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Birthday party gone bad

Original post made on Aug 13, 2008

A birthday party on East Middlefield Road turned into a violent melee Saturday, with police forcefully arresting six people. In the process, two partiers were injured and a third was zapped with a Taser gun.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 9:05 PM

Comments (42)

Posted by USA
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 13, 2008 at 10:06 am

"They put people on the force that were not ready to deal with a multicultural community" Is "multicultural" one of those PC euphemisms meaning drunk, stupid, and violent?

Posted by LOL
a resident of Rex Manor
on Aug 13, 2008 at 11:34 am

This sounds like a awesome party. Beer, police, face painting, out door activitys, lazer tag, and a free ride in a police car. You guys know how to throw a party!

Posted by John
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 13, 2008 at 1:17 pm

Sounds like a gang family to me. I hope the police watch that house closely from now on.

The family used threat of violence to try to get their way. Very poor example for others.

Good job MV Police for your brave work!

Posted by truth and justice
a resident of another community
on Aug 14, 2008 at 11:07 am

It's unfortunate that the Mountain View Voice is reporting only one side of the story and has distorted the facts. The police crashed a backyard party and attacked several of the guests without any provocation.

This is a clear case of police brutality, one that will be prosecuted in the court system.

I am very glad that I don't live in Mountain View, where testosterone-fueled cops occasionally seem to forget that their job is to protect and serve, not to attack and maim.

Posted by Skippy
a resident of another community
on Aug 14, 2008 at 8:00 pm

It is not up to the Mountain View Police Department to determine whether or not an incident created by them should be investigated. If the Mountain View PD insists that there should be no internal investigation, the entire department should be investigated.

Posted by A concerned citizen
a resident of another community
on Aug 14, 2008 at 8:03 pm

The contents of the video camera should be produced, to ensure MVPD acting according to the situation presented to them. If they cannot, or will not, the dept - should be investigated.

Posted by Concern for Justice
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 14, 2008 at 8:16 pm

This incident should be a concern of all the residents. When a police department acts as judge and jury then the constitution takes a back seat.. to them I say. Investigate and allow the courts to do their job.
PS It is public knowledge that all of those arrested suffered injuries.

Posted by Jim
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 14, 2008 at 8:27 pm

If the police are claiming that a "bithday party" resulted in 2 people in the hospital from police batons and tasers than it wasn't the party goers that made the situation "go bad."

I view this as a pre-emtive strike to protect police officers who have no business in this community. At the very least, the officer with the nickname "Lucifer" should be questioned.

Posted by pravda
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 14, 2008 at 9:26 pm

Let me get this straight: a group of friends were assembled in someone's backyard, and because of a noise complaint, the police invaded the property and sent a few people to the hospital. And apparently the MV Voice reporter is unwilling to do any real reporting to expose the truth.

Unfortunately, police brutality is rampant in this country, and this time, the Mountain View police have gone a little too far. Unless the system is totally corrupt, there will be investigations and, I expect, some heads will roll. And when the department has to pay, the taxpayers will foot the bill. Doesn't Mountain View deserve better than this farce of a police department?

Posted by Mr. Big
a resident of Whisman Station
on Aug 15, 2008 at 3:58 am

The problem with the Police in MV and other cities is that they always escalate a heated conversation into a trumped up charge of "Obstructing an Officer" or "Resisting Arrest".

The police spokeswoman said the responding officers said that some people become "argumentative", so what? We should be able to express ourselves without getting arrested. If we think what they are doing is wrong, it is our right to tell them.

The problem is that too many people that WE give permission to carry guns and badges in our city and county are control freaks. They think that we have to be subservient and should just do what they say regardless of whether we have the right to disobey them.

The proper thing to do was for the police to back off to de-escalate the situation as there wasn't anyone in danger then call for a supervisor and back-up if necessary.

I believe in the inalienable right to self-defense, I have no right to lay a hand on anyone and vice-versa. If someone, including the police, grabs me without good cause, then we have a problem. If I grab an officer without good cause, he has the right to defend himself. If he grabs me with no good reason, tosses me to the ground, grinds my face in the pavement, it is on my friend.

