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Personal Endorsement from a LASD Board Member

Original post made by Thank You Doug, another community, on Oct 13, 2014

Endorsements 2014 Web Link

It's election time, and like most folks in our community, I'm casting my ballot. I don't pretend to be an expert in all things political, but I will share my thoughts on a couple of matters, given my close involvement with the schools over the past 5 years.

For LASD Board of Trustees:
Tamara Logan
Sangeeth Peruri
Vladamir Ivanovic

Tammy Logan has worked incredibly hard over the past 5 years to put the necessary ingredients in place for the success of our District. She is a tireless voice for our students, and has been willing to challenge other board members when she felt we weren't doing the right thing. Striking that balance is a delicate art, and Tammy has done it well.

Tammy also played a key role in the negotiations with BCS. I was proud to have her as a partner in the final rounds over the summer. The "peace treaty" that resulted was shaped in many ways by Tammy's thinking.

I am confident that Tammy will continue to be an asset for our students and our community, and I am excited to cast my ballot for her re-election.

Sangeeth Peruri is a relative new-comer to the LASD community. His kids are younger, and he is not afraid to test the conventions of "how things have been done". He has served ably in the Covington PTA, and has worked diligently on the LASD Citizens Advisory Council on Finance (CACF). I have spent substantial time with Sangeeth over the past year as he tested our assumptions about the right path with BCS. He has also built a substantial knowledge of our schools by engaging multiple points of view. He is not afraid to throw himself into the work, which will help him ramp up on the board quickly.

Vladimir Ivanovic is another CACF member, and is the current CACF chair. Over the years he has been a regular attendee at our board meetings. He has put in the time to learn what the board is doing, why we've made the decisions we have made, and to share his own perspective when he felt it was important. He is well versed in our financial status, which will be important as the District starts to wrestle with the expiration of the Measure E parcel tax and simultaneously increasing contributions to shore up state pensions. His work also includes the Gardner Bullis Technology Committee, the GB Site Council, and a number of other groups. He isn't a huge fan of public speaking, but I've always found his reasoning to be sound. He is also a tireless advocate for open government, which remains important in our community.

I am not able to endorse Mathra McClatchey or John Swan for the LASD Board of Trustees.

Martha has been an active BCS parent for the entirety of my 5 years on the Board. This doesn't disqualify someone outright, but it certainly raises questions about how well they know LASD. I met with Martha to discuss specific issues, and found her knowledge of the LASD program to be lacking. She instead proposed that her knowledge of what draws people away from LASD should be an asset. I disagree. I am also troubled by her direct involvement in the cloaking of expenditures by BCS. She was the treasurer of the Bullis Foundation when BPEF was covertly signing checks to PR firms and lawyers. When I asked her about these expenditures, she was quite clear that there is such a thing as "too much transparency". I do not believe the community's interests are served by making off-book expenditures and hiding from the public how money is being spent. As the old saying goes, "if you wouldn't do it in the light of day, you probably shouldn't be doing it at all."

John Swan is one of the original founding families at BCS. Although his children have been out for a while, I see no evidence that he has remained active in K-8 education. He only recently started attending LASD Board meetings, so his learning curve would be steep. John's editorials in the Town Crier seem to indicate that he feels LASD is broken in some significant way. He complains about teachers in generic language more suited to big city school districts, not LASD. His own children haven't attended an LASD school since 2003, so I'm not sure on what basis he would make that assertion. His editorials are rife with rhetoric from the charter movement about what is wrong with education, but it bears little resemblance to our award winning schools and exceptionally dedicated staff and administration. John just doesn't seem to have a handle on what we are doing in our schools, and what makes them such a unique place for children to learn. He lacks the context of how our schools work or how to best engage with our staff and parent community, and I believe that would be a significant barrier to being an effective board member.

Yes on Measure N We desperately need to pass measure N, so that we can build more schools and update our existing facilities. Although some districts go out every 5-7 years, it has been much longer than that for LASD. We desperately need to pass this measure to keep up with our exploding enrollment. It is essential to the successful model that has earned LASD national and international recognition as a top tier school district.

Each of the trustees I have endorsed would be excellent stewards for the Measure N funds. They are committed to an open process to refine specific expenditures and I believe they will make wise use of our precious capital. They seek public input, and understand the need to stretch our dollars. That is exactly what we want as we embark on the first major expansion of the District in many years.

I thank all of these folks for their interest and their willingness to serve. I believe that Tammy, Sangeeth, and Vladimir will serve our community well, and I encourage you to give them your full support.

Comments (9)

Posted by Guest
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Oct 13, 2014 at 9:21 am

Another half-truth spoken by Doug Smith. Btw, this is only the 4th year that Martha's children have been at BCS (I know because my kid is in the same grade) and they were at Oak before, and she was a PTA board member there. So how is it that she's been an active BCS parent for the 5 years that Doug Smith was on the school board?? This exaggeration to fit his agenda is so typical of Doug Smith.

Posted by Biased Opinions Not Truth
a resident of St. Francis Acres
on Oct 13, 2014 at 11:47 am

Wow. Talk about Opinion with a capital "O". I'm sure Tammy, Sangeeth, & Vlad will cure cancer and win the Nobel prize too based on this wonderful non-prejudiced opinion. It's all flowers and goodness with those three according to this opinion piece.

Shame on Doug Smith for spending time on the last two paragraphs with his innuendo and assumptions. I hope Doug finds something else to muddle up and steers clear of LASD elections in the future. I expect mud-slinging from larger scale office elections not local ones. I guess I expect too much.

