housing and I don't use the underfunded public schools. But Google places a burden on this city in terms of housing, traffic and schools, so I would like to see them pay more to compensate for some of the negatives they bring to this city.

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 1, 2016 at 10:37 pm

Thank you for the shout-out!
"Of course, then we'd likely be faced with an exacerbated transit problem"
It's true that adding people along major thoroughfares would "create a lot of trips", as a planner might say. But then it would justify putting in more transit. Sensible, high-frequency bus routes would connect the high-density corridors to Caltrain stations. A high-density El Camino could actually support BRT, together with comparable service on currently neglected north-south routes (Mathilda, Lawrence, etc.)

"Is there a way for these companies to hire more local people (who already have local housing) instead of mostly immigrants?"
The whole point of this article is, we've run out of local people. Unemployment is pretty low now, and people are commuting from miles and miles away. Local employees are adding thousands and thousands of jobs, and whether those people come from New York or Bangalore, they still need places to live.

@Anonymous person who keeps posting under different names:
"They have a stated high rate, but with loopholes we all know they pay far less and go to great lengths to find ways around paying what the law states they should pay."
I'm still waiting for you to explain how companies can avoid municipal and county taxes.

Posted by Taxpayer
a resident of another community
on Aug 1, 2016 at 10:54 pm

Mountain View like most communities in California has no Municipal tax on businesses. Whenver this is proposed, the businesses always complain. San Francisco has a tax on business, but that is rare. Recently some cities in the North County, including Mountain View and Palo Alto) have talked about creating a municipal tax on businesses, but this has
not come to pass.

A business which owns property pays property tax to the County Tax Collector who distributes it according to state formula. The biggest chunk goes to school districts, from TK to Community College. Some does go to the city, but it is not a municipal tax. Some goes to county agencies. The state essentially benefits from what goes to school districts because the state makes up the difference to get all districts to a certain level out of is (primarily) income tax revenue.

Sales tax doesn't got to school districts, but does go to the county, state and VTA. Businesses like LinkedIn and Google don't pay much if any sales tax, because they sell services. Services are exempt from Sales tax, but there has been talk of changing that.

BTW, I'm not the person who posted the 3rd quote you made in the last post. I just take exception to your implication that there are municipal taxes at play in the case of North Bayshore corporate occupants. There aren't, beyond some very minimal fee-based collections for services.

Posted by Common sense
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 2, 2016 at 12:00 am

The poster who first wrote as "Tax dodging doesn't help / a resident of Rex Manor" Jul 30, then admitted being "@Common sense / a resident of Rex Manor" today, illustrates a particular approach: if you can't logically answer someone's point at all, call them names.

This person also displays inattention to this website and its Terms of Use, since multiple screen names in one thread are regularly grounds for deletion.

Posted by WOW
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 2, 2016 at 6:49 am

@Mike - Wow bitter much?

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 2, 2016 at 8:14 am

"I just take exception to your implication that there are municipal taxes at play in the case of North Bayshore corporate occupants."
I'm not sure what you're saying here. But this whole fiscal argument goes back to Joe Simitian's claim of the "fiscalization of land use", quoted in the article. I don't claim to understand entirely how it works, but I think I trust Joe Simitian on this. Maybe the idea is this: all property owners pay local property taxes, but residents also create costs for the school district.

Sadly, not any more bitter than some people who post here about housing construction destroying the city.

Posted by Maria
a resident of Shoreline West
on Aug 2, 2016 at 8:47 am

Don't blame it on the cities-there's only so much building that can happen. Blame it on the lack of transportation. I was just in France and the trains make it so convenient to live outside of Paris. I'm sure most young professionals want to live in Paris, but like the Bay Area-it's cost prohibitive.
We need to ramp up all ways to get in and out of this area...and it can't happen in 10 years, it needs to happen now. Obviously, the roads in Mtn View and surrounding areas have reached capacity- so other ways to get into this area need to be implemented ASAP- it is was quite shortsightedness in these administration departments to not see this coming!

Posted by Transportation Not the Problem
a resident of another community
on Aug 2, 2016 at 9:30 am

Paris is like San Francisco around 40 square miles of land.

It's convenient to work in San Francisco and live anywhere in the Bay Area.

The issue is that companies are building monster offices in the suburbs and then kvetching that it's not convenient to commute to that particular extremity for anyone living in the entire Bay Area.

The problem is too much speculative job capacity expansion, because we don't even
know for sure that the jobs will continue over time.

Posted by David Moore
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 2, 2016 at 9:55 am

Mountain View in particular continues to block the horizon with it's massive phase 2 project off San Antonio. After 16 years here in a nearby town home, I seriously question the motives of M-V city council members. Their greed for more commercial and corporate taxes amazes me, and their lack of any true understanding of what it takes to keep or get new residents is unbelievably shortsighted. Another project, the old HP complex that sat dormant for years, and was originally sold to the taxpayers as a combined business and housing development, instantly became yet another Google campus when Google cried foul for M-V turning down their 2014 proposal for expansion. As mentioned several times above, it is often speculation only regarding who will occupy all the space being built. I suppose with the amount of hotels being built from Grant road all the way down El Camino Real into Palo Alto, the city planners expect that workers will rent weekly rooms since their there will be no other place for them to live nearby.