Now, if the drunk people at the party really attacked the officers, FIRST, then they got what was coming.

P.S. Never invite police onto your property, tell them to get a supervisor and a warrant if they are trying to bully you.

Posted by the truth will come out
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 15, 2008 at 8:47 am

The police were not invited onto the property, and there was no probable cause. A noise complaint? Please.

There seems to be a neighbor who's fond of calling the police about noise. The article does not mention the fact that the police who responded to the first two noise complaints agreed that the music was well within acceptable limits. The second police officer even took the trouble to check with all surrounding neighbors to ascertain that no one had a problem with the music.

This is a matter of public record.

People should be able to spend an afternoon listening to music and talking on their own private property without fear that the police will invade the party and willingly misconstrue the anxiety they evoke as assault and resisting arrest. Do you feel safe in your own backyard? I don't, not after hearing about this.

Posted by Don Frances
Mountain View Voice Editor
on Aug 15, 2008 at 11:40 am

Don Frances is a registered user.

A couple items in this story may not have been clear and need clarification. For one, the police didn't alert us to this story, an anonymous caller did. She said she didn't witness the fight, but was at the party earlier that day and is friends with one or more of the party-goers. After she called our attention to it, we contacted police for more details.

Secondly, ever since hearing about this incident we've tried repeatedly to contact the people involved and/or neighbors who might have witnessed it. So far no luck, but we'll keep trying.

One final thing: we don't know if the footage taken by a witness (and confiscated by police) is video or just still photographs. Since it's now evidence, the footage probably won't be released to the public.

Posted by W
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 15, 2008 at 3:16 pm


I know all of the people involved, and heard their side of the story. These are mountain view citizens and friends from around, and there were 8 people at the time that Aaron became 'argumentative'. The video recorder was confiscated from Gabriella yet it wasn't listed on her personal items. I'll bet you a MILLION dollars the police have already destroyed this video tape. These people are not gang members. They're residents that work in Mountain and are Italian, Brasilian, and American. Eduardo works for Palm computing, Henrique is a waiter at Cantankerous Fish and a STAND UP GENTLEMAN. I don't know Aaron, but Gilberto is a 53 year old Italian man. None of them were even *CLOSE* to these officers when "backup" arrived. No backup was needed. As soon as Aaron was slammed to the ground, the officer began waving his taser gun at everyone who was STUNNED AND IN SHOCK ( and for good reason ). When backup arrived, they simply charged into the party, and began slamming people to the ground and arresting them. These people will NEVER be able to get another job with BS ASSAULT charges on their records, and Eduardo was about to get his US citizenship, but will never get it due to this TRUMPED UP BS FROM THE MOUNTAIN VIEW POLICE DEPARTMENT. MTVPD I have video cameras mounted in my home because I simply DO NOT TRUST you and as I've been writing up a letter to send to the Mountain View voice and the city council, I wanted to prepare myself for the corruption that I would be attacked with after doing so.

Posted by W
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 15, 2008 at 3:18 pm

Here's another good article on MTV police abuse:

Web Link

Posted by W
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 15, 2008 at 3:32 pm

Sorry for the multiple comments, but I think it's important to know for the readers that the police are LYING. No one at the party lifted a finger in any threatening way towards any of the officers. With the exception of Aaron who the officers asked to speak with, everyone was at a good distance from them. After they spontaneously slammed Aaron to the ground and split his chin open, 2 of the guys at the party asked them why they had done it, and begged them to help Aaron as they left him on the ground bleeding. Police called for backup, and that's when everything went down. These assault charges are a LIE. I would LOVE to see that video tape shown in a court room. MTV PD dramatically overreacted in this case, and they're desperately trying to cover their tracks.

