Problems within the Palo Alto Police Department | An Alternative View | Diana Diamond | Mountain View Online |

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By Diana Diamond

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Problems within the Palo Alto Police Department

Uploaded: Dec 19, 2021
The lack of transparency in the Palo Alto Police Department is increasing month by month, now in a worrisome way.

For the past two-plus years, the city council has been calling for a more transparent police department. There are nods of agreement from Chief Robert Jonsen, but, as a member of the public, I feel things are getting worse, not better.

My concern is based on several issues involving the department the past few years:

• Police Sgt. Wayne Benitez in February 2018 was arresting a man, Gustavo Alvarez, at the Buena Vista mobile home site. He had handcuffed Alvarez on his car hood, then banged his face into the car's windshield, saying "You think you're a tough guy, huh?" In his police report, Benitez said there was no violence other than putting on handcuffs -- his slamming the man's face was not reported. A few other officers were on the scene.

• Benitez's anger eruptions were well known within the force (he was nicknamed "The Fuse"). Jonsen said he was not aware of the anger issue. The video of the slamming incident was the result if a tape the mobile home had outside cr of Alvarez's apartment. It was revealed by Alvarez's attorney at the 2019 settlement trial. It was not released by the police department. Alvarez, was awarded $572,0000, paid by the city. To his credit, Jonsen did ask the DA's office to get involved in the case. The DA charged Benitez with misdemeanors for assault and lying on his report. He left the department, and is now out on bail release awaiting trial.

• About two years ago, a policy was proposed by City Counsel Mollie Stump, and first adopted by city council and then rescinded, to handover all internal police-to-police conflict issues to the city's Human Relations Department, where cases immediately become a personnel issue and disappear from public view, oftentimes with the public not knowing what the final outcome was. The council was told these changes were minor tweaks, but they were not. It's major if police conflict investigations go to HR, not to the chief himself or outside investigators. The public complained, and the council changed its mind

• Early this year the state's Department of Justice issued a memo on "police encryption." The memo said all police on-the-job interactions with the police dispatch can no longer be transmitted because the ID of the individual who is stopped by police must be protected. -- unless police departments could find other ways to hide the identity from the public. Jonsen quickly adopted encryption, without knowledge or approval of the city council, and the radio frequency transmissions have been silent for months. People (and reporters) can no longer find out through these customary radio transmissions anything about a murder, arrest, storm damage, a serious fire in town, a major traffic accident, etc. Jonsen told the council on a couple of occasions that he has searched but found no solution. Yet the California Highway Patrol found a way -- sending private info like date of birth, name, address and driver's license number to dispatch by phone, with all other police-dispatch conversations continuing through radio transmissions, as has occurred for the past 70 years.

• Early this year, Jonsen issued a release that said reporters can no longer talk with police officers nor the chief. Jonsen occasionally sends out memos to reporters who submit a question, promising a response within the next 24-hours, and if a reporter has a follow-up question, it must be submitted on a special form resulting in at least another 24-hour wait. That certainly is a delayed way for the press to get police news to the public! Jonsen has agreed to hire a police information officer, which will help.

• Just a few days ago, we learned in the press about one more outcome that occurred just after the 2018 car windshield incident. Text messages were sent by Agent Thomas DeStefano, who was at the scene, to police officer Thomas Mulvaney of the department. saying, "You missed out -- The Fuse was lit tonight." Mulvaney replied, "That's my favorite thing ever ... that's a 100% real cop right here. " Those text messages were sent in 2018 -- three years ago -- but that text conversation never went public. Jonsen said he hadn't known about "The Fuse" nickname for Benitez, which is surprising because Jonsen is in charge of those very police officers.

When I was editor of a newspaper, I knew about my staff, watched them to make sure they were working hard to report things accurately to the public. I think police performance is even more critical since police can arrest anyone anytime, and because police frequently, accidentally, carelessly, or deliberately (George Floyd) kill people.

• The city has had a contract with Michael Gennaco, head of the OIR Group, which serves as independent outside police auditors. Palo Alto had used the group for several years. I've read some of Gennaco's investigative reports and they were direct, honest, and in the process of auditing police work, he found out problems in the department the public was not aware of. Then a couple of limitations were put on Gennaco (i.e., all police-to-police issues go directly to the city's HR department). The public got angry; the council listened, and ended up expanding Gennaco's work.

