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City to create paid parking downtown

Original post made on Jul 2, 2014

In anticipation of events at the new Levi's Stadium starting in August, on Tuesday City Council members approved a plan to charge drivers to park beyond normal time limits in downtown parking lots, and to ticket drivers who park on nearby residential streets without a permit.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 12:12 PM

Comments (62)

Posted by Niner fan
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 2, 2014 at 2:44 pm

So all of the Mtn View Niner fans that don't live downtown and want to watch the game in a bar downtown, will now have to pay or perhaps go to another bar downtown .

Posted by Niner fan
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 2, 2014 at 2:46 pm

I meant another town.

Posted by nikonbob
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 2, 2014 at 2:53 pm

Would it be possible to use Moffett for stadium parking? There's a station there, the freeway access is good, and the space is pretty much unlimited. Seems like a no-brainer.

Posted by Jay Park
a resident of Jackson Park
on Jul 2, 2014 at 3:46 pm

The City doesn't have any say on parking at Moffett Field. The Niners would have to negotiate with the feds to use Moffett for game-day parking, something I don't think is going to happen.

Anyhow, this is a one-year pilot/trial. I'm okay with that.

I live fairly close to the affected neighborhoods, it'll be interesting to see if game attendees spill out toward my neighborhood. The relocation of the Sunday farmers market will be interesting, possibly a bit disorienting.

Posted by Linida Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 2, 2014 at 3:58 pm

Moffett Field is Federal property, so probably it's a no go. But illustrious John McAlister suggested using the NASA lot, which the rest of the council did not respond to. I love this idea. All the huge parking lots & structures in the business park North of 101 could serve as free or very low cost parking. I'm thinking of those that are most adjacent the light rail. A small cost might be prudent to pay for a parking attendant to make sure none of those parking there are littering or otherwise abusing the property that is making this possible for them at the times their employees do not need it, like the weekends and evenings of games.

I think this plan should start immediately, before we get the fans in the habit of coming into MV in the first place. It won't hurt business because it is already known that fans are in a rush to get tot the game, and afterwards they don't care to prolong their day with dinner, etc., as a it has been a long day already. They just rather eat there. So make the lots convenient & help them get to and come the game.

Posted by Temporary Hah!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 2, 2014 at 4:32 pm

There is no such thing as a temporary tax. The government bureaucrats & city staffers will fight tooth and nail to keep suckling on the public's teet!

Posted by Member
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 2, 2014 at 4:37 pm

$85,000 to print up some permits and put up some signs? Really? Okay, maybe the attendant might make $50K - in skimmed cash.

Even if you have a permit, it will just be a license to hunt for parking. If you move your car, you won't be coming back - at least not until the fans leave.

Parking at other stations, like Moffett, seem to be ruled out if VTA is going to be running express trains as mentioned at the top of the article. This implies that they're going to skip stations.

Posted by Doug Pearson
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jul 2, 2014 at 4:51 pm

"a new parking lot behind City Hall"

Um, where exactly is that, and how big?

Posted by OMV Resident
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 2, 2014 at 5:24 pm

I watched the broadcast of this Council item on cable access TV yesterday evening as it took place. My favorite part was Jim Neal's remarks during the public comment period. Picking up on a comment by one of the Council members about how there will need to be some controls put on the distribution of extra residential permits to prevent some from showing up on Craisglist, Mr. Neal worked up a fake furor, raising his voice and acting all offended over just the suggestion that an Old Mountain View resident would do such a thing.

Come on, Jim - we all know you're running for Council, and one of your "things" is to be a contrarian on every issue. But talk about pandering. I live in Old Mountain View and I think my neighbors are pretty good people. But do I think that a few enterprising souls will find a way to make some extra cash if the City is careless about how they distribute extra parking permits? I sure do.

What's more telling to me is your rash decision-making and the way you approach being a neighborhood advocate... it gives us a pretty clear idea of what you would be like on the Council. I think most folks will figure out whether that would be good for our city...

Posted by :Linda Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 2, 2014 at 5:24 pm

Are they referring to the lot between city hall. the library and Wells Fargo?

Posted by Linda Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 2, 2014 at 6:24 pm

Oh, come on, OMV Resident-

If you actually knew Jim, as i do, you'd know he was really angry last night. He orchestrated nothing. My thought was that it would be good to get someone who dares to speak up to the council. But anger isn't too electable, so why pretend? I'm very definitely voting for him. He is a guy who is one of us, lovss MV, and stands up for citizens.

And shouldn't you be angry, too, about the permits and charges for public lots? That inconveniences us all and likely will never go away, plus too bad Farmer's Market.

There are other ways for the city to go about this, as I've elaborated above, but they don't care.

Posted by Sparty
a resident of another community
on Jul 2, 2014 at 7:19 pm

Sparty is a registered user.

This 9ers issue seems to be Jim N's pet issue for now.

