On water, cows and police resistance | An Alternative View | Diana Diamond | Mountain View Online |

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An Alternative View

By Diana Diamond

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About this blog: So much is right — and wrong — about what is happening in Palo Alto. In this blog I want to discuss all that with you. I know many residents care about this town, and I want to explore our collective interests to help ...  (More)

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On water, cows and police resistance

Uploaded: Mar 31, 2022

Ninety-three percent of California is now in a severe drought. Yet Gov. Gavin Newsom has refused so far to impose mandatory use restrictions on urban and suburban residents, as former Gov. Jerry Brown once issued, which includes a mandate for a 25 percent water reduction on urban and suburban usage. Newsom is not Brown.

That was then, this is now. Newsom is not Brown.

Instead, the current governor is leaving water reductions up to the 420 local water districts to allocate water use in their individual districts – if they want to make any cuts. They serve 90 percent of Californians.

Why would they want to curtail water use? They are in the water-selling business, so to speak, so if they crackdown on use, it will cost them millions of dollars in revenues.

Or the districts could raise water rates, as Palo Alto did several years ago – ironically, the less we used the more our monthly water bills increased.

The water use of residents in this state mounts to about 10 percent of the water available. Bay Area residents are among the highest consumers. Agriculture uses 75 percent, while environmental uses come to about 25 percent (figures vary among water agencies). Some 5.6 million acres are used for farming.

So limiting our personal use won’t really solve the water shortage, even if we take only a shower a week or let our lawns go brown again. Plus, only about 4 percent of the water in this state goes to direct household consumption.

Actually, meat and dairy products account for 47 percent of California water use. But it’s not because cows have insatiable water appetites and drink all day long, but because they like to eat alfalfa, which is the biggest plant consumer of water, outdistancing almonds and pistachios.

Politically correct Californians say we have to stop eating beef because it’s bad for our bodies and the climate (because cows belch methane), thus we need to get rid of the cows. But remember cows are suppliers of meat and milk -- which is turned into butter and cheese, whipped cream and ICE CREAM!

I say don’t get rid of the cows – just ship them to the green grasses of Wisconsin and Minnesota, where water is available and cows are welcome!

Saving water and finding ways to conserve more water in this state is a complex problem, but the savings have to come from all users especially agriculture, not just individuals. We all need to cut our water usage. Gov. Newsom must be a leader in this effort, not a wimp.

• • • • • •

No, no, a thousand times no. That’s what Palo Alto City Manager Ed Shikada and Police Chief Robert Jonsen are telling the council in their recent report about the impossibility of eliminating encryption – a 70-year-old practice that used to allow the public to hear routine radio conversations between police on duty and the dispatchers. The chief’s new rule of protecting information from the public is an effective way of keeping information secret, and it has been enforced now for 14 months

And the chief has stuck his heels into the ground this time, saying it is impossible to stop this practice of hiding information from the public, and implies there is no way to go back to the old practice letting the public and the press know about police activities and things like arrests, crimes on our streets, neighborhood burglaries, flooded streets and big accidents.

The entire report to the council is a very well-written – and deceptive in many parts – in its description of why eliminating encryption can’t happen. It is also a report that puts this police department in the best shining light possible – in other words, the report is filled with great PR spin.

Jonsen imposed a new rule several months ago that said reporters can’t talk directly with police but must submit a question on a departmental form and transmit it directly to the police department, adding the question will be answered within 24 hours.

In this annual report, police proudly report that in February, under this new rule, press inquiries to the police were answered quickly – 91 percent the same day, with an average response time of 90 minutes. But that statement is misleading – what were the responses? Were they something like “this matter is under study” or “we have no further details at this time” or “we have not gathered all the details yet of what happened.”

Those responses are conjecture on my part, but they are non-answers.

I am very uncomfortable with police silence and delays – this is not what should happen in a democracy. Autocratic countries (think Russia) can act this way, but it should not happen here, or as author Sinclair Lewis once said, “it Can’t Happen Here.”

Or can it?

(The city council will be discussing this Monday night, April 4. If you have strong feelings on this topic, please send your council members an email in advance.)

