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Tonight: Council considers pot dispensary regulations

Original post made on Jun 1, 2010

Medical marijuana dispensaries would only be allowed in a few small pockets of the city under regulations the City Council will consider this evening in a study session. Meanwhile, the city's only marijuana dispensary faces a court hearing tomorrow which could force it to shut down.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 11:49 AM

Comments (24)

Posted by MtnViewIntolerance
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 1, 2010 at 1:57 pm

"In the regulations proposed by the city attorney's office, Mountain View appears to be taking a much more restrictive approach compared to other cities..."

This is yet again an abuse by the City. We have the City insisting that they will support medical marijuana dispensaries, but they need time to regulate it. Then, we find out that they want to regulate it so they can only be running in "...a handful of small pockets in the city.."

The question is whether the Council is giving direction to the staff on how restrictive to make the regulations? If they are directing the staff to make it very restrictive at the expense of blocking patients' access, then they need to be replaced at the next available election.

Council (and the City) should begin to care about the health, well-being and liberty of the residents as well as their drive to increase the density of our fair city.

Posted by soccermom64
a resident of Willowgate
on Jun 1, 2010 at 2:07 pm


Posted by doctor
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 1, 2010 at 2:08 pm

Patient access is ultimately the issue. To say that marijuana has no medicinal value is poor judgement. I do not use it but do know it helps a great many people with surprisingly valid results. The city must realize that this is not going away. It is no longer for hippies but more like the elderly...who can't always travel long distances or to questionable areas!

Posted by PeaceLove
a resident of Shoreline West
on Jun 1, 2010 at 2:27 pm

I'm not sure what the obscene number of arrests for this benign herb have to do with the rights of patients to access their medicine. The article itself acknowledges that none of the robberies were associated with dispensaries. Both the L.A. police chief and the SF police chief have admitted that dispensaries are NOT associated with an increase in crime. So why is this phony issue still finding its way into articles such as this? Why is the city trying to force dispensaries to comply with onerous regulations that hurt patients?

Patients who suffer from a wide variety of ailments for which cannabis can help are Mountain View residents, too. The City Council should protect these constituents from the cruel and deceitful anti-cannabis propaganda. They must ensure safe access NOW.

Jonathan Steigman
Mountain View

Posted by Political Insider
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 1, 2010 at 2:57 pm

Will be interesting to see if the two so-called libertarian council members will hold their noses and and vote for a highly regulated market. This will likely end up like the alleged de-regulation of the taxi market which led to fixed prices and little increase in competition. The council talks a big game of respecting private exchange but doesn't walk the talk. I watched the replay of the last SS and council member Means tried to persuade other members to not increase the sales tax and limit the number of dispensary's. No support.

Posted by nunnank
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 1, 2010 at 3:18 pm

I would like to see Mountain View becomes the Amsterdam of USA, someday. Let the green doors open and heal the ill people.

Posted by Chuck
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 1, 2010 at 3:19 pm

If marijuana is a benificial drug and available only by perscription then why is it not dispensed and controled like other medication through already existing and regulated prescription pharmacies like Kaiser, CVS, Thrifty, Rite Aid and Walgreen?
Perhaps this is a better solution everywhere than "special" outlets.

Posted by B.D.
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 1, 2010 at 3:23 pm

Remember this is all worst case scenario that they have presented. The study session should open up more areas for use as I will question the need to be away from trails? Why trails? Why churches as well? Religious folks don't get sick? Why a Golf course in Sunnyvale with zero access to Mountain View save hopping the fence. Zoning is important for this issue, but they have gone overboard. All the other terms are workable and should be in place for the safety of the collectives and the community alike.
Brian David
Shoreline Wellness Collective

Posted by JJ
a resident of Whisman Station
on Jun 1, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Legal pot is unavailable in Palo Alto, Los Altos and Sunnyvale but can be had down in San Jose. Is it that much trouble to make a 15-20 minute drive down there to pick it up? There are also "green delivery services" for those to sick (or lazy) to make the drive. It's better than nothing until the proposition passes in November.

Posted by I don't use it but....
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 1, 2010 at 4:32 pm

Yes - Walgreens, would be the first choice for dispensary - I would like to see it state controlled like some states do alcohol. This would take YEARS to get thru all the beaurocracy. Until then this makes sense to de-criminalize it. Why does it have to hide in the dark. Only fear and lack of education is keeping this issue dirty.

