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Letting Fido off the leash

Original post made on May 28, 2015

Go ahead and let your pooch run free -- the Mountain View City Council unanimously voted to make handful of public parks more dog-friendly by allowing canines to roam off-leash. The approval on Tuesday night, May 26, would make permanent a pilot program designed to test off-leash rules.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Thursday, May 28, 2015, 11:32 AM

Comments (96)

Posted by Good dogs, bad owners
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 28, 2015 at 2:14 pm

As long as they respect the rules, including the HOURS ALLOWED, I have no problem with this.

The scofflaws are the problems; they will be the ones running Fido off leash during the prohibited hours. Let's all be sure to educate them if we see them.

They should also post a sign with the number to call when people decide they don't need to obey the law.

Posted by Good dogs, good owners
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 28, 2015 at 2:31 pm

Yay MV city council!!! Thank you! Perhaps with expanded hours we can enjoy some time after work when the perky pooches have been sitting at home all day. It takes so little to please dogs. Fresh air, a place to run and play with friends, and lots of love.

Posted by Frustrated and angered by this city council decision
a resident of Willowgate
on May 28, 2015 at 2:40 pm

Letting dogs run off leash in community parks undermines my right to feel safe and comfortable in a park that I pay taxes to support. Just because you love your dog, I shouldn't have to interact with it. I have no issue with a separate, fenced-in area, being used for off-leash dogs. However, it is a shame for Mountain View residents to have to drive to other cities or specific parks in order to feel comfortable simply walking in a park.

Posted by RE: Good dogs, bad owners
a resident of St. Francis Acres
on May 28, 2015 at 2:47 pm

"They should also post a sign with the number to call when people decide they don't need to obey the law."

Agreed on this! I consistently see dogs off-leash outside the posted hours. Non-dog-owners would be a lot more supportive of this if owners would abide by the rules so those of us who would like to avoid dogs can.

Posted by Pooper Scooper
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on May 28, 2015 at 2:54 pm

My only request is the dog owners pick up after their dogs. As a human, I enjoy the fresh air, a place to run and play with friends -- be off the leash ;-) But I don't enjoy stepping or sitting in pet poop. Thanks!

Posted by Good dogs, bad owners
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 28, 2015 at 3:04 pm

Unfortunately the after work hours are also times when perky kids need time to play in the park with their friends and families. I think the current hours are fine, we just need a number to report the law breakers. Video cameras can document the serial offenders so animal control can evaluate the severity and determine if a warning or citation is in order.

We can all work together, we just need the guidelines and respect for the guidelines.

Posted by
a resident of Whisman Station
on May 28, 2015 at 3:12 pm

I've commented to both the PRC and City Council that Eagle Park should have a gate of some kind at the west-side entrance at least for dog protection. I personally witnessed a dog run out that gate and get hit by a car. Luckily, he was ok, but it could have been a lot worse (he could have been hit by multiple cars). I would still like to see Parks Staff take action on this, but I have no idea if they will.

Posted by Joyce England
a resident of Shoreline West
on May 28, 2015 at 3:25 pm

I agree with the comment about adding a gated entry off Shoreline. This can be accomplished easily and could be removable. Every morning when I drive past the park going to work I see dogs running precariously close to the opening. I'd love to take my dogs there but it isn't safe without a gate.

Posted by the_punnisher
a resident of Whisman Station
on May 28, 2015 at 4:04 pm

the_punnisher is a registered user.

What is done in other communities before allowing any animal off-leash:

Train the DOG/CAT/WHATEVER OWNERS TO BE ABLE TO VOICE CONTROL THEIR ANIMAL and be aware of the rules governing a park's usage. That means no bothering other users of a park. The owners of an animal GET A BRIGHT, SHINY PERMIT that will also identify the owner of any trained animal AND have the number to call if an animal injures someone and is NOT under voice control. The signs with this number still should be put up too, with a dispenser of poopy bags and a proper disposal receptacle.
Not only SHARE THE ROAD is needed, SHARE THE PARK is too. Abuse it and all you animal owners will get is a small, gated fenced in area. Yes, that has happened when dog owners started to HOWL ABOUT TAXES!!

Posted by Ready for enforcement
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 28, 2015 at 4:24 pm

A law has ZERO effect if there is no enforcement arm. Where do we turn for enforcement of these rules? Where can we turn in people who disobey the law regularly?

I guess a call directly to animal control specifying an aggressive off leash dog in the park with children present would work, but there should be a better way. Until then, I guess we should call animal control services:
(408) 764-0344

Posted by Ready for enforcement
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 28, 2015 at 4:29 pm

and remember, off leash dogs are PROHIBITED in all areas of Bubb school. They are ONLY allowed in the park, not on the athletic fields of the school or the school play areas.

Please report all law breakers frequently to animal control:
(408) 764-0344

Posted by Probably changes
a resident of Monta Loma
on May 28, 2015 at 4:51 pm

This will probably change when the first child gets bite and the city gets sued.

Posted by Little Notice
a resident of Cuernavaca
on May 28, 2015 at 6:54 pm

City Council just rams some of these things through with minimal notice. But then again, if there'd been more advanced warning, there might have been a flood of unwanted opponents at the council meeting...

Still hard to believe the hours weren't cut back in Bubb Park, so that young kids can comfortably walk through the park on the way to school...keep the dogs on leash between 7:45 and 8:15...that wouldn't have been too difficult.

Posted by Reality
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 28, 2015 at 7:36 pm

I remember when this pilot program was discussed and launched. People on this very website were predicting dire consequences. Off-leash dogs would terrorize the citizenry. Kids would be attacked and maimed.

Guess what? Nothing happened. Well, not nothing. Tax paying residents were able to use small pieces of parks at certain times to enjoy their canine companion. Dogs were able to socialize off-leash in regular grass-covered parks and become happier and better canine citizens.

