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President arriving in Bay Area for Los Altos Hills event

Original post made on Jul 22, 2014

President Barack Obama is scheduled to fly into San Francisco International Airport tonight for a short fundraising visit in the South Bay.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Tuesday, July 22, 2014, 12:25 PM

Comments (40)

Posted by Steve
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 22, 2014 at 2:17 pm

Ah, so good to see out fundraiser in chief doing what he does best: giving meaningless speeches to his elite comrades. Rome burns while Nero fiddles.

... And no I am not a republican. I have voted for candidates from both parties and have vowed to never vote for either party again - two sides of the same coin.

Until the American people wake up and realize that they are being played by a political elite, nothing will change.

Now back to, sports, reality television, and a corrupt media - nothing to see here

Posted by CherylP
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 22, 2014 at 2:28 pm

Yeah, Steve you know, all about it! Ignorant, "know it alls" make me sick! Maybe if the system of running for office didn't depend on these fund raisers we would be better off! Did you rally against Citizens United, Steve? I'll bet NOT! Do you vote in every election, Steve? You are quite the armchair critic! The President got bin Laden and then attend the White House correspondence dinner! He is taking care of business, unlike the DO NOTHING CONGRESS, who waste time with frivolous lawsuits, and sticking their noses into our bedrooms, and spewing hate against those who only want better lives! Those warmongering jackasses care only for their bank balances, and don't you forget it! President Obama gets the job done for America, despite the unfair criticisms of you and the stalemating Republicans who hate that he is making them look like the fools they are!

Posted by Dennis
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 22, 2014 at 2:29 pm

Do people really know how much it costs, your tax dollars, to operate Air Force One? Why is our President using our money to collect party money all the while spending time away from duties which at this time should include all the real problems confronting the United States. Please, I would love to hear some responses from people who voted for this man to be our President so I can make at least a little sense of what is going on here.

Posted by fair play
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 22, 2014 at 2:49 pm

Let's all try to remember that every president has done multiple fundraisers for their own party using secrete service and air force one. Nothing new. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan etc. all did it. See this link for the costs and how it is covered (or not)Web Link

Posted by goota be kidding me
a resident of Martens-Carmelita
on Jul 22, 2014 at 3:03 pm

I guess no event planned in East Palo Alto and Oakland. I think his predecessor is a far better President on ethics and everything else than this crook.

Posted by Steve
a resident of another community
on Jul 22, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Let's look at the bright side here. For this evening, anyway, He'll be preoccupied and unable to issue any executive orders.

Posted by SP Phil
a resident of Shoreline West
on Jul 22, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Goota be kidding me, you've got to be kidding. Tell me about GWBush's trips to East Palo Alto and Oakland, and tell me about Bush's exceptional ethics. And tell me what exactly our current president has done that makes him a crook in the judgment of a rational person.

Posted by The California ATM Machine
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 22, 2014 at 3:37 pm

If Barack Hussein Obama really cared about California he would wright a check for the high speed rail. But that's not the way he works. He pulls money out of the state; he does not put money back in.... Unless your an illegal, then he'll give money to take care of them

Posted by Andrew
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 22, 2014 at 4:37 pm

Some of you posters seem very out of touch with campaign financing. Perhaps you've heard of the Supreme Court? Hey California ATM Machine: Misspelling common English words and using bad grammar makes you seem uninformed.

Posted by MV resident
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 22, 2014 at 4:40 pm

Cheryl rants about Citizens United but business should not have its speech suppressed while organized labor does not. The left likes to forget that fact. Money & politics go hand in hand. Yes I vote in every election and Obama is destroying the USA with his overt Marxist-socialist behavior. Let's hope no one shows up for any of his fund raisers.

Posted by myob
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 22, 2014 at 4:50 pm

I don't care about what those thieving politicians do with their campaigning, but what really annoys me is that when they're in town, flights are diverted, roads are closed, all so that the emperor doesn't have to share the roads and the air with the rabble. This is the politicians' country, and we get to live here by their grace, just like under feudalism.

