Inaugural reflections | An Alternative View | Diana Diamond | Mountain View Online |

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An Alternative View

By Diana Diamond

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About this blog: So much is right — and wrong — about what is happening in Palo Alto. In this blog I want to discuss all that with you. I know many residents care about this town, and I want to explore our collective interests to help ...  (More)

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Inaugural reflections

Uploaded: Jan 20, 2021
The rapid repair of the country’s Capitol shows what our country can do. By Inauguration Day it was repaired, and bedecked with furling flags, appropriate red and blue carpets, military officials dressed in their best blues, bands playing patriotic marches and songs, solemnity and cheer. They were all, to me, a symbol of the ability of our country to try to come together from a vicious raging siege resulting in scarred buildings in our nation’s capital.

But we survived and now are going forward.

The Inaugural Ceremony was wonderful, full of all the pomp and circumstance needed to inaugurate Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Kamala Devi Harris as president and vice president of this country.

When Harris, a former local girl, stood on the platform, dressed in her Democratic blue coa, she took her oath delivered by Justice Sonia Sotomayor. I knew that we now had someone who could easily step in and take command of our country.

I applauded when Biden was confirmed. And when the clock reached noon, which occurred during 22-year old poet laureate Amanda Gorman’s reading of her inspiring poem, l I realized that it was now over. He is gone, and no longer president of this country. Trump was, in my mind, one of the most incompetent and self-serving presidents the U.S. has ever experienced.

The entire inaugural ceremony made me feel proud to be an American, in ways I had not experienced. There was a thread of togetherness woven in Biden’s great inaugural speech, calling us to come together as a country. I hope that somehow we will, but it will take all of us to reach that “us” goal — not them and us. We can try to get rid of our anger because we, the people, have done that before.

I thought back four years ago when Trump was inaugurated. The day’s program was the same, except former President Barack Obama picked up Melania and Donald to ride to the Capitol together. That ceremony was eliminated because Trump was flying to Florida, refusing to attend. What an insult to this country.

Vice President Michael Pence was there at the ceremony, quiet but dignified, His presence accentuated Trump's absence. As for his departure after the Inauguration, usually the new president and wife lead the past president to an awaiting limo on the East Side of the Capitol. That didn’t occur because Trump had already landed in Florida. So Harris escorted Pence to the waiting limo.

I do have to comment on the clothes. Both Jill Biden and Kamala Harris wore chic designer outfits. The best-dressed woman, to me, was Michelle Obama in her magenta matching belted coat and dress, with a beautiful large gold, shining buckle on the belt.

Of course there is Lady Gaga’s dress to talk about — a black top with a large pin bedecked on the left, and a wonderful unusually full swirling bright red skirt. Two marines helped her down the stairs. If I wore that skirt, I would need two marines beside me to help walk anywhere.

I once attended John Kennedy’s inaugural. It had snowed the night before, and my husband, newborn child and I were living in Arlington, Virginia. Most Washingtonians don’t know much about snow, much less driving in it. We went, the highways were empty, and friends who didn't want to drive in the three inches of white powder, came over and watched our baby. Once at the Capitol, we were able to stand in the front row behind the seated dignitaries because most people stayed home.

It was an unusually cold and windy day, and when Kennedy was ready to give his address, he took his coat off and stood there in his suit. Leaders have many qualities, I thought — as I shivered away.

Halfway through, there was a small fire that started on the dais because of a malfunctioning heater. Poet Laureate Robert Frost, who was in his 80s, leaned down. I and I thought he was sick — but no, just trying to stamp out a fire. Poets also have many talents. After the ceremony, the dignitaries went inside for an elegant lunch. We ate hot dogs purchased from a street vendor.

That was years ago. Nowwe have a new era, and a new president. We should be proud, having survived the siege in the Capitol, and luckily, aside from a few skirmishes around state capitals, the country has remained relatively quiet since Jan. 6. . Let’s go forward together so we can, once again, all be proud Americans.
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Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 12:22 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

I'm a Republican, but not a Trump supporter. I think Trump did Biden a favor by not attending. All the problems that Trump has caused since the election, do you really think Biden wanted him there? Trump's absence wasn't "an insult" to the country. It was a relief.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 1:25 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

Congrats to 46 and crew.

Posted by Don Peters, a resident of Green Acres,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 1:35 pm

Don Peters is a registered user.