I'm very happy that Mountain View has supported this program and that the council has approved it's continuation!

Posted by boo
a resident of Rex Manor
on May 28, 2015 at 8:38 pm

This is just silly. My three year old now hates dogs because the ones at Stevenson park who run around off leash even though it's not allowed at that park have run and jumped on her so many timeS. How am I supposed to get her to like dogs when she only has negative interactions with them? Now this will only get worse.

Posted by Regina
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on May 29, 2015 at 2:14 am

1. What are off-leash hours now in Rengstorff Park and what "new area for off-leash canines would also be created at Rengstorff Park that could be used seven days a week"?
2. Not all people are completely comfortable with dogs and not all dogs are socialised. My dog is on the shy side and she is only 10 lbs. I'm not felling myself comfortable with big dogs roaming around us. These new rules make walking in the park uncomfortable.
3. Many owners don't follow their dogs through grassy areas and don't pick up after them... There are only 2 poop bag dispensers in Rengstorff Park and poop bags are present there only from time to time. Not all owners have bags handy with them and sometimes they just can ran out of bags. I can spare somebody a bag, but only one person has asked me for this during past two years. The park gets undermined with poop.

Posted by Regina
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on May 29, 2015 at 2:23 am

One more thing...
Many dogs are chasing birds and squirrels and they are out of control while focused on this. This is a destructive behavior, but some owners encourage their dogs to do so.

Posted by Always have a camera
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 6:53 am

@Reality: Nothing has happened? Dog owners letting their dogs drink from school fountains. A small dog was sent to the bet when attacked by a larger dog at Bubb. An elderly woman was also knocked to the ground as dogs ran uncontrolled through the non dog park area. She was thankfully OK, but quite shaken. Then there is the lady who thinks i's fine to let her dog pee against the poles IN THE TODDLER SAND AREA!! "It's OK, it's just pee" she told me. This is just what I have personally seen, I'm sure there is more.

You either do not know what's going on or are turning blind eye to it.
The owner of the large mauling dog ran off before information about him could be gathered by the small dog owner. This is why I have begun collecting close up photos of the off leash dogs and face shots of their owners at Bubb. So far I have 23 dogs and owners well cataloged so in case something happens and the owners run off (again) we can post their pic on social media to identify them and hold them responsible.

Posted by @Big Brother
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 7:58 am

@Big Brother

While you have your camera out, why don't you snap photos of all the cars that break traffic laws every single day. Driving faster than the posted speed limit is a far more serious crime than having a dog off-leash. A motorcycle driver just lost their life yesterday in MV! There are many serious injuries and near fatal close-calls throughout the year.

In fact, Mr. Big Brother, when YOU drive, do YOU stay at or under the posted speed limit? If not, then perhaps work on your own much more serious mis-behavior first before condemning your neighbors.

Posted by Always have a camera
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 9:31 am

Well, the difference is that cars are required to have license plates visible in order to track/trace the owner. If something happens, we can say a blue ford, lic plate 123XYZ did it. Since there is no permit or other identifying factor for dogs or their owners, a photograph is the only way we will be able to identify an owner who's dog injures someone or their dog and then the owner flees, as they have done in the past.

Also, I agree with your passion about speed limits. That's why I drive the speed limit like you. I'm very very passionate about that as well.

I guess we could start a "MV Dog Owner's behaving Badly" Facebook page where people could post their own photos of the offenders who do not think they need to obey the laws. Caption could include "Here every day even after told he is breaking the law"
Lots of FB pages are designed to out car drivers behaving badly as well so it's not original, but it might work to curb the illegal off leash crowd.
Here's an example:
Web Link

Posted by responsible dog owner
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 11:20 am

I would like to thank City of Mountain View for this decision.
I am a "daily user" of Cuesta Park off leash area and this has been amazing for the past year. Not only my dog's quality of life improved this past year, as well as mine. It is a pleasure to walk to the park and have a wonderful place where I can play with my dog. This is not only a good thing for animals, but also for their owners that also pay their taxes.
I always go early in the morning and never seen something bad happening there, but I am aware of people that don't respect the rules in this park and this drives me very mad! Every time I see someone disrespecting the allowed times and areas I go talk to them to reinforce the rules. I don't want my freedom as a responsible dog owner to ends because of disrespectful dog owners!
I think the idea of the sign with the number to call when people decide they don't need to obey the law, and also taking pictures is great!!! :D
But also please remember: we don't take our dogs where kids play, nor should people take their kids to the off leash areas. We both need to respect one another! You love your kids, we love our dogs ;)

Posted by That's too bad
a resident of Rex Manor
on May 29, 2015 at 11:38 am

That's too bad that there's so much negative reaction to the off-leash decision in the Comments section. Dog owners have rights too and they should be able to enjoy the parks with their dogs just like everyone. There are a lot of responsible dog owners but those responsible dog owners don't get praised because the irresponsible dog owners give all the dog owners a bad reputation.

@boo - Sorry the dogs scared your daughter. I've met many of the dogs and dog owners that let their dogs off leash in Stevenson and they are very sweet dogs and nice owners. Talk to the owner once in a while, you'll see.

Posted by Common sense
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 12:13 pm

@That's too bad: I must have missed "Dog owner rights" in my constitutional law class. The LAW is that all dogs must be leased in city parks, except for specific circumstances which include the designated off leash areas during specific hours. Dogs owners who allow their dogs off leash in other locations or at non-off leash times are in violation of this law.