Posted by steve
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 22, 2014 at 5:27 pm

@CherylIP you're the prototype of the problem with the electorate. You happen to be on the left; however, your parallel is alive and well on the right. You each swallow the talking points of your respective parties hook line and sinker, and are distracted by whatever distraction du jour the establishment gins up to keep you looking anywhere but at where the real problem lies.

You complain about the citizens United decision. The fact of the matter is that money was pouring into political coffers long before this decision was rendered by the Supreme Court. Make no mistake about it, our leaders are bought and paid for quite handsomely

The article was about Obama - therefore I criticized Obama. He deserves it - after all per Quinnipiac, Obama is the worst president since World War Two. The man is the president Richard Nixon wished he could be. If taking care of business means usurping individual liberties, targeting opponents with the apparatus of state, rampant spying on citizens, targeting the press, pandering to special interests, and dangerously expanding executive power (see Jonathan Turley), then I suppose he is taking care of business.

What is staggering is that defenders of this man will point to George Bush's bad behavior to justify Obama's bad behavior. Honestly, how can you keep a straight face? You certainly won't hear me defending Bush, but Obama has basically taken Bush's policies and added a healthy dose to totalitarianism. What makes him even worse is that his central platform was that he would be different. Hope and Change right?

I will agree with that congress is worse than useless, though perhaps less dangerous than the executive, given that they are essential neutered. Having said that, Boehner, Pelosi, Reid, and McConnell are quintessential examples of elite politicians bought and paid for by their respective special interests.

Posted by Elsa
a resident of another community
on Jul 22, 2014 at 6:43 pm

Really CHERYIP, with all due respect you're out of touch. $10,000.00 to 32,000.00 for this fundraiser in Los Altos Hills for a lame duck. How can you be anything but outraged with all that's going on? His lack of leadership, our boarders, Gaza, our veterans, IRS, Benghazi, Malaysia's Airlines, Tahmooressi, obamacare and he's released 5 terrorists! Fundraising and golfing hardly seems like a top priority right now. And as for you, Andrew, this is the internet, typos aren't a reflection of how informed you are, in fact, they might be a testament of ones passion, it's hard to care about where you put an apostrophe here, or abbreviated a word when you're outraged. It takes guts to even post your true views, pay attention to the content, it's hard to trust that you're informed when you're easily distracted by ones grammar.

Posted by Henry
a resident of another community
on Jul 22, 2014 at 8:36 pm

Well said Elsa. With todays love of texting, grammar and spelling havegone to pot. Nuf sed.

Posted by mrt94040
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 22, 2014 at 8:54 pm

This guy is totally incompetent. He has to raise money for the midterm elections so the equally incompetent Nancy Pelosi, can stay elected and "serve us" with their wealth distribution policies. Oops, this is California, the majority likes to give away their hard earned dollars to everyone on the public dole.

I heard that there are serious issues in the Ukraine and the Middle East that could use immediate American leadership, but I guess the USA shouldn't exert influence and get involved, that's what I get from Mr. Incompetent.

Posted by Lame Duck
a resident of another community
on Jul 22, 2014 at 9:13 pm

If Obama had not been re-elected , Carter would have still been the worst one term president. Since he was re-elected he will go down as the worst two term president .

Fool me once, shame on Obama, fool me twice, shame on the voters.

Posted by Derp!
a resident of Shoreline West
on Jul 22, 2014 at 9:18 pm

I dint lik der obummer cause he crushed ekonomy. Need gerorge w back in White House after he cures Aids in afrika. Derp!

Posted by Nick
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 23, 2014 at 1:42 pm

Obama is significantly worse than Bush on this front; see actual data:
Web Link

(and this real data, and is from the Washington Post, not Fox News or anything)

Think about this when you're stuck in traffic and seeing your tax dollars used for constant fundraising.

Posted by Maher
a resident of Martens-Carmelita
on Jul 23, 2014 at 1:57 pm

Obama is to national public office as Jackie Robinson is to MLB via the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947; that is, they are each the first of their race to aspire to and achieve success in each arena.

And like Robinson, Obama is treated to the "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE, N-word!" mentality and verbal assaults. Though today's hate-filled bigots use subtler, PC-influenced words, and sideways attacks, still that central message is loud and clear in the subtexts of their stances.

