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Council gets an earful from residents over BRT Lanes

Original post made by Jim Neal, Old Mountain View, on Apr 29, 2015

The Agenda for the Council meeting last night was primarily focused on the budget and normally does not have a large turnout from the public. However, last night's meeting was packed with residents wanting to comment on last weeks surprise reversal by the Council on BRT lanes.

Mayor McAlister seemed to anticipate that a large number of people would want to speak when the time came for Oral Communications from the Public on Non-Agendized items, because he said that speaking time would be limited to 2 minutes before he got a count of how many people would be speaking, even though the public usually has 3 minutes to speak.

THe Mayor also seemed to anticipate that a large number of people would be unhappy with the Council because he warned the public beforehand that they needed to be "professional" and not engage in personal attacks against the Council or staff. I am not sure why he thought it was necessary. I can't remember a time where members of the public have resorted to personal attacks during a Council meeting.

The overwhelming majority of people expressed their dipleasure with the fact that the Council had reversed itself, and in particular that Council Members Rosenberg and Showalter had reversed their positions from their campaign pledges without adequate explanation as to why.

Many of the speakers in oppositon raised points about the increased traffic, diversion of traffic into the neighborhoods, the negative effect on small businesses, the fact that the VTA has not responded to City's letter requesting additional information, and the removal of hundreds of trees. As far as I know, none of these questions has been adequately answered.

Gary Wesley referred to the Council's decision as a "Coup" for the VTA bus only lanes because they could say the cities affected by the BRT are split. He said that he was tking input from the community for a possible recall for Council Members Rosenberg and Showalter after noting that Council Member Rosenberg did not specify what new information led to his change of heart, and that Council Member Showalter did not specify the people that she spoke with who changed her mind.

Only 4 people spoke in favor of the BRT lanes, one of which was a VTA Community Outreach Specialist ( Someone responsible for promoting VTA projects) who only acknowledged that fact after John Inks asked her directly. It is these type of tactics where people represent themselves as part of the community, but really are speaking on issues that directly benefit the companies they work for, that I find disengenuous. Let me be clear on this, I don't care if people want to speak on behalf of their companies/agencies or whatever, but they should identify themselves as employees when they are speaking so that people have a clear idea of what may be motivating them. This type of tactic just reinforces my distrust of the project overall.

I have made no secret of the fact that I have been opposed to the idea of BRT from the beginning, even though I have relied on public transportation almost exclusively for the last 3 years, because that has been more than enough time for me to see just how inadequate and flawed the plan is.

Some people say "We're just trying to give you more options". That is not true. The intention is to create enough gridlock and make driving so inconvenient that we don't have a choice. Steps are already being taken to restrict the privilege of driving to the the priveleged who can afford it (toll lanes anyone?).

The bottom line is the very people who are telling all of us to get out of our cars, are unwilliing to get out of theirs. I would b willing to wager a signoficant amount of money, that when the VTA representatives came to Mountain View last week, they didn't take the bus to get there! If they can drive, why can't we?

Jim Neal
Old Mountain View
(Not employed by any company affected by BRT lanes)

Comments (19)

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Apr 29, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.


Web Link (BAAQMD pushes for more transit)

What about all the electric/alternative fuel cars?

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Apr 29, 2015 at 1:45 pm

Thanks Jim for the early report on the April 28 Council meeting's hot item: oral communications regarding the Council's 3-2 advisory vote on April 21 to support bus-only lanes on El Camino. We shall see tomorrow if the Voice itself also has an article about the item.

Posted by Frustrated Mountain Viewresident
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Apr 30, 2015 at 11:54 am

Thanks, Jim, for the post. i attended the city council meeting on April 28 also with two other people but didn't speak and left early because the meeting didn't start until well after 7 pm and began with two fairly long presentations to retiring fire chief and a local school. After seeing the fairly bored expressions on the two city council members who reversed themselves (and listening to speakers addressing a range of other issues, including a police audit, housing etc) I quickly realized that this was not going to be a forum where council members responded to concerns. I did catch the end of the meeting on cable tv, including Councilman Inks's asking the VTA representative to identify her employer (probably one of the highlights of the evening).

Would like to hear other ways to join in pressing the council to reconsider its vote or at least get responses to its letter to VTA before making a decision that will have such a dire impact on MV residents

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Apr 30, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Thanks everyone! To stay up to date on BRT or other issues, you can email me at:

Just include a few lines about what issue(s) you're interested in and I'll respond as quickly as I can, and then keep you updated as things progress.

Jim Neal
Old Mountain View

Posted by Anyone know?
a resident of Bailey Park
on Apr 30, 2015 at 1:07 pm

When will it be on the agenda again?

Posted by Mountain View Resident First
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 1, 2015 at 6:17 pm

VTA employees are part of this community. As members of this community, we have the right to participate and provide public comment on any and all issues that affect our community and matter to us.