The reason for the general negative reaction to the off-leash decision is that even the Parks Commission recommend further study and the need for enforcement. A small minority of dog owners continue to abuse the PRIVILEGE of being able to have their dogs off leash in city parks during specific hours. Behaviors I have seen include letting their large dogs run off-leash through children's activities and play areas from the street to the appointed off-leash area 100 yards away and allowing dogs to roam (and in some cases urinate) in the children's play area (both during and outside of off-leash hours). This behavior is grossly disrespectful, and in many cases quite dangerous, to others using the park.

Posted by Vigilant
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 12:40 pm

Sorry you're scared that I drive 50 MPH down your street. Most drivers are very good nice people though so no need to worry or try and change it.
Perhaps you just need more experience around cars? That seesm to be a recurring a theme here.

You people ignoring the laws are HORRIBLE NEIGHBORS.
You _really_ are you know...we're just too polite to say it to you but that is what we are thinking. Just like how we think about the speeders down our streets or the people who steal our oranges from our front tree.

Vigilante enforcement will result if the city will do nothing.
Once people start obeying the laws, this whole issue will die down, but not until people start obeying the laws.
Obey the law
Obey the law
Obey the law

There is nothing left to say to them Please just obey the law!

Posted by Another bad idea from the MVCC
a resident of another community
on May 29, 2015 at 1:04 pm

Bully breeds and their owners will soon dominate Mountain View off-leash parks.

Posted by AgentOfLove
a resident of Willowgate
on May 29, 2015 at 1:09 pm

Oh my gosh...the sky is falling!!!

Posted by Vigilant
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 1:16 pm

No, just people expecting and pleading with their neighbors to stop acting selfishly and obey the laws so everyone can enjoy our parks.

It's heated for sure, but the sky is not falling, just a few people who feel the laws do not apply to them. Once they are mopped up the issue will settle.
We're just now bringing out the mop.

Posted by Steve
a resident of Shoreline West
on May 29, 2015 at 2:13 pm

"City Council just rams some of these things through with minimal notice."

Really? "The pilot phase began about one year ago,"

Posted by Steve
a resident of Shoreline West
on May 29, 2015 at 2:16 pm

" My three year old now hates dogs because the ones at Stevenson park who run around off leash even though it's not allowed at that park have run and jumped on her so many timeS. "

And where were you during these times?

Posted by Steve
a resident of Shoreline West
on May 29, 2015 at 2:18 pm

"Letting dogs run off leash in community parks undermines my right to feel safe and comfortable in a park that I pay taxes to support. Just because you love your dog, I shouldn't have to interact with it."

So when was the last time you were in a MV park during the off-leash hours? That's right - Never.

Posted by Vigilant
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 29, 2015 at 2:54 pm

Thanks for all the comments Steve. Now all we need is to have the selfish people who do not currently obey the laws and run their dogs outside the hours permitted to stop doing it.

Once the selfish people ,who currently ignore the prohibited hours of use start to obey the laws and you won't have to hear about this anymore.

Posted by Mason
a resident of Blossom Valley
on May 29, 2015 at 4:04 pm

Reading all this I must interject from my past experience: it is absolutely legal to defend yourself, your child or your pet from an off leash dog that you consider an imminent risk to your safety or those around you. This is justified protection under the law.

When I lived in Sac we had issues similar to this so our neighborhood association called animal control and they arranged for a community officer to come to our meeting and speak to us about protection. After that many of us learned to walk with a cane or a short stout club. The animal control officer explained that the top of the snout can be as debilitating as the groin on a man. It just takes once and the dog will remember not to go near you, so as harsh as it seems, it pays dividends going fwd if you keep seeing the same aggressive dogs on each walk.

This should only, and I stress, ONLY be used in case of real risk of aggression by the dog towards another person or pet, but thought I would pass on the info.

Posted by Jennifer
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on May 29, 2015 at 6:26 pm

The first line of this article, though attempting to be catchy, is incorrect and deserves correction so that park users and Mountain View residents understand the rules and are not incited by a misleading article. Dogs must be on leash in general park space on the way to/from the designated off leash areas. These areas are specifically designated to be used for dogs off leash at particular hours of the day, designed around other types of usages of the same or adjacent areas.

The parks and rec department as well as the city council did a great job considering all sides to this matter and coming up with a resolution that in the best interest of all residents and the community as a whole. There were multiple opportunities for residents to comment in various forums, and the City of Mountain View posted several notices on various outlets (including their Facebook page) of the opportunity to comment at the city council meeting. The parks and recreation commission also conducted multiple surveys with more than 600 respondents to each survey to assess the public opinion on the off leash areas within parks.

More complete/accurate reporting will better inform residents of what they are/aren't permitted to do and reduce concern based on incorrect facts.

For those who are interested in truly understanding the discussion and outcome, watch the city council's meeting on this topic: Web Link (starting at 3:03:00 to 3:51:00)

Bravo to the Mayor and City Council on a job well done!

Posted by Pooch
a resident of North Bayshore
on May 30, 2015 at 8:51 am

I like to go on walks on a leash, but hate it when bigger dogs off leash run up to me and are aggressive.

Posted by Katherine
a resident of North Bayshore
on May 30, 2015 at 9:15 am

Hello Voice

This sentence is just wrong:
Go ahead and leave the leash at home

The dog needs to be leashed going into and out of the park- Please correct this misleading information.

Posted by Pooch
a resident of North Bayshore
on May 30, 2015 at 9:41 am

Yes, I agree with Katherine.

Posted by Andrea Gemmet
Mountain View Voice Editor
on May 30, 2015 at 12:41 pm

Andrea Gemmet is a registered user.

@Katherine and @Pooch: You are absolutely right. The editor was trying to get a little too creative on press day without knowing that key detail about keeping dogs on the leash until they get to the off-leash area. Thanks for pointing it out.

