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Another shooting death in Mountain View

Original post made on Feb 27, 2008

A 16-year-old was shot to death on the 100 block of Higdon Avenue on Tuesday evening, police said. Currently no witnesses have been found, and police have little to go on.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 8:59 PM

Comments (62)

Posted by third rock
a resident of another community
on Feb 27, 2008 at 6:52 am

mountain view has become a crime ridden area in the past few months. Is this place safe anymore?

Posted by what?
a resident of North Whisman
on Feb 27, 2008 at 6:56 am

The murder in Whisman park WAS gang-related-they just happened to be from the SAME gang.

Posted by lsobek1
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Feb 27, 2008 at 7:31 am

and they wonder why i pack.

Posted by C
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 7:33 am

Mountain View is a nice area. The neighborhoods are clean and not that crime ridden. Now it is important that Cops should start patroling this area as well as Wishman Park more often.

Posted by Call The Police
a resident of Shoreline West
on Feb 27, 2008 at 7:37 am

Hey Neighbors, Just call the police when you see suspicious behavior. I do it all the time, from stolen shopping carts to illegal street vendors to loitering outside of 7-11. MV non-emergency #(650) 903-6395 - put it in your cell phone!

Web Link

Posted by lok4
a resident of Monta Loma
on Feb 27, 2008 at 8:03 am

[Post removed by Mountain View Voice staff.]

Posted by GSB
a resident of Castro City
on Feb 27, 2008 at 8:48 am

No city is immune to crime. MV is relatively safe. It's unfortunate that the crimes as of late seem quick in succession and are apparently gang-related.

Posted by Phil
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Feb 27, 2008 at 9:04 am

"Crime ridden"? We need some perspective here. We've had two homicides so far this year, an increase from an average of one homicide a year. Where would you rather take the family for a stroll? Through Sunnydale in SF or past Bubb school? How many times has your car been stolen from your driveway? Also, anyone who's lived here more than 5 minutes understands the bifurcation of MV into the South of $1.3 million tract homes and the North of concrete tip-ups, old apartment buildings, and the occasional killing. Most folks seem happy to push the plebeians to the other side of the tracks. Until MV transforms itself into a homogeneous, faux-pastoral paradise like Los Altos, we're going to have some crime.

Posted by sadeyes
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Feb 27, 2008 at 9:08 am

Please people Mountain view is a really nice area but it's true cops neet to patrol more the areas and so Rengstorff park. There you dont see nothing but Surenos. Just last weekend the surenos tried to fight a man just bacuse using red in there, the surenos also claim that rengstorff park is their park and that they're not lettin any one with red colors be in the park

Posted by Bernie Brightman
a resident of North Whisman
on Feb 27, 2008 at 9:58 am

Kids in this town need to be given some more viable alternatives so that they don't join gangs in the first place. The fact that we have over 100 gang members in Mountain View is a really sad truth.

Posted by wondering
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Feb 27, 2008 at 11:07 am

was this retaliation for the murder of jeff johnson?

Posted by Mark
a resident of Waverly Park
on Feb 27, 2008 at 11:12 am

This is a result of several years of the city being more concerned with "affordable housing" and environmental issues than providing basic city services such as police and fire fighters.

We are seeing move violent crime as well as more gateway crimes such as vandalism, petty theft, and even panhandling.

Posted by MV Future
a resident of Shoreline West
on Feb 27, 2008 at 11:18 am

More police presence is definitely needed near Rengstorff park, Latham Avenue, up and down Escuela Avenue and in surrounding areas. It's quite apparent that this area has it's share of suspicious behavior, including 'gangs' of hispanic teenagers loitering around. The streets in these areas are littered, full of pedestrian traffic, shopping carts, illegal food vendors, illegally parked cars...list can go on and on...MORE POLICE PRESENCE!

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 12:32 pm

I have to say I grew up M.V. and this is getting crazy. I attended all the local schools and have always felt safe until the recent dead and now another young man. We seem to have a major issue with gangs and we need to get this under control. We need to have more police presence, because it seems that we are out of control in our small town. I know there is no safe place in this crazy world, but we need to do something or we are going to end up like EPA or Oakland.