Hopefully the page has turned towards a better America of the future.

The Republican Party has become an anachronism comprised of old-school conservatives and the troublesome (albeit it impotent & seditous) Trump faction.

No one takes the GOP seriously because it has become a cult comprised of disgruntled Tea Party remnants & mentally unstable QAnon theorists.

Many Republicans are opting to leave the party as their future participation or endorsements of party platforms would be subject to further ridicule and derision
by both the media & on point political analysts.

We are entering an era of progressive reform and an acceptance of all American peoples.

The Republican Party will eventually disappear from the political forefront as did the Federalist & Whig parties.

And any remaining Republicans can thank POTUS45 & the right-wing seditionists for this rejection of their future existence.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 1:47 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

The Republican party will never go away. Most Americans consider themselves moderate or conservative (81%) and America is still considered a conservative country. Been to the mid west or south lately?

As soon as Trump is forgotten, the Republican party will be back to being the Republican party. Both parties have had presidents that tainted them.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 2:15 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

"moderate or conservative (81%)"

Good lord, how old and out of date is that claim?

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 2:31 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

> Been to the mid west or south lately?

Georgia. Iowa. Illinois. Minnesota. Colorado. Wisconsin. Michigan. Texas. A few others.


Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 2:31 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

Oh yeah - and 'Bama.

Roll Tide.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 3:10 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

Here's a breakdown (by state) as of 2020:


Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Indiana, Utah, Missouri, West Virginia, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia (19 total).


New Mexico, North Carolina, Arizona, Texas, Kentucky, Ohio (6 total).


Nevada, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida (10 total).


California, Oregon, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Maine (9 total).


Washington, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Hawaii (6 total).

So, if if 35 states are highly conservative, more conservative than average, or average -- and only 15 states are more liberal than average or highly liberal it's very clear that most Americans are moderate or conservative. It just isn't the case in California or Palo Alto.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 3:25 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

Oh, Jenifer, copy and pasting some old list? Really? You may want to read these things you copy:

- HIGHLY CONSERVATIVE: Georgia (maybe you missed the news for the last 3 months?)

- MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN AVERAGE: New Mexico, Arizona (ask Joe Biden about that)

- ABOUT AVERAGE: Nevada, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida (take away IAFL and that's an awfully blue list!)

You still didn't address from where you copied the 81% figure.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 3:47 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

I didn't copy and paste. There was a 50 state map that was color coded by political leaning, and I typed all that out myself. This is Jan. 2021, and 2020 isn't "old."

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of another community,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 4:16 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

Pro tip: when talking about population ("Most Americans"), use numbers about people, not geographic areas like states.

Tip 2: if talking about states, consider current reality instead of copying some map from a year ago.

Example: you list Georgia as 'highly conservative'

2 hours ago: the DEMOCRATIC VP that Georgia voted for, just swore in TWO DEMOCRATIC senators from Georgia.

Back to your claim of 81% - you're not going to tell us where you found that, are you?

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 5:00 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

If you followed politics, you would know that 55% of "very conservative" Georgia voters didn't vote in the recent runoff because they believe the process is "rigged." With 55% of of very conservative voters refusing to vote - that's how the Dems won.

As far as "most Americans are moderate or conservative" -- google it yourself and you'll find several articles with breakdown by numbers. The time you've spent typing away above you could've found your answer.

Posted by DIana Diamond, a resident of Midtown,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 5:44 pm

DIana Diamond is a registered user.

Let's hear from more of you, because the event today is about the next four years. What was right -- and wrong -- with the inauguration and the messages delivered.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 8:25 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

- "google it yourself and you'll find" :

81 million is greater than 74 million

Since you've offered no evidence, I'll play the same game: Most Americans consider themselves moderate or liberal (81%) and America is still considered a bastion of liberal democracy.

Diana: I thought the message of the day was pitch perfect.

Thank you.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 8:52 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

One "message if the day" was extremely silly. Kamala Harris was upset that her name was mispronounced. Anyone would think her name was pronounced like Pamela, but with a K. Even Diana typed her name (above) "Pamela Debbie Harris." She's a woman of color who has made it to the vice presidency, and she's worried about pronunciation? For Americans who aren't familiar with her politics, she's sending a message that she's petty and immature.

