Constantly coping with the virus: We need a total lockdown now | An Alternative View | Diana Diamond | Mountain View Online |

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An Alternative View

By Diana Diamond

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About this blog: So much is right — and wrong — about what is happening in Palo Alto. In this blog I want to discuss all that with you. I know many residents care about this town, and I want to explore our collective interests to help ...  (More)

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Constantly coping with the virus: We need a total lockdown now

Uploaded: Aug 11, 2020
We can't go on like this. Weeks go by, and then months, and instead of getting better, more and more of us have gotten the coronavirus -- or have died. The nationwide spread of COVID-19 is getting worse -- the U.S is the worst in the world (five-plus million infected, 163,000+ deaths).

I am tired of it, tired of self-confinement, tired of not seeing friends or going to restaurants, meetings or parties. You are tired too, I am sure.

So what can we do? After much thought, I decided we MUST have a national lockdown. We've washed our hands and kept our distances, worn masks and avoided people, but it hasn't stopped the spread. So the only way is to starve this virus, lock ourselves inside, close our businesses, shut down everything except grocery stores, pharmacies and very essential businesses, so this disease can be stopped. This approach has been successful in several other countries.

An op-ed in Monday's NYT (8/10), "Here's How to Crush the Virus Until the Vaccine Arrives" by Michael Osterholm, professor and director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research at the University of Minneapolis, and Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, confirmed my point of view.

"We can continue to allow the virus to spread rapidly throughout our country or we can commit to a more restrictive lockdown, state by state, for up to six weeks to crush the spread of the virus to less than one new case per 100,000 people per day," they wrote.

Of course that creates numerous economic problems, but our nation's economy is dramatically plunging now, unemployment is increasing, small businesses are going bankrupt, and all I see is downward spiral in our economy.

Look at what's happening locally. People at first were great at self-isolation, but we have now relaxed as more businesses have opened up (too early, in my estimation). My friend the other night had dinner for two friends at her backyard table, and they wore masks for the first five minutes. The dinner went on until 8:30 p.m. The county has mandated that only people living in the same home can sit at one table, but they didn't adhere to that regulation. Another couple had 10 people -- all without masks -- outside of their house with music and dancing! I can't think of any dances where a couple stays two yards away from each other. BTW, I was randomly checking out cable channels on Saturday night and a San Jose station had a live onscreen danceathon -- more than 50 people rotating around the room, all without masks. If there was one carrier in that room ...

Palo Alto's coronavirus rate is rapidly increasing. According to the Weekly, in the five weeks "between mid-May and late June, nine new cases were reported — resulting in 86 cumulative cases as of June 23. In the six weeks since then, however, no fewer than eight residents per week. The city's COVID-19 cases totaled 174 as of Aug. 5 — including 20 new ones in the prior week alone.

Nationwide, people have become careless in their coronavirus concerns. With the motorcycle mass gathering in Sturgis, S.D. that occurred last week, or the recent rallies and protests in cities in practically every state, how can we get this entire nation to stay six-feet away from others?

Only with a total rigid lockdown.

I am very concerned about people not having enough money to live on, so this is the time our government must come to the rescue -- all politics aside. It will cost a lot more money if we do nothing. As starters, maybe the government should provide interest-free no payback "loans" to small businesses, as well as $600 checks weekly to all the unemployed -- and comparable amounts to all those in need.

Where do we get the money from?

One way, out of several options, is by halting some military spending. In the current federal budget, there’s $146 billion for a broad laundry list of military hardware, to include $1.87 billion for 98 F-35 aircraft, which is 20 more than the president’s request, and eight F-15EX aircraft to recapitalize the F-15C/D fleet.
The U.S. recently adopted a $738 billion defense budget. Let's use some of that money to help keep Americans alive, and not let them die.

As Osterholm and Kashkari said, "There is no trade-off between health and the economy. Both require aggressively getting control of the virus."

A lockdown will be difficult for all of us. But that's a lot better than having this virus rise daily while we keep constantly coping with it for months to come.
What is it worth to you?


Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 4:28 pm

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

A total nation wide lockdown is the only way to stop this virus.

But we cannot then reopen until point of care, immediate response testing is available to everyone and every positive test is contact traced.

A lockdown without universal testing on reopening would simply put us back into the current loop.

Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 5:07 pm

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

We are all frogs in a pot of water that is getting hotter and hotter.

And the fact that the rate of heat increase slows or even stops makes no difference.

At what point will we realize that the inevitable outcome is a lot of dead frogs.

New Zealand just had the its first new cases in 102 days - four cases in Aukland.

So what did they do?

They imposed an immediate lockdown on the entire city.

"Citizens in Auckland will be expected to work from home unless they are essential workers, and schools will close, as will bars, cafes and restaurants until the end of the week.

Ardern said in a televised press conference, “We're asking people in Auckland to stay home to stop the spread.

“Act as if you have COVID, and as though people around you have COVID."

Web Link

New Zealand has a COVID death rate of 4/million vs the US's death rate of 500/million with a TOTAL of only 22 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

And today California had over 11,000 new cases and 155 new Covid deaths in ONE day - we are on the road to disaster!!
Web Link

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 5:08 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

A total lockdown is absurd. Employees need to work for a living, and kids need to be in school. How can you pay your bills or put food on the table without a source of income? Not everybody can work from home. Are the "total lockdown" willing to pick up the tab? People are struggling financially as it is. NOT everyone is wealthy. And it's not the governments responsibility to take care of everyone. Personal responsibility is the only way you'll make it in life, and liberals are enablers. Thank goodness most Americans are moderate or conservative, with liberals less than 20% of Americans.

Posted by YP, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 5:38 pm

YP is a registered user.

How does someone like Diana get an editorial, this last one is beyond believe. What world does she live, my guess extremely financial safe and able to zoom her life.

Posted by YP, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 5:40 pm

YP is a registered user.

How does Diana measure the US is 'worst" in the world. Please share the stats of that statement that take into account population. thank you

Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 5:56 pm

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

Jennifer - The Federal government screwed up badly and we now have the worst pandemic in the entire world.