Posted by got jumped at rengstorff
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 12:34 pm

yo that was me that got jumped sad eyes i was playing soccer and about ten surenos rushed me....were you there?

Posted by Do something!
a resident of another community
on Feb 27, 2008 at 12:37 pm

I agree with you 100%. Well said.

Posted by Do Something!
a resident of another community
on Feb 27, 2008 at 12:41 pm

That was meant for MV. Woops.

Posted by got jumped at rengstorff
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 12:44 pm

oh i know.....

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 1:21 pm

Can anyone tell me how many gangs do we have in MV and where is there main hang out place ?

Posted by no one
a resident of another community
on Feb 27, 2008 at 1:24 pm

at rengstorff park at the hand ball courts..other than that they try to keep low profiles

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 1:42 pm

That's what I thought. What is the police doing about this ? It seems like the city officals have there head in the sand. Two kids dead in a matter of just a week.

Posted by Concerned
a resident of Shoreline West
on Feb 27, 2008 at 2:28 pm

I'm wondering why MV Future characterizes hispanic teenagers hanging out as "suspicious behavior" and label them as "gangs," with no stated reason for doing so. Would MVF similarly characterize a group of white teenagers hanging out in Los Altos? --And I'm baffled as to why "pedestrian traffic" is a problem, much less some kind of issue police should be addressing.
In short, MVF sounds alienated from the neighborhood he or she is living in. I, too, live here, in fact quite close to the location of this recent murder, and am very concerned. But I know that I would feel more afraid if I had not gotten to know a few of my neighbors in the year I've been living here, including the Hispanic family whose children I tutor once a week. I thought my own views on this community and culture were relatively well-informed, but knowing them occasionally reminds me that no one fits the generalizations one might make about a culture. I imagine that if MVF got to know some of his or her neighbors better, he or she might find some common concerns, and learn some interesting things in the process. Perhaps they could even discover a few ways to address some of those concerns together.
More generally, some of the problems of this community are economic. This is a working-class neighborhood, and the residents here along with many more middle-class communities are struggling in an age where resources for the ordinary person have become more constricted. If these recent crimes are signs of a trend, then putting the entire burden on the police to turn things around is an unfair demand. San Jose succeeded many years ago in addressing increased gang and drug crimes by developing a coordinated interdevelopmental program which included not only stepped-up police activities but also after-school recreational programs for kids, social services to address family needs, job resources, community organizing, etc. They were quite successful, in great part because of this comprehensive approach. The many residents who care about Mountain View can, I believe, come up with whatever people and resources might be needed to continue to make this town a fine place to live.

Posted by Concerned
a resident of Shoreline West
on Feb 27, 2008 at 2:34 pm

In my last post, I meant to write that San Jose developed an interdepartmental program...(not "interdevelopmental") for addressing gang and crime issues.

Posted by Response to Concerned
a resident of Shoreline West
on Feb 27, 2008 at 2:39 pm

Articles regarding hispanic gangs in the surrounding area:

Web Link

Web Link

Web Link

Posted by GSB
a resident of Castro City
on Feb 27, 2008 at 3:08 pm

Concerned (and MV),

MVPD actually has a Gang Task Force. There is also the Challenge Team/Gang Task force, where PD, school officials, community leaders and basically anyone who wants to attend can come. No one has their heads buried in the sand in this instance. The fact that there has been so few incidents of this magnitude should underscore the good job they are doing.

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 3:10 pm

I also live close to the area where the first young man was killed. I heard the shots and I saw the accident on El Camino. I have to say that it's not fair to say that the gangs are all made up by hispanic kids. Gangs come in many different colors and we should not put the blame on just one group. We need to work together to solve this problem and get these kids off the streets and back in school or we will see more deaths.