Posted by yayaya
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 15, 2008 at 4:54 pm

All you shrill crybabies screaming "police brutality" should be thankful we have one of the finest PDs on the peninsula. Everyone knows how out of control a bunch of drunks can get. I'm tired of our cops getting slammed when they have to deal with garbage every day. It's a thankless job and if you think you can do better, join the academy and put your life on the line. Every time a cop goes on a call, his or her (not all cops are "testosterone-fueled") life is at risk, for every citizen of Mountain View, not just the party-animals and gang-bangers! Yo basta!

Posted by whatthe
a resident of Whisman Station
on Aug 15, 2008 at 5:19 pm

Hey 'Yayaya' it sounds like you would enjoy reading our forums regarding police brutality. Check it out:

Posted by Sosad
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 15, 2008 at 10:34 pm

Since when could you be drunk in public on private property?? And more importantly, since when did it take 20 officers to arrest 6 people. Anyone who is able to read between the lines can see that this is another case of police brutality. It's is time for the community to get together to do something about this. If we don't... the abuse won't stop. Let's save Mountain View before it's too late!!

Posted by Typical MO for Law Enforcement
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 16, 2008 at 1:10 am

Typical law enforcement public relations sensationalism and media slant. Nice piece of word smithing Wylie!

I say class action or individual law suit(s) and let the court decide. Given enough public or media attention the truth will come out.

Protect and serve is the mantra but in most cases that one reads about through out the various media mediums...encounters with law enforcement today is law enforcement authortarianism i.e. officers with an "Above the Law" attitude / demeanor...and lack of cerebral rationale and training to deal with situations they have playbooks for...I'm sure that in law enforcement training there are a multitude of case studies (intervention strategies) they test for just like this situation.

Yaya commented we should be thankful for one of the finest police DP's in the bay area...give me break and get a life "Pretentious"! So what yaya is saying is the police have the most if not one of the most dificult job in our society. The corporations are more unrelenting and thankless. Police officers are one of the highest If you can't deal with the heat get out of the kitchen...translation..."under qualified personnel" or "working the system" Web Link

One night I was going to get some gatorade and in the parking lot of a convenience store were several police cars and officers bantering / braging how the beat the hell out of a suspect and in cadance another officer then told his story to one up the other all of them laughing. Very disapointing!

If law enforcement wants repsect then they should be respectful to non-violent citizens simple as that. Having said that I understand there are situations that deam otherwise and if a suspect is threatening then they better be ready for the ramifications. In Henrique case if what MVPD says is true then an unagressive physical arrest would be the right thing...assuming he was not resisting.
Conversly, if it is not true then the MVPD should be accountable and the arresting officer.

I know Henrique and he is good person. And, He is a hard working citizen of Mtn View...I know Gilberto Frosoni, I'm sure he acted in the best interest of his friend, unfortunately, it was not the smart thing to do...his help would have been better served in court as a witness to the incident. Gilberto is a hard working and respectful of other people. But the situation had to be bad (out of control) for him to grab the arresting officer of his friend on the ground.

The problem - drinking and police is NOT a win win situation and is a recipe for disaster...! Better to be over compliant with law enforcement than argumentative under the the end of the day both parties walk away with a win win situation...given you do not have an over zealous police officer with a power trip on his mind.

One can google domestic violence by profession and find that police are statistically one of the biggest offenders close to dentists for some reason...go figure! Dentists put their life on the line everday dealing with some'r teath and bad hygiene...there must be some connection!

Posted by Bernie Brightman
a resident of North Whisman
on Aug 16, 2008 at 9:58 am

I live on the route the police took to reach the party. Was it really necessary for ALL FIVE police vehicles that went there to run their sirens and disrupt our day? I mean the party wasn't going anywhere...

Posted by Rusty
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 16, 2008 at 7:00 pm

Cultural or multicultural or whatever. You cause such ruckus and be a nuisance to others, be prepared for this.

Posted by Jim Braski
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Aug 16, 2008 at 7:32 pm

Wylie if you're so pleased about having possession of the video tape, I'll bet you my house in mountain view that you guys will never let that video tape make it to court. If you want to escrow it email me at truthseeker at mailnicks dot com

Posted by Marcos
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 17, 2008 at 2:59 pm

This is nonsense as usual it is just another example of police brutality.