"If you actually knew Jim, as i do,"

If Jim wants to be on city council, he needs to do a much better job of appearing to be an even keeled person. Randomly appearing in forums to engage in a a last-word battle with anyone he disagrees with and then disappearing for weeks at at time isn't the way to do it.

He might want to dress as the rest of the council does at meetings.

Sure it is his right to wear his "outfits." But it is also the right of every voter to wonder why he chooses that get up and have it factor in on their voting.

Does what person wears make them better or worse than anyone else? No. But expect to raise some eyebrows. And if you want to serve a certain group of people, you need to respect their views and understand seeing a bit out there may lose you some votes.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 2, 2014 at 9:00 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

If you really want to know how Old Mountain View Residents feel about the "Pilot Parking Program" you can go to the online petition that I created here at ( Petition)

The original proposal, as discussed by the City Council on June 17th ( Web Link ) was to restrict residential parking and create paid parking in some of the the city owned garages and lots. Council Member Kasperzk in his instructions to staff for the new ordinance said that he did NOT want parking permits for residents and said that they would have to park in their driveways or get a ticket! Council member McAlister suggested towing cars that exceeded the timed parking limit on Event Days.

If you watch the entire video ( Web Link you will see that the City Manager and staff told Council Members at least 5 times that it was not a good idea to make ANY changes to the residential parking until the potential parking problems were better understood.

This past week, I and a few volunteers spent several days putting out over 2000 flyers that spoke out against this and resulted in a flood of emails to City Council to drop the restrictions to resident parking or at least provide permits free of charge, which the Council eventually did! I did this in addition to my full time job, my 4 hour commute, and that I am at almost every City Council meeting.

I live in Old Mountain View and I am fortunate because I have enough off street parking for my vehicles, but many of my neighbors do not. Some of my neighbors, who are also my friends, were at the Council Meeting with me last night. That is the reason that I was upset when the Mayor made his comment about residents selling permits on Craig's List. It was an insult to me and my neighbors! Why should the City be worried about people making money from their paid parking program, isn't that what the city is doing? ( I AM NOT RECOMMENDING THAT ANYONE SELL PERMITS ON CRAIG'S LIST OR ANYWHERE ELSE )

Even though the stadium only has 17 events planned now. That is very likely to change in the future. What will it be like if the stadium has events every week? Can you imagine what it will be like to try to plan your parking and to have to go to City Hall every week and explain to them why you need them and who is, or will be, at your home? What business is that of the City?

Suppose that when Levi's stadium hosts WrestleMania next year, or the Super Bowl in a few years, you want to invite 40 or more of your good friends over, do you want to have to stand in line waiting to get your additional permits because lots of other people had the same idea?

I think that many residents will find out about the program only after they have gotten their first parking ticket. In my opinion, the city should have listened to the good advice from the the City Manager and staff rather than forcing them to put together a rushed, last minute plan for residential parking.

The city has also failed to address the more important issue of having a greater police presence on the street. We will have many people transferring from Caltrain, where drinking alcohol is permitted, to the VTA lightrail where it is not. Since I ride Caltrain almost every day, and have had hundreds of experiences with riding trans before, during, after events at Pac Bell Park in SF, I have a pretty good idea of what we can expect!

I think staff has done what they can to make lemonade out of the huge lemon that Council just handed them, but if this doesn't come off well, you can thank your current City Council.

Jim Neal
Old Mountain View
Candidate, Mountain View City Council ( Campaign Website )

Posted by Just wondering
a resident of another community
on Jul 2, 2014 at 9:08 pm

Ummm... Why was Santa Clara able to build a stadium without providing enough parking for their attendees?? I'm having trouble figuring out why it has become Mountain View's problem to provide parking for those attending a game in another city? And why are they relocating the Farmers Market, a heavily attended, long standing tradition in MV to accommodate the game- goers? If there's no parking available at the train station due to the Farmers Market then they'll go somewhere else to park. Are Sunnyvale and Santa Clara also jumping hoops to create parking for the games? It's crazy that MV, which already has far too little parking than supports its downtown area, also has to take this on.

Posted by It's all about the money
a resident of Shoreline West
on Jul 2, 2014 at 9:46 pm

Just wondering, a resident of another community, commented "I'm having trouble figuring out why it has become Mountain View's problem to provide parking for those attending a game in another city?"

Not only that, but it's two cities away. We are lucky it isn't closer.

Posted by OMV Resident
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 2, 2014 at 9:48 pm

Thank you, Jim, for your well-thought-out response. Although I disagree with you about the wisdom of implementing residential permit parking along with paid parking right now (I think they need to go hand-in-hand) at least now it's more clear where you are coming from.

However, I still find your reaction to the Mayor's comment about residents selling permits on Craigslist questionable. First, by your statement above ("It was an insult to me and my neighbors! Why should the City be worried about people making money from their paid parking program, isn't that what the city is doing?") you seem to think it's all about the money. Jim, I think it's clear from the statements Council and staff has made, and the way it's being implemented, that Council is NOT trying to make a profit from this program, but rather just trying to manage the competing demands for parking around downtown.