The rest of the world has noted how arcane and primitive and embarrassing too many USA people's behaviors have been toward Obama. In many eyes, we've disgraced ourselves.

If you need to refresh your memory about the attacks on Robinson in 1947 just view the excellent film "42". Wherever you are on the spectrum of behaviors you will see yourself.

Posted by Steve
a resident of another community
on Jul 23, 2014 at 2:13 pm

Wow! Nobody here has been bashing Obama because of his race. That would be totally uncalled for and unacceptable!
Especially when we can trash him up one side and down the other based solely on his record.

Posted by Greg David
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 23, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Greg David is a registered user.

At least we got to see our tax dollars at work in the skies over Mountain View. Watching a V-22 Osprey fly around will never get old to me...

Posted by Unfunded Mandate
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 23, 2014 at 2:17 pm

Come on people, how can anyone disparage this regime, as Obie said himself, he is one of the top four presidents of alltime!

No, Jimmuh is not one of the others...

Posted by Robert
a resident of Slater
on Jul 23, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Robert is a registered user.

@Maher There is little to compare between Jackie Robinson and Obama. One could do the job and hit home runs, while the other continues to strikes out.

Posted by Maher
a resident of Martens-Carmelita
on Jul 23, 2014 at 2:53 pm

"Perception" in your world is reality, I bet. That's a fool's choice but a very popular one nowadays.

No matter Robinson's achievements, many folks still hate him anyway. Guess why?

No matter what Obama supported, the GOP stated in 2008 that they would oppose it. And they've ham stung him at every turn. Way to go! Guess why?

History will judge and the true villains will be unmasked. Think the 50's tv coverage of the marches in the south.

Posted by Dennis
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 23, 2014 at 3:19 pm

Whenever racism is brought into a subject that has no place being there I see the racist hatred that is brought into play not by whites but by Afro-Americans. The race card is continually played by a portion of society that is their own worst enemy in any attempt to improve their situation in society. Just go back in time to the jubilant and joyous faces of Afro-Americans when O J Simpson was acquitted. You'll find your answer there.

Posted by Can't see from the cloud
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 23, 2014 at 4:07 pm

All i know is i can't see out from all the lying he has done. The guy has one lie after another. His credibility has gone down the toilet!!!

Posted by facts
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 23, 2014 at 4:36 pm

The stock market has almost doubled in value since President Obama took office. If things were worse under his leadership, the market would be down, not up. Both republicans and democrats think America is doing well or they wouldn't be buying up American stock.

Now, if you hear people who constantly bash him and deny this truth, then it is fair to question their motive. The facts are against their conclusion that he is the worst president, so it must be something else about him they don't like. Hmmm...I wonder what it could be....?

Posted by Bush wins worst
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jul 23, 2014 at 5:01 pm

I saw what GW Bush did to my 401K and I see what has happened, despite the republicans, since Bush was gone.
Sorry, squawk all you want, but I'm still glad my 401K is out of BuchCo's economy bungling and I'm glad for the gains it has made since BushCo got chased out of town.

Hell, the Repubs STILL haven't invited Bush to any big events. You don't have to listen to how Repubs think if their last 2 term president...just remember how they ran from any and all association with him.

Clint talking to a chair was the choice so just think how badly Bush is thought of if they'd rather have an old guy failing with a empty chair on stage than their last 2 term president.

Posted by dumbrepubs
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 23, 2014 at 5:29 pm

the sick part is that they would have voted "W" in for a third term if they could. sure, even the republitards thought he was a bad president, but would make a third mistake before voting in a president like obama.

Posted by Black and Proud
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 23, 2014 at 6:10 pm

@Mahar STOP playing the race card. He's a lousy president period. Dr. Ben Carson there's a man with Integrity. If Obama had an ounce of Integrity he'd use his blackness to fix Chicago problems. if Obama had leadership skills he wouldn't line up with guys like Jackson and Sharpton.

Posted by Lydia
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 23, 2014 at 7:55 pm

Heard not all the donors came out of the woodwork for him on this trip. maybe they are growing a bit weary of him.

