He said, she said, Mark Judge didn’t say: Kavanaugh-Ford Part 2 | An Alternative View | Diana Diamond | Mountain View Online |

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An Alternative View

By Diana Diamond

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About this blog: So much is right — and wrong — about what is happening in Palo Alto. In this blog I want to discuss all that with you. I know many residents care about this town, and I want to explore our collective interests to help ...  (More)

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He said, she said, Mark Judge didn’t say: Kavanaugh-Ford Part 2

Uploaded: Sep 27, 2018
A week ago I wrote about Christine Blasley Ford, calling her a brave woman. After hearing her testimony Thursday, I think she was extremely brave.

Hers was a heartfelt, nervous testimony. Her voice was cracking, she swallowed frequently, but based on what I saw, she was not lying. Ford talked of what she remembered and what she didn’t – the room she was pushed into, the bed she was forced on, Kavanaugh on top of her. Her description of Kavanaugh putting his hand across her mouth so that she had great trouble breathing – and thinking she might die, -- was something I could identify with. The most incredible memory for her was the “uproarious laughter” of Brett Kavanaugh and his Georgetown Prep friend, Mark Judge, while they were trying to rape her.

Just another conquest to them?

I take my little dog for a walk, and the day before the hearings I stopped to talk with my neighbor, C. He asked whether I was going to watch the hearings. “Of course, I said. I am anxious to hear what our Palo Alto resident, Christine Blasley Ford, says.” I was also intensely interested in who our new Supreme Court Justice would be.

C. looked at me and said, “But why did she wait 36 years to announce she had been sexually assaulted. I don’t understand the wait. She’s just doing it now. It may be a set-up”

“C., you don’t understand women,” I responded. “When this happens to a woman, as it once happened to me in a different fashion, I couldn’t tell my parents. I felt guilty and embarrassed and like I did something wrong.”

“She should have said something earlier”, he replied. And then I asked, “What about all those middle-aged men who had been abused by priests? They didn’t talk about what happen for 20 or 30 years. Why aren’t you criticizing them for their delay?”

C. walked away without looking at me or my dog. I don’t know what he was thinking or what he thought about today’s hearings. I don’t know what some Americans think after the hearings. I don’t know if Dr. Ford’s testimony touched their hearts.

I don’t know if the Senate is going to confirm Kavanaugh. His visceral anger during his afternoon testimony on Thursday frightened me – I watched his face and at times it looked like he was going to explode. The quiet, honest testimony of Dr. Ford turned into an ugly partisan hearing, and it wasn’t nice.

The only known person in the room when Ford was assaulted was Kavanaugh’s high school friend, Mark Judge. He has said he didn’t know anything, wouldn’t appear, and this week was at some beach in the country. He said nothing, but needs to be subpoenaed. There must be an FBI investigation; I hope it’s not too late.

I feel bad about what happened in America today – the anger, the terrible partisanship. One of the two interviewees was lying. We need to know which one before we appoint Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I want America to be better than what happened at the Senate Judicial Committee hearings on Thursday, September 27, 2018.
Local Journalism.
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Posted by Former CA Resident, a resident of Midtown,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 5:32 am

The reason we don't want an FBI investigation is because a single woman with a dubious story should not be able to "come forward" at the most opportune moment and decide the agenda of the US Senate.

This sets a terrible precedent. If only Feinstein, Avenatti, etc. didn't coordinate this as such an obvious political ploy, Ford's accusations would hold more water. She should have "come forward" much sooner in the confirmation process.

But to use the "metoo movement" and exploit people's emotions, inflame the fake gender wars, and pour more gasoline on fire is a disgusting and depraved maneuver by Senate Democrats.
I agree with Lindsey Graham (for once).
The FBI has nothing to work with, this happened more than 30 years ago and they don't have any leads. This is impossible to investigate and would be a waste of time and money. Are you kidding, Diana? Stop repeating the mainstream leftist lines. It's clearly a political delay tactic.
Both side were heard, let the senators now vote.