Posted by EP
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 18, 2008 at 9:48 pm

I’m very sad with all of this. I know the victims very well and I also know the other side of the history. The police use their power to violent them and humiliated them. I fell really sorry for those victims, they are people with good character , gentle and very sweetie. There is no reason to them been attacked by taser gun, dogs and physical violence. THIS IS WRONG AND I REALLY HOPE THAT JUSTICE WILL BE MADE IT!!!!!

Posted by EP
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 18, 2008 at 9:48 pm

I’m very sad with all of this. I know the victims very well and I also know the other side of the history. The police use their power to violent them and humiliated them. I fell really sorry for those victims, they are people with good character , gentle and very sweetie. There is no reason to them been attacked by taser gun, dogs and physical violence. THIS IS WRONG AND I REALLY HOPE THAT JUSTICE WILL BE MADE IT!!!!!

Posted by T
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 19, 2008 at 1:17 pm

Wow!!! All this is very unfortunate to read and Perhaps would be very difficult to witness as well considring that I know all the parties involved on this terrible incident.

One more time the Montain View Police use unnecessary violence to solve a Problem that didn't need extreme force. All they needed to do was to use the official authority, ask for everyone to put their hands behind their heads and then follow the proper rocedure. Istead untrained, unexperienced and immature officers started a war to blame the ones with less power.

I have an Eight year old boy who adores Police cars and the police force itsef like any other little boy of his age and after reading this and recognize the parties involved last names he brough up a question that I've been asking mself for a while afer seen on the news what have been going on with few police forces around the Bay Area. My son then asks... Mommy,If the Police was there to hurt who is going to be here for us when we need protection?

Well, That is a question I've been asking myself or a while now and honestlly I don't have an answer for myself or for my son as by the minute the police makes big mistakes like this one all the time and everywhere.

It is rally ashamed to hear all of this and even more ashamed to see the Mountain View police try to reverse the facts after all.

This people involved on this misforune are people like you and I, who wake up evevy morning, have a cup of coffee, greet their neighoors and go honestlly to work, they are not criminals,have never been invoved in anything out of the law and there for should NOT BE TREATED LIKE CRIMINALS. Altought the Mountain View Force must be involved in several scadalls and misjudgment like this one, no wonde is trying to coe their side to the max, confiscating and eraing the footage made with the photo camera and reversing the story on public notices like this note on this newspaper.

Shame on Mountan View Police Force and all the other forces around that By the minute make irreparable mistakes likes this one due to untrained officials

Posted by Shame on MVPD
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 19, 2008 at 4:46 pm

one more thing...
The Police can try to cover, The Mountain View Voice can be their Backup but the Truth will come out sometime soon and Justice shall be made it.
I stand By all the victims and wish all the best luck in the court room and hope that by seen such HUGE SCARS on their faces the judge could use the best of commom sense and Prosecute and Investiate the ones that really started this shameful nonsense.

Hope more people who have been victims of brutality from MVPD could stand up now and make a difference now is the right time to make justice,...
it seems like MVPD have much more to hide than just a video Camera that was taken on the scene, some nasty things could come out of this and I can't hardly wait to see all of those corrupted Officials kicked out of the force


Posted by Wawa Popmore
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 19, 2008 at 10:14 pm

To bad me not thair I make big trubull.

Posted by USA
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 20, 2008 at 2:24 pm

"Bortuluzzi raised up a beer bottle and threatened to throw it"

If you threaten an officer with violence, you are submitting your application for the Darwin award. Hopefully Bortuluzzi learned something from this, though his kind usually don't.

Posted by stop police brutality
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 20, 2008 at 3:43 pm

While reading this, I'm not surprised how this situation was handled by the MVPD. Unfortunately, I was able to experience first-handed how the Mountain View Police can escalate any situation into an arrest without any good reason. The MV police uses police-terrorism tactics such as intimitadion, excessive use of force (phisically and verbally) to make up charges where they don't exist. It seems like Mountain View is becoming a "police state" community.