Wishing it away won't work.

If we keep doing what we are doing hundreds of thousands more people will die - and the economy will be shambles.

When you screw up then admit the mistake and do what is necessary to correct your mistake.

Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 6:37 pm

Jennifer is a registered user.

Peter - A total lockdown is unrealistic. It's also mentally unhealthy. Mental health is just as important (if not more important) than physical health. Also - it's unenforceable. You can't stop family and friends from gathering together in their own homes. I've been playing by the rules since the county shutdown, and I envy people who are having more fun than me. I'm doing my best to stop the spread, but having NO LIFE is getting to me. Setting our social life aside is one thing. Work and school needs continue.

This is affecting 1% of Americans, and 80% of cases are mild. Statically, we have a higher chance of getting hit and killed on the freeway. There is inherent risk in everyday living, and sadly people will get sick and die. You can't stop Covid-19 anymore than you can stop any other virus. You need to kep it in perspective.

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 7:10 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

A total lockdown of the country is not doable. Nor should it be done

So you basically want Modoc county with no cases, for example, to go into total lockdown??

As for the hysterical weekly headline. That is exactly the kool aid that Sara Cody wants You to drink?
Cases are extremely low in Palo Alto and the county in general. We know where the majority of cases are- over 100 cases in the jail, plus look at the case numbers in East San Jose and gilroy.. We have heard that cars are disproportionate among the Latino,population. These people work in essential jobs, including agriculture and live in cramped conditions,
What is the county doing about that.

What about the mental health, domestic abuse, economic and hunger issues that have arisen from the 5 months of SIP? Do you care about that Diana???

I love how rich old white people in the area, who are living comfortably in their mansions are calling for others to suffer with a total lockdown. Would be funny if it was not so selfish of them

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 8:31 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Peter- the reason we had 11000 cases today is not that 11,000 people were infected yesterday- it is due to the backlog of case reporting that has been going on for over a week.
And of all these cases how many ended up with symptomatic patients,
What is important is that hospitalizations are trending downward.

Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 8:49 pm

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

"What is important is that hospitalizations are trending downward"

Of course, just fewer people dying. And you call that success?

We have allowed a 1000+ deaths a day to be normalized.

What a disgrace.

Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 11, 2020 at 9:05 pm

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

By November we will have 9000 more deaths in California - do you call that success?

When other entire countries have driven their death toll down to single digits.

We are truly living in lala land.

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 8:29 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

There is no cut & dried solution as a total lockdown OR a mass reopening of businesses & schools will either contain Covid-19 (as many hope) OR create a major spread of the coronavirus while 'hopefully' rejuvenating a stagnating American economy.

It's a coin flip and the 'experts' whether they be public health officials, politicians and/or business people have nary a clue as none can be trusted with a solid game plan.

It is interesting to note that while the lower paid occupations are being promoted as 'return to work' options and advisements, many of the more lucrative professions are nesting comfortably, riding out the storm while dwelling on their 'mental health', the closures of their favorite expensive restaurants & missing out on their various salon treatments.

As usual, the playing field is not level and this pandemic further exemplifies the socio-economic class struggle & conflict in America.

For the last 4-5 months, all the news seems to report is either Covid-19 statistics & pundit health opinions OR news of the continuing protests following the Memorial Day police murder of George Floyd along with various 'controversial' POTUS45 commentaries & updates on a seemingly lame 2020 November election.

This is getting tiresome and old BUT there is no recourse as the world will always have pressing issues to deal with and it doesn't take Dick Tracy to establish that premise.

Perhaps best to put proposed public health mandates up to a PUBLIC VOTE...let the people decide whether they wish to circulate or SIP as they are apparently choosing their options anyway.

Some will live and some will die as the last time I checked, no one gets out of here (Earth) alive.

In the meantime, let common sense prevail as 'leadership' regardless of position and/or platforms is unreliable at best.

Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 9:12 am

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

Justin - Why if 200 other countries have a lower death rate than does the US do you not think that there IS a better way to handle the pandemic than what the US is doing?

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 9:18 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "The U.S. recently adopted a $738 billion defense budget. Let's use some of that money to help keep Americans alive, and not let them die."

^ A sound proposition BUT in retrospect, the initial CARES Act allocated $3T towards alleviating economic hardships attributable to the nationwide Covid-19 pandemic & that wasn't nearly enough as a supplemental stimulus package is currently underway and estimated to be in the $1T+ range pending further congressional debate.

As far as keeping Americans alive, an individual sense of responsibility is also required as mandating public health guidelines by law is bound to be met with further resistance by some parties (no pun intended).

While military spending is oftentimes bloated, a good portion of that budget may be needed to better prepare the country for a possible armed conflict with a certain country.

Hopefully this event will never occur but then again, it's always best to be prepared...whether it's for war OR another pandemic.

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 9:29 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

>"Justin - Why if 200 other countries have a lower death rate than does the US do you not think that there IS a better way to handle the pandemic than what the US is doing?"

^ Answer...smaller populations.

Look at India with it's 1.3B population...they are faring no better all things considered.

More people = more potential pandemic spread.

But I agree with you that certain precautionary measures need to be taken in a concerted effort to control the spread of Covid-19 in America.

I don't concern myself with other countries' pandemics, social issues or economic long as they don't introduce them into the United States.

Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 9:45 am

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

[Post removed due to possible copyright violation.]

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 10:12 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

>"...the key to national recovery is to test everybody on a weekly basis. We should test them whether or not they have symptoms...When tested, people would give in their name, address and phone number. In return they would receive a plastic card with a serial number that is registered on a national database."

^ Good luck with that concept as
libertarians, 'off the grid types' & the homeless would either beg to differ or disappear into the woodwork all together.

The 'right to privacy' adherents would also refuse to comply with mandatory weekly testing & their personal records being stored on a database of sorts.

Very Orwellian & emanating from yet another academic 'pundit' out of touch with the real world and human nature in general.