Posted by Alex, a resident of another community,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 6:26 am

To cite Murdich-owned New York Post, "The American Bar Association is urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to postpone Friday's initial vote on Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI probe."

Web Link

Posted by BK's angry partisan burger, a resident of Evergreen Park,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 8:10 am

"The American Bar Association is urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to postpone Friday's initial vote on Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI probe."

Re-watch BK's opening statement - the most partisan and angry statement by a nominee ever.

No judicial temperament. Angry. Partisan.

“You sowed the wind, now I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind."


Also wins the award for declaration of love for beer.

Posted by Jo Killen, a resident of Menlo Park,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 9:15 am

The only way to resolve this is to have the FBI investigate the claims. Someone is lying. Cavenaugh has a lot at stake and has refused to call for an independent investigation. This looks suspicious to me. If he is telling the truth, he should be forcefully calling for the FBI to clear his name. Dr. Ford has not only called for an FBI investigation, but has taken and passed a lie detector test. Based on these facts alone, I believe Dr. Ford. The republicans on the Senate are undermining the very foundation of our democracy.

Posted by Rebecca White, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 10:25 am

Rebecca White is a registered user.

Diana, thank you for this.

I've had a few similar experiences, where I speak with someone who questions Christine's motive, and the response primarily focuses on the assault victim's responsibility for chasing justice on her [or his] own behalf, and quickly.

To these people I simply ask that they do some simple scientific research--google it up. The research runs deep and wide. For a variety of reasons, girls and young women don't report most of the time. Especially if it occurred in the 1980s.

And if you don't believe the research of record, just ask all the women you know if they've ever been assaulted, and whether they reported to their parents [if underage] or the authorities [no matter what age]. The data is astonishing.

But it shouldn't be, right? Because we are literally watching what happens to women who report.

We also have to remember that for all the women [and men] who have been assaulted, there's a man [or woman] out there who assaulted them. If 50% of women of a certain age have at least one story to share, that means a lot of people are now dealing with their own awakening and reckoning.

It's such an important moment for all of us.

Rebecca White

Posted by Amateur appellant, a resident of another community,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 10:52 am

His TV interview and testimony revealed poor legal reasoning. He dissembled about virginity and beer drinking. Does he think a virgin can't commit sexual assault? He admits to beer drinking, but was he ever drunk -- so drunk he might not remember what happened (that night)?

He argues that the three other friends she named all said it didn't happen, but didn't they actually say they didn't know or didn't recall? Can't an appellate judge see the difference between absence of evidence and evidence of absence?

His calendar shows that he was drinking beer with friends on a regular basis when he was 17-1/2. They were under the legal drinking age. Did he think the law didn't apply to him? When did he change his mind? Can we say he's sober as a judge?

Posted by Resident, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 12:46 pm

There has been a lot of talk about memory misrepresentation and misidentification without any witness supporting Ford's claims. I don't doubt her but I think there is a strong possibility that she has misidentified Kavanaugh and memories over time may have exaggerated the alleged attack.

So, can we for a minute just suppose that Kavanaugh is innocent and it was somebody else and not him. If he is innocent, how should he have acted to this? If he is innocent, what will this do to his wife, his marriage, his children? Whether he is voted onto the Supreme Court or not, his life is now tarnished probably forever. For someone who should be considered innocent until proven guilty, I don't know how he will face his tomorrows whatever they are.

I don't know how someone can prove their innocence after 30+ years. But I do think that his opening statement should give us some food for thought if indeed he is not guilty of this accusation.

Posted by E. Henry, a resident of another community,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 1:01 pm

Thank you for your blog post. It speaks to the trauma aspects that sexual assault victims experience, which many people have little understanding of.
This is such a critical issue for the Supreme Court. My opinion is that this nominee is not a good fit for the Supreme Court.
Based on many things, most importantly his demeanor during the hearing Thursday evening. He was belligerent and overly emotional. He obfuscated and pilibustered just about every question asked of him. He appeared as if he is completely entitled to the nomination no matter what.
I am glad that Senator Flake has slowed the train down today. Hopefully, the White House will direct the FBI to do a fair and balanced investigation. (A tall order) This whole process has been way too rushed and too politically charged.