The main reason you need to carefully manage the number of extra residential permits given out is because if you don't (for instance, if you distribute a dozen extras to anyone who asks), it defeats the purpose of the program. Some people will sell them on Craigslist (that's just reality), some will give away to friends, and so forth. Eventually the demand will swamp the supply, and the residential permit program will fail.

I understand that you opposed residential permits from the start, but knowing that the Council is going to implement them, it's foolish to oppose reasonable restrictions on extra permits. Opposing them is essentially looking for the program to fail. Kind of like how some Republicans are hoping for Obama's health care program to fail, or how during the Bush Administration some Democrats were wishing for G.W. Bush's foreign policy to fail. Doing so may appeal to partisans, but it's not helpful at all.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 2, 2014 at 9:54 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Much of the new thinking about parking for events (and pretty much everything else) is that people should be "encouraged" to take public transportation rather than driving. The Farmer's Market being moved is a decision by the Joint Powers Board that manages the lot, so the City has no choice but to try to find another location for it during events on Sundays.

People can park in Sunnyvale and Santa Clara, but because the VTA lightrail terminates here in Mountain View and the idea is to have express light rail that goes from Mt. View to the stadium making few, if any, stops; then they expect that many people will choose to drive to Mountain View and take light rail from here.

I agree that Santa Clara, Caltrain, the Joint Powers Board, and the VTA should have engaged Mountain View much sooner to address this issue.

Jim Neal
Candidate, Mountain View City Council ( Campaign Website )

Posted by Just wondering
a resident of another community
on Jul 2, 2014 at 11:04 pm

Sorry- I'm just not buying that story. If the goal is to encourage people to use public transportation then they should ride the Cal Train to Mtn View and transfer to the lightrail there. Having people drive to Mtn View just to ride the lightrail for a few stops is ridiculous and does very little for our environment. Clearly the goal of using public transit isn't being met if parking solutions are required a few miles away! And as far as the other authorities engaging Mtn View sooner to address these issues, again, this shouldn't be Mtn View's problem. With all of these accommodations, Mtn View is practically soliciting game-goers to park there while displacing their residents and the visitors to the downtown area (which will affect commercial if parking becomes so difficult that people stay away)

Santa Clara should have supplied ample parking so as not to impose the parking issue on surrounding communities. That's when MV should have gotten involved- when the stadium was in the proposal stages. They should have anticipated these problems in advance and taken steps to solve them then.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 3, 2014 at 7:56 am

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Just for the record, I think you're absolutely right. Please note that these things, (insufficient/overpriced parking at the stadium, last minute parking restrictions by Mountain View, kicking out the Farmer's Market, etc) weren't my ideas, I was just relaying the facts to explain what was happening, but I definitely don't agree with it.

Jim Neal
Candidate, Mountain View City Council (Campaign Website)

Posted by Jay Park
a resident of Jackson Park
on Jul 3, 2014 at 10:11 am

Look people, Caltrain isn't the solution for everyone. Let's say you live in Los Altos, Cupertino or Saratoga: the logical solution would be to carpool up Hwy-85 to Mountain View and take VTA Light Rail to the stadium if one wants to avoid stadium parking/traffic.

No one knows exactly what will happen, how many people will try to use Mountain View city lots and streets as a parking lot.

This is a one-year *pilot* program to put up reasonable procedures to generate some revenue to the city, protect residential parking and downtown commerce (including the farmers market).

The city of Santa Clara cannot provide all of the game-day parking, just like the City of Oakland does not for the Coliseum. There are people who will drive a convenient nearby train station and ride the last segment. This is not unique to Levi's Stadium or even the USA.

In the future, the 49ers perhaps will work out more deals with local Santa Clara companies whose parking lots are empty on weekends. Hopefully some of the fans will have coffee or brunch in Mountain View, maybe dinner after the game.

Surrounding communities need to realize that they are part of the solution and that cities aren't operated in vacuums. You can't just say, "this is Santa Clara's problem, they must deal with the problem 100%" because that's not reality.

Do you guys think when there's a soccer match at Wembley Stadium that surrounding towns say, "This is London's problem, they can deal with it"?

Denial doesn't fix things.

Note that Mountain View stands to gain something as well. Visiting fans need places to stay and eat, and not all of them will choose a convention hotel in Santa Clara.

Posted by reader
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 3, 2014 at 1:08 pm

Why not tie the permits to the car owned -- that is a permit can only be given to a car registered at a mountain view address in the parking restricted area and can only be used for that car.

This would solve the problem of anyone being able to sell or distribute permits, though residents could still park their car on the street and sell parking spaces in their driveway (or as people in some communities do) on their lawns or backyards during big events.