Ivory tower mindsets do not solve the world's problems...most of them just pontificate with their limited and/or unrealistic perspectives.

Have you ever ventured into The Hoover Institute? It is comprised of many erudite minds as well...many of whom are either clueless or full of horsefeathers.

Posted by Peter Carpenter, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 10:46 am

Peter Carpenter is a registered user.

Justin - You don't like anything the experts recommends so what specific steps do you recommend to stop this virus and its carnage in the US?

Posted by Diana Diamond, a Mountain View Online blogger,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 11:02 am

Diana Diamond is a registered user.

Jennifer, Victor, et al --

I truly realize the problems a shutdown will have on many people who can't work at home, or who need their children to go to school so they can work, or on the financial difficulties that will occur. A close-down does not seem like a solution for them.

But this virus continues to grow and expand and we have to stop it. The only effective way, I think, is a national shut down -- national because if some states don't obey, then it doesn't stop the threat , and the virus will keep on spreading. We have to control and subdue it.

If we could control the virus in six weeks, as scientists suggest, then we hopefully would be rid of it. Then we could all safely go back to work and school and play.

What other solution is there? Of course you are absolutely right to complain of all the hardships the closedown may bring, but do you want to continue like this for six months or a year, always wearing masks, having small businesses shut down, having more of our kids get COVID, some of whom will die -- and always living in fear of this virus?.

I want to get rid of this damn virus, and I think -- and hope -- a closedown would work.

I also believe our government MUST HELP people financially. That is why I am suggested using federal funds, like from the Pentagon, to help anyone who needs financial assistance.

What would you do to control the virus?


Posted by Jennifer, a resident of another community,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 11:41 am

Jennifer is a registered user.

Diana - I would quarantine people with underlying health problems, and the elderly. Let the healthy (who are easily surviving Covid-19) return to normal. People who return to work would need "clearance of good health." Kids would need a "clearance of good health" from their doctor as well. If unhealthy, let them work at home and attend school on Zoom.

Punishing 99& of us for the 1% that are affected is absurd. The cure would be worse than the cause, and it's unenforceable. Five months of SIP is too long.

People aren't dying of Covid-19. They're dying due to complications of Covid-19 that their immunity system (obesity, heart disease, lung disease, etc.) couldn't handle. Photos I've seen of adults and children (total strangers) who've died are obese.

I don't believe that this could be "cured in six weeks." All we can do is slow the spread, and it's time for the unhealthy and those who have lived their lives (with all due respect - the elderly) to stay home.

Do we punish law abiding citizens or criminals? Should we all be jailed too?

People should be focused on their own health, so if they get Covid-19, they strengthen their chances of survival. Lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, eat healthy and exercise regularly. Be proactive!

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 11:47 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

>"Justin - You don't like anything the experts recommends so what specific steps do you recommend to stop this virus and its carnage in the US?"

^ Taking PERSONAL responsibility...not only for oneself but out of consideration for others as well.

As aforementioned, there is no cut & dried solution regardless of the various inputs we are receiving on all fronts.

You cannot force people to do things (or not to do things) and that goes for just about every facet of human behavior including violent & non-violent crimes/misdemeanors.

Education doesn't seem to work either...especially among the inherently stubborn or unenlightened.

So the best case scenario is to stay low & avoid unecessary contact with others, including frivolous gatherings and unecessary wandering outside one's abode.

Being reclusive at this particular timeframe shouldn't pose that much of an issue as we have telephones and the internet in which to connect and/or purchase items as needed.

As far as social gatherings, I am reminded of a song I have grown to goes, "People, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world."

Actually they are the UNLUCKIEST people in the world especially if they cannot adapt & adjust to SIP guidelines or not hanging out in mass public gatherings.

Stupid is as stupid does & no sympathy here for those who thumb their noses & get sick due to their ignorance and/or recalcitrance.

Just as long as they stay or 'get off of my cloud' as I am also doing my best to keep a low profile during these uncertain pandemic times.

Posted by Brian, a resident of Menlo Park: The Willows,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 12:07 pm

Brian is a registered user.

It is funny seeing people argue for and against a national lockdown. The fact of the matter is that it is just not going to happen. Wish for it all you want but it is an impossibility. Even a complete state of local lockdown is impossible. We are having a hard enough time just getting everyone to wear a mask. You think people will obey a lock down? What do you do when they don't? Put them in jail? I think you would have a constitutional problem with that. Is this virus serious? Absolutely. Does it necessitate the destruction of the economy and the personal freedoms of every American, absolutely not. If you want to remain protected from COVID-19 they take precautions and wear a mask, wash/sanitize you hands and isolate yourself. You don't need to force everyone else to your way of thinking if you take precautions yourself.

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 12:42 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Sorry, Diana, you do not get it.
You cannot shutdown the entire US. Not doable and not feasible. And then you are favoring punishing counties like modoc county- no cases. So you want them to shut down and ruin their economies to satisfy a ridiculous idea pushed by you and Peter.
Yes, experts may say that is what needs to be done, but they do not realize that individual states govern what they do. I doubt the federal government could order a complete shutdown. Come up with a reasonable plan and stop listening to ivory tower talking heads.

And what happens after 6 weeks? Suppose the virus is not gone? Do we stay locked down for a longer period?
I know that is what Sara Cody wants- her “leadership" during this crisis has been pathetic.

We need to increase testing, contact tracing and quarantine of the sick.
We also need to stop making every indoor business (I.e. barbers, hair salons) the boogey man for the spread. Read about the infected Missouri hairstylists. What is being done about the high incidence of the virus among the Latino,population in our county? What is Sara Cody doing besides ringing her hands and saying “ we just don't know" and “ we are in the same situation now that we were n in March"???

I assume, Diana, that the weekly will shutdown during the 6 weeks you propose.

Posted by Pam T, a resident of Charleston Gardens,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 12:49 pm

Pam T is a registered user.

Thank you Diana, for your courageous words. I read the article by Osterholm and Kashkari this week, and have followed Michael Osterholm for some time now.