• However, in delving into the issue, Gennaco said he still, in late December, has not received from Jonsen all the documents he needs from the 2018 incident. So, the Benitez case will not be included in his next report. How long does it take to get information on a police assault issue?

My conclusions? There a several problems in the Palo Alto Police Department the last couple of years, particularly lack of transparency. The department has closed off ways to get information to the public. I've read in the Mercury that police departments in the state are known for their reluctance to release information about police activities, but that doesn't make the opaqueness right. We, the public, have a right to know.

This is an important issue facing Palo Alto. How can we trust the chief to tell us what is happening in our town when there is a deliberate blind being pulled down seemingly to cover up police problems?

I wonder if department officials, including the chief, want to keep things quiet so it looks to the public that we have great police officers? Or, is there less transparency because the police simply want to protect each other?

I think the council needs to carefully monitor what the department is withholding, and make policy changes as needed. I know Gennaco can be a big help to the council--and I hope his work continues to expand. Gennaco is paid $91,700 a year (for an estimated 24 investigations this coming year).

Most of this information came from the Palo Alto Daily Post and the Palo Alto Weekly, and conversations with a DA official and with Michael Gennaco, an independent police auditor and head of the OIR Group, as well as my tracking of police incidents the past couple of years.

What is it worth to you?


Posted by Bystander, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood,
on Dec 19, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Bystander is a registered user.

The PAPD used to have an ex tv news reporter as a police information officer and this was one of the positions that was removed due to Budget constraints at the beginning of the Pandemic. It was approximately the same time as the encryption problem.

Getting rid of that position was not good. Prior to her removal things like traffic issues, etc. were put on social media. Now we don't even hear about a problem with one of the Caltrain crossings after an incident that can snarl traffic for hours. In fact, more news is available on Nextdoor about traffic snarls, police activity and real crime in the neighborhoods.

It is time that PAPD, utilities, started using technology to inform the residents and the public of issues that concern us in real time. It is too late to hear when the problem is over. If we know of a problem we can avoid the area before getting snarled in traffic.

Posted by Diana Diamond, a Mountain View Online blogger,
on Dec 19, 2021 at 7:42 pm

Diana Diamond is a registered user.

Posted by scott, a resident of Fairmeadow,
on Dec 19, 2021 at 9:28 pm

scott is a registered user.

What I always look for when I see police abuse cases is whether the behavior is when an officer is around other officers. If he's solo, then you can't say as much. If he's doing it in front of other cops, then it's something he's comfortable doing in front of other cops. They would surely feel comfortable doing the same in front of him.

That's the difference between what you hope is a "bad apple" and what can only exist in a *corrupt culture.*

I've been watching these abuse cases coming out of PAPD in recent years, and they scare the hell out of me. The details you're adding here are of a piece with all that. Palo Alto is going to keep writing big checks to victims of our police force until they can bring the department to heel.

Posted by Online Name, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 8:58 am

Online Name is a registered user.

Thanks for this column. It's outrageous that PAPD can and does refuse to talk to reporters. It's pathetically laughable and useless for PAPD to send our requests for the public's help/tips re a crime that happened the previous week! Who remembers a week later if they saw a white car??

Also, for some reason your blog always shows up days earlier in Google News as being from Mountain View, not Palo Alto Online. You might want to have that fixed.

Posted by Cecelia Vasquez, a resident of Mountain View,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 9:49 am

Cecelia Vasquez is a registered user.

What you are referring to here is the 'Blue Wall'. It is an unwritten rule among law enforcement officers not to disclose any incriminating information or evidence to either the media or Internal Affairs when an officer's conduct is called into question.

Since the burden of proof (in American jurisprudence) is placed upon the accuser(s) or prosecution, it is oftentimes best not to cooperate and to withhold any details that could in turn, get one suspended, fired, or criminally prosecuted.

Law enforcement is a brotherhood of sorts and there are various 'professional courtesies' in play including looking the other way and often cutting some slack when it comes to accurate reportage of police-related involvements and miscellaneous incidents like letting an off-duty cop go when they are stopped for things like speeding or a suspected DUI.

