New eateries to open at Stanford Shopping Center | Peninsula Foodist | Elena Kadvany | Mountain View Online |

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By Elena Kadvany

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New eateries to open at Stanford Shopping Center

Uploaded: Oct 22, 2015
Stanford Shopping Center announced this week a slew of new stores and restaurants slated to open in the spring of 2016 as part of a massive redevelopment at the popular, upscale Palo Alto mall.

The building that used to house Bloomingdales has been completely demolished and is being rebuilt to accommodate 25 retailers, including one bakery/cafe and three restaurants. Read below for more details on each.

True Food Kitchen: True Food Kitchen is a health-forward restaurant chain with a diverse menu friendly to vegans, vegetarians and gluten-free diners alike -- though "you don't have to be a die-hard Yogi to dine" there, the restaurant's website quips. Think kale salad, gluten-free tacos, spaghetti squash casserole, butternut squash pizza (the dough is made in-house with spelt and flax seed), turkey burger and more.

Carnivores/non kale-salad lovers: Don't despair. Items like braised short rib, teriyaki rice bowl and a bison burger will save you.

A rendering of a renovated entrance into the Stanford Shopping Center from El Camino Real, with new restaurant True Food Kitchen in the back left. Courtesy Simon Property Group.

In 2008, a holistic-health doctor teamed up with a restaurateur to open the first True Food Kitchen in Phoenix, Arizona, serving dishes based on an anti-inflammatory diet. All True Food Kitchens also use local, organic ingredients whenever possible.

Other True Food Kitchen locations serve lunch and dinner as well as brunch, plus cocktails, wine and beer. The Stanford outpost -- which clocks in at 7,000 square feet -- will be the chain's first Bay Area location.

Tender Greens: Tender Greens is a farm-to-table chain (yes, those two words can go together) that serves salads, sandwiches, main dishes, soups, desserts and daily specials all made with ingredients "fresh picked daily," primarily from one farm, Tender Greens investor Scarborough Farms in Oxnard, according to the restaurant's website. The menu varies from location to location, but includes "big plates" like grilled steak, chipotle-barbecue chicken and herb-brushed albacore (which can also be served on sandwiches or salads); "big salads" like a Chinese chicken, tuna nicoise and salami and kale; soups and sides.

A Tender Greens "big" salad with market fish. Photo courtesy Tender Greens.

Each Tender Greens location is led by an executive chef "with a fine dining background and experience cooking at top notch restaurants," the restaurant's website reads. No word on who will head the Stanford Shopping Center kitchen yet.

There are almost 20 Tender Greens throughout California, including three in San Francisco. The Stanford location is close to 3,000 square feet and will also feature custom art from local artists, according to the shopping center.

Minamoto Kitchoan: Minamoto Kitchoan is an international chain that serves "wagashi," or traditional Japanese confections like mochi, cookies stuffed with red-bean paste and layered sponge cake. Minamoto Kitchoan's desserts are made from "healthy" ingredients: red beans, kidney beans, glutinous rice, powdered rice, sweet potatoes, sesame, agar-agar and natural, unrefined sugar. The company operates 11 locations in seven countries across the globe, including in San Francisco, New York, London, Singapore (where the first store opened in 1993), Taipei and Hong Kong. Check out the San Francisco location's Yelp to get a better idea of their goods.

Pink Posy: Pink Posy peddles delicately decorated cakes, cookies and cupcakes as well as specialty cakes (weddings, baby showers, birthdays, etc.). The company's first brick-and-mortar location at Stanford will also serve "wholesome light fare made with all-natural and organic ingredients," sandwiches, seasonal soups and salads; handmade pastries and coffee. New cakes to debut at the Palo Alto store will include layered cakes and buttercream. All Pink Posy cakes are available for in-store pickup as well as delivery.

What is it worth to you?


Posted by Desmo, a resident of College Terrace,
on Oct 22, 2015 at 1:13 pm

"holistic-health doctor, dishes based on an anti-inflammatory diet"

Oh brother. New age BS at $15 a plate. Enough already.

Posted by Finally, a resident of Atherton: West of Alameda,
on Oct 26, 2015 at 4:32 am

I am delighted to learn an eatery (True Food Kitchen) offering vegan food will open at stanford shopping center. 12% of millenials are vegans or vegetarians. Yet most restaurants do not make the transition to vegan menus. I hope more restaurants like TFK open in the peninsula.