What is it worth to you?


Posted by Bystander, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood,
on Apr 1, 2022 at 8:26 am

Bystander is a registered user.

Rather than telling us, the residents, to use less water which we have been doing for so long that it is harder to use even less, why isn't the state getting more water for us to use?

In the past couple of years we have spent so much more time in our home and doing more handwashing that of course that means that we have flushed more and used more water for hygiene. But, schools, offices, restaurants, etc. must have their usage way down.

However, there should be desalination plants up and down the coast. It is absurd that we have a water shortage with such a long coastline!

Posted by Gayle Longmire, a resident of another community,
on Apr 1, 2022 at 1:21 pm

Gayle Longmire is a registered user.

"...there should be desalination plants up and down the coast. It is absurd that we have a water shortage with such a long coastline!"

Large scale desalination plants are about as practical as recycling one's urine because salt water like urine, must also be diluted with clean H2O before it can become usable for human consumption or agriculture.

On the other hand, heavy rains and winter snow storms (regardless of the potential flooding and property damages) can alleviate the water shortage by replenishing our freshwater resovoirs.

Regions that experience a summer monsoon season are never at a loss for irrigation or drinking water regardless of the population (though bacterial contamination always remains a public health problem in backwards countries).

Water consumption can also be greatly reduced by allowing park, golf course, and cemetery lawns to simply die-out by disconnecting the sprinkler systems.

Posted by Hakeem Massoud, a resident of Bailey Park,
on Apr 1, 2022 at 2:03 pm

Hakeem Massoud is a registered user.

For those who fancy horses for equestrian activities, water consumption can be greatly reduced by switching to camels as camels consume way less water and do not consume costly feed that requires extensive irrigation and regular harvesting.

In my native country, camels are considered the EVs of post-modern transportation necessities because they are very economical and have minimal impact on the environment.

Though we do not have cowboy-style rodeos, we do have camel races and camel beauty contests which are similar to western-themed dog and horse shows.

Posted by Ben Sadler, a resident of Midtown,
on Apr 1, 2022 at 3:01 pm

Ben Sadler is a registered user.

Why don't some Palo Alto residents use groundwater for their landscaping and gardening needs?

We have an electric sump pump installed along the side of our house and while the water isn't suitable for drinking or bathing, it is good enough for the lawn and shrubbery.

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Apr 1, 2022 at 5:21 pm

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

I am laughing - FB always comes through with their humor. Circulating now is a musical video of the great old time TV show Rawhide. The opening with the great song is showing a cattle drive with the famous character Rowdy Yates - aka Clint Eastwood. Ride those cattle down the valley

That is our heritage as children growing up. Back in the day as you drove down I-5 was the great cattle section with the great shopping area, small airport, and gasoline stations. That was CA back then. It is struggling to survive now with all of the "progressives" trying to eliminate the characteristically historic points of our productivity. That includes gentrifying the ports - SF and Oakland. Just making wall to wall homes is not of value.

As to water I have two smaller pails in the sink and take all of the water used out to the plants who are getting more attention now then they did before.

Posted by Amy Wong, a resident of Charleston Meadows,
on Apr 1, 2022 at 7:35 pm

Amy Wong is a registered user.

So eat more fish rather than beef or pork.
Fish already live in the water.

Chicken OK.

Posted by Luke Hoskins, a resident of Palo Alto Hills,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 10:07 am

Luke Hoskins is a registered user.

Encryption assures the PAPD that it can control via elimination and/or contrived embellishments, the nature and key details of any and all questionable police activities and behavior.

Given the current rash of police improprieties throughout the nation, this is a protective measure to keep cops off the hot seat and most likely has the full endorsement of the police union.

Posted by Robert Long , a resident of North Whisman,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 10:37 am

Robert Long is a registered user.

• "That was CA back then."

At one time, people who were stopped for questioning or detainment acquiesced to law enforcement fearing undocumented physical retribution by the arresting officers in the event of resistance.

As a former police reserve officer, the term 'John Law' meant something and law enforcement officers did not have to endure public outcries from the likes of BLM, the ACLU, and other subversive left-wing advocacy groups.

