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Local police bust nets $100,000 in pot plants

Original post made on Apr 21, 2010

Mountain View police say they seized more than $100,000 worth of marijuana plants growing in a house near Aptos after a local dealer arrested by officers led them to the operation.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 2:15 PM

Comments (18)

Posted by Aspie
a resident of Castro City
on Apr 21, 2010 at 11:26 pm

I went to school with this guy, had to check a year book. I am pretty sure he has a sister and at least cousins that did or do live here. The guy that flipped might have reason to worry, yet I just can't Anthony as some sort of mastermind.

Posted by the_socialist
a resident of Rex Manor
on Apr 22, 2010 at 3:17 pm


BUST illegal shops selling to kids and "entertainment" users

Leave the legal medial shops alone.

That is how to enforce the law Mountain View PD! Nice work!!!

Posted by Dominick
a resident of Waverly Park
on Apr 22, 2010 at 11:23 pm

This comment is how Mountain View can deal with the people that set up a pot shop in Mountain View.
Deny them a business license, then close them because they cannot conduct a business without a city license.

Posted by -jbmagic
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Apr 23, 2010 at 10:27 am

Saddens me to see our police forces going after what at the State level is legal. It is important to look at what is to be gained by these arrests, is this really the best use of city resources? Measure activities with a cost-benefit model - what are the costs (social, financial) of this person operating a legal business within city boundaries, and what are the benefits?

To protect and to serve. Police forces were created to "serve" the public.

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Apr 23, 2010 at 5:14 pm

The article states that Mr. Contento was not following the established state regulations for growing marijuana for medicinal use. He was arrested not because of the marijuana, but because he wasn't complying with the law concerning medicinal marijuana cultivation and distribution. The police were fulfilling their responsibility to uphold the law, which Mr. Contento was not following.

Its interesting too that Mr. Contento was fingered by a local drug dealer.

Seems to suggest he was swimming with the sharks in questionable waters.

Posted by Jonathan Lustig
a resident of Castro City
on Apr 23, 2010 at 7:40 pm

Many know my story.

I am a 4th generation Mountain View resident.

After traveling for years throughout several states and countless cities I found myself moving back to the city that I fell in-love with as a child.

I am one of those “No one loves this city more than me” types of people.

Unfortunately, recent events have forced me to criticize and oppose some of the insensitive and unjust actions of a few of the elected and appointed leaders in our city.

My commitment to the cause of medicinal cannabis comes from my own experiences, the lives of those I’ve been able to help, and the possibilities that exist to help alleviate the suffering of many more.

At an early age, I was consistently prescribed an array of medications for common problems, and, sadly, the detrimental side effects of that cocktail of doctor-prescribed drugs, continue to adversely affect me.

In contrast to the harsh and corrosive prescription drugs of my youth, the healing powers of Cannabis have worked amazingly well for my medical conditions.

I now fight so that Cannabis can help others as it has helped me.
What convinced me to join this struggle was knowing that there are others out there with worse ailments than my own, and that they could find substantial relief from their pain and anguish using Cannabis.

In the beginning of early January, we create a state certified non-profit organization here in Mountain View to accommodate those suffering patients who lack safe, affordable, and practical access to Cannabis and other herbal alternatives.

Our state certified non-profit organization is called Top Helps Communities.

Our patient base consists of fellow citizens who are afflicted with ailments which range from sleeping and psychological disorders to multiple sclerosis and cancer.

I am proud of what has been established and the potential benefits not only for sick patients, but for the surrounding community as well.

We have built and have been maintaining something beautiful.

Our patients donation levels for their medication are 20-50 percent lower than most collectives for the same quantity and quality medication.

Once the city establishes ordinances and guidelines and we feel comfortable becoming fully operational, Top Helps Communities hopes to annually donate to Mountain View 10s of thousands of dollars and perhaps even more.

We will help sponsor events, activities, and services for all ages as well as donate to local foundations and charities.

I have been in several different facilities over the course of the last decade and the wellness center here in Mountain View is second to none.

Everywhere you look inside the collective you find something inspirational or educational.

Our patients leave empowered and enlightened.

This is a place that every one of us Mountain View residents can consider a blessing.

Because my impression of our own city council in February was that they were going to take a responsible approach, allowing the incorporation of other wellness centers into the city at a future time, our collective decided not to advertise or market ourselves (even though it was within our legal right to do so) and only accept referrals from our current patient base.

We were attempting to respect the council’s decision while still serving those who we had already built up relationships with.