Posted by People like the black lab owner
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 30, 2015 at 3:13 pm

There is a guy at Bubb park who runs his black lab off leash about 5pm during the prohibited hours each night He uses one of those tennis ball flingers, so he's taking the entire back space as his own illegal off leash area. Kids have to move if they are playing. He's there almost every night like clockwork, same guy, in his late 20s-30 with short dark hair and a slender build. Sometimes he moves the sign to the side; the sign that states it is not permitted to do what he is doing.

I've seen people approach him and some times it has become heated, but still he comes back. He's someone who has decided his own rules for our public parks, even if it is in direct conflict with the actual rules.

What can be done about people like him???? The serial abuse that happens from about 5-7pm is the real problem in my eyes. That's when people have time to take their kids to the park and when Y daycare kids at Bubb are being picked up. Its a very popular time for kids in the playgrounds and the law and expectation is that there should be no off leash dogs there. Because of habitual selfishness by some, though, this is not the case.
We need enforcement to break some old habits. How can we get that? Do we do it ourselves?

Posted by Doggie owner
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 30, 2015 at 4:03 pm

So glad the maniacs in my neighborhood lost this fight! See you at the park, woof woof!

Posted by I say hi and pet your dog
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 31, 2015 at 7:35 am

Yes, see you at the park...park, not school or playground, and only in the hours when it is legal. Thanks for being a good neighbor in a great neighborhood.
-Your neighbor who agrees with you on more than we disagree.

Posted by Mike Laursen
a resident of Monta Loma
on May 31, 2015 at 9:28 am

As a dog owner, I still think this is a bad idea. If they want to set aside some fenced dog park areas, that would be great, but dogs should not be off leash where other people are trying to enjoy the park.

Posted by Good idea
a resident of Shoreline West
on May 31, 2015 at 9:44 am

As a dog owner, i think this is a great idea. Responsible dog owners deserve just as much access to the parks we pay for. I don't have kids, but quite often my access to parks is either blocked or seriously interfered with. I don't scream and cry to block kids from parks because of this. Same should apply to dogs.

Remember, the vast majority of area of parks is still off limits to off-leash dogs.

Posted by Don't Blow it!!
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 1, 2015 at 9:31 am

Yes, I agree that people in general would likely have mush less to say if the rules were actually being followed by everyone.

As responsible dog owners we need to self police and when we see them, remind these few chronic offenders that what they are doing is illegal and jeopardizing the entire program. As a final option, I would support reporting these few people if they continued to break the rules. I love being able to run my dog off leash, but if people won't adhere to the prescribed rules of the program, it will go away. Don't let the selfish few ruin it for the majority. Remind them when you see them that they need to come back during the prescribed hours and if they steadfastly refuse, I would report them.

Posted by An idea
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 1, 2015 at 11:56 am

@People like the black lab owner -- I'd pick up the tennis ball and just refuse to give it back. What's he going to do, call the police? A more cordial alternative would be to ask him nicely to leave (Cuesta Park is off leash all day long and only a few minutes away). If he goes bananas on you, well, then you have a reason to call the police. In any event, I'd recommend calling the animal control number posted on the signs and take a picture. Animal control probably won't come out the first time but will if there is a documented pattern of this behavior. You can also call or e-mail the Parks & Rec. department for other ideas. They always seem helpful.

Arrogant a-holes like this are the reason Bubb had the highest number of complaints about the off leash pilot program. While it'd be nice to think we could all "get along" and be respectful of one another, there is always a small portion of the population that thinks they are above community rules and norms. Hopefully other dog owners who keep their pets on leashes during non-off leash hours will also tell this guy to knock the crap off.

Posted by Another Great Idea!
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 1, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Since the Bubb kids have the school and a large grassy area, not to mention 2 play grounds and picnic tables, let them have it. Give Bubb park to the dogs and their owners. That is a fair solution for tax payers. People who don't like dogs don't have to go to Bubb park.

I am so tired of going to Bubb park and getting hit by soccer balls and kids on tricycles and scooters. Not to mention their screaming, that should be against the law, a park should be peaceful. They put up volleyball nets and take up the whole grassy area. These parents leave dirty diapers just lying around, pizza boxes, juice packs, paper plates, etc. It is just disgusting!!! Dogs have sensitive noses and should not be exposed to all that trash, what if a dog chokes on it or something bad should happen? People with kids must use Bubb school now, because they might hurt others. Let's give them an unreasonable hour when their parents are working.

Yes, I will report those people, take pictures, and sue them if me or my dog (on a leash) gets hit by another ball or kiddie vehicle.

Posted by School is now in sesion
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jun 1, 2015 at 4:37 pm

Tell me what those kids on bikes or people with soccer balls are doing that is illegal I the park? Oops. Premise fall down and go boom.

You can see the smug arrogance of the people who do not obey the rules of the off leash program. Most do, but there are a very few who will need a harder lesson. They have ZERO protection under the law btw so that's comforting. We have the law on our side. Far nothing from the selfish law breakers.

Posted by Sparty
a resident of another community
on Jun 1, 2015 at 4:54 pm

Sparty is a registered user.

People are always speeding and getting into wrecks. We should ban all cars.

Posted by They don't just fall down and go boom
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 1, 2015 at 5:10 pm

@School is now in session. Those little kids don't just fall down and go boom. They take people down with them. They could break someone's bones like that. It hurts, the balls hurt too. Assaulting people walking by is against the law. Those kids are so unpredictable. Oh and all the little runny noses with the germs that get on everything, water fountains, chairs, toys...and they pass all that around to the others.

Arrogant, smug and selfish? Have you looked in the mirror lately? The dog HATERS who resent having to share a park. Okay, you take one, we'll take the other. You don't need them all do you? Or are you that selfish? Too bad dogs can't speak up for themselves.

I am reminded of the type of people who starts wars in the name of God, because THEY are the one who have God on they're side.

