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An Organic Farm in Mountain View? Yes! An Honest Letter

Original post made by Daniel Mart, Cuesta Park, on Sep 21, 2007

The result of the Grant Road farm vote was extremely disappointing and upsetting to me; I am still in shock. Forget zoning laws and all that -- open space is open space and we “must” protect it; if not for the good of ourselves, then for the good of our community, our children, our children’s children, our society, and this planet as a whole. How many laws must be conjured up before we realize the harm we are inflicting? How much wilderness and open space must be destroyed before it is too late? Is it not ironic that, in the name of so-called “progress,” man kills and destroys? Man builds houses; man destroys other animals homes. Man constructs shopping malls and golf courses; man gives local wildlife nowhere else to go. And when that wildlife attempts to return to their homes, acres of land now completely developed and invaded by humans, man murders them.

We “need” preserved open space for an organic farm. The decision to develop the entire over-century-old farm on Grant Road in Mountain View, CA is beyond devastating; not so much because many of my childhood memories revolve around times spent there, but mostly because historical, agricultural and biological significance has taken a backseat to man-made laws that in this case undermines common-sense. Why not develop Coyote Valley right now? Bulldoze Hidden Villa? Rid this world of every acre of preserved open space in and surrounding this valley? What is the limit here? Has our world become so big-headed that all man has to do is write a single law into the books and as a result all of our open wilderness is gone tomorrow? Or can we look past that simple -- yet all-too-realistic -- analogy, and realize that our right to live is no more valid than that of other species? That man, that “human beings,” are really no different than the bird, the snake, the lizard, or the skunk? Sure, we may eat and move our bodies differently, but do these creatures not have unique behaviors and ways of communicating that are “just” as valid?

As a whole, humans are not a ruthless species; none of you are bad people, nor by constructing houses, malls and golf courses, do you intend to do any harm. It is just that our world has become so brainwashed and fed such garbage by huge corporations and the like; somewhere along the way, we have gotten the idea that human beings are morally superior to everything else. It is now finally time for us to sit back and look at what is happening; to take notice of what is being destroyed for the so-called “betterment of mankind.” It is time for us to look at how our tax-dollars are being spent; how many of our own governments anti-environmental dealings are being kept out of the news; how many of our own actions are destroying “our” home, much less the homes of other species. It is time for us to finally wake up.

And is it not ironic that while we are overly-developing in the name of progress, what we are really doing is destroying vital elements to not only the food chain, but also to the sustainability of life as we know it? “Everything” in biodiversity is connected; everything from the richest soil found anywhere (this valley) to the plants, grass and flowers growing in that soil to the insects who rely on and help nourish it all every day to the atmosphere which helps everything grow (and yet is being threatened by human activity) to the food which plants produce for us as a result of this amazing -- and all-too-vital -- process. And the more of this we destroy, the more of our future goes with it.

But, money talks, and unfortunately the environment and wildlife almost always takes a back seat at meetings. It is a constant uphill battle; but the awesome news is that we, the majority of the public, are fighting for ethics and morals; and that will “always” be the right thing.

There must be a balance. And when we have reached a point where people get rid of open space or wilderness simply because they need money (which is why the owners f Grant Roads Farm -- daughters of the previous owner who, during his lifetime, turned down numerous offers to sell the land -- opted to sell the space), then we need to take a major step back and look at ourselves. If man has reached the point where he knowingly gets rid of open space that easily, then what kind of world are we living in?

It is assumed that the addition of housing over the farm on Grant Road is progress, and that as a result of this progress we will be better off in the long-term.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I don’t even know why city councils hold meetings on open; nothing “ever” seems to be preserved by them. Fruit orchards are destroyed to make way for new shopping centers. Gorgeous trees and mini-forests are replaced by huge hotels and restaurants. Back at the initial Grant Road Farm vote in May, the results were 4-2 in our favor. Back at the final vote, the result was 6-1 in favor of total development. This to me is extremely suspicious and so indicative of government today; the fact that it’s local does not make a difference. It does not matter how kind-mannered the officials may be. The vote to destroy the over-100-year-old farm was already pre-determined, and all the meeting was was a clever way to make a gullible public believe that a solution had been reached by a process deemed both democratic and fair. I apologize if this seems crude; I apologize if this is too straight-forward; and I apologize if a naïve, rose-colored view of the world makes this hard for you to hear. But, when our world has reached such a low and desperate point, a point where common sense and respect are being tossed out faster than yesterday’s newspapers, “we” have reached the point where only straight-forwardness and brutal honesty will do.

To conclude, let me tell you one thing: a lot of people do not this world; a lot of people are sick of this world and the gullibility of a naïve public; a lot of people are stepping up to the environmental battlefield; and a lot of people will not take any more nonsense. If we indeed have the right to live, should we not do everything we can to preserve all of it? To weigh it all on an equal scale?

Comments (3)

Posted by Daniel Mart
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 21, 2007 at 2:22 pm

Daniel Mart is a registered user.

The word "space" at the start of the second to last paragraph got cut off; sorry about that.

Posted by Mike Laursen
a resident of Monta Loma
on Sep 22, 2007 at 3:02 pm

It is sad to see the farm go. One of the best ways to preserve open space in our region is to contribute to one of the local organizations that buys valuable tracts of land: Sempervirens Club, Peninsula Opens Space Trust, and, I believe, there's a new Silicon Valley Open Space Trust (I might have the name wrong).

Posted by Daniel Mart
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Sep 24, 2007 at 11:15 pm

Daniel Mart is a registered user.

Very true ... organizations such as these are awesome.

City governemnt is not interested in open space; all they want is more money for the city. How? Development ... development ... development. Let the crazed non-profits and citizens grassroots efforts deal with open land, right guys?

The Grant Road Farm does not meet the criteria for preservation by non-profits, another bogus man-made law (according to environmental laws, small community farms do not matter). And as for citizens grassroots efforts, City Hall is basically saying, "we have all the power; screw you."

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