Now several months into this endeavor the patients are beginning to be unnecessarily and aggressively harassed by our local law enforcement.

The current dilemma of Anthony Contento, co-founder of Top Helps Communities and also a 4th generation Mountain View resident, is a prime example of the police department’s blatant disregard for the will of the citizens it serves, as well as our laws and our ethics, and the constitutional rights of Cannabis patients.

There have been many lies and falsities stated about Mr. Contento’s case and our local authorities should be ashamed of their unwarranted actions against him and others.

His life has been turned upside down and now people think he is some scummy “for profit” drug dealer.

This is far from the truth.

He has successfully owned and operated multiple businesses over the last 10 years and because of his character, work ethic, abilities and potential I decided to collaborate with him in establishing Top Helps Communities.

Normally I respect, admire and support the work and dedication of our local police department.

Unfortunately the illegal and malicious policies and procedures conducted by our police against Mr. Contento have shaken my faith in them.

These are not appropriate actions for the police department and when it acts this way, it becomes a police department that our great city does not deserve.

We deserve a just and humane police department that protects not harasses, that serves not silences, that is just and fair not distortive and dishonest.

The true facts about Mr Contento’s case will come out in criminal and civil court and I would like all of Mountain View to pay close attention to them.

This case and the issues at the heart of it, concerns us all.

It concerns us because it is about how we help those who are suffering and how we defend those who have been mistreated.

I hope the pride I feel for my city has not been misplaced.

I hope people will soon understand and be outraged by the injustice of recent events.

We, as a community, have an obligation to assist those who are suffering, not punish those who are trying to help.

Embrace those around you today as if tomorrow will not exist.

Peace be with you all.

Jonathan Lustig
Top Helps Communities

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Apr 23, 2010 at 10:41 pm

""What got him into trouble -- although he may allege in court that it was all for medicinal use under Prop. 215 -- is he made errors, based on our investigation, that shows he is not compliant with the laws," De La Ossa said. "Some folks are trying to hide behind the Compassionate Use Act."


The issue in this article is not about the legality or effectiveness of marijuana as medicine. And until proven otherwise, its also not about police brutality or false arrests.

As much as can be ascertained by the news article, its about a guy who got caught growing and selling dope in a manner that is inconsistent with current State law.

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Apr 23, 2010 at 10:42 pm

"Unfortunately the illegal and malicious policies and procedures conducted by our police against Mr. Contento have shaken my faith in them."


Trying to regulate marijuana based on intent of use is going to be tricky. If you are stating that this type of enforcement has led to people being wrongly arrested for using/distributing marijuana as medicine, then its equally possible that many other folks are not being arrested for using/distributing marijuana for recreational purposes, under the guise of medicine.

This door swings both ways.

Posted by Joseph L.
a resident of North Whisman
on Apr 24, 2010 at 12:04 am

Stoping wasting our tax payers dollars on trying to set up sting operations to find out weather or not a medical patient is in compliance with the laws. This sounds like our police department has nothing better to do then to harrass medical marijuana patients then do an extensive background check to see if there compliant. Use our resources somewhere else please.

Posted by Shawna
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Apr 24, 2010 at 10:17 am

"Mountain View police Sgt. Pete De La Ossa said the case began when a patrol officer arrested a suspected drug dealer."

Hilarious! I know this person that was supposed to be a "suspected drug dealer" and heard his complete story from his mouth. He is also a legitimate medical marijuana patient that was pulled over and interrogated because of the marijuana in his car. No other drugs were involved. Get your facts right. Seems to me like Mr. De La Ossa is using unnecessary city tax dollars to investigate medical marijuana patients. Shame on yourself

Posted by nate
a resident of Whisman Station
on Apr 24, 2010 at 11:51 am

What I find interesting is the fact that so many people don't know Mr Contento history in mountain view and his extensive family network of drug dealers. Point in fact, is that one of his cousin that lives right across the street from slater school at the time it was a school was a dealer in magic mushrooms, a crime for which he served time for. Mr Contento has 3 cousin's that time lived there and sold Marijuana as well. In fact Mr Contento as been committing crimes in mountain view since he was a teenager. Whether the MVPD knows of this or not, I would hope that they would know of his family connections.

As for all this prop 215 stuff. Mr Contento is a for profit person. He is making a poor attempt to hide behind the law. I have no problems with 215 or the new pot shop that opened on the bayshore. In fact I embrace it, what I can not stand it people abusing laws meant for the weak such that a few may profit.