I own a 30 year-old personal service business is Palo Alto, and will probably lose it as a result of this pandemic. The 45 people that I employ [most of them 20 years or more] are desperate to return to work and there is nothing I can do for them. I have lost 100,000 dollars [my retirement] preparing to reopen, keeping insurances up and trying to meet general costs. My landlord has been wonderful, and if I and my people do survive this professionally, it will be due to that landlord.

I support a national shut-down. As a country, we must finally put our own personal needs and differences aside, endure some discomfort, change some behaviors for a limited time and protect ourselves both physically and as a country, financially. My business may not recover, but my employees deserve a chance to re-establish their careers in a safer world where there is hope for them to continue to do what they love and perhaps grow their own businesses.

Why are Americans so resistant to giving up small luxuries for a limited time? Many will disagree, but I firmly believe we need a national leader with a strong, clear vision that can take us into the direction we need to go as a country. We need transparent, proven, science for all, so together as Americans ALL of us can understand the true risks, and what it's going to take to prevent this virus from spreading. Angela Merkel has done it for Germany, and many other countries have leaders that have done this as well. Americans are not Germans, of course, but we need that type of leadership and more - we need someone to unite and move us forward as Franklin Roosevelt did during the depression and World War two.

Instead of whining and complaining about our deprivations and blaming each other and our leaders for the decisions they've made, let's move on at last. We must boldly step forward and make the hard choices necessary to put this pandemic behind us.

So, thank you Diana. I'm sure when you pressed "print" you knew some people would not be willing to accept this point of view, but truly, we must get the dialog started now.

Posted by Marianne Mueller, a resident of Professorville,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 12:54 pm

Marianne Mueller is a registered user.

these numbers and information should be spread Braoadly on all the next-door and other social media that people use I don't use next-door anymore, we clearly need a higher level of awareness locally. I agree both with more shelter in place or lockdown whatever we want to call it and also the need for supporting people with the $600 per week and supporting small businesses

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 1:02 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

“ Instead of whining and complaining about our deprivations and blaming each other and our leaders for the decisions they've made, let's move on at last. We must boldly step forward and make the hard choices necessary to put this pandemic behind us. "
So the Mental health issues, the increase of domestic abuse, the loss of peoples livelihood, the ability to put food on the table is just “whining and complaining about our deprivations"?
How empathetic Of you!!!! So nice that you take into account the suffering of others

Posted by Common sense, a resident of Mountain View,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 2:04 pm

Common sense is a registered user.

First Diana, thank you for moving on from last month's assertion, "no real solution. . .except a yet-undiscovered vaccine."

Second, effectiveness of simple measures like masks, distancing, and crowd avoidance isn't controversial or theoretical. It STOPPED the lethal pandemic 100 years ago, a different pathogen but similarly transmitted person-to-person. Then, too, some people resisted precautions, argued for "freedom" from masks, and otherwise did things people rationalize doing when they can't see the immediate threat or long-term effects of their actions.

"The Mask Slackers of 1918" [NYT] makes for good comparison today: Web Link

Third, people like Jennifer rhetorically arguing "This affects 1% of Americans" are deeply wrong (whether willfully or ignorantly, I wouldn't know). Covid-19 directly "affects" far more people than "just" the 1% killed, with an alarming cluster of long-term sequelae for survivors: Strokes at early ages, heart or lung damage, nervous-system damage.
Web Link

I'm not sure I'd use the language "total lockdown," but this disease persists only while people insist on (ignorantly) passing it to each other. It certainly WOULD have been stopped in a few weeks (and Jennifer would happily have her open economy, today) had people taken it seriously enough (as some countries did); and as even the US eventually did, a century ago.

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 2:20 pm

Justin Case is a registered user.

>"If you want to remain protected from COVID-19 then take precautions and wear a mask, wash/sanitize you hands and isolate yourself. You don't need to force everyone else to your way of thinking if you take precautions yourself."

^ The above comment pretty much sums things up as it will be nearly impossible to enforce a full scale adherence unless the mandates are deemed a criminal violation.

>"...we need someone to unite and move us forward as Franklin Roosevelt did during the depression and World War two."

^ FDR's 'leadership' also involved the forced 'quarantining' of 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WW2.

Not a good 'lockdown' example.

Posted by mauricio, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 4:29 pm

mauricio is a registered user.

Yes, a total lockdown is the only way to combat the virus and the federal government should foot the bill for it because its response to the pandemic makes words like grotesque incompetence, grotesque stupidity and criminal negligence seem like understatements.

Posted by mauricio, a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 4:34 pm

mauricio is a registered user.

We also need a new federal law passed tomorrow that mandates wearing masks in public. Any violation is a felony attempted homicide punishable by five years in federal prison and a 100,000 dollar fine.

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 5:10 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

While it is nice that people are calling for national lockdowns.

It is unlikely to happen because trump will not do it and the legality may be in question

Web Link

And comparing us to Italy, Korea or France because we are 50 states that have the right to govern themselves.
It also is not feasible or right to demand locations that have little to no virus to shutdown and ruin their lives as well.

Felony??? Attempted homicide??? Federal crime?? That will never happen either.
Plus their currently no mandate anywhere that you have to wear a mask outdoors At all times.. There are exceptions for exercise as long as you maintain social distance.

Posted by Maybe we can do it, a resident of Old Palo Alto,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 5:35 pm

Maybe we can do it is a registered user.