Posted by PDR
a resident of another community
on Feb 27, 2008 at 4:10 pm

I can't help but think of this essay in light of recent events:

Web Link

Posted by e
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 4:26 pm

i've lived in Mountain View for 23 years i've seen all that Mountain View has to offer. Now people act as if there has not been gang activity before. There has been gang activity since before i was born. Trying to stop the gang activity is like trying to stop a train with a sling shot. Im not saying that the G.A. can't be stopped but there are ways for the city to strenghtin the anti-gang cause. The city needs to help these young kids at an earlier age. I am talkin about 5th and 6th grade anti-gang awareness classes. what happened to D.A.R.E. isnt this program suppose to help anti-drug, alcohol, and gang awareness. The city NEEDS to help more. The Mountain View teen center is less than 2 blocks away from this shooting. But how often is the center open? What free events do they do? How are they helping to stop the problem? That center is in the heart of all this gang activity, and what are they doing to help prevent these young kids from joining gangs. There are only 2 real gangs in Mountain view, 2!!! Is 2 gangs more then a city can handle? More then the police? If so what they hell are they doing with their time? If its not gangs there are young kids who think they're tony montana. These kids are of all races white, black, brown, they could even be your kids that you put on a peddle stool. The youth of today just have no chance, their minds are so simple that they let any little influences change their moral beliefs. im not talking about the whole violence in movies, music, and videogames. These are not the problem. but if you feel different, then monitor what the hell your kids are exposing themselves to. im talking about who your kids are hanging out with. If your a perent get to know your kids friends. And how the hell are these kids getting guns??? but to finalize this long comment THE CITY NEEDS TO HELP.

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 4:44 pm

I agree with the last comment posted. I went to Graham back in the 70's and we had gangs there also. What I see as a problem the city is more into spending money on things like building more houses that we do not need than spending money to have places where these kids can go a hang out. And what did happen to D.A.R.E. this was a big thing when my kids went to Graham now I never hear anything about this ?

Posted by me
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Feb 27, 2008 at 5:12 pm

This is sad,

Posted by Enough!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 27, 2008 at 6:16 pm

Jacob DeWitt, Jeffrey Johnson, and now this... I rest my case. I agree with "e", monitor your kids behavior and you won't have to grieve like the parents of these children. The schools need to focus on getting the Mexican gangs out of the schools and the neighborhoods they serve, instead of denying they exist in the first place. But I think it's important to realize that in the case of Jeffery Johnson, his actions of buying (and perhaps with the intent to sell) drugs, only acts like a magnet for gang-related activity of any race. You can have all the police you want, but it really begins with the environment these kids and young men were exposed to at home.

Posted by enough! is wrong
a resident of another community
on Feb 27, 2008 at 7:45 pm

i went to los altos high school and i was friends with jeff johnson. I also knew j. dewitt and "Enough!" could not be more wrong about being exposed to a certain environment at home. I personally know jeff's parents and i can whole-heartedly say that they had absolutely no idea what was going on, not because they didn't get to know their son, but because he hid it well. The environment has to do with school and the friends they hang out with. These kids have to much money and nothing to do with it so they spend it on getting high after their tolerance is so high off weed then coke comes into play it's a gateway drug maybe the city should start focusing more on drugs

Posted by enough is definitely wrong!
a resident of another community
on Feb 27, 2008 at 8:17 pm

Yes, I too personally know Jeffrey Johnson's parents. Very well. I have known Jeff and his family for over 15 years. I know for a fact that Jeffrey's parent's provided him with all the love, compassion, and independence necessary for him to grow into a responsible young man. I agree that many times the parents are in some way to blame for the way that there children turn out. In this case, I have to say that this is far from being true. Jeffrey unfortunately got involved in drugs, as do many, many young people these days. Most of us grow out of this phase and end up learning from our mistakes and experiences. Jeffrey was not given this chance, and this was in no way the fault of his parents.

Posted by Observer
a resident of North Whisman
on Feb 27, 2008 at 9:36 pm

Drug deals that go wrong and end in violence and death usually involve more than just the purchase of a few joints for recreational use. The sellers (presumably the shooters) were most likely armed and ready to shoot because the stakes were high. It doesn't figure there were so many individuals involved in this for it to be a small purchase. I hope I'm wrong.