I attended the City Council meeting on April 28, 2015 as a resident. I introduced myself as a Mountain View resident since 1993. Additionally, as a resident of this Mountain View Community:
• I'm a CERT volunteer
• Past Board Director with Mountain View Trees
• Class of 2013 Leadership Mountain View
• I have volunteered over the past 22 years off and on at A La Carte & Art and the Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, sponsored by the Mountain View Central Business Association and Chamber of Commerce respectively.
• I am a voting constituent.
• I attend forums and vote for City Council candidates, attend City Council and community meetings.

I am a RESIDENT that cares about her community, and the direction it is going. I'm proud of our City Councilmembers that supported an unpopular public transportation program that is proven in other states and countries as extremely successful. They are leaders. My comments were simple and to the point, to say thank you.

As a resident of this community, I am allowed to do this. Working for a public agency did not take away my first amendment rights.

As implied in the previous posts, I didn't speak on behalf of VTA nor am I a lobbyist. As a Communications Specialist I don't "promote VTA projects". I do educate and inform the community regarding VTA capital projects throughout Santa Clara County. I am not a project liaison on any VTA projects in Mountain View.

I wouldn't work for VTA if I didn't believe in its mission and the benefits of public transportation. I don't support Public Transportation because I work for VTA, I work for VTA because I support Public Transportation.

Kathleen, A Mountain View Resident

Sent from my iPad

Posted by MWoman
a resident of Waverly Park
on May 1, 2015 at 11:58 pm

To "Mountain View Resident" Kathleen -
Nobody said you do not have a right to speak at Council Meetings, but to speak in favor of the VTA the way you did, and NOT state you are employed by them, was laughable (and the audience DID laugh at you being caught in this trick) and shameful. You know well that you had a responsibility to expose your connection with VTA - don't try to smokescreen yourself out of that.
Your statement that the VTA's plan is "proven in other states and countries as extremely successful" but that is flatly UNTRUE. Cities and countries with successful systems have had an infrastructure in place that WORKS and connections that were planned well and executed with intelligence. You are trying to compare apples to to stink-bugs. The VTA is full of folly and cannot point to even ONE effort that didn't run over budget or fail to gain ridership or community support. People in the Bay Area are educated and street-wise and won't be duped. The VTA has a lousy plan that will fail - and has massive community opposition. THOSE are the facts.

Posted by Whoopsie!
a resident of Cuesta Park
on May 2, 2015 at 12:21 am

Looks like MWoman's gotten it wrong again. Large infrastructure investments rarely work 100 pct out of the gate. Often it is the NIMBY, greedy and heartless local residents who lie, cheat and steal to hamper the project at every turn and use political pressure to inject "poison pills" to reduce the performance of the final service.

Fortunately, most of MV has seen through her(his) superficial reasoning and are supportive of the dedicated lane.

Posted by MWoman
a resident of Waverly Park
on May 2, 2015 at 12:40 am

To "Whoopsie!"
How long have you worked for the VTA?
Your paranoia is pretty obvious: "lie, cheat, steal, poison pills"? Perhaps you need to take time out until you're not so blinded by your anger? Your extreme language makes you look pathetic and desperate. Take it easy, old boy.
A simple referendum will make it clear who has the true majority here. Let's see if you all are brave enough to handle the truth?

Posted by VTA Sneaks and Liars
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 2, 2015 at 4:54 am

The people didn't support the lane takeovers. The gall of the VTA though... It's bad enough they try and upend the will of the people in MV, then they send some shill to try and speak at the council meeting. A shill who had ZERO intention of letting anyone know she worked for VTA, but who was caught anyway in an embarrassing moment for her and VTA. This continual and unapologetic hiding of the truth is a VTA staple. It helps clarify some of these puzzling comments of some who are supporting it. I'm convinced they also have this msg board covered as part of their campaign of trying to do an end=around on the people of MV.

VTA, quit trying to lie cheat and steal your way into ruining the quality of life in MV. You're wearing out your welcome in this town now, on a daily basis.

Posted by Jessica
a resident of another community
on May 2, 2015 at 7:10 am

That's odd. I don't work for VTA, yet I am pro-BRT. How is this possible???? LOL!

It's laughable to read all this. Better than TV!!

Deep dark conspiracies to provide public transportation to poor people! Oh no!!!!

Hundreds of thousands of dollars paid off to politicians for their symbolic, non-binding vote. Yes, makes sense to me!

Constant, unending denials that race and class isn't an issue. Yeah, right!

Keep up the fun!!!

Posted by Class
a resident of another community
on May 2, 2015 at 1:22 pm

I know what economic class means too, and I'll tell you one thing Jessica. Public transit systems that work don't define themselves at serving just one economic class of customer. That's why this BRT plan is misguided. Arguments that settle for a low coverage system which only services on segment of the population are faulty. They don't address the environmental goal of getting people out of their cars. In California ALL ECONOMIC CLASSES drive automobiles. Some spend way less on old clunkers and skip insurance perhaps and do their own maintenance and measure every mile, but some very low income people depend on cars, and they use them for more than commuting from San Jose to Mountain View. Others have luxury automobiles but they too would welcome a better bus service for certain uses, even if only because parking and driving is a hassle and a distraction.