Posted by They don't just fall down and go boom
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 1, 2015 at 5:14 pm

their side.

Posted by Chips Falling
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 8:46 am

Make a law, obey the law, enforce the law, report violators of the law.
I'll live by that and let others to the same. It is so very simple

@Sparty, we have enforced laws for cars so I see no reason to ban them. We don't need to ban off leash dogs either, we just need enforcement of the laws.
It's really quite simple.
Is someone advocating ignoring the laws and letting others ignore them at will?
That doesn't seem right.

Posted by The older woman with the golden lab
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 8:56 am

She's another pip. ZERO voice control and lets her dog roam freely through the kids play area in the SCHOOL! Well, truth be told, even if she tried to stop the diog she would not be able to because she cannot control it.
She feel's she in entitled to do do this regardless. Completely ignoring the law and stuffing it back in others faces w/out apology.
It only takes a couple neighborhood clunkers to sour the otherwise happy vibe.
This is the sort of clean up we need...just a couple nutzos who need to be put on the right path.

Posted by Enforce
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 2, 2015 at 11:35 am

I'm fine with enforcing laws, but expecting every single dog owner to obey every single dog law 100 pct of the time while there are tens of thousands (more really) traffic violations happening daily in MV is unfair.

Most dog owners obey most dog laws most of the time and that should be good enough.

Posted by Abide by the law please
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 12:40 pm

I agree that most dog off-leashers are great, but when the SAME people break the SAME law again and again, this is an issue that causes problems.

Most of the drivers obey most of the laws most all of the time. That should be good enough, but this is reality so it is not, we need enforcement of the serial law breakers.

If someone asked if my street needed speed patrol, I would say no, most everyone obeys the speed laws with some minor issues rarely.
Now if the SAME driver sped down our street each day, then I would say some enforcement is needed.

It's the same case @ Bubb. 95% off leash users being in compliance, but there are still a handful of rude people who continue to break the same law day in and day out. It's the height of entitled behavior.
That's where we need help from our community enforcement officers, whether police or animal control.

And if anyone thinks I'm anti-dog, I walk my dog off leash at Bubb every morning and i want to continue to do so. Those who ignore the law are themselves being anti-dog because the 5% entitled crowd will ruin it for the rest of us who CAN and DO abide by the law.

Posted by Sparty
a resident of another community
on Jun 2, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Sparty is a registered user. the police. If they do anything it will most likely be to call in animal control from Santa Clara. Based on the time that people are reporting the off leash violators, it will be a good test of whether or not that shelter can dispatch their control officers in a timely manner even during rush hour.

If nothing else you'll have a history of calling in and the city's insurance will cut you a check since I'm sure they don't want to go in front of a jury to explain why 20, 30, 40 calls about a large unleashed dog at a childrens' playground was ignored.

Posted by Abide by the law please
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 1:46 pm

@Sparty, Yes, I think that is what is left to do if the last few neighbors steadfastly refuse to obey the off leash rules the rest of us are now following. I would have hoped they would adhere to the laws in an effort to be good and courteous neighbors so reporting would not have to come into play, but it looks like it has. Like I said, if the law abiding community at large has the same jerk speeding down their street every day, it is time to do something.

Posted by Thank you, Neighbors!
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 2:08 pm

I have deeply enjoyed these comments from you, neighbors on both sides! I have especially enjoyed trying to figure out which dogs and dog owners are being referred to, and the even greater challenge of guessing which dog-fearin' neighbors are doing the referring! I have my suspicions! Should make for some awkward conversations as we pass by on our way to the dog park (almost certainly, probably, perhaps during posted hours only).

Posted by @Law Abider person
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 2:09 pm

Ok. Let's put a speed tracker in your car and every time you go more than 1 mph above the posted speed limit, $100 will be deducted from your account. You will be broke in no time. Guaranteed. (If you deny, then you lie.)

This is yet another example of selected enforcement. You want 100pct compliance from dog owners (you are not one), yet are unwilling to follow laws that are much more important.

Posted by They don't just fall down and go boom
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 2:21 pm

For what it's worth, I don't really have a problem with kids. I have one and I love her. I'm just demonstrating how the sanctimonious people can twist things around and pick on those who can't defend themselves. Get a life!

The dog that chases balls is only interested in balls. Not you, not the kids. The dog that sniffs around the playground is a female, probably interested in smelling all the crumbs that the kids left. Not you, not the kids. They are labs. It's what they do.

Get to know these people and their dogs, sounds like several of you need some friends. I did and they are very nice people and dogs.

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 2:32 pm

I don't think anyone is asking for 100% compliance of all dog laws, only compliance as to the hours . We are just asking that you (apparently one of the people who refuses to abide by the law)don't force your perceived entitlement onto others.
That's it, you make a VERY conscious effort to disobey the law when you walk past the signs that specify the hours in use and insist on running your dog off leash when it is against the law. You cannot plead ignorance, yet you still REFUSE to obey the law.

If you put a thingy on my car and my fellow neighbors came to be saying "Look, by our records this show you speed on our street every day, even when we have asked you to stop" You know what I would do? I would stop speeding! I would be a good, fair and courteous neighbor. I would not simply spout "Car hater" and continue my selfish ways, because I'm not a jerk.

Why won't YOU leash your dog in the school/park at night?
When will you stop breaking the law?
Can you please explain why you feel it's OK for you to break the leash law?
At least we are in your head so it's got you thinking. Keep at it.

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 2:44 pm

"The dog that sniffs around the playground is a female, probably interested in smelling all the crumbs that the kids left."