Posted by foodie, a resident of Menlo Park: Allied Arts/Stanford Park,
on Oct 26, 2015 at 12:53 pm

Why am I not excited! More fru-fru eateries, that's why. As one of the 88% non-vegans. omnivores that's us, all I want is a meal I can sink my teeth into. I don't want Jazz or other intrusive. loud music. I just want a down-to-earth meal in a quiet environment.

Posted by Slow Down, a resident of Community Center,
on Oct 26, 2015 at 3:42 pm

Slow Down is a registered user.

@foodie - Tender greens is far from frou-frou - order at the counter, carry your food on a tray. True Food Kitchen has vegan/vegetarian dishes, but also has chicken, fish, shrimp, burgers, short ribs, etc.. to sink your teeth into. They are both worth trying.

Posted by Displaced, a resident of Menlo Park: Downtown,
on Oct 27, 2015 at 12:20 am

Silicon Valley is Rome without the Rome. More of the same old same old. I have a novel Idea, a place that pours a good pint.

Posted by Plane Speaker, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Oct 27, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Seems like the last two mentioned are not eateries, they are sweet shops.

But I am heartened to hear about the first two and looking forward to trying
True Food Kitchen and Tender Greens. I imagine both of them will be fairly
expensive, but it is a good start and if they make it maybe more restaurants
will start to understand that people want to eat good food, not inflammatory
stuff that makes people chronically sick.

Some would do well to follow and read the link provided above about the
inflammatory diet ...

Web Link

It is a good place to start to begin to understand that so much of what we
see that is conveniently processed is not real food and is not helping people
maintain their health if they get too much of it.

Great news, thanks.

Posted by Plane Speaker, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Oct 27, 2015 at 4:04 pm

Topical as well since the WHO, World Health Organization, just classified
processed meats as being comparable to cigarettes in their carcinogenic
qualities. How many of us stop and scarf down a processed meat
sandwich from a fast food place and think we are being healthy?

I really hope we are starting to see at least some of the brighter bulbs
in the food industry starting to make a turn towards more healthy and
sustainable practices. One thing I really notice is that most of the
fast good drive though places are not very busy these days and they
almost all close down at night compared to back just a few years
when they were all open 24 hours.

Things are starting to change.

Posted by Plane Speaker, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Oct 27, 2015 at 4:06 pm

> fast good drive though places

Ugh, that was not a "Freudian" typo, meant "fast food drive though places" ;-)

Posted by Desmo, a resident of College Terrace,
on Oct 27, 2015 at 4:13 pm

Dr Weil? Another seller of diet books and herb/supplement seller.

Anti inflammatory diet?

Web Link

Also, you may want to first understand what exactly the from from WHO means before jumping to conclusions.

Web Link

Posted by Plane Speaker, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Oct 27, 2015 at 7:07 pm


> Dr Weil? Another seller of diet books and herb/supplement seller.

So, that is crime now? You seem to be conflating a lot of negative
feelings you have towards some people you have problems with and
directing it to Dr. Weil. Your links do not mention him.

Granted Weil is kind of new-agey, and I don't know that much about
him, but checking on Amazon there is not a single "diet" book in on
his page. You seem to want to imply that he sells snake oil is a cheat
or a fraud or something.

Here is what the True Food book is about, cooking good food.

> When Andrew Weil and Sam Fox opened True Food Kitchen, they did so
> with a two-fold mission: every dish served must not only be delicious
> but must also promote the diner's well-being. TRUE FOOD supports this
> mission with freshly imagined recipes that are both inviting and easy to make.

Maybe you could tell me how to avoid restauranteurs that do not
seek to do this, because I would definitely want to eat in a place like that.
Also, if it turns out I like something on the menu it might be a good thing,
not something to be feared as you seem to, to be able to understand it
and cook it myself.

Maybe you could also explain first what it is you think you mean when
you say others should --

"first understand what exactly the from from WHO means before jumping to conclusions."

-- whatever that means? And how you know who is jumping to what conclusions?

>> The World Health Organization said Monday that eating processed
>> meat such as sausages and ham causes cancer, while unprocessed
>> red meat may also be carcinogenic.
>> The WHO's cancer research unit now classifies processed meat as
>> "carcinogenic to humans" based on evidence from hundreds of
>> studies, and linked it specifically to colon, or colorectal, cancer.
>> The report outlined that simply eating 50 grams of processed meat
>> each day -- the equivalent of two slices of ham -- can increase the
>> risk of such cancer by 18%. However, the authors say the risks are
>> relatively small to begin with.