I feel sorry for the victims' suffering, and I hope that justice will prevail at the end.

Posted by You say potato, I say potato
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Aug 20, 2008 at 4:16 pm

"Bortuluzzi raised up a beer bottle and threatened to throw it."

That's what the officers say in defense of their handling of the situation. In point of fact, he didn't throw it, and was probably so startled and shocked by the behavior he was witnessing that he forgot he had it in his hand.

It's not the first time an errant police officer has spun the truth to buttress his own version of reality. Too frequently, police have physically abused an innocent person simply because (they claimed in retrospect) that person's demeanor appeared menacing.

I fully expect the victims of this travesty will be exonerated by the courts. Until then, I hope that those of you who condemn them never have to undergo a similar terrifying experience.

Posted by Greg
a resident of another community
on Aug 21, 2008 at 12:22 am

The fact that the police have the video camera and presumably the tape is somewhat troubling; I don't understand the grounds under which it was seized, and Ms. Wylie's comments about it being useful in court are really only relevant if any of the cases go to trial.

I'm not sure what is meant by "a report". Did someone file a Personnel Complaint? I ask because, if someone did, there's a procedure that they claim to follow (although the last few times I checked, they did not have complaint forms available in accordance with the policy[1]) and it would be good to know the resolution of the complaint. If there has not been a complaint, then I don't understand how Ms. Wylie can be certain that there will not be an investigation.

If anyone cares to file a complaint, the appropriate form can be found at [2].

Don - Thanks for the update. Could you clarify what you mean when you say the tape is evidence? Is this understanding you have based on the article, or are there other facts on which you base this statement? Also - any luck finding anyone there? Are you still trying?

W - I'd imagine that Don would appreciate help contacting those present.

Please excuse my skepticism, but in my experience, transparency is not one of the department's strengths.


[1] Web Link
[2] Web Link

Posted by Find Better News
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 21, 2008 at 8:17 am

Why so many cops you ask? When an officer is confronted by someone and yells that they are in a fight on their radio everyone on duty will respond.

Think about many times you've seen someone make unwise decisions after drinking alcohol. These events happed in less than a few seconds and those drinking most likely were not thinking about their actions.

Have some consideration for your neighbors. If you have a party and the police show up on a noise complaint then you have a pissed off neighbor. Maybe you should have your parties elsewhere in the future or move because Mountain View Police have better things to do than deal with this.

Next take the b-day party to a restaurant, bar, club...

Look...I just lost ten minutes of my life tha I can never get back after reading these stupid comments and writing this comment.

Posted by Find Better News
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Aug 21, 2008 at 8:18 am

Is this really news? I mean you people really think that the police just randomly showed up at this place to get in a fight or target these "suspects." Someone actually called...

Why so many cops you ask? When an officer is confronted by someone and yells that they are in a fight on their radio everyone on duty will respond.

Think about many times you've seen someone make unwise decisions after drinking alcohol. These events happed in less than a few seconds and those drinking most likely were not thinking about their actions.

Have some consideration for your neighbors. If you have a party and the police show up on a noise complaint then you have a pissed off neighbor. Maybe you should have your parties elsewhere in the future or move because Mountain View Police have better things to do than deal with this.

Next take the b-day party to a restaurant, bar, club...

Posted by neighbor
a resident of another community
on Aug 21, 2008 at 10:34 am

The police work hard...and unlike your bias and repetative not seek out to hunt simple party goers for no reason. If you go to the location of where it happened...u will see there was no fence to jump...or back yard to walk in to. It was an open driveway to a open common area that is NOT protected in private property standards. Now lets all take a breath and realize that supervisors were there...and their grounds to be there was legitimate. We can make up all the hocus pokus nonsense we want...but the law is the law. You cant be out drinking like fools in a public area (YEP--I said it--PUBLICCCC, since in a common apartment area in an open place). Go read the Supreme Court decisions on what is considered public areas...then you can cry wolf. Since of non-sense liberal complaining.