I think we need to assess these events less passionately. While I can appreciate the rush to defend Johnson at all costs, let's not forget there are two criminals in a drug deal. Johnson was in way over his head and it's my guess he was foolishly naive about who he was dealing with. Maybe a relaxed tolerance to drugs on one hand at home and at school. Unfortunately, for the public at large trying to understand all this, he may very well be remembered merely as an example of an irresponsible kid whose drug use brought shame upon his family and an early death. I just hope we are not about to get caught in the middle of a gang war now with this latest death.

We need to stop making excuses and being hestitant to fix blame. The truth very may well be that Johnson attracted a violent gang into the city to sell drugs because there must be a market for it here. In the aftermath of yet another homicide, I'm a little wary of believing the remarks that suggest this could happen to any kid growing up in Mountain View.

Posted by Fubar
a resident of Whisman Station
on Feb 28, 2008 at 7:25 am

The MV Police should use technology to help them better fight crime.

Web Link

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 9:31 am

Things are changing in MV. In the last few weeks I have seen a drug deal in the parking lot of Walgreens and then last night I saw a hispanic kid in the parking lot of Jack in the Box in handcuffs. To me it looks like a lot of the gangs seem to hang out at Jack in the Box or around there. I have seen the police many times at Jack in the Box. This is to close to home and it does not make me feel safe. Does anyone having any news on the boy that got killed recently ? My prayers and thoughts go out to his family.

Posted by PT
a resident of another community
on Feb 28, 2008 at 10:32 am

Observer, I completely agree. As a close friend of the victim and his family (Johnson's), I hold many biases and I guess, am definitely looking at the situation differently than I would had I not known the victim. My first thought regarding this whole situation was that Jeff got in this way over his head. I grew up in the area and was part of the same type of "crowd" as Jeff was (only a few years before him). I had many close friends who habitually used drugs and alcohol, dealt drugs, etc. Growing up in the Mountain View- Los Altos area we were pretty sheltered from the outside world. Our lives, outside of school, consisted primarily of recreational drug use and "partying." Every Friday and Saturday night we would make phone calls, and drive around looking for parties to go to (usually we would end up in some multi-million dollar home in the hills). Generally speaking these "parties" would get broken up by the los altos or mv police who would turn a blind eye to the abundance of drugs and alcohol present, and send us on our way. This was also the case when people would get caught with drugs in their car or on their person. The police would break their pipes and take their drugs, and again, send the person on their way. The reason for my bringing this up is that, I believe that living in this area is a blessing in disguise. Because most kids around here do have wealthy parent's who care a great deal about their children's success in life (and have a lot of $$$ to give to their children, and the ability to get their children out of any “messes” they find themselves in), and a crew of police officers who generally let kids off the hook, kids are really set up to not learn real lessons about the dangers of this type of lifestyle until something really awful and tragic occurs. I believe that what needs to happen is that people (parents, teachers, police, etc) need to start making kids more accountable for their actions, thus teaching them that this type of lifestyle is NOT OKAY. Otherwise, my worry is that more and more kids from this area will start to learn these lessons the hard way.

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 11:20 am

Very well said. Sometimes we need tough love. I agree turning a blind eye will not work. If the police catch you with anything they need to inforce the law. And yes these kids need to he held accountable for there actions. I did not know Jeff, but I have heard many good things about him. He got involved in something that was to big and he paid the price with his life. I just hope that they catch all the people who did this to him and also the people who killed Jose.

Posted by Concerned
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 11:26 am

As a Latino, and having been raised in Mtn.View this is gettin out of hand it is getting worse every day.Though Latino's shouldn't get blamed for all the violence! Please and with all due respect be respectful of this! I am a young adult I work hard, attend college and doing well in life i want to motivate my peers and become a role model for my younger cousins and siblings. MVPD need to rather focus on THE REAL ISSUES rather than Impounding cars and being unfair o the Minorities...
MV Resident

Posted by DG
a resident of North Whisman
on Feb 28, 2008 at 11:31 am

I've seen a couple of drug deals happen on Whisman Road and Evandale Avenue over by Summerhill Apartments...