Seriously, tie the permit to the car registration. In this way, anyone who lives here but hasn't registered their car for the past year in california leaving it registered in another state, and there are many in mountain view that you can see if you walk each day (the same cars), they would be encouraged to register and pay their california vehicle license fees.

Posted by No
a resident of another community
on Jul 3, 2014 at 1:20 pm

Mt. View has a Light rail station. That is why they need to provide parking. However the stupid planning of Mt. View train station is that they provide for office buildings and don't offer a parking structure, only a few spaces. This places stress on residential parking, not the 49er stadium. Once again Mt. View city council wants to punish people with fees instead of offering a good solution. I think I will just avoid Mt. View altogether. I can find new restaurants to go to.

Posted by Jay Park
a resident of Jackson Park
on Jul 3, 2014 at 3:13 pm


"I think I will just avoid Mt. View altogether. I can find new restaurants to go to."

That sounds like a knee-jerk reaction. Right now we are talking about eight regular season home games, six of which are Sunday afternoon (1pm), one Saturday, one Thursday evening game (5:30pm).

You're making it sound like it will be complete parking hell and gridlock every single day for the rest of Earth's existence.

The city doesn't have an easy out. There will be people who attempt to park all day, hindering people who wish to visit downtown for a short duration (like farmers market shoppers or restaurant guests). Thus, the city must create all-day paid parking and allow for short-duration parking.

The parking fees must be reasonable, otherwise people will attempt to park in nearby residential areas, providing strain on the residents of those neighborhoods.

Is the city's proposed plan going to be perfect? Probably not. But let's at least give them credit for making an effort in trying to think of a practical solution to a situation that they have never experienced before. NO ONE here knows exactly what will happen.

There are three "dress rehearsals" in August: a Saturday MLS evening game, and two Sunday afternoon pre-season Niner games. This gives various organizations, cities, transit agencies, etc. to make adjustments to the game day logistics.

Why don't you avoid downtown the first couple of Levi's Stadium event days and observe what happens rather than categorically write off your visits to Mountain View for eternity BEFORE A SINGLE EVENT HAS TAKEN PLACE AT LEVI'S STADIUM.

Posted by JIM G
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 3, 2014 at 5:59 pm

If this stupid Liberal council charges me to park in front of my own house in the future they better make sure i am deceased first because i will never pay to park in front of my house that is for DAMM sure.

Posted by JIM G
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 3, 2014 at 6:08 pm

Hey MR. NEAL, you say well MT. View should have done this and that, well why didn"t you. I swear the people on the City Council don"t know what day it is. If I was on the Council I would run this city better than any of you have in the last twenty years.

Posted by Linda Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 3, 2014 at 6:48 pm

If the light rail administrators plan "express runs" to Levi Stadium, and do not provide sufficient parking there, we should all demand that they allow their "express runs" to stop at the stop nearest the parking lots over by Moffett field, so fans can parking there, and/or at other alternative parking possibilities between here and the stadium, so fans can use the additional parking. Different "express runs" could be advertised as directly to the stadium from one each of many of the various additional parking locations per "express run."

Let's keep brainstorming and putting pressure of the powers that be to work out much better ways of dealing with this than they have so far!

Thank you, Jim Neal, for bringing this to our attention ahead of city council's lame methods of supposedly dealing with it.

@Sparty: If you want someone who thinks differently, expect them to look different as well. One who thinks outside the box, looks outside the box.

And not changing one's look to fit the mold that we DO NOT want him to fit into, reveals a certain integrity to me that the candidate is not a hypocrite. Jim Neal says exactly what he thinks and sticks to that (just as he sticks to his style of clothing). He is a candidates who reveals all, despite how many votes his being forthcoming and honest can cost him. Professional politicians always run on just their credentials only, never actually revealing anything exactly about how they stand on the issues. Just pat ambiguous answers to sound in agreement with whomever they are speaking with at any one moment.

Let's rally the vote for Jim Neal! Finally an honest and very open candidate!

Posted by Just Wondering
a resident of another community
on Jul 3, 2014 at 7:35 pm

@ Jay Park
"Look people, Caltrain isn't the solution for everyone. Let's say you live in Los Altos, Cupertino or Saratoga: the logical solution would be to carpool up Hwy-85 to Mountain View and take VTA Light Rail to the stadium if one wants to avoid stadium parking/traffic."
I disagree- the logical solution for those game-goers would be to drive to the stadium and park and deal with the "traffic/ parking" rather than shifting that burden onto MV residents that aren't participating.

I don't think you can compare Santa Clara to London nor Wembly (originally constructed in 1923) to Levi which is new. This stadium was just constructed and they should have built sufficient parking to accommodate their guests. Since they didn't I DO think it is Santa Clara's problem to deal with and the MV city council should be putting pressure on them to do just that. The bandaid of permit parking in downtown MV is going to be a nightmare. And believing that stadium events will be limited to 8 Niners game per year is naive. The first event there is an Earthquakes game!