Posted by Robert
a resident of another community
on Jul 24, 2014 at 8:46 am

The president was not elected to raise funds for his party. Who pays for his expenses when making fund raising trips and who is keeping check of who pays. We the AMERICAN public are STUPID. This president and his family are pirating the US treasury. OUR COUNTRY IS IN NEED OF INTRASTRUCTURE REPAIRS AND WE SEND BILLIONS OVERSEAS. Lets fix the USA then wory about others.

Posted by myob
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 24, 2014 at 9:37 am


The value of the stock market has little to do with economic prosperity. Inflation makes markets go up, while people's quality of life goes down. Zimbabwe had the best performing stock market on the planet during the bout of hyperinflation which destroyed its economy.

What's happening in the US is that the 0.1% (we have lots here) are reaping the rewards of asset inflation, while the rest of the population is seeing costs, mainly housing, food, and energy, increase. They're having a harder time getting by. This isn't all on Obama, of course, but he is complicit in that his economic policies help support this system. He's signed bills to help giant banks, he's appointed Janet Yellen to head the Fed, he's refused to prosecute outright fraud in the banking sector, he played a part, as did most presidents before him. They're all stooges of the biggest lobbies.

So, don't start assuming that if people don't like Obama, there must be racist motivations. That's disingenuous. He's not the worst overall, since he's not done as much damage as some of his predecessors, but he's pretty bad, not to mention among the most two faced presidents that I can think of.

Posted by Facts
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 24, 2014 at 11:49 am

@myob: "The value of the stock market has little to do with economic prosperity. Inflation makes markets go up, while people's quality of life goes down."

This is a common ploy of conservatives who are upset that a democratic president has turned our economy around. They misinterpret the indicators. I'm sorry 'myob', but the United States is based on the free market and capitalism. The market moves upward when confidence is high. Most of the market prices are set by institutional investors who are expert in reading economic fundamentals. That's why stock market prices are a leading indicator.

Another point you made is that our market is going up because of inflation. Once again, this shows your ignorance of basic economic theory. Or, it shows you are so upset at having the president we have, you are willing to publish falsehoods in order to make your point. Inflation is lower now than when your George W was in "power." Last year saw about a 2.1% increase. Market has doubled since Obama took office, so your comments just don't fly. Comparing the United States with Zimbabwe is so fundamentally foolish, that it's not worth responding to.

You also said, "So, don't start assuming that if people don't like Obama, there must be racist motivations."

It's interesting that you assume that racism is a core reason why the conservatives don't like our president. I certainly never wrote such a thing, but it is food for thought.

The United States is not having the boom times it has enjoyed in the past. A lot of Americans ARE hurting, but blaming this president is foolish. A lot of low-skilled jobs moved overseas to take advantage of $1.36/hour wages. If we want to bring back those jobs, we would need to eliminate the minimum wage completely. Our conservative friends think (or lie) that the issue is our corporate tax rates. Simply reducing corporate taxes cannot bring them back--that is not the core issue. Taking the tax rates on profits by 10% (for example) would be small potatoes compared to the savings from paying workers $1.36/hour.

Posted by myob
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 24, 2014 at 4:15 pm

I'm not blaming the president, I'm saying he's complicit, I'm blaming the entire top of the political/corporate pyramid that rules this country. They rule it for themselves and their friends, at the cost of everyone else. Obama, just like the Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, all fit into that system, the only difference is which giant government and industrial sectors benefit.

Our economic policies, passed by congress, signed by the president, benefit the wealthiest element of the country while harming everyone else. The official inflation number doesn't track the cost of energy, houses, or food, which are primary costs for most people in this country. Sure, TV's are getting cheaper, and so are cell phones, but you can't live in them or eat them. Before you accuse someone of ignorance, please read up on how the CPI is computed, read up about "hedonic adjustment", and "owner's equivalent rent." These are recent changes to how CPI is measured, and it's not a secret, it's policy. Inflation isn't like a tide that raises all boats at once. Since the dollar is credit backed, new money is spent into existence through the activities of the Fed and the treasury together. The places where newly created money is spent benefit from it, since they get to use full value dollars, but as this money spreads into the economy over years and even decades, the cost of basic goods go up. Wages don't keep up, because businesses experience a margin squeeze, as their costs go up more than they can pass onto already cash strapped consumers, it's a vicious cycle.