For those of you who don't know, the Summerhill Apartments (291 Evandale) were some of the most affordable apartments in Mountain View (around $900/month for a 2-bedroom unit). They were approved for demolition last year by the “pro-growth” city council and have been scheduled for redevelopment into 144 high-priced condominiums. This was a very controversial move that garnered the council a lot of criticism because the move would force out 64 lower-income families.

Now, one never likes to see people being forced out of their homes, but from the perspective of someone who lives in the neighborhood, I, for one, am glad that this apartment complex was slated for redevelopment.

The Summerhill Apartments were old and run down. The trees and hedges out front were not properly maintained such that it was difficult to walk on the sidewalk without bumping ones head into a tree branch or getting scratched on the leg by an overgrown shrub. Abandoned cars with flat tires were always parked in the street out front. Car batteries sat on the sidewalk (presumably used to try and start these old cars or just left there as trash). Used fast food cups and wrappers littered the parking lot and blew into the street. The rooftops were littered with garbage. The pool was green with algae and unusable. Residents would have barbecues in the parking lot with their car stereos booming and disturbing the rest of the neighborhood. And finally, as mentioned, drug deals would happen there.

I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but the reality is, as someone who is a parent whose kids have to play, walk around, and go to school in my neighborhood, I'd much rather have doctors or lawyers or tech executives as neighbors over drug dealers or drug buyers or gang members or friends of any of these people any day.

Posted by e
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 1:41 pm

thanks to all that agree with my last comment, but i want to add on a little with what i said earlier. the whole sour drug deal had nothing to do with gangs. in fact i haven't heard of one gang member really selling drugs, or enough to even be considered a drug dealer. in order to be a drug dealer you would have to have MONEY. I can tell you right now that none of these gangs have MONEY or enough money to really sell drugs. Gangs are about their "turf" not about money. Now the drug dealers in this area sell drugs to make money right? Where are they getting the money to buy the amount to sell?

This situation with Jeff Johnson was about some punk kid who called himself "NASTY NATE" and thought he would gain some kind of street credit by setting up Jeff Johnson. And yes Jeff was way in over his head. This kid Nate is a little punk who couldnt make a name for himself and threw his life away. From what i hear the little shit even went to starbucks in downtown mv the next day bragging about what he had done. Lucky for dumbass "NASTY NATE" he will be spending some NASTY BUTT LOVE time in jail rather then some one retaliating for Jeff Johnson.

Now about the cops who let kids go. When I younger I would take those encounters as blessing hahaha, in a sense that ok i made a misteak, i will be more careful and smoke pot in the privicy of my own home. You have to understand that when a cop pulls you over and you have a pipe or a joint in the car they're just going to take it or make you get rid of it, beacuse it is more punishment then fits the crime and more paper work for the cops. but i would understand that if you are pulled over and you have more then an ounce then it would make sense to follow procedure. but now-a-days these kids can afford club cards, witch make it leagal to have this amount of pot.

Now with the whole pot is a gate way drug, this is most certainly true. but when i would smoke pot when i was younger, and who didnt. But it never caused me to try other drugs. So how is it different for the kids now-a-days? i would like to consider my self to be a very well informed person when it comes to things that are happening in this city weather it be bad, good, legal, or illeagal. I KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN MY CITY. From my opinion its not the pot we have to worry about as much as we should be concerned about the drugs that pot leads to. im talking about crystal meth, cocaine, and herion. these are the drugs that are in our city NOW. Are you aware that you can get more of these drugs at Saint Francis then you could walking down Rengstorff at 3 in the morning!!! Now why is that??? I know this for a fact, and rather then Saint Francis call the authorities they just kick the student out. Do you think Saint Francis want to dirty their name with drug users? HELL NO!!! So these kids just go to other schools and use drugs at that school.