Today the enhanced public scrutiny of police actions makes it very difficult to either arrest or 'get answers' from uncooperative suspects, many of whom already have an entire laundry list of prior arrests and convictions.

Many of these individuals need to be
locked-up and it is very frustrating to have an arrest nullified due to legal technicalities.

As a result, police tend to distrust the liberal media, general public and enterprising You-Tubers with their cellphone cameras.

A progressive society is one that imprisons any and all persons who pose an ongoing physical threat to others and the sympathetic permissive types only make things more difficult for law enforcement to do its job.

If people have a problem with the police, don't commit crimes or give any reason to be stopped.

'Probable cause' is the key word and 99% of those stopped by the police whether it's for traffic violations or a felony should simply acquiesce and have their day in court.

To resist arrest by threatening the safety of an officer of the law warrants police retribution by any means.

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 10:38 am

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

Look at the negative comments concerning police activity. A whole "woke" group trying to create chaos in the very people who are there to herd the crooks.

Gee Luke - have you noticed the well-advertised increase in vandalism, armed robbery on our own streets, people roaming looking for car break-ins, etc. If a person is living in the hills then you are not down on the flats where the crooks are roaming at will. People who live in the flats keep their eyes open now day or night. How about parking and shopping in SU shopping Center? A fun jaunt now includes inspection of who is in the parking garage near you.

Bottom line is where you live and your accessibility to gangs can determine the degree of "advocacy" anyone brings to the table.

For the Hills people think about all of those people in sleeping bags who could torch the place. Not a good thought.

The police do not need lookie-loos who are home in their pajamas getting in their cars to participate in the in-process activities. Would Fb allow you in their buildings just to check out what everyone is doing? NO. Would Apple? NO

Posted by Ariel Feinberg, a resident of another community,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 11:49 am

Ariel Feinberg is a registered user.

[Post removed.]

Posted by Bystander, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 12:59 pm

Bystander is a registered user.

Last weekend was a good example of seeing a problem with two different mindsets.

An incident with a ghost gun happened in the wee hours. There is video of a brawl with several people trying to take a gun from another to protect others in a restaurant. The video shows lots of things but details are poor unless you can watch frame by frame presumably. One person gets the gun and runs outside where the police have started to arrive. They arrive quickly because they are already looking for a gunman from another crime in the area. I repeat, they are already looking for a gunman for another crime in the area. They see the man leaving the restaurant and tell him to put down the gun and since he doesn't do so quickly enough he gets shot by the police.

I was not there so I know no more than anyone else who watched the video and listened to the news.

However, anyone picking up a gun and taking it outside away from someone who might use it can be called one of two things. Either he was brave or he was foolhardy. Anyone holding a gun when police arrive not knowing what is going on looks suspicious regardless of the motive. Anyone who does not immediately put down a gun as soon as they see the armed police even before they are told to put the weapon down, is in a precarious situation.

The police are looking for a gunman. They see a man with a gun. The rest is disputed depending on who you listen to.

I was not there. I have no idea who was at fault. I can see both sides point of view. I can not make any judgment on this.

Perfect example of two sides to the same story.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 3:41 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

"If people have a problem with the police, don't commit crimes or give any reason to be stopped."

I strongly agree. If you're detained by the police, there's a reason. And it's not a good one. It's mind boggling how anyone would defend someone breaking the law and criticize the police.

Police improprieties are rare. It's the amount constant attention that blows it out of proportion.

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 4:11 pm

Online Name is a registered user.

@Jennifer, not that rare. When I moved here decades ago, I was amazed to have been pulled over in my convertible JUST because the CHP liked the way I looked! He was quite insistent that we get together privately. Just to get away from him I suggested meeting in a restaurant where I figured I'd be safe.

As I nervously drove away, he used his bullhorn? to say how eager he was for us to get together and how it was ok for me to speed up. After much debate about what to do since he knew my identity, I just didn't show up, figuring he'd hassled so many women he'd have forgotten.

It was so routine for the cops to pull over the oldest car at traffic lights late at night that I had to start plotting my way home from Los Altos Hills to PA to avoid them when I was working late on a project.