The police look after one another and are very protective of their privacy and freedom to conduct their business as they please.

The police associations and unions also support these rogue perspectives and actions.

Full accountability is not synonymous with law enforcement and never will be as these traditions and practices are fully embedded within their subculture.

Lastly, in order to maintain the support of their officers and the various police associations, the Chief of Police must often adhere to these unwritten rules.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 11:34 am

Jennifer is a registered user.

"It's outrageous that PAPD can and does refuse to talk to reporters."

LE and the press have an adversarial relationship. This isn't breaking news to either profession. Most communities support the police, but sadly Palo Alto has too many anti-police critics. Palo Alto has brought this on themselves.

Posted by Bob Prescott, a resident of another community,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 11:37 am

Bob Prescott is a registered user.

Some may recall the movie "A Few Good Men" where a punk Navy attorney (played by Tom Cruise) challenges Jack Nicholson who replies, "You can't handle the truth."

Well the same applies to civilians and the media who have absolutely no clue as to what really goes on when law enforcement is in the process of apprehending and detaining multiple felony offenders.

The CLETS database instantaneously advises police officers of a suspect's past criminal record and whether there are any outstanding bench warrants for their

The majority of these offenders are attempting to escape incarceration and in fleeing, they deserve whatever response they receive from law enforcement especially if they are armed and considered dangerous to the public at large.

The anti-police and BLM movements have tried to convey the absurd notion that criminals are the true victims, an absurdity expounded by current LA District Attorney George Gascon who ironically and at one time was the Chief of Police and DA in San Francisco.

Criminals are criminals regardless of color and based on their past indiscretions, why question law enforcement for occasionally roughing-up an uncooperative suspect with a track record as long as one's arm?

Proposition 47 eased sanctions on convicted criminals and as a result, retail looting is on the rampage.

Society cannot have it both ways. You either crack down on the crooks or let them run rampant.

Speaking as a former law enforcement officer, the average civilian has absolutely no clue as to what actually transpires on the streets and the media is merely sensationalizing these events in order to cater to left-wing, do-gooder mentalities.

Posted by Rhee Daniels, a resident of another community,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 12:04 pm

Rhee Daniels is a registered user.

What many social justice warriors cannot comprehend is that when a suspect is on parole or supervised probation, they surrender their 4th Amendment rights to search & seizure and cannot be carrying a firearm as they also surrender their 2nd Amendment rights.

In far too many cases, a suspect is in violation of these mandates and the police often have no alternative other than to shoot these recurrent criminals down especially if they are being physically threatened or directly fired upon by the suspect.

In the majority of these cases, it is a cut & dried solution to an ongoing crime problem and saves taxpayer money.

Posted by Christopher Runyon, a resident of Cuesta Park,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 12:30 pm

Christopher Runyon is a registered user.

Everything is cyclical.

With the increase in looting and assaults, more & more people will support police interventions and eventually disdain the opinions of various progressives who condone crime by decrying the suspect's socio-economic and racial background.

This is a step in the right direction.

As for the media, the details should be made available on a need-to-know basis.

Posted by Melba Peebles, a resident of Whisman Station,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 12:58 pm

Melba Peebles is a registered user.

One's race and socio-economic background should not be used as an excuse for criminal behavior.

Getting on the right track involves parental responsibility with constructive input from teachers, church affiliations, and afterschool activities.

Those who turn bad are often tied to malevolent peer group associations.

And instead of sensationalizing criminal behavior, the media should focus more on success stories.

Criminals necessitate the need for law enforcement and if convicted, they should remain in jail (or prison) with no time off for good behavior.

Posted by Victor+Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 2:38 pm

Victor+Bishop is a registered user.

“ Speaking as a former law enforcement officer,"
Well, Bob Prescott, that about sums it up. You were part of the corrupt and criminal blue wall of silence and now you are acting as their cheerleader , using the age old “you don't know what police go through".
How much have you donated to the Derek Chauvin defense fund?

Posted by gtspencer, a resident of Menlo Park: Menlo Oaks,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 5:40 pm

gtspencer is a registered user.


Your comments show your lack of life experience. Why don't you join the force and help make a change??