Posted by Vote for our kids
a resident of another community
on Oct 13, 2014 at 5:15 pm

Thank you Doug Smith for the informed opinion! Vladimir, Tammy, and Sangeeth all have well respected accomplishments serving the LASD community and are all very in touch with the needs of our kids. I don't see what experience Martha and John Swan have serving the needs of our kids. Creating BCS and working within BCS are fine for BCS kids, but the LASD board of trustees have to oversee the education needs of LASD students and not BCS students.

Posted by Lies
a resident of another community
on Oct 14, 2014 at 5:55 pm

This Doug Smith fellow is fortunately not running for the board again. He is a major part of the problem and the dysfunctional performance of the board. He is either not very bright or he is purposely deceitful above. There can't be any off books expenditures for public foundation that files tax returns. I just checked and their tax return indicates that in 2012 they gave $1M in support to the charter school beyond direct grants to the school. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that most of this went to lawyers. The LASD has been spending nearly $2 Million per year for the last 3 years in legal fees. They did all this just to delay sharing a few more portables with the charter school. Now finally because they wanted to do a bond measure to spruce up the other schools, they settled with the charter school. In return the charter school got a small spot of land at Blach and 6 or so more portables next year, then one each year beyond that. Was that so hard? Doug Smith personally delayed resolving this case by his insistence on being so nasty to the charter school, or aggressive if you want to just call it that.

So to say that the Bullis Foundation was not transparent is just a lie. They report their legal expenses just like LASD does, only LASD has a much bigger budget and the legal fees are only $2Million out of $50 Million instead of $1 Million out of $3.5 Million. Big deal. That's not a lack of transparency.

Keep in mind that all Bullis could hope for was fairness. Charter schools can't get extra space by a lawsuit unless the district is shorting them in the first place. Just look at the Bullis facilities and then look at Santa Rita, Covington, Oak or Loyola. Clearly the Bullis setup is on the cheap.

If Doug is going to take digs at Martha he ought not to do it in matters like transparency where he himself is the bigger offender.

And then there is Ivanovic who as chairman of the CACF presided over an entire year of failure to comply with the Brown Act by including topics of discussion in posted agendas. Legally, a committee like that cannot discuss anything not on the agenda, for transparency reasons. The LASD has a record of not abiding by that transparency provision of the Brown Act for its board-appointed committees. Shame on them! And then double shame for accusing Bullis of not being transparent.

Posted by BCS Parent
a resident of another community
on Oct 14, 2014 at 8:21 pm

@Lies. Spot on!

All that Doug Smith guy cares about is continuing to maintain and grow a top school district! We need some of our people in there to disrupt things. I'm still so angry that we lost the war in court and now have to "mediate." Ridiculous! We are being prevented from taking our revenge on this public school system because they closed down our neighborhood school so many years ago!

Don't vote for Doug's candidates. They probably just want to focus on quality education and not on closing down LASD schools to give them a unified campus.

Oh, and PLEASE don't vote on Measure N. If LASD gets their money, they might be able to accommodate the student growth. We want them to FAIL, so let's keep them broke.

Posted by N/A
a resident of another community
on Oct 15, 2014 at 4:18 am

Ha. LASD has a whole pile of things they want to spend the $150 Million on and they have no intention of spending it mainly on growth. If they did, then they would promise to spend at least $100 Million on new schools, but they don't. Instead they talk about $188 Million on other projects, which have no new capacity. Anyway, they don't need any growth for the next 2 years. Portables were added to make 25 new classrooms this past summer. The growth this year? 110 students or 160 if you count Bullis Charter's growth too. Why the rush? So they could ask for funding to "replace" the portables with permanent buildings.

Posted by BCS Parent
a resident of another community
on Oct 15, 2014 at 8:36 am

@N/A represents the best of the BCS tradition. He wrote: "LASD has a whole pile of things they want to spend the $150 Million on and they have no intention of spending it mainly on growth. If they did, then they would promise to spend at least $100 Million on new schools, but they don't. "

That is so true! My inside sources they may want to spend some of the money on the existing school campuses to upgrade them for safety. Ridiculous! We want them to fall down around their ears!

My brainy associate @N/A also said: "Anyway, they don't need any growth for the next 2 years". Yes! My thinking exactly. Let's wait until it is standing room only AND THEN wait for an election cycle to ask for money AND THEN go out and negotiate some land at much higher prices than today. That makes perfect sense!

This bond will bankrupt many of my neighbors. On a million dollar home, this will cost them $5/week. That money should be spent on one Starbucks coffee/week and NOT our public schools!

A vote for N is a vote for the LASD public schools. I will note vote NO on N unless the district promises to hand the whole amount over to our private, yet publicly funded charter school.

Posted by Whoever
a resident of another community
on Oct 16, 2014 at 1:06 pm

The filings show that one community resident has loaned Vladimir $3600 toward his campaign in several separate transactions. She has also given $400 as a donation. This is the largest single contributor to any of the campaigns, and it is by Michele Sturiale. Keep this in mind when considering endorsements.

Posted by LASD Citizen
a resident of another community
on Nov 2, 2014 at 2:09 pm

This Doug Smith guy is a troublemaker and not very intelligent. He's the one who told the community at large that he would use bond money to condemn Hillview Community Center for a school district takeover. Doesn't know that 50 year old history doesn't give LASD claim to this small piece of land.

Vote No on this bond! Send Doug Smith a message.

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