We could get out of this nightmare; but in order to do it several things need to happen ...
First of and most important we need to ramp up testing and tracing. We need to be able to test everyone weekly and have the results available the same day. But in order to get there we need to have a centralized federal government.
Once we are there we can do a rolling shut downs. There is no need to shut down the entire country all at once. Say start on the west coast - give people 2 weeks to prepare and get things in order. Then shut down WA, OR and CA completely for 2 weeks. Close the border. Close all stores (yes it's quiet possible to store enough food for 2 weeks), close everything except for medical (and that includes testing) fire and police for 2 weeks. Schools are online in any case; have people stay inside with an exception of say walking their dogs - but only at given times etc. wearing masks and distancing. It's 2 weeks. It's tough but doable ....
At the end of 2 weeks, these 3 states are good to go - but still keep to themselves only. Then the same thing happens in ID, NV, AZ and UT. Once they are clear, they can mix with WA, OR abc CA but not their eastern neighbors. And so on until we are done .
But in order to do that we need a strong centralized federal government and citizens who understand why we are doing this and don't violate the lockdown. And that's where we run into the problems . Too many people who are other don't believe in the seriousness of this virus or think that if they as someone above posted take care of themselves they will be just fine. (Every time I hear something like this I honestly see red. Let's not even talk about the elderly that we know are at a higher risk. I'm in good physical shape, I run daily, I scale mountains and lift heavy things. I also have a heart condition that puts me at high risk. Eating kale or drinking green tea is not going to help if some covidiot sneezes on me ).
I'm just as tired as everyone else of being shut down . I'm worried about my kid in isolation and my business which employs a dozen people not being able to continue providing enough revenue to continue paying every one full wages. I'm worried about abusive homes where children are now stuck at and children going hungry. There are ways out of this nightmare but we need a change of attitude as a nation and we desperately need centralized government of functioning adults who look for solutions.

Posted by Maybe we can do it, a resident of Old Palo Alto,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 5:35 pm

Maybe we can do it is a registered user.

We could get out of this nightmare; but in order to do it several things need to happen ...
First of and most important we need to ramp up testing and tracing. We need to be able to test everyone weekly and have the results available the same day. But in order to get there we need to have a centralized federal government.
Once we are there we can do a rolling shut downs. There is no need to shut down the entire country all at once. Say start on the west coast - give people 2 weeks to prepare and get things in order. Then shut down WA, OR and CA completely for 2 weeks. Close the border. Close all stores (yes it's quiet possible to store enough food for 2 weeks), close everything except for medical (and that includes testing) fire and police for 2 weeks. Schools are online in any case; have people stay inside with an exception of say walking their dogs - but only at given times etc. wearing masks and distancing. It's 2 weeks. It's tough but doable ....
At the end of 2 weeks, these 3 states are good to go - but still keep to themselves only. Then the same thing happens in ID, NV, AZ and UT. Once they are clear, they can mix with WA, OR abc CA but not their eastern neighbors. And so on until we are done .
But in order to do that we need a strong centralized federal government and citizens who understand why we are doing this and don't violate the lockdown. And that's where we run into the problems . Too many people who are other don't believe in the seriousness of this virus or think that if they as someone above posted take care of themselves they will be just fine. (Every time I hear something like this I honestly see red. Let's not even talk about the elderly that we know are at a higher risk. I'm in good physical shape, I run daily, I scale mountains and lift heavy things. I also have a heart condition that puts me at high risk. Eating kale or drinking green tea is not going to help if some covidiot sneezes on me ).
I'm just as tired as everyone else of being shut down . I'm worried about my kid in isolation and my business which employs a dozen people not being able to continue providing enough revenue to continue paying every one full wages. I'm worried about abusive homes where children are now stuck at and children going hungry. There are ways out of this nightmare but we need a change of attitude as a nation and we desperately need centralized government of functioning adults who look for solutions.

Posted by pogo, a resident of Woodside: other,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 7:50 pm

pogo is a registered user.

The experience of New Zealand is useful. If such a small, remote, isolated island with a single international airport and a very enlightened population of less than 5 million smart people cannot "extinguish" the virus, then what chance do we really have? What happens if we do the strictest isolation conceivable and yet the virus is still there? What then?

We should realize that no matter what we do, this virus probably isn't going to go away, at least not completely. That doesn't mean we shouldn't implement prudent measures. We are told to listen to "science" and science tells us that face masks and social distancing work. We should take special care to isolate and protect our most vulnerable such as those who are older or with co-morbidities.

But the cost we are paying has and continues to be enormous - trillions of dollars. And many people are no longer going to the doctor or hospital for routine or emerging health issues. What about the cancers that aren't being diagnosed that are treatable? What about the chest pains that someone is suffering because they don't want to risk going to the emergency room? Isn't there's a price to pay for people in terms of losing their life savings, life work, businesses, jobs and even their health and lives in some cases? Isn't our mental health important, too?

It's simplistic to frame this as weighing a serious health threat over money. It may be that were swapping one serious health issue for another.

Posted by Green Gables, a resident of Duveneck/St. Francis,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 8:11 pm

Green Gables is a registered user.

One thing for sure - if you are dead you cannot work.

Posted by Anonymous, a resident of Duveneck/St. Francis,
on Aug 12, 2020 at 11:26 pm

Anonymous is a registered user.

It's annoying to me to fully comply with all advised practices, yet I do, taking everything very seriously - yet some neighbors blithely travel and others hold noisy, lit up backyard evening gatherings.
The other thing is the 6 day per week influx of construction workers into Palo Alto, likely a major Covid vector. They pal around w/o masks, etc.
Telling “the elderly" to stay in is offensive.
It's not clear what the cut-off age is, anyway!
Middle-aged appear to be labeled “elderly" (throwaway) - like late 40's in some discussions!
C'mon show some decency and respect.
We can behave more responsibly - like lots of other countries.
Plus, we continue to learn more about this disease. My blood type was spotlighted as being “bad," though this now is apparently not for sure. What to do (for the rest of my life?!)
I think we must seriously tackle this virus.
Ok, it's time for high quality strong national and state leadership.
Both Trump and Newsom have been confused and shown poor leadership. Plus Newsom is spending huge sums on undocumented workers, the homeless rather than solving Covid. His state public health director was in the job less than one year and just departed due to her incompetence. In this major state of California!! Can't Newsom appoint an intelligent leader on this, please.
I hope medical professionals get more attention and can finally lead us rather than the principal attention of this country being transfixed on Ellen, Kanye and the Kardashians, looters trashing major cities, the NBA players and select college football players who monopolize all the tests while enjoying themselves.
Trump contradicts almost all common sense and HE gets tests and high quality free medical care. Congress must act.
I respect medical professionals!!