So before one starts slamming the cops or touting the law while screaming it from the mountain tops, keep in mind that this person was a dealer long before 215 was even around.

Albeit it will be interesting to see how the law sees him if the measure on the nov ballot passes?

Posted by Mrs. Bones
a resident of Whisman Station
on Apr 25, 2010 at 12:47 pm


No one cares what you find interesting. You have no facts [portion removed]. If you really knew our family you would know they are not cousins - we are lifelong friends and proud of it. Sounds like you need a family connection.

Posted by PeaceLove
a resident of Shoreline West
on Apr 25, 2010 at 7:38 pm

I am privileged to know Jonathan Lustig, the commenter above, and consider him to be a true hero. Jonathan has been a fighter for social justice on behalf of suffering people for years. He has been engaged both politically, as an activist, and in a practical way, helping people to benefit from the law passed by a majority of Californians (including a majority of Santa Clara residents) almost 14 years ago.

Years and years of blatant lies and "reefer madness" propaganda notwithstanding, cannabis is a spectacularly safe and effective medicine for an astonishingly wide spectrum of conditions. Jonathan and his partner in Top Helps Communities are the very model of progressive social engagement. Rather than harassing them, Mountain View should be proud to have such courageous citizens.

Posted by fern
a resident of Castro City
on Apr 25, 2010 at 7:54 pm

Mr. Lustig:

Just because you think it a certain way, doesn't mean everyone needs to line up behind you and agree. Try working a real job with real responsibilities following the law and then maybe you will understand what this town is about.

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Apr 27, 2010 at 11:51 am

"No one cares what you find interesting. You have no facts [portion removed]. If you really knew our family you would know they are not cousins - we are lifelong friends and proud of it. Sounds like you need a family connection."


Um, you sound like the Mrs. Manson telling everyone what a good little boy Charles was in grade school. Come on, if you are going to condemn others for not knowing the facts, at least establish that you understand the difference between hearsay, evidence, and relevancy. You're stated relationship to the defendant is at the very best, biased. And how that bit of information plays into the central fact that Mr. Contento was arrested for selling marijuana not in compliance with current state law brings into question its relevancy.

You are entitled to your opinion, let's just not confuse your opinion with the facts to this particular case.

Posted by Hardin
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Apr 27, 2010 at 12:04 pm

"Hilarious! I know this person that was supposed to be a "suspected drug dealer" and heard his complete story from his mouth. He is also a legitimate medical marijuana patient that was pulled over and interrogated because of the marijuana in his car. No other drugs were involved. Get your facts right. Seems to me like Mr. De La Ossa is using unnecessary city tax dollars to investigate medical marijuana patients. Shame on yourself"


I think this statement exemplifies the difficulty in enforcing medical marijuana use based on intent:

The fact that Mr. Contento contends he is a medicinal marijuana patient does not disprove that he is using marijuana for other purposes. According to the article, Mr. Contento was arrested not for being a medicinal marijuana user, but because he violated the laws that define legal medicinal marijuana use in the state of California.

As poor as the controls on intent are, compliance with the existing laws is at least the minimum test to indicate that you are "intending" to use this drug for legal purposes. If Mr. Contento failed even this minimum test, the arrest was appropriate and legal.

Posted by Anonymous OG
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 6, 2010 at 1:54 pm

Sup Ant, Bones, Lustig and NB (Wont put your real name as I haven't seen it mentioned You mofo's are crazy! Told you Eddy was a snitch! Legalization and free market trade will put an end to all this BS and really help bring affordable marry jane to the masses. I don't really like any of the clubs because they are all charging what amounts to "street prices" all while hiding behind "medical marijuana".

Many people have forgotten about the "cause" (legalization) too busy blinded by greed to remember that legalization and low cost were the main goals of the marijuana movement, not simply moving "street" activities and "street" prices into a building and calling it a cause/movement. What we really need to do is get people to the polls in November to legalize marijuana outright and then it can compete in the free market and with that prices will fall in line like any other crop, fruit, or vegetable.

So if your tired of all the BS and just want access to marijuana without dealing with scummy pot clubs and want the prices to drop significantly (and unless your a drug dealer you should) ROCK THE VOTE IN NOVEMBER, VOTE "YES" FOR LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA IN CA!!!

Posted by grow pot indoors
a resident of Old Mountain View
on May 10, 2010 at 10:33 am

Say yes to legalization of marijuanas. It will contribute by lessening the price for marijuana medication.. Help those in need..

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