The basic problem is that downtown MV is a mini urban area that already has a parking problem- it's not like parking in Millbrae or even Sunnyvale where parking is more available. I agree with Linda Curtis in that a first step would be to require the VTA Express trains to start farther south so that folks will park there rather than downtown. Get people involved to put pressure on the city council to solve this problem in a way that does not penalize Mtn View residents.

Posted by Just wondering
a resident of another community
on Jul 3, 2014 at 7:45 pm

Actually I just read that an 8 million square foot project is being planned on city property across the street from Levi Stadium. They could build more parking there. It won't help the near term problems but perhaps there's some hope for the future since the parking situation was ill-planned.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 3, 2014 at 7:47 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

Although I attend almost all the City Council meetings and the EPC Meetings, I am not a member of the City Council... yet! I understand how frustrated many people have become with the direction of the City and that is one of the reasons that I am running.

It sounds like there are many people that like my ideas, such as housing instead of office in the North Bayshore, preserving neighborhoods, and creative solutions to parking and traffic issues.

I also have spent the last two years fighting vigorously to save The Milk Pail even when many people told me it was a lost cause! I was the one that brought the 1989 San Antonio Precise Plan, with its clear language that shared parking is mandatory, to both the EPC and the city council and demanded that they enforce it.

I have been very involved with also trying to save Rose Market, and the North Bayshore restaurants such as Cucina Venti that have been impacted by all the changes made in recent years.

I will be more than happy to implement my ideas once I am on the Council and I hope that I can count on everyone who wants a better city to help make that happen! Thanks for the support!

Jim Neal
Candidate, Mountain View City Council ( Campaign Website)

Posted by Jay Park
a resident of Jackson Park
on Jul 3, 2014 at 8:11 pm

@Just Wondering:

I occasionally drive to the Millbrae BART and take public transit into SF. Clearly, I can take Caltrain to Millbrae and transfer, but sometimes I don't want to do that.

Same thing with getting to the East Bay. I've driven to Fremont BART and taken the train to

Now if I feel that way, I doubt if I'm alone. I am convinced that there are others who will want to drive to Mtn View and use VTA Light Rail to get to the stadium so they don't have to deal with stadium parking.

Heck, I gave up driving to Stanford football home games years ago even when the parking lots were still free because I didn't want to deal with the traffic.

Again, your individual usage case is not the only one. There are people who have other priorities. There *WILL* be local residents who will want to take VTA Light Rail for their last segment.

Your opinion isn't the only one. At some point you will need to accept that some people will do things differently than you. Until then, go ahead and pound your head against a brick wall. That's all you're doing at this point.

Posted by Jay Park
a resident of Jackson Park
on Jul 3, 2014 at 8:19 pm

Just Wondering wrote:

"I agree with Linda Curtis in that a first step would be to require the VTA Express trains to start farther south so that folks will park there rather than downtown."

It should be noted that the Moffett Field VTA Light Rail station is north of the Mountain View terminus. (Basically NNE.) Not that there's much public parking at Moffett Field. The land belongs to the feds, not the City of Mountain View.

Posted by incognito
a resident of Waverly Park
on Jul 3, 2014 at 9:20 pm

Punish, penalize, discourage people for wanting to come to Mountain View?

Punish, penalize, discourage people for wanting to use public transportation?

MV residents who want to take light rail to the stadium, but don't live in walking distance to the tracks, will have to get a ride because they can't park there either?

This has been in the works for years, and now at the very last minute it occurs to council that the light rail in MV connects to the light rail near the stadium?

Predicting chaos and gloom, that the sky will fall, with no facts or figures to substantiate these claims? Do we know for a fact that the football crowd will just park without bringing any business to town? That they'll take up all available parking so that people who want to come downtown can't find a place to park? Or might they have lunch, dinner, a drink, or an ice cream before of after a game? Do we already know for a fact that football fans will use our parking but not patronize our businesses?

Acres of nearby parking lots and dozens of corporate shuttle busses just sitting there (I'm guessing)?

Did anyone talk about building more parking so that more people can access the Caltrain/light rail/bus transit station?

I'm really amazed at how little thought and how little creative problem solving have gone into this.

Or is this just another opportunity for the city to bring more money needed to generously fund public employees' retirement?

Posted by No
a resident of another community
on Jul 4, 2014 at 1:13 am

Mt View has poor planning plain and simple. They approve projects without a thought to infrastructure. They build train stations without parking. Then their only answer is to charge people fees. Residents will be punished by the lack of parking when they want they want to host friends on the weekends. When this all unfolds you may see property buyers avoid the area. All of these problems add up. The city of Mt View needs to change their ways of planning. We personally didn't buy in downtown Mt View because we wanted higher rated schools many others have done the same, now they want to add all of these other issues to the list?