Posted by Sheri, a resident of Midtown,
on Jan 20, 2021 at 9:45 pm

Sheri is a registered user.

I think you need a live copy editor.

"Joseph Robin Biden Jr. and Pamela Debbie Harris"?

Do you mean Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Kamala Devi Harris?

Posted by DIana Diamond, a resident of Midtown,
on Jan 21, 2021 at 8:53 am

DIana Diamond is a registered user.


yes, you are right. Sorry for my error on the President and VP's middle names.

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Jan 21, 2021 at 9:29 am

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

All the talk of Republicans vs Democrats. We live in a highly changing world and it is really about policy relative to state and federal rights and international policy.

America helped rebuild Western Europe after WW2 under the Marshall Plan. Now Western Europe is rebuilt and under the influence of the European Union which controls the member nations. The idea that we need to influence western Europe by throwing money at it today does not make sense. We need to rebuild our country which has suffered with fires, hurricanes, floods. droughts. All countries have to adapt to climate change and maintaining a productive environment for their populations.

Major status of countries change - the dissolution of the Turkish Empire, Soviet empire, world wars directly changes how this country functions and the immigration in-flow from those events.

The knowledge base of how to build school systems, factories is there. All countries need to implement the common knowledge that supports and grows their populations. When we have a hurricane in our country we work to clean up and rebuild. We have no choice. Other countries have to clean up and rebuild - make it better than it was before.

We are losing history. History appears to be generational with only those elements discussed which promote a certain ideology. That is truly unfortunate. Our grandparents lived through world wars, financial collapse, financial growth, all elements which affect the overall condition of the country at any point in time.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 21, 2021 at 10:42 am

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.


"For Americans who aren't familiar with her politics, she's sending a message that she's petty and immature."

I hadn't even heard of any of this until you brought it up.

In fact, if one uses google news search for your quoted phrase, the only reference to those words, other than this blog, is back in October (when Trump liked to purposefully insult folks by mispronouncing their name or make up kindergarten level insults.)

Can you provide a link to when Vice President Harris yesterday "...was upset that her name was mispronounced."

(hint - she didn't, you are just fabricating. Again.)

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Jan 21, 2021 at 1:43 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor mispronounced her name when swearing in Harris as Vice President. There are several articles online (including video) regarding this story. If you watched the inauguration, it was noticeable. Harris has also made it clear (for years) that when her name is mispronounced (rhyming with Pamela - which is the way it's spelled) that she thinks people are being "racist." She said it has to do with "camels." She even made a video with children in 2016 telling how to pronounce Kamala. Who makes that big of deal out of pronunciation?

I don't think Sotomayor purposely mispronounced her name. Not everyone knows she prefers the pronunciation of "Comma-la."

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Jan 21, 2021 at 1:56 pm

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

The comments made at the inauguration were good for a nation-wide event. That is called the "Optics'. The problem at hand now is what is actually going on.

Mr. Peters comments on the GOP are laughable. The D party has done nothing for four years to support the forward motion of the country. No policies - no attempt to reconcile differences to move legislation forward. The party of Resistance. So the challenge now is for the D party to determine who is in charge of that party - the super far left progressives or the more "middle of the road" main body of the country. That is the wait and see of how this all rolls-out. So leave a lot of room for comments as the Big Reveal rolls out.

Our fearless leader is busy writing rejections of any policies enacted in the last four years. He is doing that with no interaction with the future council experts on those topics. This is a political action that fits with the "resistance' philosophy. One day in and playing to the party.

Example - Paris Accord - this was set up at a time when the EU organization through France controlled the program and allocation of financing. The method of voting for what projects would go forward with funding was controlled by the EU. The net effect is that the US was paying for the projects that would occur in the EU countries. China and India were off the hook for any commitments as they were labeled "emerging countries'. This was a benefit to the people in the US who were trying to sell coal to China. That would be Utah - Mr. Romney, and Mr. Brown - who had a financial interest in the Oakland port that was proposed as the shipping point for the coal to China, and the railroad people who would bring the coal from Utah to the port. That is a climate disaster in itself. That is on Wikipedia and has been followed in the press.

The US cannot afford to be the provider of funds for every other countries actions. The initial negotiation of that agreement was very lopsided and made the US an ATM card for the other countries. Poor business framing of the contract at hand and now poor execution -now the EU countries are squabbling as to who pays for what. Most of the ideas suggested would be a major corporation performing the jobs in these countries. A job rich effort.