One of the reasons our nightlife here is so pathetic is that they used to stake out restaurants. The former owner of the Los Altos Bar & Grill used to announce "There are X cop cars in the back lot, Y in the front. If you're worried about your sobriety, I'll pay for your cab home tonight and other in the morning to pick up your car." He ultimately closed the Main St location and sold its name to the place on San Antonio.

The same nonsense happened all over downtown PA.

I can cite lots of other examples if you'd like including recent encounters with the PAPD.

Posted by Dave Bichette, a resident of Mountain View,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 5:25 pm

Dave Bichette is a registered user.

"I can cite lots of other examples if you'd like including recent encounters with the PAPD."

When I resided in Midtown, I was stopped three times while walking to California Avenue during the evening hours.

The police were following up on some street crimes and apparently stopping anyone who seemingly matched the suspect's description.

In all three cases, the suspect was a young white male and I am of African American descent.

Following one incident where I was forced to sit on the curb for an hour and threatened by the police with an arrest for non-cooperation, a senior patrolman later drove up after I was released and apologized for the incident.

This kind of stuff never gets reported and I imagine it happens all the time.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 5:57 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

Police have to have "reasonable suspicion" to pull you over. To search you or your vehicle they have to have "probable cause."

I don't believe the police pull women over because they like the way you look. If that was the case, 80% of us would've been pulled over in our 20s and 30s.

[Portion removed.]

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 6:52 pm

Online Name is a registered user.

@Jennifer, it happened; trust me.

Re Dave Bichette's, one of my buddies -- a white female lawyer married to a black lawyer moved from PA because the husband was stopped so often walking home from the train station in his suit, briefcase in hand, because the PAPD were looking for "a black guy" and any black guy would do. They didn't want their mixed-race sons to have to deal with that. She was 3d generation PA.

We've had numerous car crashes in front of our house, with 2 of them crashing into our parked car. In NO cases were PAPD interested in any of the details. When our cars were hit, they yelled at US -- homeowners outside in our bathrobes -- when we dared to ask for driver identification for insurance purposes.

A friend slapped the trunk of a car that almost hit him in the Town & Country parking lot after a big game. The car was a Mercedes. No damage to the car. They sent 4 armed cops with guns drawn to his house who because he hadn't immediately responded to a notice they'd JUST put in his mail box. He got sent to Anger Management.

Compare & Contrast:

The well-connected 29-yr-old who made 7 drunken phone calls to Councilwoman Lydia Kou threatening to rape her, kill her, harm her kids and to keep doing it until she was forced to change her phone number BECAUSE he didn't like her political positions was sent to AA and then had his record expunged!

And this is when Anti-Asian crimes, esp. against Asian women, were at an all=-time high!

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 7:12 pm

Online Name is a registered user.

Jennifer, the ONLY probable cause for the first incident was that I was youngish and blondish. For the following the only probable cause is that maybe I'd worn my sunglasses a few minutes too late and a few minutes from home! I still have nightmares about the following.

One more:

PAPD picked me up for suspicion of drunk driving at 7PM. I wasn't speeding or driving erratically; it was rush hour. I hadn't had a single drink and was coming from a friend's house with a week's worth of dry cleaning in the back of my convertible. It was still light and I hadn't taken off my sunglasses, which was the only thing suspicious about me. I was wearing a suit and heels and lived a few blocks away.

The cop was showing off for a kid who was doing a ride-along. He let the kid plow through my purse! They said they needed to take me to the police station for a breathalyzer. I asked them if I could drop my car at my nearby house. NO. I pleaded with them to let me put the top up so my clothes weren't stolen and they finally said yes. When I put the top up which required shutting the door, the cop pulled a gun on me and handcuffed me!

The breathalyzer showed I wasn't drunk.

They demanded I call my husband to pick me up from the police station. I explained that he worked for a startup and rarely got home before 10PM.

Startup??? What's a startup?? In Palo Alto in Silicon Valley!!

If this is how they treat middle-aged white PA homeowners, it's no surprise the lawyer couple moved rather than subjecting the mixed-race boys to the same type of harassment the black father got. It was often the SAME cops who stopped him demanding to know where he was going. Home. From work. LIKE ALWAYS.