Posted by It Never Ends, a resident of Barron Park,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 1:32 pm

It Never Ends is a registered user.

Fortunately, in the USA we have a scientific and legal system based on proof and not belief. Reason and not feelings.

Below is possibly the Democrat Confirmation Hearing Transcript. Or, it could be from Monty Python and the Holy Grail but I am not sure there is much difference.

VILLAGER #1: We have found a witch, might we burn her?

CROWD: Burn her! Burn!

BEDEVERE: How do you know she is a witch?

VILLAGER #2: She looks like one.

BEDEVERE: Bring her forward.

WITCH: I'm not a witch. I'm not a witch.

BEDEVERE: But you are dressed as one.

WITCH: They dressed me up like this.

CROWD: No, we didn't -- no.

WITCH: And this isn't my nose, it's a false one.


VILLAGER #1: Well, we did do the nose.

BEDEVERE: The nose?

VILLAGER #1: And the hat -- but she is a witch!

CROWD: Burn her! Witch! Witch! Burn her!

BEDEVERE: Did you dress her up like this?

CROWD: No, no... no... yes. Yes, yes, a bit, a bit.

VILLAGER #1: She has got a wart.

BEDEVERE: What makes you think she is a witch?

VILLAGER #3: Well, she turned me into a newt.


VILLAGER #3: I got better.

VILLAGER #2: Burn her anyway!

CROWD: Burn! Burn her!

BEDEVERE: Quiet! quiet! Quiet! There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.

CROWD: Are there? What are they?

VILLAGER #2: Do they hurt?

BEDEVERE: Tell me, what do you do with witches?

VILLAGER #2: Burn!

CROWD: Burn, burn them up!

BEDEVERE: And what do you burn apart from witches?

VILLAGER #1: More witches!

VILLAGER #2: Wood!

BEDEVERE: So, why do witches burn?


VILLAGER #3: B--... 'cause they're made of wood?


CROWD: Oh yeah, yeah.

BEDEVERE: So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?

VILLAGER #1: Build a bridge out of her.

BEDEVERE: Aah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?

VILLAGER #2: Oh, yeah.

BEDEVERE: Does wood sink in water?

VILLAGER #1: No, no.

VILLAGER #2: It floats! It floats!

VILLAGER #1: Throw her into the pond!

CROWD: The pond!

BEDEVERE: What also floats in water?

VILLAGER #1: Bread!

VILLAGER #2: Apples!

VILLAGER #3: Very small rocks!

VILLAGER #1: Cider!

VILLAGER #2: Uhhh, gravy!

VILLAGER #1: Cherries!


VILLAGER #3: Churches -- churches!

VILLAGER #2: Lead -- lead!

ARTHUR: A duck.

CROWD: Oooh.

BEDEVERE: Exactly! So, logically...

VILLAGER #1: If... she... weighs the same as a duck.. she's made of wood.

BEDEVERE: And therefore?

VILLAGER #1: A witch!

CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch!

Posted by Kmont Buck, a resident of Downtown North,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 1:46 pm


Exhaustive FBI update just in!!!!

Brett (frat boy) Kavanaugh
Likes: Beer
Fav beverage: Beer
Really, really likes: Beer

Actions when hearing of new investigation: BEER!!

Posted by Former CA Resident, a resident of Midtown,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 2:39 pm

Like I predicted, Flake is your only hope, and he came through for you in the clutch. What exactly is the FBI supposed to accomplish in 1 week? If Flake thinks this will appease Democrats, he is sorely mistaken.

Posted by Curmudgeon, a resident of Downtown North,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 6:46 pm

"Just another conquest to them?"