We need to stand together as a community and do what we can!!! Im tired of hearing stories of kids getting jumped for wearing red at Rengstorff, Im tired of these young kids that think there some kind of mob boss, Im tired of all the posions that are in our schools, Im tired of seeing these kids die young. This isnt EPA, east sj, or Oakland!!!! This is Mountain View!!! A small mellow little suburb

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 2:21 pm

Can anyone out there give me an update on the Jeff Johnson case ( I know they have one person ) and also Jose Merales ? Also does anyone know what school he attended ?

Posted by ME
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 3:23 pm

So everyone keeps talking about hispanic's and gangs. Saying that hispanics are the ones that make the gangs what about the african ameicans and there gangs? yeah no one talks about them because then it would be racism right? It's funny how everybody is ready to attact the HISPANIC culture. Everybody makes it a big deal when a hispanic kills someone or does something else stupid. but when someone white does it there is no questions asked. Let a Hispanic or black kill someone. They would be doing life in prison. let a white person do it and they will get 5-10. Who are the ones killing everybody in colleges not hispanics or blacks.. YUP WHITES! You are all racist.

Posted by Enough!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 3:37 pm

Okay, ME, so let's talk about Canadian gangs.

Posted by GSB
a resident of Castro City
on Feb 28, 2008 at 3:50 pm

Canadian gangs, you ask?

Web Link

Posted by MV
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 4:02 pm

This posting is in response to ME. You are correct. I'm white and it makes me sick to hear all these postings that it's the Hispanics and the African Americans that are in the gangs. We have white kids in gangs. KKK is a gang and so is the Arion Brotherhood. Let's stop blaming each other and work together.

Posted by Lives downtown
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 4:59 pm

Tell me this, who are in the gangs? What ethnic group are we talking here? Most likely hispanic/latino (duh). Where are their parents? They are busting their butts in below-market-wage-jobs so the wealthy residents of Mountain View can have cheap labor for house cleaning, gardening, landscaping... you name it we just love the illegal labor. We don't care if it kills off the businesses that hire legal workers and pay higher wages.

What does the city do? Bless the opening of the Day Worker Center right off Castro Street. Why is this bad? Because it rolls out the red carpet for illegal laborers who eventually feed the gangs with more children.

Why are our schools and health care system in trouble? Same reason.

We've made our bed and now we have to lay in it.

This isn't solved by hiring more counselers, pouring more money into schools, universal health coverage. This is solved by Rule Of LAW, the only thing we have going for us in this world. Yet we turn a blind eye when it means we can hire illegals at slave wages and put the legal workers out of work.

Posted by Lives downtown
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 5:03 pm

To the person who posted this: I'm white and it makes me sick to hear all these postings that it's the Hispanics and the African Americans that are in the gangs. We have white kids in gangs. KKK is a gang and so is the Arion Brotherhood. Let's stop blaming each other and work together."

When was the last time you heard of a KKK or Arian Brotherhood gang killing? Maybe if you google for it you might find something in about an hour. Face reality, it is a hispanic problem around here.
White gangs? You have got to be kidding. Are you blind?

Posted by Lives downtown
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 5:21 pm

You may think you are safe if you don't live near Rengstorff.

But consider this: A 9 milimeter hand gun has a muzzle velocity of 1200 feet (365 meters) per second. A stray round can kill you or your child as you are driving 2 blocks (even farther) away.

These gang bangers are not good shots (unfortunately). Stray bullets will kill you whether you are in a gang or not.

If Mountain View would start enforcing the little crimes like loitering, littering, unlawful gathering, jay walking... they will start to snag these guns off our streets. That's how Guliani cleaned up New York City.

Posted by Enough!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 5:41 pm

Some excellent points by Lives Downtown who will now be called a racist no doubt. He or she obviously knows that the art of argumentation and critical thinking involves more than just typing terms into a Google search and grabbing the first citation that meets your eye and agrees with you.

It's Hispanic gangs (mostly from Mexico) that are predominate in Mountain View. It seems rather obvious and has nothing to do with racism--a term that is certainly thrown around a lot.