Posted by Nihonsuki
a resident of Stierlin Estates
on Aug 2, 2016 at 10:43 am

Nihonsuki is a registered user.

If you like the way things are, the answer is simple: halt growth. As long as more houses or offices are being built, it will continue to get more and more crowded. Other cities know their limits and have long range caps on growth. The Mountain View City Council doesn't seem to see this as an option. They're more interested in increasing the revenue flowing into the city regardless of the cost to the existing residents.

Posted by Nihonsuki
a resident of Stierlin Estates
on Aug 2, 2016 at 10:53 am

Nihonsuki is a registered user.

It's not that housing CAN'T keep up with job growth, it's that it WON'T keep up with job growth because of the current policies of the city councils.

Posted by Fact checker
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 2, 2016 at 2:53 pm

MV Voice, I love this article. So thorough. Cites all sides. Great job.

I do have to bicker with the captions of the photos, which over-sensationalizes the problem. Two of the people cited are said to live off of La Avenida, and it took more than an hour to get work "today."

1) The most distant part of La Avenida (and the mobile home community adjacent to it) is 1/2 mile from Sports Page. It's never an hour's drive, even at the worst. It's not even a drive. From that location you would just walk over.

2) If you check when Sports Page opens, it seems unlikely they spent an hour on Shoreline, unless they were coming in later and were caught in concert traffic. And that problem has very little to do with growth. That is what happens anytime you put a 20,000 person facility in a place with only two roads in and out. (Shoreline and Amphitheatre)

Posted by Monta Loma
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 2, 2016 at 3:07 pm

@Fact checker - Allow me to point out that putting 20,000 people - permanently - into this small area with 3 roads in/out (SA, Rengstorff), Shoreline) is exactly what our wonderful City Council is in the process of doing. 10,000 new housing units, perhaps averaging 2 persons per unit, and - what was it - 3.4 million sf of office. Then add in the concerts...We'll see how that works out...

Posted by Alan L.
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Aug 2, 2016 at 5:36 pm

Fascinating---not one person has suggested that the accepted goodness of "growth" is a mistake. As an example, among other things, I belong to a service club, and the members believe that they have to do more, collect more money, and add more members each year----WHY???? It's a mistake to believe that "more" is always good. It's not, even if more people can be fed, more kiddies coddled, and more bureaucrats fed.

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 8, 2016 at 6:00 pm

True is a registered user.

So the take away here is that Chris Nault figured out what seems to elude many others.

Live where you can afford to live.

Posted by Robyn
a resident of another community
on Aug 8, 2016 at 6:13 pm

Enough is enough. More glass cages and hamster wheels deteriorate our quality of life.

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 9, 2016 at 9:28 pm

OK, folks. Can you help me understand something? We're still in the Bay Area, right? How many of you would describe yourselves as liberal progressives? Do you care about having a low carbon footprint, and people being able to live close to work so that they can spend time with their families? Do you give food to homeless people, or do you just blame them for being lazy and screwing up their own lives? What kind of rabbit hole did I fall into, where people vote for Marc Berman and Vicki Veenker and then hold their own quality of life above all else, and the devil take anyone who can't afford $1000 a square foot? So you bought a house here 20 years ago, when mere mortals could afford to do so. What about the rest of us? Why doesn't Mountain View recharter itself as a country club? And bring out the bulldozers and push Google into the bay, while you're at it. That would solve all of your problems.

Posted by reside
a resident of Stierlin Estates
on Aug 9, 2016 at 9:55 pm

The economy has it's up and down, no one recalls that 6 to 7 years ago you could not sell your house in Mtn View. And guess what Google now expands like crazy, nobody knows how many employees are really in all those buildings.Plus since Google doesn't make anything, no taxes. Companies would be better off to move some of their operatings where employees can afford to live.

Posted by Been there, did it, got a t-shirt
a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood
on Aug 10, 2016 at 11:29 am

"Companies would be better off to move some of their operatings where employees can afford to live."

Yes, they did this in the 80s and 90s. They chose MV over SF. I guess the real problem is that they had wild success once they opened up shop here.

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 10, 2016 at 9:44 pm

@Been there: Agreed. I'm surprised how many people here seem to actually dislike the vibrant local economy. Instead of asking for Google to go away, they could cash out their houses (and that's no small cash we're talking about) and move someplace where the economy is more sluggish, like Sacramento.

Posted by Vibrant?
a resident of another community
on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:58 pm

You call the local economy vibrant; I call it a monopoly.

Too bad one monster giant company monopolizes all of the resources and pays
so little tax to any government (By keeping cash overseas even if this means
it has to borrow to do so).