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 13, 2020 at 8:16 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

Taking all of the cited opinions into full consideration, how about....

1. Banning ALL public & private gatherings of 10 or more people
including rallies, protest demonstrations, sports events & church services with or without face masks or social distancing.
Participants enter at their own risks.

2. Limit in-store shopping & patronage at both 'essential' & 'non-essential' businesses including bars, Costco, hair/nail salons & gyms to ONE person per 36 square feet with compliances to the 10 person limit on public/private gathering.

3. Citizens with cellphone cameras are encouraged to 'capture' violations & violators. These pics are then submitted to the proper & established authorities for citations, arrest and/or prosecution. A 'three-strike' rule will provide some latitude for offenders...strike one = a citation, strike two = a substantial fine & strike three = a substantial fine + arrest. Churches are not exempt either & any constitutional conflicts can be settled by the U.S. Supreme Court.

4. Schools are allowed to open but with a one Covid-19 case per
1,000 student ceiling...anything above that figure triggers a shutdown for an unspecified timeframe TBA by the respective school district.

5. All interstate travel into CA is subject to Covid-19 testing & a quarantine if positive. The same applies to international travelers from abroad regardless of country & those testing positive are sent packing...back to their countries of origin.

6. ALL public transportation (including airline travel, trains & busses) is restricted to the 10 person with 36 square inches per person spacings.

These measures should appease all Covid-19 factions as one can have their cake & still eat it to a certain extent.

Granted there are various encumbrances involved but at present, there is no magical vaccine available & a large number of people still in denial of the pandemic's overall extent & continued threat.

Posted by Steven Goldstein, a resident of Old Mountain View,
on Aug 13, 2020 at 10:30 am

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.

If you want a full reopening of the U.S. you have to "burn out" COVID.

The only way to do that is to get a R NOT score of less than .5 meaning it takes at least 2 people infected to infect 1 person with COVID.

What does this need.

NO ONE can travel Internationally, Interstate, Inter County and Inter City for at least 3 months and have no one go into any places where trapped air can reside. This does include grocery stores.

The people and businesses should be given a financial holiday. All necessary services should be free, thus rent/mortgages, food, utilities, and information services including internet should be at no cost to all.

Food should be arranged delivery by the least number of personal contacts, probably by the National Guard. This was demonstrated in the Film CONTAGION, which Dr. Sanjay Gupta was a medical advisor, along with the WHO Global Outbreak Response Network and the CDC.

Dr.Gupta has been holding back his anger and frustration at the sheer stupidity of what many people are doing during COVID, you can see it on his face when he interviews those that make up lies or try to avoid making a clear requirement. The "guidelines" that the CDC and the NIH are laughable. The facts are that these people know what NEEDS to be done, but their bosses say you cannot say it.

If we took this situation seriously in April, we could be in a position to reopen now. But the reopen would still require those to stay in towns they live until the virus vaccine is in place, or you can prove the virus burned out.

There is no shortcut to a pandemic.

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 13, 2020 at 11:31 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

>"All necessary services should be free, thus rent/mortgages, food, utilities, and information services including internet should be at no cost to all."

^ Sounds good...even in non-pandemic times.

Question...who is going to PAY for all of these proposed 'freebies'?

Being homeless (or potentially homeless) never got better!

Posted by SafetyFirst? or only?, a resident of Rex Manor,
on Aug 13, 2020 at 6:01 pm

SafetyFirst? or only? is a registered user.

Diana Diamond falsely claimed:

"The nationwide spread of COVID-19 is getting worse -- the U.S is the worst in the world (five-plus million infected, 163,000+ deaths)."

Just so you are aware, due to blind-luck timing, my family happens to be among the lucky families. Random circumstance allows us to fully obey the "experts" advice without any meaningful problems.
Most people are not as lucky.

Diana, I remind you of Mark Twain wrote:
"There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, damn lies and statistics."

Meaning, that the numbers tell us nothing useful without proper scientific (and truthful) context. Most of the time politicians or reporters give us numbers, they are trying to lie to us in a way most people will fall for.

In FACT, the USA is NOT the "worst in the world".

The listing of Official CoVid-19 deaths per 100k population is educational.

For one:
USA is TENTH at 51 deaths per 100K population

But Brazil and Sweden are placed on either side of the USA with 50 and 57 deaths per 100k population.

Why is that interesting?
Because those nations did NOTHING in response to CoVid-19, NOTHING!

And in the 1918 Spanish Flu and in the 1968 Hong Kong Flu, the Federal government did NOTHING in response to those pandemics and most states did NOTHING. The 1918 flu killed 675,000 Americans and the 1968 flu killed over 100,000 Americans. The 1957 flu killed about 70,000 Americans.

The UK, which made major efforts to suppress CoVid, has a death rate of 70 per 100k population. Spain is at 61, Italy is at 58.

One problem with calling for a "lock-down" is that there is no proof that such an extreme solution will in fact save more lives over the long-haul than it will kill from the unavoidable unintended consequences.

How long can our economy sustain the 330 million people of our nation under such conditions?

The WHO and CDC experts are telling us that even with a vaccine, CoVid-19 is here to stay for the long-term. Those "experts" advise several YEARS of "rolling lock-downs" to "save lives".

Another problem is just how long can we maintain a lock-down before we have mass revolt? I think we have already seen that we are there now.

Safety is NOT an isolated detail, safety means nothing unless you rationally evaluate ALL potential threat we face as a system of risks we face every day in our normal lives and make appropriate choices.

We have long since passed the point of rational judgement on CoVid-19.

Masks, fine, the rest is asking for mass revolt.