Well at least she's admitting her sins.
The dog that sniffs around the playground is under zero control from her owner and is in an area that is supposed to be prohibited for dogs; an area where kids who might be afraid of dogs can go and not be bothered, yet you see no issue when you force your illegal desire to put your dog anywhere you choose ...she's just sniffing crumbs. If you had control or desire to control her she would not be in the play area at all. You're forcing your dog down everyone else's throats and when they complain, you tag them as some irrational dog haters.
You have a serious misguided interpretation of what is right and wrong.
Obey the law neighbor. Just obey the law.

Posted by @So called law Abider
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 2:47 pm

Nobody believes you. If the neighbors came to you to complain, you would be just as huffy and sanctimonious as you write.

Tend to your own garden, little miss!

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 2:56 pm

And if that happened I would be a total jerk for ignoring the neighbor's concerns.. But that's a pretend situation we're discussing.

We do have a comparable REAL situation where neighbors have begged and pleaded with their neighbors to spot breaking the leash laws in the school.
They seem to have decided certain laws do not apply to them and they could care less about their illegal ways even when their neighbors beg and plead for them to stop. Those people are here right now.

The criminals are telling us to simply ignore them and mind our own business. Yah, not gonna happen.

Posted by Outside observer
a resident of another community
on Jun 2, 2015 at 3:32 pm

I agree that this dog hater is probably the biggest lawbreaker in the neighborhood.

As the saying goes, "Those who smelt it, dealt it."

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 3:54 pm

Yes, of course I'm a big law breaker...the biggest in the WORLD probably. Yet two wrongs do not make a right, do they? and I've yet to see any argument as to why someone would insist on breaking the law at Bubb other than "I'm entitled to do what I want regardless of the laws because..."then the screen goes black

Nobody wants to discuss why they do it or admit they are doing it, they just want to "kill the messenger" who is telling everyone they are doing it.

They have no valid argument because they are operating outside the law. They have no protection under the law when they have their dog off leash illegally so they start character assassination. They are wholly unprotected legally when they have their dog off leash in a prohibited area or during a prohibited time. Remember that.

Posted by It's definitely the pugs
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 4:18 pm


Posted by Common sense
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 4:31 pm

From the perspective of a dog owner and parent of a toddler who uses Bubb park and school daily, there is plenty of room at both Bubb Park and Bubb school for both humans and dogs at most hours (ok, no dogs at school during school hours - can we agree on that?). There is no reason they should not be able to co-exist if people act like reasonable human beings. Me thinks that all of this hostility would die off if: (1) a small percentage of dog owners would change their behavior to be respectful of humans playing in the park (e.g., not taking up the entire lawn when kids are present, keeping dogs leashed until you reach the rear lawn of the park, and out of the play structures) and (2) humans gave dogs reasonable space unless the park is crowded (which is rare, at at which point having dogs off-leash is inappropriate).

Dog owners should also keep their dogs from approaching other dogs on leashes, as some of these dogs do not like other dogs running up to them and are just as entitled to a peaceful adventure at the park as the off-leash dog. If you can't control your dog by voice while they are off-leash, the dog has no business being off-leash in a public space.

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 4:33 pm

It's not a matter of fear, its a matter of abiding by the law.
Teeny Smart cars aren't allowed to drive on the sidewalk, even though they are cute. Dogs aren't allowed off leash except in prescribed areas and times.

I have no problem with that. Not at all. I'm also a huge supporter of off lash hours for Bubb. I relish the quiet mornings with my buddy and hope the selfish people who flaunt the law don't ruin it for the rest of us.

If you don't have anything valid to post to defend your position that dog owners should be allowed to write their own rules, please post more snark or try name calling again. It only shows you have no valid argument for your position that you should be allowed to have your dog off leash outside of the prescribed hours or areas.

If you actually DO have a valid argument to the above, try posting that instead of snarky comments. It might surprise us all with some reason we never thought about.

Posted by Agreed
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 4:38 pm

"If you can't control your dog by voice while they are off-leash, the dog has no business being off-leash in a public space."


So yes, the lady who cannot control her golden lab should not be in the park, but she likes to go to the school anyway; where she'll get huffy if you remind her she's breaking the law. Simply Disgusting...does not play well with others.
The man who lets his dog drink out of the Bubb kid's drinking fountain as well. Weird Sicko.

Posted by Priorities
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 2, 2015 at 5:03 pm

Deaths in California (2013 data)
Cigarettes: 40,000
Automobiles: 3,000
Dog attacks: 5

Yes, let's just keep smoking, speeding, texting while driving and then come down hard on the incredibly dangerous lab who dares to play fetch with their owner at distances greater than a 6 foot leash.

Posted by Dog Walker
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 5:29 pm

This is a local issue that has people upset at the neighborhood level because of renegade neighbors intent on flaunting the laws they don't agree with. You would be AMAZED at how many different issues a police force can accomodate.

Obviously it is of concern to the neighbohood, but aparently some only care about trying to keep up their lawless ways without being bothered so they try to minimize it, insult others, real argument. It's not going to be ignored anymore. The neighbors who support the laws and regulations will be speaking to you in person so no more need to insult or minimize while hiding in a msg board. One day animal control will likely be there as well. The light has been turned on and the roachs will scatter, some may need a legal push though. We fought for these access laws and we will not let the few ruin it for us.

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2015 at 6:11 pm

I don't care if cars kill SIX HUNDRED TIMES more than dogs. We in Cuesta drive as fast as we want, because we don't care. The most important law is the one that will prohibit a nicely behaved dog from having fun with their owner. My dog loves to be stuck in a kennel all day and then dragged around on a short leash for ten minutes a night! He loves the jerking and snapping of the pinch collar I put on him.

I work hard every day and it really irks me to see a dog happier than mine.

The law is on MY side. It makes me feel better to say that.

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 7:25 am

As you an see someone doesn't follow the board rules about impersonating others on this board. More rules they feel do not apply to them.
All they have is indignant smug for anyone who would protest their illegal ways.
I'll continue to let them represent the illegal off-leashers voice here since the legal folks have ha their say. It it testament to some the illegal behaviors.

