Propaganda, disinformation invade our lives -- here, and in Ukraine | An Alternative View | Diana Diamond | Mountain View Online |

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An Alternative View

By Diana Diamond

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About this blog: So much is right — and wrong — about what is happening in Palo Alto. In this blog I want to discuss all that with you. I know many residents care about this town, and I want to explore our collective interests to help ...  (More)

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Propaganda, disinformation invade our lives -- here, and in Ukraine

Uploaded: Mar 8, 2022
The disinformation about the invasion of Ukraine that is being broadcast by Putin to his people is frightening, to say the least, for the message Putin is spewing forth is that his is not an invasion, but “simply a special military operation” in an effort by Russia to de-Nazify the Ukrainians. Putin’s message is all a lie, but many Russians are buying into it.

The U.S. has also been invaded for years by political lies and untruths, many of our own making – pushed primarily by political special interest groups. And, like many Russians, we don’t realize we are forming our views based on fake facts

• • • •

Four days after Russia began dropping artillery shells on Kyiv, a scared Ukrainian restaurateur, Misha Katsiurin, who was racing to evacuate his wife and children from Ukraine, wondered why his father living in a small Russian city had not called him. Didn’t his father care about him, the son wondered? So he called his father.

Aren’t you worried about this war, Misha asked him? “What war?” was his reply. His father did not believe there was a war, nor did he think the Russian soldiers could bomb innocent people. He started to yell at his son for being wrong and said the Nazis are doing all this!

Many Ukrainians are experiencing the same disbelief from their Russian relatives. Why? Because that is the Nazi-caused-this message that Putin has been deliberately promoting over the air waves and social media, insisting there was no “invasion” by his troops.

Many Russians have accepted Putin’s version of what is happening, perhaps because they are used to believing their leader, or perhaps because they fear disapproval if they challenge that message, or maybe they know no other “truth.”

I feel sorry for these blindsided Russians. If people don’t -- or can’t --find out the facts, then they are living in a world of false beliefs, and, unfortunately, may not even realize it.

Some of us in the U.S. are also living in a world of delusions. The reasons are many – total trust in a leader, reluctance to hear the other side, unwillingness to analyze, or even think about an issue, or simply saying, I know what I believe, don’t bother me with the facts.

Several examples:

• The antivaxxers, who read the erroneous social media messages about COVID-19 and were easily convinced that these vaccines will harm or eventually kill them, or say they are a government plot. Vaccine mandates are a threat too, they say – because they damage a person’s freedom. The same freedom issues do not seem to be a concern to them when studies show the country may be losing democracy, a precious component of democracy.

• The Trump supporters who declared the 2020 election was stolen from their leader – 53 percent of Republicans, according to polls, declare that Trump, not Biden, is the rightful leader, and only 19 percent of the GOPers say Biden definitely won, according to a December Newsweek poll. The 2020 vote returns show Biden was the clear winner.

• The anti abortionists, who, in their eagerness to condemn all abortions, dismiss facts as to when a fetus becomes viable and if expanding anti-abortion laws violate a woman’s right to decide about her own body. The anti-abortion bills before state legislatures are wildly increasing. Approximately 531 abortion restrictions have been introduced in state legislatures THIS YEAR alone.

• The eugenicists movement, which has now thankfully disappeared, did govern intellectual views in the 1930s. Eugenics is the study of how to improve the human race. It was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.

• The cry from many that global warming in simply a hoax and does not need our attention is disturbing. They either say climate change is not happening, and/or it is, but humans have nothing to do with it. According to a NASA February 2022 report, Earth’s surface continues to significantly warm, with recent global temperatures being the hottest in the past 2,000-plus years.

• QAnon – It is a loosely-organized anonymous group who believe some in the government are part of a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic sexual abusers of children who operate a global child sex trafficking ring QAnon claims it conspired against former U.S. President Donald Trump during his term in office It also says the Democratic Party has sinister intentions.

While propaganda, fake news and more recently, alternative facts have been with us for years, the messages seem to be increasing – here and abroad.

And why is that bad? I believe people deserve the truth – you and I are smart enough to make up our own minds, as long as we have the real facts in front of us. If we spout out fake news, we lose our credibility,.