You'd think the cops would have been interested in the details about the myriad of car crashes on our street -- how did it happen, where did the other driver go, what kind of car, etc.! One only has to look at the street trees to see how common it is.

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 7:26 pm

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

Back to the cattle - the city is Coalinga on I-5 - home of the Harris Ranch. One of the biggest in the state. The Coalinga city page "suggests' that some are campaigning to grow cannabis there. So all of the "plant" people are easing their way into their ultimate goal of growing cannabis all over this state. It is in Santa Barbar County, and now seeping into the Napa wine growing area. And of course the regular places up north. Any one "progressive" goal is a back door entry into another money making scheme. And this is one that I think is a giant loser for the state in total.

Across the bay in Hayward they found large grow houses in those industrial whare houses. Are we suppose to build housing for the cannabis growers? That is not going to fly.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Apr 2, 2022 at 7:26 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

Online Name -- I'm not disputing that it happened, or that he liked the way you look. I don't believe that's the reason he pulled you over. An officer can use officer discretion and not give you a ticket, even if you violated traffic laws. He has to have reasonable suspicion to pull you over.

Not everyone who is pulled over is aware of why they were pulled over.

I'm also aware that CHP are stricter when it comes to traffic laws. A CHP friend of mine told me that. I got pulled over on I-5 for not wearing a seat belt, when I was wearing a seat belt. I was in my 30s, and a friend of mine swore he pulled me over for the same reason you're describing. My seat belt happened to be the same color as my blouse...

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 1:53 am

Online Name is a registered user.

@Jennifer, then why did he demand I meet him and why did he use his bullhorn?
He didn't say one word about my driving; instead, he asked how long I'd been in CA and other personal questions.

He was clearly abusing his status by demanding I meet him in the same way that other police and others in positions of authority get a charge out of intimidating others just like the PAPD cops with who flaunted their guns at my male friend while playing games about him not responding to a notice they'd just that moment placed in his mailbox when that notice had NO call to respond, no action that could have been taken. It was simply a notice that charges had been filed.

Don't get me wrong, I wish there were more penalties for real criminals but it's easier and safer for the cops to hassle regular citizens than armed thugs who may be committing crimes while out on bail while they awaiting trial for their 2d or 3d offenses. I'm tired of reading about the "unusual" decision for judges to impose jail time when the DA lets people off with warnings, probation and slaps on the wrist like the guy who repeatedly threatened Ms Koyu or probation.

Remember the stalker who stalked a female jail officer so often she had to change jobs even though he kept getting arrested so he "could be with his own true love" and the San Mateo DA said, "Yes, he got off lightly because he only repeatedly harassed one woman; had he only threatened MORE women we would have been tougher."

That's dangerous. And wrong.

Posted by Byron Tate, a resident of Stanford,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 9:33 am

Byron Tate is a registered user.

Intimidation is a police tactic commonly used to get a confession of guilt regardless of the circumstances and
mysogyny is a male police characteristic commonly used to establish a false sense of empowerment.

If such were not the case, countless incidents citing police improprieties and abuses of power would not be experienced or reported for the most part.

Now imagine what happens when police stop a person of color for whatever reason.

Encryption of police communications will only serve to cover those guilty of such wrongdoings and has absolutely nothing to do with ostensible security measures.

The law must be respected and it is imperative that police officers serve all citizens with due respect as well.

Unfortunately this is oftentimes not the case and as a result, the police are finally being held accountable for their ongoing misdeeds.

Encryption of police communications will only allow them more latitude to commit unreported/undocumented crimes and misdemeanors against the citizenry.

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 10:32 am

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

Okay Jennifer and On-line - we get it. You are two hot babes that scramble the CHP. And how insulting that is. You make it sound like they wait by the road waiting for anything that looks interesting go by. I suspect there is some other part of this story but am not interested. Maybe you should write for TV. Lots of drama.

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 10:57 am

Online Name is a registered user.

Resident, my other examples had nothing to do with women being babes and it's a shame that was your whole takeaway.