I did notice a stark absence of of leashed dogs @ Bubb School last night so it looks as if the responsible owners have caught on. See you at the park!

Posted by Comforted by the LAW on my side
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 7:29 am

And I must re-iterate: Off leash is the way to go, but we need to abide by the hours of use. We got a huge win with the permitted hours, only the few irresponsible off leash people left can blow if for us now, but we'll keep at it.

Yeah and kudos to the legal off-leasher!!!! Happy times!

Posted by Such discord causes me pain
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 8:47 am

When can the people complaining about the dogs just go back to identifying all the "suspicious" people of color spotted in the neighborhood for us on CPNAtalk?

Posted by My dog owns me :)
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 10:25 am

I think the onus is on the violators. People are simply asking them to obey the laws. Its pretty simple. I haven't seen many at all call for no off-leash hours, but with this issue there is much concern so give and take is expected.

We can walk you dog off leash in the park during a variety of hours. What's with all the snark?

Posted by Reason
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 11:36 am

I think the reason for the "snark" (which it really isn't) is the hostility from the anti-dog club is way too intense. More reasonable residents are trying to point out that there are many more major problems that should receive this level of intensity. Now that you have screamed out your "pet peeve" over and over and over again, perhaps you could give it a rest?

Posted by Common sense
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 11:51 am

@Reason - Trying to demonize people who expect their neighbors to follow simple laws and act neighborly does not make them "anti-dog." Far from it, in fact. If you actually read the comments above, many of those who take issue with dogs being off leash during NON off leash hours are dog owners themselves. Moreover, your argument that there are "many more major problems ..." is a straw man - likely because there is NO rationale or reasonable argument that supports a very small but vocal minority of the community openly flaunting laws and getting hostile when called out on their bad behavior.

Posted by Give it a rest?
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Guess not...

Posted by @Common Sence
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 1:30 pm

Thank you for your post. It was a the breath of fresh air and you summed it up perfectly.

Posted by @Give it a rest
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 2:23 pm

I guess there are still people interested in discussing this so it doesn't look like the issue will immediately be "given a rest". If you're tired of the topic you could not click on the link, or post replies. That would be a great way to not have to think about this anymore. It's not effective to simply desire a discussion to stop and tell people to give it a rest.
Just don't click on the link. Another simple thing.

Posted by Demonize?
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 5:46 pm

You are the person who are demonizing our neighbors by calling them "sicko's", "smug" and the like.

One of our neighbors pointed out that you sound like the person on the email list who is concerned about people of color in our parks. Perhaps you should move to the deep South where your attitudes would be welcomed.

In the meantime, most of us in Cuesta welcome well behaved people and dogs to our parks anytime. Off-leash of course!

Posted by Oh Please
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 7:27 pm

Judging by the posts, the "Likes" and lack of agreement "Likes" it is clear to see that the majority of posters from Cuesta Park as well as the visitors to this page welcome law abiding off leash dog owners and are a bit tired of people trying to wriggle their way out of the fact that they are breaking the law, a law MANY people in the neighborhood want enforced.
That's it. That's all it is. Again, it really is quite simple.

Posted by Oh Please
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 3, 2015 at 7:36 pm

It seems that there is just one serial poster who keeps hammering away at well behaved dogs enjoying the parks while admittedly breaking the law in her car.

She needs to stop criticizing others and instead focus on her own bad habits.

Also, this constant complaining about "undesirables" in our neighborhood parks is getting out of control. Can she please just lighten up and realize that this is America and we have basic liberties that prohibit unfair discrimmination? It's really that simple.

Posted by Real Resident
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 7:46 am

Looks like 2 kooks left to duke it out.
99.9% of people I know in the area are not like the 2 who seem obsessed with this issue, one even creating dreamed up peronalities they believe they are talking to.
My wife was on the CPNA email thread and showed me the discourse. Same 2 nutzos were there and it was pretty repulsive.

Anyway, the rest of us seem OK with things now, esp ith permitted times and the much reduced off leash "poaching" of the park during other times. It's all good in the hood, but we do have our share of loonies just lie any other place.

Posted by Marcus
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 9:12 am

OMG! Thank you for your post Real Resident. I agree 100% with what you wrote. I was also on that CPNA email thread. Some people definitely exposed their real selves back then. I simply wrote of the main participants as people to avoid. Thank goodness for the 99.9% though. Love my neighborhood and 99.9% of my neighbors ;) haha.

Posted by boo
a resident of Rex Manor
on Jun 4, 2015 at 10:28 am

@Steve in Shoreline West

What's you're point? We were at the park where dogs are not allowed off leash. We are often crossing the field to get to the children's play structure. That's right, "children's play structure" not "dogs play structure". Asian lady with a pug lets her dog run *on* the children's play structure just off Montecito. She has chased my child up the stairs of the structure as my child screams in utter terror. Yes, I know it's a pug and a small dog, but my daughter is only 3 so she's not very big either. She doesn't deserve to feel terrorized at the park. She was bitten at Rengstorff park when she was only 2 by a Westie (also a small dog) so I completely understand why she is afraid.

@That's too bad in Rex Manor
It's not about getting to know the people with dogs. Many of my neighbors have dogs and they responsibly keep them on a leash and away from small children. My child has a right to not be terrorized by some's dog. When I ask to have the dog stay away from my child, the owner usually smiles and says, "Oh, she's a really friendly dog." 1) I don't know that, I don't know your dog. 2) I don't fu*%$&# care, I have a right to not be chased by a strange dog friendly or not. 3) I'm sure the owner of the Westie who bit my daughter would have also said that before she bit my daughter for no reason, by the way. They both were in the dirt together, that was it. I saw the whole thing and my daughter did NOTHING wrong.