Fake news can hurt other people, especially those easily latch on to false facts without thinking, and those who swallow false information about medical issues.And once they accept false information, it makes it harder for them to accept true information. And that's frightening.

Think of the Russian father who could not believe his son was in danger in Ukraine.
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Posted by Eeyore (formerly StarSpring), a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Mar 8, 2022 at 10:26 pm

Eeyore (formerly StarSpring) is a registered user.

And the solution is...?

Posted by Anthony Peters, a resident of Stanford,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 7:07 am

Anthony Peters is a registered user.

Perception is reality as everyone lives in their own private world.

Truth is an abstract & subject to many interpretations.

The mainstream news today (i.e. CNN, MNBC, FOX etc.) is more editorial & opinion oriented than objective reportage so anything goes depending on the viewership.

As Bob Dylan once wrote, "Don't follow leaders & watch your parking meters."

That said, no one (especially world leaders & diplomats) are to be fully trusted as time is running short.

Or perhaps it is more along the lines of Jack Nicholson telling pipsqueak attorney Tom Cruise in 'A Few Good Men', "You can't handle the truth."

Most ignorant people cannot handle the truth & so their minds are sequestered in order to prevent them from burning down the village.

Posted by Bystander, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 7:40 am

Bystander is a registered user.

The real problem is finding accurate information without a bias.

It is true to say, for example, that the weather forecast is for sunny weather. It is also true to say that the weather forecast is for no rain. These are alternative facts and both are true. The perspective makes a big difference on the interpretation of facts.

Reading or watching US news outlets on American issues is much of a case of choosing a source that aligns with your own personal viewpoints. Reading or watching foreign news outlets gives a very different perspective on what is happening here. Of course, we all want to know what is happening, but there is a very difficult decision on where to find it, to discover the wheat from the chaff.

Stating the obvious is actually a good start. Next step is to find the beginnings of a solution.

Posted by Wes Taylor, a resident of Mountain View,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 9:43 am

Wes Taylor is a registered user.

The news media has a tendency to sensationalize various topics in order to increase viewership (aka advertising dollars).

Editorial blathering is not real news reportage and most of the so-called media pundits are merely second-rate actors (e.g. the recently deposed Chris Cuomo, fire-starter Tucker Carlson, Trump sychophant Sean Hannity
and countless other talking heads) trying to stir things up merely for the sake of ratings.

Intelligent people do not take their ostensible agendas seriously.

Posted by Anneke, a resident of Professorville,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 10:17 am

Anneke is a registered user.

We need more brave leaders, such as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who have not been brought up in a power hungry environment, and who fight with honesty and courage for their country. President Zelenskyy walks his talks!

Clear facts, facts and more facts presented by pictures, numbers and thorough analyses, can and will change the thinking of people, who can easily be seduced by "big" talkers," i.e., Putin, Trump and Hannity.

The Ukraine's honest courage, despite its citizens' horrible suffering, has opened the world's eyes and hearts, and has unified the souls of good human beings everywhere.

Power is corrupt in Russia. There is also corrupt power in the United States, which we have seen in abundance in the past five years.

Dictators' behaviors are very much the same everywhere in the world. I was not surprised to read that Trump wanted his daughter in a mighty position, as in Russia, Putin has apparently decided that one of his two older daughters will become his successor. Dictators are in fact very predictable. They are cruel, they lie, they talk big talks, and they will favor their own family above anyone else.

God, in this Ukrainian war, we have seen the devil and the gates of hell, but we have also seen that most people on this earth are good people. Please help the good ones either destroy the bad ones or convert the bad ones' hearts to good, so the good ones can live in peace and happiness with each other.

Posted by hobrey Brauer, a resident of Barron Park,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 10:27 am

hobrey Brauer is a registered user.

I was on the Diana Diamond train for so long, but it's time to get off. So the results of the 2020 election show Biden handily won?

[Portion removed due to assertions of election fraud that have been found to be inaccurate and that have been repeatedly debunked.]

Posted by Len Donnely, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 11:17 am

Len Donnely is a registered user.

Reported crimes against humanity can take on many interpretations based on whose side one is on as history is written by the victors.