Posted by Victor+Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Dec 20, 2021 at 8:10 pm

Victor+Bishop is a registered user.

Gtspencer- really , is that what my comment shows you? Shows you what you know about me!!!

Posted by Harriet Steinman, a resident of Old Mountain View,
on Dec 21, 2021 at 7:49 am

Harriet Steinman is a registered user.

The media depending upon its left-right wing slant and choice of semantics, often offers minimal objectivity when it comes to news reportage and only those who cannot think for themselves adhere to the likes of Fox News, CNN, and MNBC, among others. And the same applies to newspapers as the Washington Post and New York Times differ in their perspectives as compared to the Washington Examiner, National Review, and The Wall Street Journal etc.

As far as questionable police intervention is concerned, the majority of suspects either shot or subjected to physical brutalities were often resisting arrest or trying to flee the scene.

Why not simply surrender to law enforcement and have one's day in court? That is the American Way.

Police shootings are another matter as their service weapons should be only be discharged in self-defense and when the perpetrator is also armed and shooting at them. Then it is open season.

Shooting an unarmed suspect merely fleeing the scene does not warrant shooting them in the back as these individuals should be chased down by a relentless and aggressive K-9 who is also a law enforcement officer. That is why police dogs also wear badges.

The BLM movement has tried to vilify law enforcement and their advocacy of defunding the police is not a practical measure nor a good idea given today's rash of retail crimes and physical assaults.

The left-leaning media outlets should consider showing less compassion for repeat offender criminals and more for the actual victims and families who have suffered at the hands of these sociopaths.

It is no wonder that the police do not want to cooperate with a biased media.

Posted by Aron Spector, a resident of Stanford,
on Dec 21, 2021 at 10:28 am

Aron Spector is a registered user.

There is an overall lack of credibility on the part of both the liberal & conservative print-news media as well as local law enforcement.

The conservative viewpoint is to emphasize law & order while the liberal pundits cite social & economic inequality as the primary reason for crime often including allegations of racism into the equation for added effect.

The police simply enforce and administer the law as written and to alter their approach involves a revision of the current laws.

And whether this involves reinforcing a hardline approach (i.e. the CA Death Penalty) or a more permissive one (Proposition 47) is up to the voters of CA to decide keeping in mind that various elected officials (i.e. Governor Gavin Newsome) can easily overturn them in an ongoing effort to appease the overly sympathetic & progressive mindsets who always vote blue for the pure sake of appearing more enlightened than their conservative counterparts.

Perhaps the best case scenario is to read-view whatever news publication or news outlets that best aligns itself with your personal beliefs and perspectives while totally ignoring the ones that either differ or are not reflective of one's outlook.

America is a highly divided country and no one can-will ever be on the same page.

The only thing that actually unites us out of necessity is money.

Posted by PaloAltoVoter, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Dec 21, 2021 at 10:31 am

PaloAltoVoter is a registered user.

The chief and other officers should talk to the press. We don't need to wait to hire a police PR person. If the chief can't take phone calls we've got a problem and need a more able chief

Posted by Rashaun Wilson, a resident of East Palo Alto,
on Dec 21, 2021 at 12:30 pm

Rashaun Wilson is a registered user.

As African Americans we must learn to co-exist with the predominantly white police departments despite any perceived overt racist tendencies on their part as this perverse mentality is their longstanding trademark.

Our survival as a black community is dependent upon not giving the police any more unsubstantiated reasons or further opportunities to participate in the the ongoing genocide of African Americans and their families.

The media is raising social awareness and the reluctance of the PAPD to openly address their actions is characteristic of a secret police who goes about their business unchecked.

My Jewish friends understand this conundrum as many of their elder relatives perished at the hands of a relenteless Gestapo.

Posted by Menlo+Voter., a resident of Menlo Park: other,
on Dec 22, 2021 at 7:29 am

Menlo+Voter. is a registered user.


You're right, we don't know about you. Please enlighten us. What agency do you or did you work for? Were you or are you in law enforcement at all? Bob Prescott is correct, most people that haven't done the job have ZERO idea of what it involves and think it is like on TV or the sensationalistic, slanted garbage the media puts out. The only civilians that have a clue either work for law enforcement or went on ride alongs to get an idea of what officers actually deal with. [Portion removed.]