To think that the stadium will only be used during football season and on Sundays is foolish.

Also I have to agree with others that they could have used parking elsewhere in the city and shuttled people in. Please think about the motives of this city, it isn't to alleviate pressure on residents.

Posted by John
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 4, 2014 at 5:56 am

Incognito has it right. All these schemes coming from the "city" are to bring in more money to generously fund the city employees bloated salaries, pensions, and lifetime benefits. The citizens get to keep working and pay the price.

Posted by Linda Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 4, 2014 at 10:17 am

I just really hate to think my downtown will be so full of people, with charges to park, if there were anywhere to park, that I would never get the chance to enjoy my MV as I've been accustomed to doing for the last 40+ yrs.

Fans want to get to the game. They should become accustomed, from the start, to skip downtown MV and just head straight to the company parking lots North of 101, where the light rail can set up times for pick ups for each stop that is near these parking lots. This is a good use of lots that won't be otherwise used at games times when employees aren't there.

How can we pound the council over their heads to realize this and stop the plan to make parking an expensive mess foe us in the downtown area? I suggest we all E-mail the council members to change their plan to use use these parking lots instead.

The fans just want to get to & from the game & then straight home. It's long day for them already. The idea that they'll do much business in MV is a delusion. All the current plan will accomplish is eliminating our business there on game days!

Posted by Lazy
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 4, 2014 at 11:12 am

Linda... You are in walking distance of downtown MV....
Stop clogging our streets with there unnecessary car trips!

Posted by Garrett
a resident of another community
on Jul 4, 2014 at 2:19 pm

I think people wll figure out parking options and transit options over a period of time. It helps that games will be on Sunday until the NFL Oks Monday or Thursday games

I have told my fan buddies get a room day before kick off if possible. The lots closest to Caltrain should be for game parking, post signs around neighborhoods no studium parking. People should invest in cones, no parking signs and A frames with no parking signs

Some people might be able to charge people to park in their lot closer to transit or studium.

Posted by Not an issue
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 5, 2014 at 6:49 am

In reality, we're talking about what, 9 days out of the year, and hopeully we'll have rin days during s a few of those.
I think MV will survive regardless. haha.

Posted by Much Ado
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Jul 5, 2014 at 5:39 pm

This is a complete overreaction.

1. As has been stated by others, most people driving from a distance will continue straight to the stadium...they will not divert to Mountain View, to hunt for $25 parking (Caltrain proposal), and then wait for a light rail train.

2. That leaves mostly Mountain View & Los Altos residents who would take the light we're just charging our own residents.

3. In total, there likely won't be many people doing this. And perhaps those that do might be tempted to have a postgame meal in Mountain View. What if they don't know about this parking plan and get a ticket? Now that's a user-friendly welcome to our city!

4. If I had to guess the LEAST busy time for parking in downtown, it would be Sunday afternoons. Many businesses are closed, tech workers are off doing other things, restaurants are not busy (if they're even open). There are AMPLE places to park. How many parking spots are in downtown?

5. If the farmer's market is really the main concern, put in some well-noticed "1 hour parking" places near the farmer's market.

Again, this is a complete overreaction by our council. Creating a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. Why not see what happens on these 10 dates this year, and then make plans for next season if necessary.

Posted by dc
a resident of North Whisman
on Jul 5, 2014 at 10:27 pm

Someone built a billion dollar stadium for 7 days of games? Maybe I can sell you a bridge to the games. They are selling tickets for 19 events already at Levis stadium.

Posted by mike
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 5, 2014 at 11:24 pm

It's not just the 49'ers, people - the Cal football team will play there, also the san jose earthquakes, and at least one high school football game. Not that they attract large crowds... O wait, Cal might, they play on Saturdays.

Posted by incognito
a resident of Waverly Park
on Jul 5, 2014 at 11:24 pm

@Much Ado, have you considered running for council? We really need someone with a brain and some common sense and your thoughts on this latest fiasco are spot on.

Posted by Missedthepoint
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 6, 2014 at 12:19 am

Downtown parking situation is getting worse and worse. The city is going to put in a permit system eventually . This pilot will allow a limited test that will fund itself by mostly out of town drivers.

Posted by Garrett
a resident of another community
on Jul 6, 2014 at 11:14 am

I can understand the concern about studium parking, but dealing in the case of "what "if" and "?". I think the city is right in planning to avoid parking gridlock or any game day issues that might arise.

Posted by Linda Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 7, 2014 at 2:04 pm

@Lazy- Tell at me to walk all you want: Wish that's all it would take so I could, as I'm handicapped (complete with the blue placard for hanging on my car mirror)...

That's why parking is important to me. I'll say again that those heading to the games at Levi Stadium should be made, from the start, to get in the habit of parking in the empty lots beside other stops of the light rail. This should be made very affordable to encourage this habit to start with.