There is an idea - an aspiration - and then there is the contract that spells out how to pay for and manage the aspiration. Two distinct skill sets.

So we will see and hope for the best.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 21, 2021 at 2:17 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

Jenifer - you said Vice President Harris yesterday was "... upset that her name was mispronounced."

You were asked: Can you provide a link to when Vice President Harris yesterday "...was upset that her name was mispronounced."

You failed to do so, again (similar to your 81% fabrication): "There are several articles online (including video) regarding this story."

Please provide a link that says VP Harris was yesterday "... upset that her name was mispronounced."

Posted by Beautiful ceremony, a resident of Old Palo Alto,
on Jan 21, 2021 at 2:26 pm

Beautiful ceremony is a registered user.

I think the ceremony was beautiful and touching.
Biden's speech was right on point; we do need to heal as a nation, otherwise we will not move forward.
The poem was absolutely breathtaking; as was the singing by all of the artists. I had tears in my eyes.
Its also really refreshing to see his administration tackle Covid crisis right away. I am now hopeful that we will be able to get out of this mess...eventually.
Kamala was not visibly upset that her name was mispronounced. Sonia Satomayor is a friend of hers for many years, it is obvious that she just mis-spoke. But as a person with an unusual first name, I can completely understand how annoying it is when people mispronounce your name.

Also, I would like to add, it is so lovely to be discussing what Lady Gaga wore and Senator Sanders's mittens instead of waiting for the president to blow up the world or mismanage a major health crisis.

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Jan 22, 2021 at 8:13 am

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Mr Adobe meadows seems to forget all the legislation that the democratic controlled house passed in the last 2 years of trumps tenure that have languished on Mitch McConnell's desk. He also forgets during the years of Obama's tenure that the republicans acted as the party of resistance, with McConnell saying he wanted to make Obama a 1 term president.
His are typical Fox News/breitbart talking points

I wonder if mr Adobe meadows agrees with Ted Cruz about the Paris accords

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Jan 22, 2021 at 8:13 am

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Mr Adobe meadows seems to forget all the legislation that the democratic controlled house passed in the last 2 years of trumps tenure that have languished on Mitch McConnell's desk. He also forgets during the years of Obama's tenure that the republicans acted as the party of resistance, with McConnell saying he wanted to make Obama a 1 term president.
His are typical Fox News/breitbart talking points

I wonder if mr Adobe meadows agrees with Ted Cruz about the Paris accords

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Jan 22, 2021 at 9:35 am

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

So glad that you brought up Obama. The Boomer generation before Obama's birth in 1961 included the US providing over $15B to Western European countries in the Marshall Plan under President Truman, 1948 - 1952. The purpose to help rebuild the major Western European countries including the Netherlands. This was considered highly successful and highly appreciated by all - except Russia which did not get any money.

Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961 to an African scholar there on a visa who then left for the east coast. His mother remarried an Indonesian man and then went to live in Indonesia - a Muslim country colonized by the Netherlands. In 1971 Obama came back to Hawaii to go to school and eventually to the mainland US.

When Obama became President he went on an "Apology Tour" saying how bad the US was. His history line is he is an X-generation which does not recognize the prior history of the US. His father was not a US citizen - which were very plentiful in Hawaii at the time as it was now working statehood. So he missed all of the ques that show a successful country moving forward and helping others. He also did not honor the military in his initial positions. He was born on a island which was the military base for the Pacific region.

While at Occidental College he conducted protest against the college regarding what he perceived as providing monetary support for apartheid in South Africa. South Africa was a colony of GB so GB controlled the economy of South Africa. The college had nothing to do with South Africa.

Who ever was advising him was missing actual history. He came under the influence of people with their own agendas that were not consistent with his personal history.

He is a good orator but his personal history sometimes does not serve the purpose of the agenda of the US. He is conflicted by the circumstances of his childhood.

As to the Paris Accord I have provided an opinion above. All opinions start with Wikipedia for factual content.

Posted by Anneke, a resident of Professorville,
on Jan 22, 2021 at 9:50 am

Anneke is a registered user.

For more than fourteen weeks my husband and I (and even our Lab girl, Katie Woof) walked the Labyrinth at our Palo Alto downtown church. We prayed and asked God to bring compassion, honesty, and moral leadership back to our wonderful country.