Yet another problem of the artificially low interest rates which are
driving the false sensation of the economy having its head above

Posted by Vibrant?
a resident of another community
on Aug 10, 2016 at 11:06 pm

Mountain View, newly named Alphabet Soup City.


Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 11, 2016 at 8:11 am

"You call the local economy vibrant; I call it a monopoly."
That's only true if you take MV in isolation. Google/Alphabet only employs about 18,000 people here, which is fewer than half of the employed residents. And most of those 18,000 don't live in MV, either. I have a hard time thinking of MV as a city, other than in an administrative sense. If you want to consider a more or less closed ecosystem, think of Santa Clara Valley.

"Too bad one monster giant company ... pays so little tax to any government..."
I can't believe that's unique. Don't most big companies keep money offshore? It's not a local issue; take it up with Anna Eshoo.

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 11, 2016 at 2:49 pm

True is a registered user.

I suppose Vibrant would prefer a return to the (not so) good old days when the skies above MV were filled day and night with P3's, A5's, C-130's, CH-53's (I actually really miss the military aircraft and personnel). When manufacturing companies leeched god-awful quantities of horrible chemicals into the soil. When downtown MV had a 12 story building that sat unoccupied for years with a layer of dog feces covering its ground floor. When Castro St. was a ghost town with a ton of unoccupied retail space where on a nearly weekly basis one lousy restaurant would go out of be replaced by another lousy restaurant that was soon to follow.

What a shame it is to now have our downtown bustling with new, interesting and mostly successful establishments. What a horrible thing it is to have the dozens of startups and smaller companies that have sprung up as a result of the incubator effect of having Intuit, Linkedin, Facebook, Pure..and yes, Google in close proximity. It's just awful that our community has been forced to undertake the burden of the Millions upon millions of dollars in charitable donations, grants and gifts to schools and such from those companies and their employees. What a horror it is that our community has been enriched by a heretofore unprecedented level of cultural diversity that infuses our community and schools.

Linda's and the era it occupied are gone...and we're all better off for it.

Get over it bro.

Posted by Garrett
a resident of another community
on Aug 11, 2016 at 3:13 pm

Most of North Bayshore and Whisman were sites of industrial manufacturing or warehousing with some offices. We zoned acres upon acres of land for inustry and its support services.

Today makes more sense to build large mixed use projects near, around or above offices uses.

Posted by I-Got-mine
a resident of North Whisman
on Aug 11, 2016 at 7:10 pm

Web Link

One of the solutions: Get the jobs. Find a suitable house and acreage. Visit Lo Do and other areas that have the nightlife you prefer.
The DTC is growing once the businesses find out how inexpensive per square footage is for building or building out their business. Or just set up along I-70 or I-25. Housing for an employee is also affordable. If you insist on 4 story townhouses, Englewood has high density housing because of the 30 year planning they set up for growth. Living in the foothills has never been as cost effective right now, with local chain stores and local dining as well. Plenty of hikers, horse and mountain bike trails to be shared by all. 45 minutes to Downtown Denver on I-70 and CO 74.

Now if the SFBA had done some planning ahead for their future like the Denver Metro Area has, you would have put a North spur in and built housing in the areas where the Navy housing was. Or refit Hanger One with apartments inside. Be creative, not negative in your thinking.
Or just pack up your belongings in a rented truck towing the car and head east on I-80 a thousand miles, then make a right turn at the I-25 interchange. Head west on Highway 36 to meet Google's Campus in Boulder.

Just don't tell people that I sent you.

Posted by redide
a resident of Stierlin Estates
on Aug 11, 2016 at 8:54 pm

We are not Denver, definitely not by size or location. You should compare Denver with San Jose, not Mtn View. We are by now a one company town and a lot of us are not happy with it. It's never a good thing, lots of other town have had problems with that situation. There was a famous billboard in Seattle in the sixties: would the last person leaving please turn out the lights (after Boeing laid off most of their employees).
We are not against progress, but it needs to be controlled.

Posted by True
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Aug 11, 2016 at 9:47 pm

True is a registered user.


That's a cute story. Boeing remains the largest private employer in Washington State. At it's peak (1998 not "ye old'e 60's) it employed roughly 122k people. As of this year, around 75k. Given the decades of efficiencies gained in manufacturing automation, the reduction in the necessity of clerical staff due to computerization and the increasing globalization of the company (there are an additional 80k employees globally (outside of WA) they're doing spectacularly.

In fact, Boeing is cranking out more airplanes today than they ever did in the (not so) good old days when that catchy but useless anecdote was born....fewer low skilled workers is a good thing. The high skilled workers (along with the aid of automation) are better...hooray modernity!

Posted by ivg
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 12, 2016 at 7:39 am

@True: I agree with you overall, thank you for chipping in. Except ...
"fewer low skilled workers is a good thing"
Sadly, fewer low-skilled workers means more Trump voters.

Posted by Name hidden
a resident of Stierlin Estates

on Sep 24, 2017 at 3:52 pm

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