Instead MV council wants them here so they can charge for parking, with most of the money not staying due to paying for the parking attendants, etc., but the inconvenience to MV residents definitely messing things up during all the activities at the new stadium. The Farmer's Market has been so successful. It should not have to move on any days. This will mess it up and it is supposed to fit on a lot that it can't.

Business to MV from those going to & from the games is predicted to be minimal, as it is such a long day for them down there & down there is where they want to eat & drink, not extending their long day buying dinner in MV.
So for that, business from MV residents will be lessened with the pay for parking and permit restrictions.

If MV had a foot, consider it shot.

Posted by Real agenda
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jul 7, 2014 at 2:19 pm

The city council could have easily implemented a free permit system for local residents by the start of football season. The real issue here is about creating a path to more revenue from everyone parking downtown (resident or otherwise). They have not been truthful in their intentions nor in the challenges of implementation. Vote da bums out!

Posted by Here is the solution
a resident of Monta Loma
on Jul 7, 2014 at 3:41 pm

Watch the 9er games at home and invite some buddies over.

Posted by Uhhh
a resident of Gemello
on Jul 7, 2014 at 4:25 pm

Linda Curtis... Got a blue handicapped placard ? In that case, you can park in a handicapped spot. Most that I see are empty.

Also, are you truly incapable of walking a short distance??? I doubt it. If people would get out if their cars more and walk, then we wouldn't need so many handicapped parking permits!

Posted by Garrett
a resident of another community
on Jul 7, 2014 at 4:44 pm

The idea to create paid parking if someone wants to stay longer then 3.5 hours, but I don't all those fans will park in Mountain View. Unless you are local or from Los Altos, maybe Palo Alto.

If people don't want people to park in front of their houses, use of cones, no parking tape or signs.

Posted by Rabble rouser
a resident of North Bayshore
on Jul 7, 2014 at 5:28 pm

Linda's idea is brilliance:

"Fans want to get to the game. They should become accustomed, from the
start, to skip downtown MV and just head straight to the company parking
lots North of 101, where the light rail can set up times for pick ups
for each stop that is near these parking lots. This is a good use of
lots that won't be otherwise used at games times when employees aren't

"Or contract with NASA to use their lot."

I think that if we want to change the current transportation options,
it's up to us to make it happen. How about starting a real grass-roots
effort with a Facebook/Twitter/email/phone campaign?

We can turn this into a news story by contacting one of the South Bay TV or radio stations:

KNTV Channel 11 (San Jose)
Investigative tips: 888-996-8477

KGO Radio Station (810 AM)
News tips:
Web Link

KLIV All-News Radio Station (1590 AM)
Web Link
Newsroom - (408) 475-1590
News and Program Director: George Sampson (408) 961-0428,
Web Link

And we can contact the VTA, which runs light rail. They'd probably be
thrilled to learn of new ways to make money:

Customer Service: (800) 894-9908

And contact Levi's Stadium. Their web site has info on how to get there and clearly directs people to the light rail stops at Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Milpitas, San Jose, Santa Clara, and Campbell. However, there is no mention of parking opportunities in the vicinity of the stadium. Even though the 49'ers have contracts with companies near the stadium to provide parking for events, the burden is on the patron to do the web crawling to find out where. We should suggest such a change to the web
site and explain this alternative parking venue to them. They would be
an excellent champion for the cause.

Here's the contact info:

Levi's Stadium

And let the 49ers know what we want:

SF 49ers

Lets get going on this and make it happen!

Posted by Linda Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 8, 2014 at 10:59 am

"Rable rouser" has now made it easy for us all to get very busy & do something about this. We can stop complaining to each other & make our complains & suggestions to the contacts provided above.

Thank you, Rable rouser, this is productive!

Posted by Bored M
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 8, 2014 at 10:59 pm

Jim, I appreciate that you voice your opinion, but it always seems to be against what the Council decides. Are there any Council actions that you support?

Also, Niner Fan needs to check his logic. If fans are going to a bar to switch a game then it's probably best to walk or Uber instead of drive.

Posted by whiners
a resident of Shoreline West
on Jul 9, 2014 at 2:08 pm

niners suck anyhow......hahahaha been 20 years sinc they won anything

Posted by Just Wondering
a resident of another community
on Jul 9, 2014 at 9:44 pm

@Garrett - home owners (or renters) don't own the streets in front of their homes. They can't just randomly put cones in the street or post No Parking signs to prevent people from parking there. Only the city can prohibit parking on the street.

Posted by Jim Neal
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 9, 2014 at 10:42 pm

Jim Neal is a registered user.

I support many of Council's stated goals such as adding housing and making Mountain View a more vibrant place to live, while also preserving the character of the city. The problem as I see it is that many of the Council's stated goals are in conflict with each other (as in the new San Antonio Precise Plan) or are in conflict with what the residents of the city want.