When Joe Biden and Kamela Harris were taking their oath to the Constitution, a humble feeling of confidence, of great thankfulness and of quiet peace came back into our hearts and souls. As President Biden gains more time, many US citizens, honorable Democrats and honorable Republicans alike, will come to respect that Government once again has our backs. Peace and honor will return to this country, showing everyone in the world the greatness and strength of our Constitution that has long guided us through centuries of good times and bad times.

I am deeply thankful for being a citizen of this great country of human diversity, known and loved as the United States of America.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of another community,
on Jan 22, 2021 at 1:54 pm

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

"Obama became President he went on an "Apology Tour" saying how bad the US was"

What fantasy world are you living in? Go ahead, list the quotes where President Obama "apologized."

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Jan 22, 2021 at 6:27 pm

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

Sunny - put Obama Apology Tour in your computer search engine and you will find a whole listing of documentation and opinion on that specific topic. It is on your computer. You can read pages of documentation on that topic.

The Boomer generation sits on a whole set of knowledge that precedes the birth of the X-gens. The X-gens missed all of the great motown stars, rock and roll performers, a whole world of singing and dancing. They also missed Vietnam and the riots over that war.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of Nixon School,
on Jan 23, 2021 at 9:34 am

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

RW myth: "Obama apologized 3 times"

"Prove it"

R1AM: "I can't"

Yes, I've waded through the RW swamp and their lies about it. Show us the "apologies" or quit posting absurd fabrications amid your deflections from the topic, like the other poster.

Geez, from WW2 to Occidental to Motown. You are quite a master at avoiding the topic.

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Jan 23, 2021 at 9:37 am

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Regarding mr Adobe meadows claim about an apology tour:

Web Link

The claim was made by Mittens Romney!!!!! And disputed by many

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Jan 23, 2021 at 10:08 am

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

Sunny - I put "Obama apology tour" in my search and came up with a giant listing along with videos of his speeches. There are videos of his speeches. The fact that Yahoo and Google have provided this information on their data base is an indication that it is part of the universal history of that era. If you access the search engines through a phone then maybe your resources are not the best. Get on a regular computer with all of the bells and whistles. Your technology - or lack of is not my problem.

So what is the point - peoples recognition of history appears to start with the era they were born in. The US help build Europe after WW2 so why apologize to Europe?

And if you go on FB they are currently flooding their platform with "old time music" which includes the great motown stars when they started their careers. All of the greats with big appearances and dancing - it was not a bad time until you got to the Vietnam War - but that is a different topic. X-gens were not born yet and do not see what was actually happening.

Different generational groups have different views on the current US history. The economy of the US and the world is different in the generational eras. Europe is rebuilt and now there is the European Union which controls it's member countries. You can check that out on Wikipedia. We are not in post-WW2 now - can't go back to that era because the EU controls their economy.

Net effect is on the type of decisions that are happening as we speak in DC. Multiple generations arguing over how to proceed. And that is a big issue.

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of another community,
on Jan 23, 2021 at 10:25 am

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

RW myth: "Obama apologized 3 times"

"Prove it"

R1AM: "I can't"

R1AM: "but I found the lies on 'Yahoo and Google (as) an indication that it is part of the universal history' "

It NEVER happened. I've searched transcripts in the past.

You can't find an example because it never happened. Quit listening to Hannity.


Victor: "And disputed by many" Thank you, but alas, no, one must quibble/object with the word 'disputed' - it implies there are facts not agreed upon. Per your link:

"Obama never uttered an apology for the United States"

No dispute at all. R1am is perpetuating RW lies. What other lies does he perpetuate?

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Jan 23, 2021 at 10:36 am

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

It's 46 and Sunny.... you are correct my comment was worded wrong

Mr adobe meadows:
" I put "Obama apology tour" in my search"

I did not realize that Breitbart had a search engine

Posted by It's 46 and Sunny...., a resident of another community,
on Jan 23, 2021 at 10:54 am

It's 46 and Sunny.... is a registered user.

"I did not realize that Breitbart had a search engine"

Ouch. I yield to the master.....


Posted by Mark Weiss, a resident of Downtown North,
on Jan 24, 2021 at 10:06 pm

Mark Weiss is a registered user.