The BRT system doesn't address the needs of any class of people evenly. It's an old fashioned approach to solving a problem which is morphing over time. It's about what you'd expect from VTA which has such inefficiency that many of its bus runs are nearly empty and it has an 11% farebox recovery. That's a red flag.

The fact that they are talking about needing more sales tax is even more of a red flag. 10 years ago they said they'd get their farebox recovery up to 25% and they failed miserably. They found out that just cutting routes didn't do it. They need to entice MORE RIDERS to file the routes that they do run. BRT is an effort to have a loss on service operation but make it up in frequency and volume. If they would realize they have potential customers beyond very low income people looking to save gas money, then they might have a shot at offering a half way decent service to the entire county.

Posted by Steve J
a resident of North Whisman
on May 2, 2015 at 3:03 pm

How does any mode of transportation serve a class of users "evenly"?

But if that is the case and if you compare CalTrain Vs Bus and notice it's 40 minutes to go between downtown SF and MV while it takes more than TWICE that long to go between SJ and PA, it is reasonable to look into the ridership and investment amounts.

The money pushed into Caltrain is many times the size as bus, so let's look at the demographics.

Yup! CalTrain serves a higher percentage of middle and upper middle class users!

So now we have an opportunity to do a little balancing and the local "gentry" comes out all outraged.

So, yes, this is absolutely a class issue. Absolutely no question about it.

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on May 2, 2015 at 5:05 pm

On the merits, folks should read the January 2, 2015 letter from the City of Mountain View to the VTA which criticizes the dedicate lanes "option" and the draft EIR. That letter is attached to the staff report for item 7.3 on the April 21 Council agenda. At the meeting, the temporary chair (Vice-Mayor Pat Showalter) complained that the City deserved a written response to the letter. Then, with no response to her remark from the VTA salesmen, Showalter announced that she had changed her position on dedicated lanes (taken to get elected). Showalter explained that, after being elected, she had been "approached" by unidentified persons on the subject. There is still no report of Showalter's disclosing the identity of any such persons - let alone what she was told or promised. Showalter works for another county agency: the Santa Clara Valley Water District.

Posted by Gary
a resident of Sylvan Park
on May 2, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Link to the letter to VTA.

Web Link

Posted by Class
a resident of another community
on May 2, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Here's the problem with the BRT changes serving lower economic classes evenly. It REDUCES frequency of the more popular local route service on the 22. It FAVORS service to those members of the same class which happen to be interested in departing from or arriving to Whole Foods Market or Castro Street ONLY. This is not even service across that class. This whole idea of increasing frequency on the long haul trips favors a very small subset of the lower income folks. Otherwise, it's a cut in service to the riders.

Now, some claim that bus services only ever will be used by low income people. I don't think that's true. No one has any data that says that bus riders on the 522 route vs the 22 route are lower income. I would suspect JUST THE OPPOSITE. Most likely the BRT speed improvements favor the more well to do, and the effort by VTA is indeed to suck people off of CalTrain because the subsidy on Cal Train, whatever your income is 40% and on VTA it has been 89% for several years before which it was 91% subsidy.

So, you see, that's how avoid being fair to certain riders--namely the ones that have no alternative to VTA and who are captive riders.

Posted by Whoa!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 2, 2015 at 8:19 pm

This "Class" character is nuts!

BRT is designed to reduce service for the poor and "suck off" (his actual words!) Caltrain users?

And he says that demographic data is not available! Well, that explains it. This guy is simply ignorant of the information available, so that's why he is wrong on so many points.

Glad we got that straightened out!

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 6, 2015 at 11:01 am

Jim Neal is a registered user.

@Jessica - I know a few people who do not work for the VTA that are pro BRT. I am on the opposite side, someone who takes public transportation every day and is against the BRT for all the reasons that I have previously stated.

With regard to people's right to speak at City Council meetings, I am the last person that would tell anyone that they don't have that right. Here is what I did say in the article above:


Only 4 people spoke in favor of the BRT lanes, one of which was a VTA Community Outreach Specialist ( Someone responsible for promoting VTA projects) who only acknowledged that fact after John Inks asked her directly. It is these type of tactics where people represent themselves as part of the community, but really are speaking on issues that directly benefit the companies they work for, that I find disengenuous. Let me be clear on this, I don't care if people want to speak on behalf of their companies/agencies or whatever, but they should identify themselves as employees when they are speaking so that people have a clear idea of what may be motivating them. This type of tactic just reinforces my distrust of the project overall.

I beleive that open debate requires open and full disclosure of any possible conflicts of interest as well as any personal or financial interests that a speaker may have. If one fails to do so, then even if one has the best of intentions, it looks as if one is trying to misinform and/or mislead the public.

Jim Neal
Old Mountain View

Posted by Jim Neal's Hat
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 6, 2015 at 11:41 am

Even I knew the dedicated lane plan was ridiculous.

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