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A soldier's romance

Original post made on Feb 12, 2008

Everything changed for Jason Poole, a U.S. Marine on his third tour of duty in Iraq, when a bomb blew up in his face in 2004. Today, despite his injuries, Poole has found true love, and has moved with his sweetheart to Moffett Field.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Monday, February 11, 2008, 5:56 PM

Comments (29)

Posted by Enough!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 12, 2008 at 8:06 pm

I'm glad this proud Marine has found someone who can appreciate him for what he is, a true American hero who has sacrificed so much for his country. A great, timely article.

Posted by Liz
a resident of another community
on Feb 13, 2008 at 10:07 am

Thank you, Jason for what you have done. You are a better man than most. Your sweetheart is a lucky lady!

Posted by Bob
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Feb 13, 2008 at 10:55 am

Please publish more stories about our local heroic warriors in your paper. These people do a hard job, risk everything and ask nothing in return.
I would like to see some articles about our soldiers; who they are, what their backgrounds are and what their hopes and dreams are. Let's look at what makes them the special people that they have become. Their lives are inspirational and deserve more attention in these pages than those of gang members, criminals and delinquents.
Finally and most importantly; Thank You, Jason Poole, For Your Service To This Country!

Posted by Another Marine
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 14, 2008 at 12:42 am

Jason, semper fi! Good luck to both of you.

Posted by Anne
a resident of another community
on Feb 14, 2008 at 1:47 pm

Happy valentine's day Angela and Jason!

Posted by southbay reader
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Feb 14, 2008 at 6:21 pm

To Angela and Jason: You have found true love and committment
Happy Valentine's Day! You two are an inspiration. You have taught us the real meaning of beauty and love.

Posted by Greg
a resident of Castro City
on Feb 14, 2008 at 7:37 pm

Amen Bob! Amen. And God Bless Jason & Angela.

Posted by Jenny
a resident of another community
on Feb 14, 2008 at 11:41 pm

Hope the two of you have a romantic Valentine's Day and a wonderful life together. Thanks for sharing your story.

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Feb 18, 2008 at 1:26 am

I don't know about the rest of you, but reading your comments angers me. You guys all support and wish our troops the best (which is great), but don't do anything to keep them from getting into harm.

If we never go to Iraq, Jason wouldn't be missing an eye . Am I the only one that sees the connection?? (and thousands of other Jasons)

I protested at the Berkley Marine recruit office. Maybe you should think what you can do to save our troops instead of wishing them the best.....after they get injured.

Posted by southbay reader
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Feb 18, 2008 at 8:39 am

Hello James,
The main focus of the story is about Jason and Angela, not about the war on Iraq. There's been other stories about the war. Post your frustration and angry thoughts there.

Posted by Dave
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 18, 2008 at 11:47 am

James, the best way to support our troops is to support their mission and to recognize the heroic sacrifices they make on our behalf. It is because of people like Jason that we have not had more terrorist attacks in this country.
I for one do not want to worry about my family or fellow citizens being bombed in malls, coffee shops, pet stores, restaurants, trains busses, etc. I do not want to live under the threat of brutal Islamic law in this country. I do not want to see our children maimed or murdered in our streets. Our military men and women are the ones who make ALL our freedoms possible because they are willing to fight and die to protect those freedoms.
The radical Islamic terrorists have stated clearly that they want to establish an Islamic state in the U.S. (and everywhere else) or kill whoever resists them. They have proven that they mean what they say all over the world. We must oppose them with all our military might, for nothing else will stop them. You and your "anti-war" friends do not live in reality.
Men like Jason are the backbone of our country.

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Feb 18, 2008 at 6:52 pm

To Dave,

The best way to support our troops is NOT to support their mission, its to support any means of getting them out of harms way. That is the bottom line where where we do not see eye to eye. I just DON"T support them driving around in Iraq filled with IED's.

You counter with that they are there to protect me from getting blown up at the mall. I see it as that they are increasing my chance of getting blown up at the mall based on some pretty alarming facts. FACT: There are more Al Qaeda members now than ever before. Why? because hundreds of thousands of people have lost family members due to the US invasion.(Which I can say is a pretty good reason to join Al qaeda) HENSE: ENDANGERS ME and YOU

Third, the reason they attacked us isn't because they want to take over the world. They just DON"T want to see White people building military bases on there Holy land. Agreed by the 9/11 commissions report as to what caused 9/11. Is that so hard to understand? Not wanting foreign nations on your soil? Please, you say I don't live in reality, yet you don't open your eyes and ask WHY they want to attack us. Im not trying to put you down, it just hurts me to see people like you pushing for more military support = more young men and women dying.

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Feb 18, 2008 at 7:05 pm

Oh, and one more thing. What makes people think our troops wants to be there?

Ron paul said he would pull out immediately if he gets elected. Fact he had the most donations by the troops out of all the canidates COMBINED. So, if you support the troops wishs, you shoudl support a pull out immediately.