I think that's the key. Having done so many, so routinely, who can remember any particular one, even if sober? It's a legacy of elite entitlement and privilege.

But I call this a subjugation. A conquest implies some degree of persuasion and consent.

Posted by CrescentParkAnon., a resident of Crescent Park,
on Sep 28, 2018 at 10:57 pm

I have to believe that Mark Judge is now going to show up and support his former best friend and party-companion Brett Kavanaugh's absurd claims. I think they know it is not enough to say he does not remember. I doubt Judge will be honest, and by that I just mean that Christine Blase-Ford was obviously telling the truth. Is there time to et all of these folks on a polygraph?

The attempts of Republicans to sound respectful and sympathetic while saying they believe "something" happened to Blase-Ford, but that it was not Brett Kavanaugh. That is ridiculous.

It's just like Republicans do not know how to be American. They do not understand what we have been working for over 200 years now. They just care about grabbing more power and enabling the aristocratic class. Why is it that Supreme Court justices are so likely to come from Yale? The driving power behind Republicans is not their base, the base is being hoodwinked, it is the money, both corporate and the billionaires.

How come we can measure that most Americans understand this and yet are so willing to vote Republican. Are Democrats purposefully losing or working to be unlikeable?

Posted by BK's angry partisan burger, a resident of Fairmeadow,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 7:34 am

False frame: "How come we can measure that most Americans understand this and yet are so willing to vote Republican."

"Most" Americans vote democratic, not republican.

Hillary got 3 million more votes than the white nationalist running as a "republican".

Total house vote in 2016:
63 million democratic 61 million republican
(gerrymandering gave republicans 236-193 advantage in seats despite losing by a couple million votes)

Those numbers will seem minor compared to the 2018 numbers.

Posted by Anneke, a resident of Professorville,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 11:36 am

In a part of Judge Gorsuch's Full Opening Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he describes the words of Judge Increase Sumner written on his tombstone over 200 years ago:

Web Link

As a lawyer, he was faithful and able;
as a judge, patient, impartial, and decisive;
In private life, he was affectionate and mild;
in public life, he was dignified and firm;
Party feuds were allayed by the correctness of his conduct;
calumny was silenced by the weight of his virtues;
and rancor softened by the amenities of his manners

In Judge Gorsuch's final comments, he states:

"These words stick with me. I keep them on my desk. They serve for me as a daily reminder of the law's integrity, that a useful life can be led in its service, of the hard work it takes, and an encouragement to good habits when I fail and falter. At the end of it all, I could hope for nothing more than to be described as he was. If confirmed, I pledge that I will do everything in my power to be that man.

Unfortunately, we did not see and hear the above in Judge Kavanaugh's behavior during the recent Ford/Kavanaugh hearing conducted under oath.

Posted by CrescentParkAnon., a resident of Crescent Park,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 1:13 pm

>> False frame: "How come we can measure that most Americans understand this and yet are so willing to vote Republican."

@BK's angry partisan burger ...
> "Most" Americans vote democratic, not republican.

Sure enough, but that implies that the Democrats are Liberal, and that they support the people, middle/working class, which is not true.

The rightward leaning course and polices of the Democrats really began, motived by corporate money, with Clinton, and continued with Obama who despite being a competent administrator and front man for America governed as more Conservative than the Conservatives or old, Nixon and Reagan. If the Democrats were actually Liberal and tried to meet the needs of the people instead of prostituting themselves for money, enough of them would not have been able to be split off in desperation to vote for a nut like Trump.

Another thing Liberals do to shoot themselves in the foot is attack each other harder than they attack Conservatives. The previous comment was not a false frame at all. Liberals do not have good models of fellow Liberals sticking to a logical point and organizing it.

Posted by CrescentParkAnon., a resident of Crescent Park,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 1:30 pm

What Anneke said so well ... "we did not see and hear the above in Judge Kavanaugh's behavior during the recent Ford/Kavanaugh hearing conducted under oath."