Pope Gregory VIII (of calendar fame) along with Catherine d'Medici orchestrated the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of French Protestants and he even had the audacity to create a commemorative coin to celebrate the slaughter.

America's firebombing of Cologne and Hamburg during World War II along with its irradication of Native Americans and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II rank right up there with Hitler's Holocaust and the bombing of London along with the Ottoman Empire's Armenian genocide.

Crimes against humanity are commonplace and no country is exempt or innocent of such practices.

The pot calling the kettle black is typical news reportage.

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 11:18 am

Online Name is a registered user.

It's about time for the media to remind people how Trump denied Ukraine the weapons they needed WHILE sending over Rudi and others to push the lies about Biden's son.

Look at all the conspiracy nuts he's backed who invaded our DC on 1/6. Look at how they lied about Sandy Hook.

The brainwashing from Fox and its worse offshoots is incredibly dangerous as is the fact that civics is no longer taught and people have no clue how many branches of government the US has.

Ignorance is NOT bliss. 6,000,000 died of Covid worldwide TO DATE.

Posted by Len Donnely, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 11:21 am

Len Donnely is a registered user.

"The brainwashing from Fox and its worse offshoots is incredibly dangerous..."

So is the 'brainwashing' from CNN and MSNBC.

The news has become showbiz for lousy actors posing as journalists.

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 11:23 am

Online Name is a registered user.

PS: I'm SO tired of hearing about "the liberal media" when even the supposedly liberal New York Times spent twice as much space on Hillary's emails than on reporting all of Trump's misdeeds, corrupt practices etc. under the current editor in chief.

Tell me where to find this liberal media we hear so much about!

Posted by Len Donnely, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 11:27 am

Len Donnely is a registered user.

"...the supposedly liberal New York Times spent twice as much space on Hillary's emails than on reporting all of Trump's misdeeds, corrupt practices etc. under the current editor in chief."

CNN & the New York Times spent a lot of effort & energy on Trump's 2016 presidential campaign because of the sensationalism and advertising dollars.

CNN is the liberal counterpart to Fox News and neither format is to be trusted or taken seriously.

They are all whores.

Posted by Len Donnely, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 11:30 am

Len Donnely is a registered user.

"...the lies about Biden's son."

Assuming that you are referring to Hunter Biden and not Beau Biden.

Interesting how President Biden often cites his pride in Beau but not Hunter.

Posted by DianaDiamond, a resident of Midtown,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 12:01 pm

DianaDiamond is a registered user.

Eeyore -- "And the solution is..." you asked.

I don't know. But I wrote about all the disinformation we may confront daily because I believe people should, at least, be aware of it.

When some of the large social media sites decided to eliminate any misinformation about coronavirus and the vaccines, I think that was a great step. It may have sent an alarm to readers that misinformation about vital health issues will not be tolerated on those sites.

I hope we all can think about whether what we are reading is true or simply off the wall wanderings. I wish we could have classes in high school to teach students disinformation-spotting techniques. If high schoolers get involved in this topic, maybe their parents could learn from them. We can hope.

Any other suggestions?

Posted by staying home, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 12:26 pm

staying home is a registered user.

@Len you do know Beau is dead? And Biden has praised Hunter for overcoming his addictions? How can you turn a father's praise of one child and say "yeah, but what about the other kids?". Are you applying this standard equally to other politicians?

Your comment is an example of how many people view politics, where nothing done or said by your political opponent is acceptable. No praise and little to zero respect will be given.

So yeah, Biden is a jerk because he loves his dead son and not Hunter.

Posted by Ashley Simmons, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 2:23 pm

Ashley Simmons is a registered user.

@staying home...Hunter Biden is a personal embarrassment to the president which is why he is rarely mentioned in the media.

The late Beau Biden is another story altogether. We are talking about a 'good son' VS a black sheep/loser now posing as an artist following a career as a huckster.

It has nothing to do with Biden loving one son more than the other but rather avoiding negative press.

Posted by Judy Lange, a resident of Duveneck/St. Francis,
on Mar 9, 2022 at 3:02 pm

Judy Lange is a registered user.

[Post removed.]