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 1, 2010 at 5:33 pm

Amidst the moaning, complaining and whining, I fail to understand the disappointment in the Council's line of reasoning. An effective, fair City Council takes action based on the BROAD line of interests the City has, not just those of a special interest group.

The City is moving forward with a controlled implementation of dispensary's, one that gives it oversite and options to strengthen or weaken those controls depending on how things play out. That's good governance. Bear in mind, that the Federal and State governments have really tossed this hot potato issue to municipalities in the guise of "local control", so its entirely reasonable and prudent that the City proceed with caution.

The boo-hooing I'm reading is akin to children complaining their ice cream isn't big enough.


Posted by Jason
a resident of another community
on Jun 1, 2010 at 5:40 pm

"None of the Mountain View crimes took place at a marijuana dispensary, however."


Posted by jane
a resident of North Whisman
on Jun 1, 2010 at 6:55 pm

Please email the City Council with your concerns. I, for one, do not want our city budget being used to fight marijuana dispensaries filling their perscriptions. Wouldn't the city generate revenue from this? And sooner or later we will have aloyal customer base here in MV who might stop by other stores and eateries and spend their money here ... it is possible.

Posted by PeaceLove
a resident of Shoreline West
on Jun 2, 2010 at 1:18 am


Either you have no compassion or you simply don't understand the issue. You really think sick and suffering patients and their advocates are "akin to children complaining their ice cream isn't big enough?" Your comments on previous articles suggest you are intelligent enough to know your statement is foolish and heartless.

The City Council should expedite the process because it is Mountain View residents who suffer when medication isn't available. They should expedite the process because their constituents voted *fourteen years ago* to make cannabis available to patients. Evidence presented tonight demonstrated that cannabis dispensaries are not associated with any increase in crime (both the LAPD and SFPD chiefs have acknowledged as much). The City Council should actually be courageous and stand up for patients -- not only MV residents but ALL patients in the area whose own City Councils have failed them.

To do otherwise is cowardly and cruel.

Posted by Neither HereNorThere
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Jun 2, 2010 at 8:53 am

"None of the Mountain View crimes took place at a marijuana dispensary, however."

Besides Buddy's, how many dispensaries does the city have?

Mountain View is a city of roughly 12 square miles. I have to ask, is it really too far to drive across town for your prescription?

Posted by Rational
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2010 at 9:03 am

Those crime stats are simply noise...not relevant to anything.
Why not talk about Walgreens that are robbed and arrests made of peoplein possession of vicodin and xanax before we let them provide the needed medicines to their patients? How about talking about all the banks that are robbed before opening up a new BofA?

The archaic mindset of the city attorney and police, who have been spoon fed on the belief that cannabis is evil and will always be evil
seems to be a big problem, esp when it goes against the will of
the majority of people in our community.
I guess its time to take it a step further and legalize it all together. That'll shut 'em up.

Posted by Jon Wiener
a resident of another community
on Jun 2, 2010 at 9:45 am

what happened?

Posted by Please
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2010 at 10:49 am

"Patient access is ultimately the issue." Go see your HMO doctor for your prescription. Oh they won't give it to you because the studies show you should be taking something else. Oh ooopps. You're 24-years-old and got your card from Oakland because you have "back pain." Oh I am sorry half the country has back pain but are not smoking it up. Oh we can not give it to you in pill form? Humm that is intersting. You need access but can not drive across town out of my neighborhood. Well I see you and your friends driving all over town and smoking it up anyways. PLEASE stop the excusses people. If you want it so bad and want a community that will accept you for your pot smoking habits then go to Santa Cruz.

Posted by Exposing Irrational Thought
a resident of Castro City
on Jun 2, 2010 at 12:50 pm

Please, let me tear your irrational fantasy world scenarios apart. I know it won't change your closed unthinking mind, but it will expose you as someone who's off base.
1)"Patient access is ultimately the issue." Go see your HMO doctor for your prescription. Oh they won't give it to you because the studies show you should be taking something else.
- Wrong. My primary care physician of 28 yrs suggested it to me as a replacement for something else, something more harmful.
Also "Studies"???

2)ou're 24-years-old and got your card from Oakland because you have "back pain."
Wrong- See 1)

3)"Oh I am sorry half the country has back pain but are not smoking it up."
- Many are, many cannot but regardless, just because others choose to suffer doesn't mean I should to.

4) You need access but can not drive across town out of my neighborhood.
- EXACTLY People need access to something the majority of citizens say they should have access to, that means more than one in a 30 mile radius, I know several friends in the Cuesta Park area that use and support MMJ. I guess that makes it THEIR neighborhood too.