So true.

Yes, Kavanaugh's presentation was tone-deaf and but for base motivation by Trump who puppeteered him by Tweet to be more aggressive, and was 100% motivated by what is good for Kavanaugh that Kavanaugh feels entitled to. I have to imagine that with Kavanaugh on the bench Democrats can look forward to a lifetime of right-wing scoldings and insults.


Gamble v. United States pending before the Supreme Court

No media that I have heard has even mentioned the mad rush to get Kavanaugh on the high court is driven by the Sovereign State ( Gamble v. United States Link at: Web Link ) issue to be voted on soon by the court which would enable Trump, or any other Imperial Executive to pardon someone and not have to deal with the messy fact that they still can be leveraged by the justice department with threats of state prosecution. This case would reverse the current situation ... and for example Paul Manafort would be free not to cooperate with Mueller and the Justice Dept.

Kavanaugh's judicial philosophy was not covered of made public at all, and must of it is about making the President above the law.

Billionaires and our home grown oligarchs pay Republicans to push the envelope so hard it will not be long before there is no envelope at all, let alone stamp, let alone Post Office.

Posted by Rabbits!!, a resident of Greater Miranda,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 1:30 pm

But you said "and yet are so willing to vote Republican"

Goal post moved to the politicans and their leanings, from the voters.

That said, in broad strokes, I agree.

Posted by Bothered, a resident of Duveneck/St. Francis,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 2:33 pm

I think we can all agree that someone caught in multiple lies should be considered less truthful and credible about bigger issues. Emails released for the initial round of his Senate testimony show that while he was working to move through George W. Bush's judicial nominees in the early 2000s, Kavanaugh received confidential memos, letters, and talking points of Democratic staffers stolen by a GOP Senate aide, which he LIED about in his previous confirmation hearings. (We can only imagine what the thousands of documents the Trump White House has withheld from production might also show.)

He also demonstrably LIED to the Judiciary Committee (when he was not filibustering) about many 'little' things, including his teenage alcohol abuse (he was underage and his friends confirm his excess drinking), the meaning of crude notes in his yearbook (the young woman he libeled has expressed outrage), and the witness statements HE insists refute Dr. Ford's testimony but that AT BEST only show they have no recollection.

In federal criminal trials (where the defendant is entitled to a presumption of innocence, a much higher bar not applicable in a job interview), there is an instruction that it is proper to consider the defendant's personal stake in the outcome of the proceeding in deciding whether or not to believe his/her testimony. I think we can also all agree that the upside here is infinitely greater for Kavanaugh -- a lifetime seat on the highest court in the country that he seems to believe he is entitled to. Maybe that is why he cried and shouted during his Thursday hearing when someone believable had the audacity to speak truth to power.

It seems obvious to me that Kavanaugh is an ultra-right-wing political hack who will do anything to achieve his personal holy grail. If there is any justice left under the current political regime, the inescapable conclusion is that he has neither the intellectual honesty, integrity, nor temperament for a Supreme Court seat.

Posted by Living-in-New-Salem, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 4:59 pm

It is difficult to read these comments and feel proud to live in this town. Christine Ford has provided nothing of substance to the Senate, other than the claim that she is 100% sure she was raped by Kavanaugh and Judge (watching). That's all there was to her testimony.

Of course, Kavanaugh was angry. He is being falsely accused of everything from mass rape to a USAToday "journalist" who has suggested he has possibly molested the young girls on the teams he has coached. Just despicable. What evidence does anyone have that he conducted his Court over the past twelve years speaking to the litigating parties in a similar fashion?

The comments about Kavanaugh in this column are beyond slanderous.

Posted by Sanctimonious City, a resident of Barron Park,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 9:28 pm

Sanctimonious City is a registered user.

Breaking news

The FBI Interview Sheet was just leaked below:

Question #1
Can you tell us where you were on or about the evening of the 1980s?