Too bad you missed the examples of the black husband of my white friend who was hassled so much they felt they had to move to protect their sons, the preferential treatment given to the guy who threatened Kou, PAPD letting some ride-along kid plow through my belongings to inspire him for a future career as a cop, etc.

The point was police priorities, undue force/intimidation, a lack of transparency so bad that the PA Daily Post called the PAPD out in its recent police blotter for incomplete reporting and the failure of judges and DAs to do much to stop crime.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 11:10 am

Jennifer is a registered user.

Hot Babes aside, I believe Online Name was pulled over for the same reason the rest of us are pulled over. A traffic violation. If she was on the freeway, maybe speeding. If you were going "one mile" over the speed limit, that's a traffic violation. Most (if not all of us) do it DAILY. Officers can legally use "officer discretion" and they don't have to give you a ticket.

That was my point.

Posted by Emily Chandon, a resident of Stanford,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 11:32 am

Emily Chandon is a registered user.

It is always 'Open Season' when attractive women or people of color are stopped by the police for whatever reason.

A sad commentary and the police should be held fully accountable when they deviate from basic law enforcement procedures.

Who do they think they are...above the laws they are sworn to uphold?

The best defense is to avoid any and all potential confrontations or interactions with the police.

They are not our friends.

Posted by Michelle Simmons, a resident of Old Mountain View,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 12:09 pm

Michelle Simmons is a registered user.

Whenever I am stopped by the police (rarely) and being an attractive woman by some accounts, I simply play dumb and the cop usually lets me go with a warning.

The 'Legally Blonde' approach works quite well and kow-towing to a male cop's false sense of masculinity can work wonders, especially if one knows how to.

Posted by Kirsten Blach, a resident of Blossom Valley,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 2:32 pm

Kirsten Blach is a registered user.

How does one know for sure if they are being detained or questioned by a real police officer or an impersonator?

There was a recent incident in the U.K. where a male stripper was arrested for impersonating a cop by two police officers who thought he was one of theirs.

The case is pending.

Posted by Darren Kline, a resident of Stanford,
on Apr 3, 2022 at 3:07 pm

Darren Kline is a registered user.

From a police officer's perspective, a suspect is always guilty until proven innocent which is unconstitutional.

Civility should also begin with those who are entrusted to serve and protect the public but this is not often the case.

As a result, many people respond poorly to law enforcement and are subsequently arrested for resisting arrest when being bullied or physically assaulted by the police.

The police need to raise their standard of decorum when dealing with the public.

As another poster noted, the police are not our friends.

The encryption measures are being initiated to prevent the public from fully knowing what really goes on when the police interact with the public.

Posted by Pat Broderick, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Apr 4, 2022 at 11:08 am

Pat Broderick is a registered user.

"The police need to raise their standard of decorum when dealing with the public."

Mutual respect is the key but most police officers do not practice this common sense approach when it comes to dealing with the public.

And if one is a person of color, they already have 2 strikes against them by the police who often play judge, jury, and executioner on their own terms.

Posted by Shaquon Wilkins, a resident of East Palo Alto,
on Apr 5, 2022 at 11:11 am

Shaquon Wilkins is a registered user.

Until the police are held to full accountability for their actions, we can never have a free society.

Posted by Layla Cole, a resident of Atherton: Lindenwood,
on Apr 18, 2022 at 2:39 am

Layla Cole is a registered user.

Special thanks to HACK VANISH, a professional hacker I've been hiring for the past 2 years because, I find him to be an outstanding hacker who has aided me in various hacking related issues, ranging from fixing my poor FICO credit score of about 437 TransUnion, 462 Equifax to 802 plus excellent score, tracking my cheating husband's phone and currently has helped me recover my lost crypto funds from an online scam investment I recently ventured into, I must confess he is the best, quite brilliant, ever since I discovered him through a positive review I saw on Wallet Hub and reached out to him via Email: Hackvanish @ Gmail. com, and Phone: +1(747) 293-8514, to which he responded in less than 10mins, I have never regretted working with him, he's been quite helpful and highly efficient. I Would recommend his services to anyone without hesitation.

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