We let the bite go since it didn't seem to break the skin (more of a nip I guess, than a bite) but still, why should my daughter have to suffer getting nipped by a strange dog, and now, sadly, I can't get her to like or go near any dogs. Next time I won't be so nice. I'm going on record now, any dog bites any of my kids again in an MV park and I am taking legal action.

Why not just create more dog parks with enclosed areas? That seems like a win for everyone. Then dogs can run off leash all they want and not threaten little kids also at the park. All you responsible dog owners out there, please do your part by reminding the non-responsible dog owners out there to act responsibly with their dogs. That might help as well. When I say something I get blown off as being a dog hater. Not the case, but I'm also not crazy about them biting my child!

Posted by Its our resposibility
a resident of Jackson Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 10:47 am

NEVER EVER let a dog bite go. Always report it please. This is of the utmost importance for the safety of people and their dogs.
Without reporting, that westie that bit your daughter may do serious damage next time. A facial bite to a small child is a terrible thing to see, believe me, I've seen it, and it was a done by a tiny terrier who really tore up the cheek of a 2 y.o. boy. This was in 1998 in another town but the image and sounds are forever in my memory.
Any dog bite in public should be reported.

Posted by Solution
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 11:01 am

Simple signs, or additions to the current signs can solve this issue. The problem is that some feel powerless and others feel they are being stalked by angry neighbors.

The feelings are because there isn't an authoritative entity to guide the citizens in this transition. A simple line added to the sign that stipulates the off leash rules could be added

"To report off-leash dogs outside of the permitted times, please call Silicon Valley Animal Control at (408)764-0344"

I think that is all that would be needed to calm this. A VERY simple way of reducing the powerless feeling some have about wanting compliance to laws with no angry mob type situation of vigilante enforcement. To be sure, those violating the ordinance must weigh the consequences of their actions and that know there might be some, but it doesn't leave it to the angry mob to enforce.

Posted by They don't just fall down and go boom
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 5:41 pm

Speaking for myself. You asked for a reason why I let my dog off-leash. My dog loves to run and I don't. That's the reason for off-leash time, chasing balls, and playing with other dogs. The reason for not doing it at allowed times is because I am at work then.

After work/dinner, when the kids are at home, and no one is using the park is a reasonable time to let the dog off leash. Recently I've gone by the park several evenings and no one was using it. It was empty. Once and awhile there stands a Dudley Do Right self-appointed park guard with a dog, that tells people that they shouldn't have their dog off leash even though there is nobody there. That was not the intended reason for the leash law.

What a shame. Neighbors policing, reporting and spying on their neighbors. I used to love this neighborhood. Now as I walk around the neighborhood I wonder who is watching me and it gives me the creeps.

Posted by Even worse
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 5:57 pm

The city rules state that the park is closed 1/2 hour after sunset, but a lot of times I see kids running around Bubb and Cuesta after dark! Adults are walking through too!! I've seen this WAY more often than people having their dogs off-leash outside of "allowed hours".

What can be done about this rampant lawbreaking? We need big signs that tell people to call 911 if they spot someone walking through the parks after hours. If we don't enforce that rule, what will that teach our children? That it is OK to break the law? Will they then feel it is acceptable to rob banks?

Posted by This is getting bananas
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 8:39 pm

@they don't just fall down and go boom: on behalf of the mayor, city council and the entire city of mountain view, I'd like to apologize for not designing our laws to fit your personal schedule. Good news, however! There is another park nearby, known as Cuesta Park. Maybe you've heard of it. In any event, it has off leash hours all day. And it's only a 5-10 minute walk from Bubb. Maybe your dog would appreciate a bit of a walk?

Also sorry to hear that you are upset with your neighbors who expect you to show a bit of courtesy. More good news - housing prices are at an all-time high! You could always sell and buy a few acres out in the woods. Then you can do whatever you want without regard for others.

Would love to chat more, but I need to go report the crying baby next door for disturbing the peace.

Cat person

Posted by Bananas
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 4, 2015 at 8:51 pm

Totally agree. Cuesta has gotten really nasty with a few residents pulling out the rulebook to attack their neighbors. Be careful, though. They are mentally unbalanced and may go beyond snitching or gossiping behind your back.

Posted by Timo
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 4, 2015 at 8:54 pm

I'm a dog lover myself and I know that most dogs are friendly, and just get excited when they meet someone new. Unfortunately my 10 yr old doesn't share my love for dogs and is petrified of pretty much any dog he sees. The California Leash Law states that when dogs are not confined to their home they must be on a leash and under the control of the person handling them. That law was written to protect both dogs and people, so when someone tells me that their dog doesn't bite I ask them if he has teeth. When they say yes I remind them that their dog will in fact bite and if I feel threatened or my child may be in danger from an unleashed dog who isn't responding to its owner or the person handling it I won't think twice about protecting my child and myself. I love dogs but I love my children more and I will do what I have to to keep from being a victim of a dog attack. So let the dogs run free and play, but please remember human safety should never be compromised for a pet.

Posted by Spine needed here
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jun 5, 2015 at 6:45 am

People call the police on people in the park all the time. As kids we regularly got rousted after a neighbor's call to the cops. I hear the same stories from my oldest's friends too. No whiners there, people know the score.

Do what ever you want, but know if it's outside the law there will eventually be consequences, and quit being so afraid of being caught. Own it if you're going to openly break the law. Own it and quit sniveling about those who (shockingly) expect the rules of the off leash program to be obeyed.

Posted by Spineless toad
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jun 5, 2015 at 6:52 am

[Post removed due to violation of terms of use]

Posted by Spine needed here
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jun 5, 2015 at 7:06 am

[Post removed due to violation of terms of use]

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