Question #2
Can you provide any information regardimg the crime scene you have identified as the state of Maryland?

Question #3
Are there any witnesses of the alledged crime other than the four previously identified who either deny or have no knowledge of the events of that fateful evening?

Thank you for your time. That concludes our investigation.

Posted by @Sanctimonious Poster, a resident of Mountain View,
on Sep 29, 2018 at 9:43 pm

You really think you're funny, don't you?

Newsflash: You and your alt-right cohort know -- KNOW -- that you have no way of really defending Kavanaugh. So you put out lies, hoping that you can change the subject.

Only thing is, it only works with people who have no idea what the truth is -- in other words, people such as yourself.

Posted by BK's angry partisan burger, a resident of Fairmeadow,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 7:46 am

@newsalem first says: "USAToday "journalist" who has suggested he has possibly molested the young girls on the teams he has coached"

Link? When I searched for that, I mostly came up with Larry Nassar articles about his 30 years of sexual assaults. Please link us to the article.

@newsalem also says:"He is being falsely accused of everything from mass rape"

When I google: "mass rape" kavanaugh
Your sentence is the first one at the top of the google search. This shows that no one else involved with this hearing is calling it "mass rape" other than you. Please provide a link to anyone besides yourself, ie.. someone of substance, that accuses Kavanaugh of mass rape.

Otherwise, you appear to be the poster without substance when you say: "The comments about Kavanaugh in this column are beyond slanderous"

Please provide examples of slander in this thread, besides your "mass rape" defamation, etc..

You, good sir, just fried up a partisan burger.

Posted by Sanctimonious City, a resident of Barron Park,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 10:40 am

Sanctimonious City is a registered user.

Socialist Democrats don't understand that in the USA the burden of proof lies with the accuser. There is a mandatory presumption of innocence for the defendent until proven guilty.

The three most common standards for proof in our court system are without a reasonable doubt, clear and convincing evidence and a preponderance of evidence.

In the Kavanaugh case, Dr. Ford has not met even the lowest of those standards. In fact, with a situation of she said, THEY said, the preponderance of evidence is actually against her claim.

The only thing growing stronger on her side is the go fund me account. She now has over a million reasons to come up with more memories.

The Socialist Democrats are attempting an obvious scheme to bypass the democratic process through a weaponized legal system and force unpopular policies on the American people by using the courts rather than the ballot box.

Sadly, this latest circus is just a representation of what has been going on at Title IX inquisitions at schools and corporate HR committees around the country. If you ever wonder what it must be like to be Judge Kavanaugh, don't worry you're turn or your children's turns are coming.

Like the unhinged judge in WW2, too many Liberals have become like the raving Roland Freisler. Foaming and slathering at the mouth believing that any means justifies your end.

Having more in common with a gulag tribunal or communist re-education camp than our constitution, these kangaroo courts are intended to take power, persecute the innocent and silence good willed people.

Posted by @Sactimonious Poster, a resident of Mountain View,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 10:48 am

Holy moley, have you gone over the edge -- socialist democrats? Roland Freisler? Gulag tribunal?

With that kind of crazed babble, it should come as no surprise that no one with any real thinking capacity considers you a sick joke. And yes, they are laughing AT you, not with you.

Posted by @Sanctimonious Poster, a resident of Mountain View,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 10:49 am

Whoops, typo -- what I meant to say was, "no one with any real thinking capacity considers you *anything other than* a sick joke."

Posted by Former CA Resident, a resident of Midtown,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 11:14 am

Couldn't think of a better allegory than Roland Freisler.
I remember seeing a theatrical representation of this person in the movie "The White Rose" and being amazed at how emotional and partial a judiciary can behave. A politicized, weaponized judicial system may be the biggest threat to American society as we know it. Exhibit A: the Mueller probe.

It is utterly ironic that ultra-leftists love to call the other side "Nazis" when they behave exactly like ideological fascists with their extreme victim mentality, desire for vengeance, and single-minded socialist groupthink.