I began attending Council and EPC meetings because I found that many of the issues that were important to me were being ignored or weren't being given the attention that I thought they deserved and I soon found that a large number of other people in the city thought the same way.

I think it is a better use of my time to try to get Council to focus on issues that people find important such as preserving The Milk Pail and other successful small neighborhood businesses, Affordable Housing, Parking and Traffic and Preserving Neighborhoods; rather than where trees should be placed within a development or negotiating for "bulb outs" as a community benefit.

If I thought that Council represented what most people wanted, I wouldn't even be running. However, from what I have seen and heard over the last few years, that does not appear to be the case. I guess we'll find out in November.

Jim Neal
Candidate, Mountain View City Council ( Campaign Website )

Posted by Linda Curtis
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 10, 2014 at 4:46 pm

Good answer Jim Neal.

And for all of us to go forward:

Don't forget what "Rabble rouser" said & the tools that we were given to get busy with:

"Fans want to get to the game. They should become accustomed, from the
start, to skip downtown MV and just head straight to the company parking
lots North of 101, where the light rail can set up times for pick ups
for each stop that is near these parking lots. This is a good use of
lots that won't be otherwise used at games times when employees aren't

"Or contract with NASA to use their lot."

I think that if we want to change the current transportation options,
it's up to us to make it happen. How about starting a real grass-roots
effort with a Facebook/Twitter/email/phone campaign?

We can turn this into a news story by contacting one of the South Bay TV or radio stations:

KNTV Channel 11 (San Jose)
Investigative tips: 888-996-8477

KGO Radio Station (810 AM)
News tips:
Web Link

KLIV All-News Radio Station (1590 AM)
Web Link
Newsroom - (408) 475-1590
News and Program Director: George Sampson (408) 961-0428,
Web Link

And we can contact the VTA, which runs light rail. They'd probably be
thrilled to learn of new ways to make money:

Customer Service: (800) 894-9908

And contact Levi's Stadium. Their web site has info on how to get there and clearly directs people to the light rail stops at Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Milpitas, San Jose, Santa Clara, and Campbell. However, there is no mention of parking opportunities in the vicinity of the stadium. Even though the 49'ers have contracts with companies near the stadium to provide parking for events, the burden is on the patron to do the web crawling to find out where. We should suggest such a change to the web
site and explain this alternative parking venue to them. They would be
an excellent champion for the cause.

Here's the contact info:

Levi's Stadium
Web Link

And let the 49ers know what we want:

SF 49ers

Lets get going on this and make it happen!

a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jul 11, 2014 at 12:53 am

DEVELOPER is a registered user.

Pilot Program will bring Money, who will want to stop it! Keep the Money coming!

Posted by Kathy
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Jul 12, 2014 at 7:52 am

Don't count on being inconvenienced only 8 Sundays per year. There are a total of 18 events planned at Levi's Stadium between Aug 2nd and April 18th. Five of those on Saturday, a few on Friday night and Thursday. These dates include football games and events such as 'Wrestlemania' (Mar 29) and 'Monster Jam' (Sat evening April 11). Mark your calendars now (to be out of town).

Posted by resident
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 13, 2014 at 6:05 pm

I think something is misleading in implying this is a sunday problem.
Did I read correctly that one of the game days is Thanksgiving? Will that mean no parking for friend relatives coming over for Thanksgiving dinner in mountain view?
And Friday Oct 24 is a UC game. Friday Dec 5 is Pac-12 championship game.
Saturday Dec 28 is 49ers game. Monday Dec 30 is San Francisco Bowl.
The two monster events in April are on Friday.
Won't they add concerts too like Shoreline has?

As I looked up the schedule, I noticed by their web site there are thousands of tickets being resold for each game.

Personally, I find American football violent and overly aggressive and supporting a mentality that should not be tolerated and is leading to many of the world troubles. I do not want any tax payer money supporting it.

Posted by kathy
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Jul 14, 2014 at 9:16 am

To OMV resident...

Yes, you are correct there IS a game on Thanksgiving Day at 5:30PM, in addition there is a home game the Saturday before Christmas (20th 1:30pm) and an evening game Dec 30th, so consider those black out dates for holiday entertaining.

For the current schedule Web Link

So glad I live on the 'other side' of Mountain View.

Posted by Giants Fan
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jul 14, 2014 at 12:47 pm

I use caltrain to attend giants games. On a weekend there are far more giants fans using caltrain than the projected 500 projected to go to niners games. There is no parking problem on game days. This appears to be an attempt by caltrain and the city council to stiff niner fans and raise parking. (The city of SF now does similar pricing for meters near ATT park) Unfortunately this will also hit non-niner fans who come downtown to use the train or vist restaurants to watch games.

Also as noted above, some niner games are not on sunday. They play seattle Thanksgiving evening.A holiday when parking is supposed to be free.

Posted by Bull's Glass
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Jul 15, 2014 at 9:53 am

Parking is going to be interesting to say the least.

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