I'd say that is pretty clear and in line with most other modern research
on diet and food.

What is so negative in eating fresh, local whole food that you would get
so grumpy about the very idea? Wow.

Posted by Try This, a resident of Woodside: other,
on Oct 27, 2015 at 8:07 pm

If you really want to more fully understand try reading this book.

Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks Oct 12, 2010
by Ben Goldacre

It is fabulous

Posted by Plane Speaker, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Oct 28, 2015 at 2:12 am

foodie, I agree with you about music.

Why does everywhere I go have to have loud nonstop music going all
day long. Sometimes I want to take a moment to think or to consider
a purchase, and the constant loud music is really distracting and irritating.

The only place I thought used music in an appropriate way was the
Fresh Market where they played some low key classical music in the

Why does our civilization seem to have to stand for constant distractions,
whether it be lots of noise, music, sexually suggestive images, sensual
depictions of food and constant bombardment with propaganda.

Is there any way we can get some peace and quiet. People seem to
want to push their tastes in music on everyone else, and in a restaurant
the people who like the food will be one group, but the people who
like the food and the music is guaranteed to be a smaller group, so why
do they do this? Because we all just accept it and do not complain.

If they have to do music at least put it at a level that can be ignored
if one wants to.

Posted by Plane Speaker, a resident of Crescent Park,
on Oct 28, 2015 at 2:25 am

Try this, ....

Try understanding that there is no one size fits all "feeling" about
anything that works to parse the universe. Everything is its own
thing and bears analysis on its own. The "don't judge a book by
its cover" quote comes to mind.

Are their people who are non-rigorous in their thoughts
and beliefs? Sure, but that goes not mean you can condescendingly
dismiss everyone on every issue by citing a book. Are a lot of food
supplements useless, neutral, unnecessary, sure. Are all of them, no.

On the one hand you have lots of scientists telling us that GMOs
are the same as natural breeding and that is accepted unconditionally
in the media - because it is politically and economically driven, while
on the other hand we have a majority of scientists telling us we are
undergoing global warming is a clear and present danger and the
media going against them and focusing on a small group that has
done virtually no research of their own save picking apart rhetorically
what the other scientists have done.

Science is science because it is supposed to take any issue in
isolation and try to get to the bottom of it via duplicatable experiment.
But weaseling words is always cheaper and faster. There is no
intuitive way to be a know-it-all by pattern recognition ... ie
again, don't judge a book by its cover.

That is what the book you cited tries to do. 40 years ago it would
have said that cigarettes were find for you.

Posted by StephanieStroh, a resident of Barron Park,
on Oct 28, 2015 at 2:42 am

Thanks for contributing your important time to post such an interesting & useful collection of knowledgeable resources, that are always of great need to everyone. Please keep continue sharing.

Posted by Desmo, a resident of College Terrace,
on Oct 28, 2015 at 11:14 am

>but checking on Amazon there is not a single "diet" book in on his page.

Not just diet books. All sorts of new age BS.

Web Link

>You seem to want to imply that he sells snake oil is a cheat or a fraud or something.

He's not the worst, but he certainly makes a good living off selling nonsense. Books like "Spontaneous healing" and others.

Want some incredibly over priced "serum" for your face? How about Mega Mushroom skin relief cream? Only $53!

Web Link

"Inflamation", "Toxins" etc. They're the buzzwords of today that get people scared and worried about the food their eating.

Live more, worry less.

Posted by Ookster, a resident of another community,
on Oct 29, 2015 at 11:07 am

Back in the 70's as a kid, I was quite happy with a $0.50 Woolworth's hotdog + coke, then going to Norney's, to see what the rest of my week $1 allowance could by. Don't think pretentiousness was an issue back in the day, unless you shopped at hoity-toity I. Magnin.

Posted by closed, a resident of College Terrace,
on Dec 13, 2016 at 12:35 pm

Pink Posey has a sign on the door indicating that they've closed except for special cake orders.

Posted by ced1106, a resident of Palo Verde,
on Dec 28, 2016 at 1:49 pm

Late reply, but this Stanford Shopping Center we're talking about.

They *do* have a Max's Opera Cafe and a McD's. Don't like frou-frou? Don't buy frou-frou.

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