Posted by Kramer
a resident of Martens-Carmelita
on Feb 18, 2008 at 7:37 pm

Dude, what are you thinking. Are you prepared to pay $15 for a gallon of gas?

Lay off these people man, this guy has done his part, so be happy it wasn't you who lost an eye and got all messed up.

Posted by Buzz
a resident of Waverly Park
on Feb 19, 2008 at 8:54 am

James, take your ignorant hate speech and post it under the story on protesters found elsewhere on Town Square. It is clear from your inappropriate comments on this story that you don't give a !@$%&# about anyone serving in the military.
Like other "anti-war" complainers you are uninformed and thoughtless - and all too willing to display it.

Posted by Don Frances
Mountain View Voice Editor
on Feb 19, 2008 at 9:47 am

Don Frances is a registered user.


Please control yourself. James' remarks were not "ignorant hate speech." Nor were they inappropriate, uninformed or thoughtless. They were relevant in their way.

Here's a tip: Instead of saying merely what you think about someone's opinion, tell us why you think it. Some of the other posters above who disagree with James have done that.

Posted by Buzz
a resident of Waverly Park
on Feb 19, 2008 at 10:19 am

Sorry to disagree with you Don, but what James is doing is akin to protesting outside a military hospital. It is ingnorant, thoughtless - even cruel. Let our soldiers recover and put their lives back together IN PEACE.
These soldiers are NOT appropriate targets for the frustrations of those who disagree with the war. James and others can take their beef to those who make the decisions about wars - our elected officials. To do otherwise is disgusting, selfish and unacceptable.
I just call a spade a spade.

Posted by Don Frances
Mountain View Voice Editor
on Feb 19, 2008 at 11:00 am

Don Frances is a registered user.

Hi Buzz,

Well, I like your follow-up post here a lot better. It's reasonable in tone and reasoned in content.

I'm not trying to take James' side, but I didn't think he was making James the target. But I agree there's a strong sensitivity here (maybe due to leftover acrimony from Vietnam). Unfortunately, when it comes to talking about the war and "supporting our troops," no matter what somebody says, somebody else cries foul.

Posted by Anne
a resident of another community
on Feb 19, 2008 at 4:59 pm

The comments posted by James are very revealing. In his first post, he said he was angered by a couple of people who had some kind words for Jason and Angela or wished them a happy Valentine's day - wow. Then he asserted, without any proof, that none of the well wishers had done anything to keep the troops out of harm's way.
One person (southbay reader) gently pointed out to James that this thread was not the place to vent his anger about the war. He ignored them and launched into a deluded anti-war tirade.
James claims to "care" about the troops, yet he never said one caring thing to Jason and Angela or even acknowledged them (the real focus of the news story).
I agree with Buzz and I'm surprised that it needs to be explained, but James shows a complete lack of common human decency.

Posted by Enough!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 19, 2008 at 9:09 pm

I agree with Don up until the "leftover acrimony from Vietnam". Today's vets deserve dialogue on their own terms.

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Feb 20, 2008 at 6:02 pm

"but what James is doing is akin to protesting outside a military hospital."

When did I ever say that????can you read?? I said Berkley Marine recruit office. Get it right. I don't know how to make it anymore clear to some of you than I already have. So I give up. This is the reason this country is going down the tube. READ MY WORDS ONE MORE TIME and I Dare you to say I don't suppport the troops.

"The best way to support our troops is NOT to support their mission, its to support any means of getting them out of harms way." Which is bringing them home. ASAP.

I can't believe I get trashed for saying that.

And Annie, thanks for the recap, but seriously.... Jason wouldn't have this story if he never gone to Iraq, and thousands of other troops whom if they come home right now, will spare more articles like this. Yet you guys will still find some way to make me sound like an [word removed].


Posted by Enough!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 20, 2008 at 6:29 pm


Welcome to the get trashed club. Your right, some readers don't take the time to read what you say. They'd rather let their mis-directed anger unleash on you and put words in your mouth. They don't believe in the free speech that the troops fight for and defend, or rather represent.

Posted by If You Can't Take the Heat....
a resident of Jackson Park
on Feb 21, 2008 at 1:42 am

James, certainly no one has deprived you of your right to free speech. Too bad you have to be a crybaby when others express their free speech.
You claim to support the troops by protesting outside of recruiting offices. James take your objections to the politicians who have the power to change things instead of harassing our soldiers.
So the troops should be brought home before their mission is finished, thus losing the war they have sacrificed so much to win. Dishonor our soldiers, dishonor our country and let the terrorists claim victory - while they wipe out the people of Iraq and Afganistan who dared to help fight for their own freedom. Great plan, James.
You yourself have failed to read or understand what those who disagree with you have said. Don't use soldiers like Jason as props in your "anti-war" crusade.
It would be more appropriate to post your war comments on the story about the local Mountain View protest. While you're at it read some of the other opinions expressed there. Maybe you will learn something.