Posted by Orin Lockhart, a resident of Los Altos,
on Dec 22, 2021 at 9:43 am

Orin Lockhart is a registered user.

[Post removed.]

Posted by Dan Abrams, a resident of Castro City,
on Dec 22, 2021 at 11:49 am

Dan Abrams is a registered user.

The police have a tough job to do and it's time we start supporting them regardless of any alleged improprieties.

The liberal news media and various anti-police advocates (e.g. BLM and AOC's notorious Gang of Four in Congress) would like to limit the the police to that of a hall monitor and this will not work in today's society.

The current rash of lootings and assaults speaks volumes and no one is safe anymore because it is currently in vogue to defend and support incorrigible criminals of color and their anti-social objectives.

The only possible alternative is for local citizens to assume the role of a law-abiding civilian oversight committee that timely reports any ongoing crimes to the police department before the suspects actually get away and to only intervene when it is safe for them to do so.

The criminals are not the victims and as a society, we need to acknowledge this simple reality.

Posted by Luanda Washington, a resident of another community,
on Dec 22, 2021 at 12:29 pm

Luanda Washington is a registered user.

[Post removed.]

Posted by Jeremy Jasper, a resident of Barron Park,
on Dec 23, 2021 at 10:42 am

Jeremy Jasper is a registered user.

In the interest of ensuring further transparency, the PAPD could assign its corps of reserve officers to patrol the respective neighborhoods that they themselves reside in.

It would be like a traditional beat-cop where all of the residents know the officer personally and reservists are sworn law enforcement officers with permission to carry firearms.

Response time would also be expedited as each reservist would be assigned only a few blocks to cover and in addition to being armed, they would also have police walkie-talkies to request additional support if needed.

And in terms of getting the low-down on any police-related activities, a resident could simply ask their neighbor-cop to fill in the details thus bypassing the need for any media updates or a suppression of facts by the Chief of Police.

Rather than being relegated to directing traffic at Stanford football games, the reserve officers could provide a direct link between Palo Alto neighborhoods and the PAPD.

This would also save tax-payer dollars as the city would not have to hire any more regular duty police officers.

The key is not to defund the police but to make better use of the part-time and volunteer law enforcement personnel already available.

Posted by Roberta Johnson, a resident of St. Francis Acres,
on Dec 23, 2021 at 12:33 pm

Roberta Johnson is a registered user.

"And in terms of getting the low-down on any police-related activities, a resident could simply ask their neighbor-cop to fill in the details thus bypassing the need for any media updates or a suppression of facts by the Chief of Police."

^ Are reserve-volunteer police officers exempt from commenting on police improprieties? If so, journalists and the public might be better served by contacting these police officers who are not directly bound to police unions and hostage to municipal retirement benefits.

Since the reserves are comprised of volunteer residents, one might ideally assume that these individuals have chosen to become reserve police officers emanating from a personal call of civic duty and pride rather than as a chosen profession.

If so, the reserve police force should be entitled to a spoken autonomy free from the public informational constraints as practiced and endorsed by both the PAPD and its current chief of police.

The citizens of Palo Alto have a right to know what's going on in their city and without full disclosure by the PAPD, all we have is cloud cover.

Posted by III, a resident of Midtown,
on Dec 23, 2021 at 2:36 pm

III is a registered user.

While I am no fan of police violence.
Let's look at what we are working with.
Typical police officer, high school grad,
probably semi tough guy all their life based on my knowledge
of those I actually knew 1980-1999..
Typical criminal, no graduation, semi
sneak all their life, probably never listened to authority figures.
Typical arrest, probably nighttime, dangerous
situation, those being arrested are angry, argumentative
especially in these days where mouthing off trying to get away
seems to be tolerated by public is ok. You forget just tackling
someone escaping on streets, can cause police officer injury!
Again, Cops not always right. I sometimes wonder how much one can take?
Is it the Cops or the punks doing the crime?

Posted by Claude Ezran, a resident of Leland Manor/Garland Drive,
on Dec 23, 2021 at 3:22 pm

Claude Ezran is a registered user.