Posted by Curmudgeon, a resident of Downtown North,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 12:40 pm

Why did the Republicans let their hired gun prosecutor from Maricopa County question Ms. Ford unhindered, but hurriedly shut her down as she was grilling Mr. Kavanaugh?

She was getting too close to the truth.

Posted by CrescentParkAnon., a resident of Crescent Park,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 1:20 pm

>> A politicized, weaponized judicial system may be the biggest threat to American society as we know it. Exhibit A: the Mueller probe.

Hilarious ... wow, do you ever have it wrong ... a comment like that is pretty much weaponized political, not to mention Mueller is in the Executive branch.

Putting Kavanaugh on the bench will destroy any kind of balance on the Supreme Court. This is the breakdown of the government, the final straw, why is it Republicans are rejoicing.

The reason they wanted to ram Kavanaugh through is his extreme right-wing beliefs and his support of an imperial - above the law - executive, and this could happen very quickly. Of all the Presidents to try to do this under, Donald Trump is probably the most Germany 1930's. How does this benefit the country, or preserve, protect and defend the Constitution?

Posted by Former CA Resident, a resident of Midtown,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 2:06 pm

CPA -- are you stupid? Mueller is trying to get Trump impeached using the judicial branch. The fact that indeed, he is actually part of the executive branch is proof of the inherent corruption of government: the unelected deep state working against an elected President i.e. the executive branch working against itself.

I see many of your posts on this forum, and you're clearly one of the most nearsighted and hyperpartisan posters on here who often must use a huge wall of text to say what can be summarized in 2 sentences. I regret to even entertain you with a reply.

Posted by @Former CA Resident, a resident of Mountain View,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 2:11 pm

"I see many of your posts on this forum, and you're clearly one of the most nearsighted and hyperpartisan posters on here who often must use a huge wall of text to say what can be summarized in 2 sentences."

None is so blind, as he who will not see.

Posted by Sanctimonious City, a resident of Barron Park,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 6:01 pm

Sanctimonious City is a registered user.

One thing you have to admire about the Socialist Democrats is that they never grow tired with their internationally funded efforts to shred the constitution.

Take, for example, Gov. Brown's latest law to require at least 50% of all the board seats in public companies incorporated in California to not be men.

How is that constitutional you say? What about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibits the discrimination against employment on the basis of sex, age, race and national origin you may rightly wonder?

The evidence is all around that the Liberal Progressive agenda only cares about usurping and retaining power. They just need 5 activist judges on the Supreme Court to assure it and they don"t care how many innocent people they must destroy to get it.

Posted by @Sanctimonious Poster, a resident of Mountain View,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 6:09 pm

My goodness...how do you find the time to post your drivel here? I would have thought your time would be totally taken up with looking for Reds under your bed...

Posted by CrescentParkAnon., a resident of Crescent Park,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 6:11 pm

I might characterize it as deliberate ignorance
to fail to understand after almost 2 years of ongoing
discussion about impeachment in the media that the
judicial branch is not a participant. The worst name
I could call someone like that would be Republican.

Wikipedia >> Article One of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try impeachments of officers of the U.S. federal government.

Posted by Curmudgeon, a resident of Downtown North,
on Sep 30, 2018 at 7:13 pm

One thing you have to concede about Wingnut Republicans is that they never grow tired with their nationally funded efforts to shred the Constitution.

Take, for example, Gov. Brown's latest law to require at most 50% of all the board seats in public companies incorporated in California to not be women.

How is that constitutional you say? What about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibits the discrimination against employment on the basis of sex, age, race and national origin you may rightly wonder? So what if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is not the Constitution? Wingnut Republicans ignore, or are ignorant of, such basic inconvenient facts.

The evidence is all around that the Conservative Red agenda only cares about usurping and retaining power. They just need 5 activist judges on the Supreme Court to assure it and they don"t care how many innocent people they must destroy to get it.

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