Posted by just the facts
a resident of Waverly Park
on Aug 21, 2008 at 2:44 pm

I have seen the scene of the crime and it is a secluded, fenced backyard. You cannot see the backyard unless you walk down a private driveway. It is true that the backyard is shared by multiple residents, but all had given permission for (or were attending) the party. The backyard is privately maintained, and if you were to enter it without invitation, you would be guilty of trespassing.

Besides, this is not a privacy issue but an undue use of force issue. Neighbor may want to brush up on case law before taking the bar exam.

Posted by Realist
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 22, 2008 at 5:24 pm

Were any of you there? Then you dont know anything about what happened regardless of what half you listen to, you dont know the truth unless you were standing there watching.

Posted by BrOwNeYeS
a resident of Monta Loma
on Aug 31, 2008 at 11:12 pm

Finally the truth about MOUNTAIN VIEWS police brutality comes out.. about time...

Posted by Eduardo
a resident of Waverly Park
on Sep 1, 2008 at 5:48 am

HAHA, You guys must have no lives...I just wanted to read the Liberal comments on here and laugh. We are defending drunks at a party...and attacking the Cops that you call 911 for when your scared and need help. Yes..Police can be a pain with tickets and such, but common. You make it sound like we are in Compton and Police made up lies and beat up people to get a kick out of it. And now that I think of it...why am I wasting my time responding to the ignorant comments??

Posted by Iosif Vissarionovich
a resident of another community
on Sep 1, 2008 at 10:49 am

You rock, Eduardo! This country would be a MUCH BETTER PLACE if we all spent our days in abject fear of our neighbors complaining. If everyone knew that at ANY MOMENT the police could come bursting onto private property and inflict injuries on people, society as a whole would be better behaved, people would make less noise, would stay indoors and try to remain inconspicuous. Less traffic too, less pollution, good for the environment, a win-win all around.

Let's face it: the Constitution of the United States is OVER 200 YEARS OLD and who knows what sort of weed those dudes were smoking. Hey, they might even have been drinking alcohol when they wrote it. We got to get over our hangups about due process and individual liberties and DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. If that means that ordinary citizens are going to get hurt and go to jail for no good reason, that's just the way it's going to be.

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Sep 21, 2008 at 11:29 pm

You think MVPD is the only Police Department with intimidation tactics?. I believe that they are all trained to intimidate the public, regardless if you are a law abiding citizen.

Just try it next time. Tell them that you are a tax paying citizen who pays for their salary and see how they'll react. Bad mouth your ass, and if you escalate it to the Sargent in charge. Be ready for intimating calls by the POLICE.

Posted by final word!
a resident of another community
on Oct 30, 2008 at 8:13 pm

Hmmm, interesting. How many times have any of you put on a uniform and a bullet-proof vest. How many times have you had to take a gun with you to work instead of a pen or laptop computer? What you fail to recognize is that officers CHOOSE to do that every day. Police Officers are human, have feelings, families, hobbies, fears and joys. It is VERY hard to become a police officer these days and I can tell you here and now that the officers involved were NOT in the wrong. One thing led to another at that party, one person got arrested...not for loud music but for OBSTRUCTING or DELAYING the officers in the performance of their duties! Then, as often happens, others people (who let the ALCOHOL dictate their actions)became involved in a situation in which they should have stayed out of. An officer has a duty, OBLIGATION to go home at the end of their shift ALIVE. If a person exhibits force, it will be answered by force. The person who had the bottle is lucky they only got tazed...the officers would have been justified to do more. If you think, for one second, the officers involved handled the situation the way they did because they ENJOY tazing people and throwing them to the ground, you've got to be insane! Because I know you are going to ask, no I was not there but I have been in many, many situations very similar. Until you conspiracy theorists have the guts, the pride or honor to devote your life to the protection of others, whom you do not know, and feel the need to run toward danger and not away, all you will ever do is talk! And by the being able to voice you opinion here is another RIGHT you have which officers protect, in some countries the police would have been breaking down your door to arrest you for some of the things you have said. Be glad you live in America where there are people willing to protect you and your rights while you verbally spit in their face.

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