Posted by Willa Denkins, a resident of Portola Valley,
on Mar 10, 2022 at 12:07 pm

Willa Denkins is a registered user.

[Post removed.]

Posted by Laquonne Davis, a resident of East Palo Alto,
on Mar 10, 2022 at 2:24 pm

Laquonne Davis is a registered user.

The mainstream news is also racist to a certain extent.

If Zambia was attacking Botswana, it would hardly be covered by the likes of CNN, MNBC, Fox News and other news outlets.

The Ukrainians are white people and so the reportage becomes more pertinent to white interests and concerns


Posted by James Lambert, a resident of Palo Alto Hills,
on Mar 10, 2022 at 4:00 pm

James Lambert is a registered user.

@Laquonne Davis...
I was always under the impression that BLM had more to do with curtailing domestic police brutality against African American citizens in the United States rather than what goes on in Africa.

What happens in Africa stays in Africa unless BLM has evolved into an international advocacy.

Posted by Eeyore (formerly StarSpring), a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Mar 10, 2022 at 4:12 pm

Eeyore (formerly StarSpring) is a registered user.

Diana asked "Any other suggestions?"

Alas, I have none. Even here in highly educated Palo Alto we see people holding opinions counter to easily provable facts. There is no cure for willful ignorance and our constitution was deliberately designed without guardrails to prevent the expression of, let's call them what they are, lies.

The only positive observation I have is that, historically, these things seem to be cyclical.

Posted by Edith Caine, a resident of Portola Valley,
on Mar 10, 2022 at 4:53 pm

Edith Caine is a registered user.

> "What happens in Africa stays in Africa..."

^ I concur unless it involves the global spread of AIDS, Ebola, or the monkey virus emanating from the African continent.

Posted by Leslie Bain, a resident of Cuesta Park,
on Mar 10, 2022 at 7:03 pm

Leslie Bain is a registered user.

The problem is that six corporations own 90% of media - Web Link

Their objective is not to inform and educate the public, it is to generate profit for themselves. The result is that the public is often grossly uninformed about important topics. Democracy relies on well-informed voters, democracy itself is at risk in today's environment. And sadly, many journalists perform little fact-checking, especially if information comes from a top government official. Such officials once assured us that there were WMDs in Iraq, which simply was not true.

What is the solution? I turn to the founding fathers and their desire for checks and balances.

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary." - James Madison

"Ambition must be made to counteract ambition" - James Madison

The truth can be found by reading a wide variety of news sources, and especially by reading independent journalists, such as Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Katie Halper, Caitlin Johnstone ... Relying on one source alone leaves one vulnerable.

Many voters are tribal, sadly, aligning themselves with either the Red Team or the Blue Team. They tend to believe either Red Media or Blue Media, becoming enraged over scandals affecting the other side and ignoring scandals affecting their own political favorites. We must realize that we need to use a COMMON YARDSTICK for all politicians.

I have found that Blue Media is often highly truthful about the misdeeds of the Red Team, and vice versa: the Red Media is often highly truthful about the misdeeds of the Blue Team. In other words, checks and balances. One should really listen to both sides in order to be properly informed. We have corruption on BOTH sides of the aisle. Our two party system, and our tendency to choose the "lesser of two evils" does not serve us well. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Posted by Eeyore (formerly StarSpring), a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Mar 10, 2022 at 8:15 pm

Eeyore (formerly StarSpring) is a registered user.

@Leslie Bain,

You are quite correct, to a point, but there is a false equivalency to your argument. That is buying into whataboutism. Ukraine may be employing their own propaganda in the war with Russia, but Russia is still the aggressor. Our own “Red Team" would have happily subverted a democratic election.

Posted by Jon Harris, a resident of Leland Manor/Garland Drive,
on Mar 11, 2022 at 8:50 am

Jon Harris is a registered user.

The key is not to let someone else replace your own thinking.

Posted by Philomena Tang, a resident of Los Altos,
on Mar 11, 2022 at 11:18 am

Philomena Tang is a registered user.

It is far easier to allow others to do your own thinking.

That is why CNN & Fox have so many ignorant followers.

Posted by Leslie Bain, a resident of Cuesta Park,
on Mar 11, 2022 at 3:29 pm

Leslie Bain is a registered user.