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 13, 2020 at 6:09 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

“One problem with calling for a "lock-down" is that there is no proof that such an extreme solution will in fact save more lives over the long-haul than it will kill from the unavoidable unintended consequences. “

If they die from mental health issues, domestic abuse, hunger etc. that will be okay- as long as the cause of death is not Covid 19.
After the SCC heath department and Sara Cody are laser focused on Covid 19.

Posted by Brian, a resident of Menlo Park: The Willows,
on Aug 13, 2020 at 7:27 pm

Brian is a registered user.

I have to say that what makes me laugh is the thought that locking down the country for a few weeks will stop anything. Covid-19 presumable entered the US with a few infected travelers spreading the virus when the re-entered the country. It is pretty safe to assume some of those were asymptomatic (Not showing any symptoms). Now say we get the wish of the few people here and the country locks down for 6 weeks (nevermind what that will do to the economy, mental health, education, etc.). After 6 weeks the virus is minimal but people coming into the US will still be carrying it. In January it was from China but now every country in the world has cases. Are you going to block all international travel to and from the US? How about people crossing the US and Canada borders? Going to stop them? Good luck because that has never happened.

So after 6 weeks there might be less cases of Covid 19 but how long will that last? Will you advocate to repeat the process every few months when there is an outbreak? Maybe a better idea is fly to Russia and get the Sputnik V vaccine that Putin is bragging about.

Thanks for the lively, though pointless discussion. If you think Trump would even consider a national lockdown I have a bridge you might be interested in...

Posted by Brian, a resident of Menlo Park: The Willows,
on Aug 13, 2020 at 7:28 pm

Brian is a registered user.

Humor intended in the above post...

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 14, 2020 at 8:50 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "...what makes me laugh is the thought that locking down the country for a few weeks will stop anything."

^ Interesting point/observation as various 'lockdowns' solve a plethora of societal ills.

The first ones that come to mind are prisons & mental institutions.

With an extended Covid-19 lockdown, transgressors turning to domestic violence & developing mental illnesses could simply be transferred to one of the aforementioned facilities...problem solved.

>"Will you advocate to repeat the process every few months when there is an outbreak?"

^ In which case all types of outbreaks should get equal consideration...including the traditional cold & flu season from which many people also die.

We could designate them 'national outbreak holidays' where all U.S. citizens receive full financial support while observing & practicing mandated SIP protocols.

Since the National Guard cannot be counted on to do our personal shopping, one might also consider investing in Amazon as Jeff Bezos pocketed $13B just from the month of July alone. The global pandemic has been very good to Mr. Bezos and for the hardcore SIP types who happen to be Amazon Prime members, he even charges $4.00 to watch countless OLD movies rather than offering them for free. And since theaters are temporarily closed, he has simply sourced a new cash cow.

>"Humor intended in the above post...

^ Same here BUT we all have to admit that the overall scenario is getting to be a drag and all things considered things will never return to the way they once were...thanks to some stupid bats.

A prime example...for the health concious as well as countless gluttons, there will be no more 'open air' salad bars and 'all you can eat' buffet spreads.

Those expansive 'Food Courts' will also become extinct except for maybe Las Vegas where the coronavirus has supposedly been kept in check.

Can Americans adjust to this major cultural & gastronomic sacrifice?

Posted by Steven Nelson, a resident of Cuesta Park,
on Aug 14, 2020 at 9:39 am

Steven Nelson is a registered user.

Dana and cohort: We in Santa Clara County cannot, through our elected Representatives (Supervisors), even agree on UNIFORM MASK WEARING IN PUBLIC (period). Without this very simple and inexpensive* step, without immediate fines matching our county neighbors, there is no chance to decrease the "community spread" numbers.

So, if we in Santa Clara Co. are OK with $0, $25 as warning and first offense meager tokens - God save us (or at least the souls of those who will unnecessarily die from this in the coming months).

Peace and Love

*reuse and rest your (7) paper masks in a 7 day cycle / simple science for respiratory infections

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 15, 2020 at 8:37 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

An observation that perhaps others can chime in on...

I have noticed that the overall disregard for the wearing of face masks in public, practicing safe social distancing & observing recommended SIP protocols seems to be eminating from restless millennial party-goers, right-wing mind sets & recalcitrant folks who don't like to be told what to do.

Any possible reasons or do we simply chalk it up to expressing one's individuality along with an overall lack of common sense?

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 15, 2020 at 9:54 am

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Justin - I have seen the opposite. I have yet to encounter anyone Indoors not wearing a mask- customers or workers. I do see people occasionally outside without masks, but they are usually exercising and do make an effort to maintaining a 6 foot distance.
How do you know whic people that have an overall disregard for observing recommended SIP protocols?
Of course it could be that people are getting fed up being Sara Cody's prisoners

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 15, 2020 at 11:06 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

> "How do you know whic people that have an overall disregard for observing recommended SIP protocols?"

^ The national news...unless the reportage is 'fake'.

Innumerable accounts of people (especially the younger ones) frequenting bars & attending mass gatherings. Right-wing political rally attendees and customers hasseling store/restaurant employees who are enforcing fask masks prior to entering or being served.

Perhaps not so much in CA but in other red & evangelical states...pervasive occurances.

Posted by Victor Bishop, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 15, 2020 at 12:48 pm

Victor Bishop is a registered user.

Justin- sorry i misinterpreted your comment.
I thought you were talking about the Bay Area, I agree, that in the US there are too many people flaunting the rules.

Posted by Bill Bucy, a resident of Barron Park,
on Aug 16, 2020 at 11:36 am

Bill Bucy is a registered user.

We all know the right practices to slow and contain the spread of the virus that Causes Covid-19. What is lacking is enforcement of orders to wear masks in public and so on.

The police have better things to do than developing writer's cramp issuing citations for non-compliance (although they should step up in egregious situation such as large parties and so on.) But there are ways to socially and legally enforce the rules.

Social shaming is a powerful tool. Web sites consisting of names (when known) and photos of people flaunting the rules could have a real effect. Is your neighbor having a dozen people over for a dinner party? Grab a snap and post away with the hosts' names attached. Don't know the names of those young jerks gathering at the beach/park for a party? Photos and videos still can be shared.