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Feb 21, 2008 at 7:03 pm

This is the perfect place to protest, why would I go post somewhere where everyone agrees with me? Defeats the purpose. Plus I wasn't planing on protesting, I was just pissed off that this unfortunate event happened to him.

"James take your objections to the politicians who have the power to change things instead of harassing our soldiers."

Yea, I'll schedule a private meeting with Bush next week when I get a day off. Sounds good. Thanks for the tip

"So the troops should be brought home before their mission is finished, thus losing the war they have sacrificed so much to win."

Its only a war if congress declares it to be. Read the constitution. What were doing is illegal.

"Dishonor our soldiers, dishonor our country and let the terrorists claim victory - "

Yes I rather Dishonor them and let terrorists claim victory than seeing more stories like this. Stop saving face at the cost of young peoples lives. Notice the same line is used by every war activist when theres nothing left to say?... Honor! Can't let them Dis-honor Us!

"while they wipe out the people of Iraq and Afganistan who dared to help fight for their own freedom. Great plan, James."

They were getting killed before we went there, whats the problem?
Hasn't Black Hawk down teach you anything?

Posted by Ken
a resident of another community
on Feb 22, 2008 at 1:38 am

James: 1) most of the people on the other thread do not agree with you - looks like you didn't bother to check it out.
2) Are you too lazy to call or write to one of your representatives?
3) Not a war? - Call it what you want, but if it were illegal/unconstitutional, where are all your liberal lawyers and their lawsuits? Why aren't they taking the case to the Supreme Court?
4) You will see much worse stories if the terrorists win. They will be emboldened.
5) There will be much more violence if we abandon those people to radical Islam.
6) Has "Black Hawk Down" taught you anything, James?
According to Bin Laden, it taught him that Americans were weak cowards who would run away with their tail between their legs when things got tough.
He had a video showing the body of one of our soldiers being dragged through the streets of Somalia, after that military hating coward, B.J. Clinton, refused to send the supplies that the fighting men there needed to carry out their mission. Clinton just let those men be butchered. Bin Laden uses that video to show terrorist trainees that America is ready to be defeated. They laugh at people like you, Clinton and other anti-war types who put this country at risk and cost the lives of our soldiers.
After the war ended in Vietnam, the communists admitted that it was the anti-war movement that encouraged them to delay their plans to surrender in the hope that America would just give up. Millions of innocent people were slaughtered by the communists after the U.S. pulled out. (This was why Vietnamese immigrants in this country REFUSED to vote for that sick traitor, Kerry. They know what he is - just ask them.)
James, I might have been able to give you some benefit of the doubt before your last post. But you have proven that what others on this thread said of you IS true. You don't support the troops, you just use them for your nasty agenda. You are profoundly ignorant of the facts and probably not even interested in them. No one could trash you as thoroughly as you have done for yourself, by revealing exactly who and what you are.

Posted by Enough!
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Feb 23, 2008 at 6:34 pm

James, I do believe Ken wrapped you up in your own argument. Hollywood films really aren't a good substitute for the study of history. What are they teaching in schools these days? Definitely not respect or a sense of appropriateness. Posts here should be about a heroic wounded soldier, not your personal agenda. There are other places on the site to post your comments.

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Feb 24, 2008 at 6:43 pm

1) most of the people on the other thread do not agree with you - looks like you didn't bother to check it out.

- I checked it out, and I replied to there comments. Whats your point?

2) Are you too lazy to call or write to one of your representatives?

- Already have.

3) Not a war? - Call it what you want, but if it were illegal/unconstitutional, where are all your liberal lawyers and their lawsuits? Why aren't they taking the case to the Supreme Court?

-Read the constitution. Not a war if congress doesn't declare it to be. Thats what it states. Just because lawyers aren't taking it to the courts doesn't mean its a "war".

4) You will see much worse stories if the terrorists win. They will be emboldened.

This line pisses me off the most. Let me see if this makes it clear to you, prob not but Im gonna try.

Iraq wouldn't "WIN" if we never attack them!!! HELLOO???? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bunch of extremist in Afganistan attacked us. Not Iraq..hense when I saw this story, I got pissed off and made a comment. We accused them of having WMD's... found none, we should appologize and Leave. Thats why you do when you make a mistake. Common sense.

5) There will be much more violence if we abandon those people to radical Islam.

Thats their problem. Theres violence everywhere, how come you don't care about the people killing each other in Sri Lanka? So you pick and choose?

Final thought,

Ken, US invated another country unlawfully on speculation of WMD, then found no proof. Its been 4 years now, don't you think its time to just let go?

Posted by James
a resident of another community
on Feb 24, 2008 at 6:53 pm

And yes, my "nasty agenda" is to see the troops home with there family asap.

Thanks for the help.

Posted by Zoe
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Feb 24, 2008 at 7:45 pm

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. This is getting old.

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