@Eeyore, our own Blue Team DID subvert a democratic election, back during the democratic primary of 2016. The race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was not free and fair, it was heavily biased toward Ms. Clinton. Wikileaks provided tons and tons of evidence, none of which was disproven. Also, the claims that "the Russians" gave that information to WikiLeaks were never proven. President Obama himself said that it was "a leak, not a hack".

"Crowdstrike admits ‘no evidence' Russia stole emails from DNC server" - Web Link

When taken to court, the lawyers for the DNC expressed the argument that they were not legally bound to obey the rules outlined in the DNC charter. - Web Link

"Consider this report of a 2017 court filing, one that almost no one noticed, in which Sanders supporters sued the DNC for violating the section of its charter that requires DNC-run elections to be “impartial" and “evenhanded." The DNC's defense was, in essence, “So what?" (emphasis added below):"


"DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms

Attorneys claim the words ‘impartial' and ‘evenhanded'�"as used in the DNC Charter�"can't be interpreted by a court of law"


"Shortly into the hearing, DNC attorneys claim Article V, Section 4 of the DNC Charter�"stipulating that the DNC chair and their staff must ensure neutrality in the Democratic presidential primaries�"is “a discretionary rule that it didn't need to adopt to begin with." Based on this assumption, DNC attorneys assert that the court cannot interpret, claim, or rule on anything associated with whether the DNC remains neutral in their presidential primaries."

True story: the suit proceeded all the way to the Supreme Court, who chose not to hear it.

Posted by Leslie Bain, a resident of Cuesta Park,
on Mar 11, 2022 at 3:37 pm

Leslie Bain is a registered user.

Web Link

"After the Jan. 18 press conference �" what Murray called the “Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks" �" Murray wrote:

“In his final press conference, beginning around 8 minutes 30 seconds in, Obama admits that they have no evidence of how WikiLeaks got the DNC material. This undermines the stream of completely evidence-free nonsense that has been emerging from the US intelligence services this last two months, in which a series of suppositions have been strung together to make unfounded assertions that have been repeated again and again in the mainstream media.

“Most crucially of all Obama refers to ‘The DNC emails that were leaked.' Note ‘leaked' and not ‘hacked.' I have been repeating that this was a leak, not a hack, until I am blue in the face. William Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, has asserted that were it a hack the NSA would be able to give the precise details down to the second it occurred, and it is plain from the reports released they have no such information. Yet the media has persisted with this nonsense ‘Russian hacking' story.""

Posted by Rick, a resident of another community,
on Mar 11, 2022 at 11:45 pm

Rick is a registered user.

That anyone really thinks voting red or blue makes a difference is kind of hilarious considering the only color that matters to any of them is green - as in money. What happens is Washington is about a legitimate as a WWE event, and the color commentators shouting "Sunday sunday sunday!" are replaced with Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity. My references might give away the last time I paid any mind to any of that trash. If these people weren't all vacationing in the same destinations with lake houses in the same gated communities as each other and belonging to the same country clubs I might be even the smallest bit inclined to believe what any of them say. Why do we even have a two party system? And if you really think about it, why do so many people have no problem seamlessly belonging to either one? For example I don't think the government has the right to force people to get vaccinated. I also don't think it has anything resembling a right to tell a woman what she can do or can't dow with her body (aka very pro-choice). I think states should get to determine how they want to run themselves and the federal government should be small and devoted primarily to maintaining sovereignty. I'm also for capping the number of homes a person can own with a tax rate of 90% on investment properties and not allowing them to be bought on a mortgage, and approach almost communism with my feelings on property rights, yet also believe you should be able to own a gun if you please. This is because I won't subscribe to identity politics. People see a "lifestyle" or an archetype of the This-Car driving, liberally-minded, socially and environmentally conscious "woke" guy or girl (or other), and it checks enough of their boxes they round up to that party affiliation without thinking for themselves on the rest of the issues, or in the other case they think God and Jesus are swell so check off the rest of those boxes. Stop being blind idiots.

Posted by Butch Logan, a resident of Old Palo Alto,
on Mar 14, 2022 at 9:24 am

Butch Logan is a registered user.