It's really no different that a store posting photos of people in the act of shoplifting. And use of this technique would be tempered by the fact only photo or video evidence would be acceptable.

The legal end is more difficult.

During the 1918 pandemic San Francisco officials ordered the wearing of masks. Compliance wasn't what it should be so the cops began arresting people and sending them to a special pandemic court. Fines were stiff and repeat offenders spent a few days in jail.

The practical hurdles making this a challenge in today's world should be clear. But I have to believe the prospect of telling your boss you can't participate in the next Zoom-based staff meeting because you'll be picking up roadside trash while wearing an orange jumpsuit could have a positive effect.

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 17, 2020 at 7:52 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

The bottom line & overall possibilty...

"By the summer of 1919, the flu pandemic came to an end, as those that were infected either died or developed immunity."
source >

^ The same probably applies to Covid-19 as a vaccine for the Spanish Flu was not discovered until the 1940s.

So maybe POTUS45 is correct...this bug will just have to run its course & it simply boils down to 'luck of the draw' regardless of optional or enforced guidelines.

Whether it be a force of nature or a force of God is strictly left to one's own personal perspectives & beliefs as the 'experts' in both fields appear equally clueless in regards to long term resolution.

Posted by Steven Goldstein, a resident of Old Mountain View,
on Aug 18, 2020 at 2:02 am

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.

Justin Case,

Given that there is so far no proof that once you recover you cannot be reinfected, your idea of a burn out is significantly weak.

There is evidence that people after recovery can be made sick again in 90 days after recovery.

Also the idea of, "since no one has any solutions" we should just let this disease attack us all is crazy. [Portion removed.]

We must take actions to prevent harm, not encourage it like your intent.

Public health is not like any "markets" Your solution is let the disease solve itself. That won't happen regarding an airborne virus without taking actions.

[Portion removed.]

This disease has proven the inefficiency of the public health system in this country because it is private and for profit, and only looks for short term profits instead of planning for REAL public health. WE were warned over and over again, but no one did anything to prevent the situation we are in. NO ONE.

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 18, 2020 at 8:37 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

[Portion removed.]

Bottom line...though I wear a face mask & maintain proper social distancing in public + practice SIP recommendations
(i.e. no unecessary outside errands and/or excursions), this pandemic remains a mystery of sorts & as aforementioned, there is no clear-cut solution at present.

Science and/or religion haven't provided any straightforward answers either so it is strictly up to the individual to exercise their
own means of precautionary measures (aka common sense).

As with many diseases...some will live while others will die & in many ways, the outcome is beyond our control as it is a numbers game based on possibility & probability.

If anything, maybe some folks will eventually realize that the material world wasn't all that it was cut out to be as no one gets out of here alive...pandemic or no pandemic.

Posted by Justin Case, a resident of Another Mountain View Neighborhood,
on Aug 18, 2020 at 11:38 am

Justin Case is a registered user.

>"New Zealand just had the its first new cases in 102 days - four cases in Aukland."

^ It was premature for New Zealand to boldly proclaim that it had wiped out Covid-19 as 13 new cases were reported despite Wellington public health mandates.

With a population of only 5M, where did these new cases come from?

It appears that Covid-19 pandemic survivorship will be dependent upon natural selection & no living organism (including humans) has any control over that determinant.

Without getting into Camus or absurdism, there is a certain element of powerlessness when it comes to impacting one's destiny.

Posted by Steven Goldstein, a resident of Old Mountain View,
on Aug 18, 2020 at 12:28 pm

Steven Goldstein is a registered user.

Justin Case

[Portion removed.]

I agree with you that our lack of any real science, due to interference from politics, has left us completely blind.

At this time, the phrase "no end in sight" applies here.

WE are all in a real crisis here. I understand your feelings of pessimism and almost complete defeatism. Unfortunately this situation goes thorough a very ugly process where the first step is to try to control infection and get intelligence on the problem. On both cases we have done a very bad job.

The idea that a miracle was going to happen was wishful thinking And now we have the "pillow" guy in a position to run public health? He is supporting the use of "food supplements" to treat diseases "off label". OMG "food supplements" aren't even allowed to make any specific health benefits under the law. Donald Trump put him into this position. On top of it he has investments in a specific supplement he is promoting.

I am trying to be patient because EVENTUALLY we MIGHT get some real SCIENCE. But I don't hold my breath it will occur until 2021.

Posted by Jack Hickey, a resident of Woodside: Emerald Hills,
on Aug 18, 2020 at 3:45 pm

Jack Hickey is a registered user.

Governent failed to protect the vulnerable. That should have been a no-brainer. Government got it right when they provided for an expected surge in hospitalization. They got it wrong when they devastated the economy by shutting down businesses.
We need to re-open the economy, while those who are squeamish about their chances of tackling the virus should take precautions to avoid it.

I discovered today, that bloodbanks are providing free Covid-19 anti-body tests to donors. This sounds like a great way to get a real test, while donating blood at the same time! Those who think they might have had the virus, should consider this.   
Web Link
Web Link

Posted by Mark Weiss, a resident of Downtown North,
on Aug 18, 2020 at 4:50 pm

Mark Weiss is a registered user.

You really think "Justin Case" and "Mauricio" are real people?
"Mauricio" wrote to me on my Yahoo address, commenting on something I wrote about Doug Moran's PAW column, under a jewish pseudonym and then proceeded to attack me on Anti-semitic lines. Bill Johnson wrote me that his computer I.D. was the same as "Mauricio" . Bill Johnson also said that short of specific threats or attacks on me or my property that "Mauricio" is okay with him.
But I'm censored or deleted all the time.

I'm glad there are female PhD or MD pundits at Stanford and on the national media who write poetry about cunnilingus.

Posted by Mark Weiss, a resident of Downtown North,
on Aug 18, 2020 at 4:53 pm

Mark Weiss is a registered user.

As I write this there is a segment about Carol Mosley Braun wearing pants, on CNN.

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