Very informative article. Thanks. Note: I believe you meant to say: The LACK of transparency in the Palo Alto Police Department is INCREASING.

Posted by Victor+Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Dec 23, 2021 at 7:27 pm

Victor+Bishop is a registered user.

[Post removed.]

Posted by Paul Landry, a resident of Palo Alto Hills,
on Dec 24, 2021 at 7:40 am

Paul Landry is a registered user.

? "Typical police officer, high school grad,
probably semi tough guy all their life based on my knowledge of those I actually knew 1980-1999.."

Some have served in the military but other than that, there is really no need for a police officer to have an education beyond high school or a GED unless they aspire towards a higher law enforcement rank or administrative role.

It is very rare to encounter a regular police officer with a BA or advanced degree from a noteworthy college or university. Hayward State (now known as California State University East Bay) is about as renowned as it gets for the majority of officers with a post high school education.

The reason (aka logic): why would anyone endure the time and expense, pursuing an advanced degree from a noteworthy university just to drive around in a patrol car?

Posted by Menlo+Voter., a resident of Menlo Park: other,
on Dec 24, 2021 at 8:05 am

Menlo+Voter. is a registered user.


[Portion removed.] My claim is not that only certain people can criticize the police. What I said was that most anyone that hasn't done the job doesn't have a clue as to what's involved. You see the difference? They're free to criticize and those of us with some knowledge are free to ignore them due to their lack of knowledge. I have not and do not defend the police no matter what, but when I do it is from a place of knowledge, not ignorance.

Posted by Menlo+Voter., a resident of Menlo Park: other,
on Dec 24, 2021 at 8:11 am

Menlo+Voter. is a registered user.


I suggest you look at the hiring requirements for most Bay Area law enforcement agencies. while not requiring a degree, most require some college. Usually two years. Your description of what kind of people they are is also wrong. There are all types in the job.

Posted by Myra Halverson, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Dec 24, 2021 at 9:02 am

Myra Halverson is a registered user.

>> Let's look at what we are working with. Typical police officer, high school grad, probably semi tough guy all their life based on my knowledge...

^ And therein lies the potential problem.
Until the police start treating all citizens (regardless of one's race and color) with a basic degree if courtesy and respect, they will continue to have a negative PR image that their respective departments try to cover up.

Anyone who has been stopped by the police for whatever reason is usually treated as "guilty until proven innocent"
and this universal protocol goes directly against the grain of the United States Constitution where one is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

In many instances, the police have gotten accustomed to being the judge, jury, and executioner all of which can be easily construed as un-American, totally reckless,and criminally irresponsible.

Otherwise we would not be reading or hearing of the countless police improprieties towards the public at large.

Until the police begin practicing The Golden Rule, certain citizens will continue to have verbal and/or physical altercations with them in the near future.

No one likes or appreciates bullies who are inclined to push their weight around and full media disclosure is the only way for citizens to be kept informed of police-related improprieties.

Posted by Butch Logan, a resident of Barron Park,
on Dec 24, 2021 at 10:12 am

Butch Logan is a registered user.

Since police brutality is neither cited nor prohibited in the U.S. Constitution, one might assume that an originalist-conservative interpretation would allow for its application in certain situations.

And while there is a line that must be drawn in order to curb unwarranted police abuses of power, this is an issue for the upper level courts to decide.

The media can only report such instances and should be allowed to do so via the 1st Amendment.

Posted by Yolanda Gonsalves, a resident of Bailey Park,
on Dec 24, 2021 at 11:39 am

Yolanda Gonsalves is a registered user.

The conservative media tends to be pro-police while the liberal media often questions their actions and as a result, many police departments prefer not to disclose any incriminating information or evidence to further public scrutiny.

This departmental choice is often predicated upon clandestine and/or overt in-house racism and an obligatory catering to a predominantly white ethnocentric conservative mentality..

It all depends on who one elects to choose or disregard as their primary source of news and opinion.

Being a cop is a tough job but they oftentimes make it harder for everyone as one poster noted earlier, by their blatant disregard for common courtesies and mutual respect.

Reputation is earned by actions.


Posted by Diana Diamond, a Mountain View Online blogger,
on Dec 26, 2021 at 1:03 pm

Diana Diamond is a registered user.

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