In 1993, because my parents were supporters of Anna Eshoo, I was able to use a ticket to go to DC and watch Clinton being sworn in. I went with a college roommate, whose father worked in the Kennedy administration, who knew which tunnels would get us to the best places on the lawn in front of the US Capitol.
I remember being impressed with Maya Angelou's speech. I thought "mark, the mastodon" was addressed to me.
I was an English major and later, and for the ensuing 26 years, and currently, work in the arts, so I think poetry can have magic powers, like Prospero putting a spell on Ariel.
Even I admit, however, that Democracy requires more work than just the right words at a ceremony - -I'm paraphrasing George Packer and referencing his 2012 book "The Unwinding".
Yet as a concert promoter I felt a connection to the artists who were part of this recent big day: Jennifer Lopez, Katie Perry, Garth Brooks, Lady Gaga. I noted that all of them have been at this less time than I have (although on the other hand, we still do not have a Gen X president, or someone born, like me, post-Kennedy).
My dream of America will be realized when Molly Tuttle of Palo Alto sings at an inaugural her version of Jerry Garcia's "Standing on The Moon"...

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Jan 25, 2021 at 9:31 am

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

Mark - thank you for pointing out the generational gaps in how people view the world, politics and world engagement through music.

On American Idol one of the contestants did not know who Judge Lionel Richie was. Gasp. From the Commodores to the single performer and one of a list of prolific song writers he represents a prolific period which is now being promoted on FB - who is flooding the base with the original greats of music. A large majority of those greats are black in the Boomer time period. Large audiences, large participation, the music of our times. A period of recovery from WW2. Thank you FB - good work to remind us of where we came from.

The Vietnam War was 1955 - 1975 and produced a different take on music and politics. The 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago which saw great rioting. MLK was shot in 1968 in part for his take on the Vietnam War. A major change in music and the summer of love in SF.

Gen-X is defined as the period 1965 - 1979/80. Obama was born in 1961 and lived in Indonesia until 1971 when his mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with his grand parents. His take on the great era events is limited.

So now we see history being re-written by people who have no recognition of the great events since WW2. At least Biden has the knowledge - as does Trump. They both recognize that Europe has moved on and is consolidating itself as a unit, as is China and the Asian -Pacific areas.

Africa is the second biggest continent on the planet and origin of the human person. Yes - PBS has a whole CD series on that topic. They now have what could defined as the United States of Africa yet people are fleeing and trying to migrate out of the country.

Whole continents struggle to collectively build their natural resources to their own benefit. Fleeing their locations is a response to untenable conditions.

And the Millennials - 1981 - 1994/6 are now emerging and trying to redefine history and re-interpret events within their limited view of the world.

So all the forces at work here and trying to drive the events of our times.

Posted by Mark Weiss, a resident of Downtown North,
on Jan 25, 2021 at 12:08 pm

Mark Weiss is a registered user.

@Adobe abode, in terms of my concert series at Cubberley, I did have an artist from Africa, Femi Kuti, from Nigeria, although he was based mostly in France at the time of our show. His father was beaten by soldiers at the direction of the dictator, who didn't like being upstaged.
The song "You Get What You Give" perfomed somewhere during the inaugural I'm told by the re-formed one-night-only The New Radicals, was co-written by a guy from Los Altos. Rick Nowels (actually, come to think of it, New Radicals' thru their agent asked to play the Cubberley Sessions, but I was already booked up, with Train...)

The Republic if we can keep it, has to have a Democratic back beat you can't lose it any old way you choose it

Posted by Resident 1-Adobe Meadows, a resident of Adobe-Meadow,
on Jan 26, 2021 at 9:44 am

Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.

The city of Campbell had some of the same problems as PA and closed a high school. That high school is now part of their Community Center which includes the original playing fields, a charter school, and the Heritage Theatre. The Heritage theatre is part of a bigger organization that brings major theater and performers to that location. A money generator for the city, an educational school on campus, and a successful use of playing fields. Note - no residential units on campus. I view that as a totally successful transition of a high school to a city asset.

Time for Palo Alto to turn the Cubberley High school theatre into a major venue for current acts and shows. We have the parking place which is great because we do not flood the neighborhoods with traffic and parking for these events. PA is opening up again so get busy planning those events. Many of those events were on the SU campus which has limited parking designated by permits and puts students first on the invite list. Whole categories of entertainment available but limited.

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