It's more probable that a Central American gang (Google them if you want to know what extremely violent and ruthless hispanic gangs are like) over a KKK-type or Arian nation gang would move into Mountain View next.

Posted by e
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 5:53 pm

i have already stated that i know everything thats going on in this city...THERE ARE NO WHITE, BLACK, or ASIAN GANGS in this city. No BLOODS, CRYPTS, or KKK's. i dont want to point fingers but the only gangs in MV are the SURENIOS and NORTES, and yes the are latinos, but that doesnt mean all latinos are in gangs. just cause you see a bunch of latino kids hanging out that doesnt make them a gang. once you see the over the top RED or BLUE then you can start questioning if you should walk their way. The sad thing about these gangs is that they have been around for decades. If their parents were bangin then their kids just dont have a chance. These gangs are recycled so many times that the gangs of today dont even really know why they bang. And for all my fellow latinos out there who are sick of being descriminated or judged for looking like a gangster, i feel your pain. ive had to deal with it my whole life and guess what im still dealing with it. my suggestion...start being a positive roll model for the community. Do something to show that not all latinos are gang bangers.

Posted by Lives downtown
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 28, 2008 at 9:31 pm

Lives downtown is a registered user.

This is for e's last post.

You said: "And for all my fellow latinos out there who are sick of being descriminated or judged for looking like a gangster, i feel your pain. ive had to deal with it my whole life and guess what im still dealing with it. my suggestion...start being a positive roll model for the community. Do something to show that not all latinos are gang bangers."

I'd like to add something to e's magnificent request. To all e's fellow latinos out there, if you are sick of being discriminated or judged for looking like a gangster, THEN STOP LOOKING LIKE GANGSTERS. Jeez, try to look a little more professional or something, this is the Silicon Valley you know. Duh

Posted by A.M.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Feb 28, 2008 at 10:35 pm

What's all the fuss about seeing people outside? Sidewalks are meant for walking. There's a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing the right to assembly. I LIKE seeing kids playing and adults chatting outside -- our neighborhood feels alive. I used to live in the LA area and sometimes chose to commute by bicycle. I was warned about one neighborhood in particular, mostly black, but I found that this was the only part of my commute where the people hanging out in their front yards would wave and wish me a good evening.

People on the sidewalks are an opportunity to meet the neighbors. And neighbors who know one another watch out for one another. If you see someone standing around, don't glare that they're loitering. Say hello. You might make a friend.

No city is perfect. Every city has it's incidents. Mountain View, relatively speaking, is safe and well-governed.

As for asking people to look professional... a lot of my well-paid friends in the high tech industry dress worse than the blue collar Latinos across the street. In Silicon Valley, "professional" often means jeans and T-shirt.

Posted by Bernie Brightman
a resident of North Whisman
on Feb 29, 2008 at 12:02 am

Man, the boards are really jumpin' on this! Is the city going to keep ignoring the issue or are they gonna finally wake up and starting doing what we elected them to do?

Posted by Lives downtown
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 29, 2008 at 10:08 am

Hey A.M.,
Jeans and tee shirt. Do you mean your high paid professional friends wear extra baggy tee shirts and extra baggy jeans that hang down below their crack?

Sure, jeans and tee shirts are common in our Googles of the world, but even you know the difference between jeans and tee shirts and
the gangster jeans and tee shirt look.

How many of your yuppy software engineer brethren dress to emulate the gangster image? I never see that when I am cruising the halls of our high tech icons. I do see jeans and tee shirts though.

By the way I don't think it would be too good of an idea to say hello to a group of gangster-looking hispanics hanging out around Rengstorff park. But go ahead and do it, maybe if you act nice enough they'll act nice back. Or mabye you'll get your butt kicked.

Posted by D Allan
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 29, 2008 at 10:43 am

I am sure this is how it all started when the Surenos first killed victims in LA. One, two, ten, fifty.
Great, can't wait to be caught in the crossfire. It would be much easier to address the fundamentals of this problem while it is still small, than to wait for it to become much bigger. This is no way to live, folks. Wake up.

This is a "culture" which nobody wants. Or do we? I don't.