> "...states should get to determine how they want to run themselves and the federal government should be small and devoted primarily to maintaining sovereignty."

Agree. Too much federal government is stifling our personal freedoms as per the Constitution and the Supreme Court should stick to an originalist perspective.

If a social or medical issue is not noted in the Constitution or mandated by Congress, states should have the final stay on all matters pertinent to their constituency.

Posted by Madison Lake, a resident of another community,
on Mar 14, 2022 at 1:43 pm

Madison Lake is a registered user.

To reinterpret the Constitution via an excessively progressive agenda is both reckless and irresponsible.

Thank goodness we have a 6-3 majority conservative Supreme Court that plays by the book.

Posted by Mondoman, a resident of Green Acres,
on Mar 14, 2022 at 1:55 pm

Mondoman is a registered user.

@Laquonne Davis
Re: "If Zambia was attacking Botswana, it would hardly be covered by the likes of CNN, MNBC, Fox News and other news outlets."

I think the evidence disproves this. For example, the Ethiopian government's attack on Tigray province and the following civil war have been extensively covered in US news media.

Posted by Vernon Wells, a resident of Palo Alto Hills,
on Mar 14, 2022 at 3:52 pm

Vernon Wells is a registered user.

"the Ethiopian government's attack on Tigray province and the following civil war have been extensively covered in US news media."

Most Americans could care less about what goes on in Ethiopia or any other 3rd world country unless the actions directly impact Americans.

Posted by John Jeffers, a resident of Los Altos,
on Mar 14, 2022 at 4:14 pm

John Jeffers is a registered user.

Purported news reportage and actually caring about what is being reported are two different things.

I agree with the posters who concur that most viewer and reader interest in the news is based upon who or what is being reported and the direct impact of it (aka relevance).

What goes on in the majority of politically unstable 3rd world countries is of minimal interest to most Americans.

Posted by Leslie Bain, a resident of Cuesta Park,
on Mar 15, 2022 at 9:55 am

Leslie Bain is a registered user.

>> "...states should get to determine how they want to run themselves and the federal government should be small and devoted primarily to maintaining sovereignty."

>Agree. Too much federal government is stifling our personal freedoms as per the Constitution and the Supreme Court should stick to an originalist perspective.

I repeat:

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary." - James Madison

I submit that a large number of multinational corporations are behaving in predatory ways against common Americans. For example, it is perfectly legal to increase the price of life-saving drugs by 5000% or more. Also, the constitution protects us from the GOVERNMENT performing unreasonable search and seizure, but it is silent about private CORPORATIONS doing the same, mostly because corporations did not exist at the time of the founding fathers.

Question 1: Do others agree that a large number of multinational corporations are behaving badly?

Question 2: Do you think that individual states are better able to hold these behemoths accountable then the federal government? If not, then maybe the federal government should be a bit larger and concerned with a bit more than "maintaining sovereignty." Also, when it comes to multinational corporations, what does "maintaining sovereignty" even mean? We are on a path to a global economy ...

Posted by Laramie Johnson, a resident of Stanford,
on Mar 15, 2022 at 10:16 am

Laramie Johnson is a registered user.

Regardless of one's political perspectives, most younger people get their news online.

Newspapers and other forms of print media are for the older generations who are accustomed to reading hard copy.

As for delegating social issues not addressed in the Constitution to the individual states, where would we be without the Civil Rights Act, Social Security, Medicare, and all of the other progressive measures designed to improve the lives of American citizens?

Amending the 2nd Amendment is the next step along with ensuring that Roe vs Wade remains intact and LGBTQ rights are fully recognized and enforced in all states...unless you wish to reside in a red square where dogmatic Christian Conservatives, pro-Trump fanatics, and white supremacists call the shots.

Posted by Russ Wilkins, a resident of another community,
on Mar 16, 2022 at 11:57 am

Russ Wilkins is a registered user.

The bottom line is that one cannot trust any news outlet whether it be American or Russian.

Fake (or rather embellished) news is rampant depending upon geo-political positioning.

When only one perspective is being conveyed by the media, people will tend to believe it.

This adulteration of reportage is going on in both the United States and Russia.

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