The minimum wage is actually pretty irrelevant to this process, since the problems are the lack of jobs, not necessarily the cost of the labor. When the government spends money into existence, as I mentioned, there are easy returns on investment by doing things encouraged by the spending, and today, that's building and flipping houses and speculating in stocks. Why work your butt off building out a business for measly profit margins when you can make more being a flipper or an investor? That's how these policies distort markets. All the minimum wage does is outlaw some jobs (namely, those worth less than minimum wage).

I think Obama is awful because of drone attacks, misguided economic policies, secretive government, sealed executive orders, pandering lies to get elected, not prosecuting serious financial fraud, while having his AG's prosecute petty criminals for victimless crimes, etc. This doesn't make him much different than his predecessor, of course, but his predecessor was a Republican, so he could be freely criticized among silicon valley progressives, who will overlook anything because it's their guy at the helm.

As for the racism statement, you implied it with your "hmmm" comment, feel free to deny it, I can't prove it, but given the discussion you were responding to, it's a reasonable assumption. You're a shifty weasel, Facts.

I originally said that I really don't care what these emperor presidents do with their own time, but objected to them inconveniencing an entire area when they visit with their ostentatious displays of superiority, and insistence of locking down shared resources like roads for their sole use, here's a fine example from Obama's visit - some poor woman had to sit on the street in labor, while waiting for his motorcade to pass, so that she could cross the street to the delivery room (Web Link Shame on him, and his whole entourage.

Posted by Complainer
a resident of Bailey Park
on Jul 24, 2014 at 10:21 pm

"The minimum wage is actually pretty irrelevant to this process, since the problems are the lack of jobs, not necessarily the cost of the labor. "

Lack of jobs??? Do you not listen to the CEO's of American companies that would like to keep manufacturing in America?

They have hundreds of thousands of jobs to fill, but when you can get the job done for a buck and a half an hour in China, any company that tries this would have to raise product prices and will lose against companies that manufacture overseas.

It's funny to read republitard ranting about inconveniencing people during fundraisers. Since they can't find economic blunders, they have to complain about something. Very pathetic!

Regarding your racism... I don't know what your motive is to deceive...I truly hope it isn't racial!

Posted by myob
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 25, 2014 at 10:28 am

Someone who disagrees with you must be a "republitard", I see how this works. I'm not a republitard, or a democrat, I'm just someone completely jaded with the lunacy that's our political process. It's all fighting over power, image, and money, everything else be damned. We'll bomb people all over the world to further our energy interests and support our defense contractors, we'll destroy the economy to help the largest banks and industries, we'll make the little guy's life increasingly more difficult so that biggest economic players don't have to take losses. It's all BS. Politicians are crooks, their industrt buddies are crooks, and the ones who make it to president are the biggest crooks. If this is racist, so be it.

I find it amazing that people can support these megalomaniacs at all. It's like the animals on a farm begging for more gruel from the farmer, not knowing what awaits them in the end.

Posted by Finally!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 25, 2014 at 12:39 pm

myob finally confessed: "If this is racist, so be it."

Thank you for connecting the dots. All that you have written about now makes sense.

Posted by myob
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 25, 2014 at 12:58 pm

Each time I try to discuss something on the internet, I'm reminded why I generally stop for a long time afterwards. Trying to discuss anything where the response is "republitard" or racist, or any other ad-hominem is just pointless. Notice I never accused anyone of being any kind of "-ist", I just disagreed with your statements.

Posted by Um
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 25, 2014 at 2:44 pm

In your first "myob" posting, you wrote: "I don't care about what those thieving politicians do with their campaigning....all so that the emperor doesn't have to share the roads and the air with the rabble..."

Let's see... You call all politicians thieves.
You call our elected president an Emperor.
You call all of us "rabble."

So, thanks for the ad hominem attacks!

Now go away like you promised...

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