Posted by sandy
a resident of North Whisman
on Mar 2, 2008 at 6:31 pm

I see drug deals at the intersecition of leong and walker all the time. Cops got to know what going on

Posted by Barb
a resident of The Crossings
on Mar 2, 2008 at 7:07 pm

Maybe if we all posted areas in our community where we see drug dealing and large group of kids just hanging out we report it. Just a week ago my dog and I where on the shoreline trail. Five kids sitting on a bench smoking pot. It was three in the afternoon these kids should have been in school.

Posted by rengstorff sureños
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Mar 3, 2008 at 2:18 pm

the only thing sureños do at rengstorff park is hang aorund there and try to start problems with other people that dont even bang!
they say itz they're park when really first of all they didnt do the park to say its theirs they never paid the park to say its theirs and its just not fair now everyone is scared to pass by there because they dont want to get stopped or jumped by wearing red.

Posted by Dude
a resident of Rex Manor
on Mar 4, 2008 at 11:25 am

Police are not liable to protect you, lets just make that clear. They are not our body guards. You want a link to a supreme court desicion on that?

Gangs live in a small world, really small. These crimes seem to be commited in a small circle. I don't see how that includes the majority of Mountain View residents. It is horrible to read it in the news, but anyone who thinks Mtn View is turning into a ghetto needs to breath.

If these morons want to go off killing each other cause they are overly sensitive, then by all means. I sure as hell won't stop them. I look down on folks with this kind of mind frame, it's a sickness and it's dumb.

I do own a firearm, but that's for pleasure, a "just in case" and to exercise my A2. Do i worry about going out at night? no. Do i think I'll get jumped by the local gangs? no. Could I be a target? Yes. Anyone can. Does it scare me? No. Do I carry my gun? No, it against the law without a CCW. And this state doesn't like people defending themselfs so good luck getting a CCW.

At the current moment the best we can do is Call 911. I can't take anything away from the great police officers of Mtn View. See something wrong? call 911. Don't be a hero thinking your tough talk is going to scare folks away. Buying a gun isn't going to make Mtn View safer though even though I'm a 100% of that. Working as a community is!

IMO I think Mtn View needs a PAL. A nice little commmunity boxing gym. I would donate money for that and my time.

I've lived in Mtn View all my life. Being a Mexican American I can understand the frustration and it hurts me to see this.

Posted by GSB
a resident of Castro City
on Mar 4, 2008 at 12:21 pm


MV does have a PAL program: Web Link

Posted by Get A Clue
a resident of Rex Manor
on Jun 8, 2008 at 1:54 pm

Coming from a persepective of an EX GANG RELATED HISPANIC im sorry to tell you that sureños arent tryin to say that Rengstorff Park is there territory it has not been there territory since most of them got arrested and arent allowed to be seen near rengstorff park so unless you know your whereabouts about your neighborhood please dont talk and why is it that most of you people in this forum like to say that only sureños are the one causing problems when there in fact is norteños causing problems as well..they have been the ones DOING the killings not getting KILLED and no one is looking at them maybe all of you should have been there to see a huge norteño "party" going on in right next to the Teen Center but nobody notices things like that they just notice HISPANIC people trying to make a living even as "illegal food vendors" so why dont you guys put your damn rasict views aside and try to see that these gangs are not only made up of hispanics but as personally knowing the insides there are asian blacks and yes white kids to in these gangs and can some people address the SKINHEADS that are here in MV? I have a friend who was verbally attacked by these kids so yea you people NEED to GET A CLUE and really know what your neighborhood is about and dont try to tell me i dont know anything because i have been living here in mountain view for 15 years and this citys violence is NOWHERE near the violence that happens anywhere else...and please to all you people who hide behind the mountain view police department for EVERY LITTLE ISSUE get a life mtn.view police officers rarely solve a homicide which is way bigger than "illegal food vendors" "loitering" or whatever little details some people here are complaining about...and if your scared to walk in the park wearing red GO AROUND...because i have done it and if you encounter a problem its called 911

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