5)PLEASE stop the excuses people. If you want it so bad and want a community that will accept you for your pot smoking habits then go to Santa Cruz.
- Yes, please all look at Santa Cruz. Its a shining example of dispensaries done right. You might take a look too.

OK I'm done. Please, don't be hateful.

Posted by OriginalOwner
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2010 at 1:11 pm

I just want to say that, as a long time resident of the Cuesta Park
neighborhood and longer time resident of the Mountain View community, I do not support the comments made by "Please" above, nor do my neighbors of whom I've had discussions with on this topic.She's entitled to her opinion, but its her's; she speaks for nobody but herself.I do support codes and restrictions on the cannabis outlets, but welcome them in Mountain View. People who need this should not be insulted or ostracized or accused of abusing it. That's NOT the Cuesta Park neighborhood way nor is it the Mountain View way, nor is it even basic human compassion. I find the rhetoric of those against the outlets to be quite distasteful and insulting to all who understand the issue.

Posted by Old Joe
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Jun 2, 2010 at 4:06 pm

There is a reason why surrounding cities don't allow pot to be sold. It's the same reason why their schools are better and their property values higher. If we cater to the gutter, we will soon be living in one.

For all you whiners that can't handle a little pain without getting dependent on something, I feel sorry for you. More often than not, you are the same people that have been making excuses your entire lives while the rest of the country works and pays their way and follow the laws and pays taxes without playing the victim.

On so-called chronic back pain, most back pain can be treated without any drugs and if drugs are needed, they are only need temporarily. The body adapts to back and muscle pain over time, take it or leave it.


Margaret Abe-Koga

Ronit Bryant

Tom Means

John Inks

Mike Kasperzak

Posted by Please is Right
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2010 at 5:28 pm

The number of true card holders that truly need this "drug" are such a small number. Yes, I feel for those people and yes if this is the last thing that will help then sure. Key word...last.

Unfortunately, the number of card holders get their card for personal so they can attempt to have a legal party and get high. No, they don't need it but they believe it is get out of jail card. Do you know how many people get the card, buy the drug and sell it to their friends. If you disagree then you are blind to the problem. Look how many students are using it at school. Go to a concert and see how many people are passing it around. The law should clearly stat that one must use it at their place of residence only and they should register just like a narcotics registrant has too. If they use it anywhere else or are caught selling or giving it to other they should be put on a banned list and additional charges should be imposed.

Your studies are right...but they are for such a small number. The public only hears about that small number to push an agenda for those that do not needed. If you truly needed then this message is not for you but if you have done any of the above then shame on you for using the sick to promote your party lifestyle.

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2010 at 10:31 pm

"Either you have no compassion or you simply don't understand the issue. You really think sick and suffering patients and their advocates are "akin to children complaining their ice cream isn't big enough?" Your comments on previous articles suggest you are intelligent enough to know your statement is foolish and heartless."
Unintentionally or not, you've missed my point. As stated in the article, the City appears to have every intention to permit a dispensary, but with rules and regulations. The "knashing of teeth" I was referring to were the numerous complaints concerning the rules and regulations being considered, not the idea of a dispensary in Mountain View.

This isn't about whether Marijuana is medicine or not, or if a dispensary is appropriate or not. That is up to the City Council to decide and its pretty clear they are amenable to having one, under certain conditions.

Nor is it whether people are being "foolish" or "heartless", which suggests an incapacity or unwillingness to consider that your belief system is not the only "truth" in this issue. If the best defense for Medicinal Marijuana dispensaries is that "We are the good guys, and they are the meanie o' bad guys, trust us", that speaks volumes of the validity of your claim.

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Jun 2, 2010 at 10:32 pm

"The City Council should actually be courageous and stand up for patients -- not only MV residents but ALL patients in the area whose own City Councils have failed them."
This statement, more than any other, speaks volumes about your position in this matter, and confirms what I've surmised for a long time: Advocates of Medicinal Marijuana support this issue in Mountain View not because they have the City's best interest at heart, nor because they've evaluated the pros and cons, but rather they are on a crusade to push an agenda that extends far outside this City's borders.

Criticizing the City Council for performing their fiduciary responsibility for governing with the City's best interests in mind, is at best moronic, and at worst selfish. The utter lack of acknowledgment that dispensing marijuana in any municipality has any risks or downsides that need to be considered and planned for is exactly why the rules and regulations discussed in the article are wise.

Its fine to be a true believer, just don't be so blind to see that not everyone is going to think that the emperor has his clothes on.

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