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Gennady Sheyner

Staff Writer, Palo Alto Weekly /

650-223-6513 | Email

About Gennady
Gennady Sheyner has been covering Palo Alto since 2008. His beats include City Hall, with a special focus on housing, utilities and transportation. He also covers regional politics for the Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto Online and its sister publications. He has won awards for his coverage of elections, land use, business, technology and breaking news.

A native of Ukraine, Gennady grew up in San Francisco and graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, with a bachelor’s degree in English and from Columbia University with a master’s degree in journalism. Prior to joining Embarcadero Media, he spent three years covering breaking news and local politics for The Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. He is a massive fan of English football, marathons and churros.
Stories by Gennady
Justices reject Brock Turner's appeal
An appellate court affirmed on Wednesday the conviction of former Stanford University student Brock Turner, who was controversially sentenced to six months in jail after being found guilty of sexually penetrating an unconscious and intoxicated woman after an on-campus fraternity party in 2015.
[Thursday, August 9, 2018]

Cities join forces to tackle airplane noise
An effort by cities in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties to form an alliance to address the irksome issue of airplane noise is finally preparing to lift off the ground.
[Wednesday, August 8, 2018]

Palo Alto Housing seeks new leader
Palo Alto Housing President and CEO Candice Gonzalez will leave the nonprofit next month to join Sand Hill Property Company as chief housing officer and managing director.
[Monday, July 16, 2018]

Grand jury calls for denser housing
Despite a recent push to build more housing, Palo Alto and other Santa Clara County cities will have to answer to the civil grand jury in September for their collective failure to address the regional housing crisis.
[Tuesday, July 10, 2018]

Study highlights impacts of adding Stanford housing
As Stanford University moves ahead with a proposal to build more than 2 million square feet of academic space by 2035, it continues to face calls from community members who believe the university should build more housing as part of the expansion.
[Tuesday, June 26, 2018]

Bridge-toll hike cruises to victory
Bay Area voters approved on Tuesday night a regional measure that would raise tolls at seven state bridges by $3 to fund $4.5 billion in transportation improvements.
[Wednesday, June 6, 2018]

Smith and Hirokawa to face-off in sheriff's race in November
Santa Clara County voters set the stage Tuesday for a November showdown before Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith and her former undersheriff and would-be replacement, John Hirokawa.
[Tuesday, June 5, 2018]

Voters recall Judge Aaron Persky
Judge Aaron Persky, whose June 2016 sentencing in the Brock Turner case sparked a national debate about sexual violence and judicial independence, was ousted from his seat on the Santa Clara County Superior Court by voters Tuesday evening.
[Tuesday, June 5, 2018]

Local leaders split over transportation measure
Few would dispute that the Bay Area urgently needs relief from traffic jams, but reasonable people are finding much to disagree about when it comes to Regional Measure 3, a proposal to raise $4.5 billion for transportation improvements by gradually raising tolls at seven Bay Area bridges.
[Wednesday, May 9, 2018]

Palo Alto Deputy Fire Chief Catherine Capriles steps down
After more than two decades of service, Palo Alto Fire Deputy Chief Catherine Capriles concluded her career with the city Friday after becoming embroiled in a legal dispute for bringing a fire truck to her Mountain View neighborhood.
[Saturday, March 31, 2018]